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Welcome to what will be the first of the only four "Spin-Off Direct" announcements from me. Last year, I've said that I've intended for 2020 to be the year where i really try to be more productive with my works. However, considering everything that happened over the course of the year, the situation had changed. I've tried to turn that around but I've since opted to lay low that year as well. 2021 isn't already looking like a much better year, but I at least want to make it a good year for me personally and I feel like I'll be able to accomplish that by doing what I've meant to do time and time again by finishing my career in writing spin-offs, as well as more than just that. Life is general is unpredictable and for this year, I'd like to try to move past any possibilities in life that would plague my mind and become more focused in writing.

Now, I wouldn't really call this a Spin-Off Direct since I don't hold any guarantees that the particular spin-offs to be announced here will have new content and/or will finish in the stretch of time that i plan for them to be done. These announcements will act more as an organized yearly planner for my works. Without further ado, here's the first set of what I have planned for my spin-off/lit writing career in 2021:


Q1 2021 (January-March) Annoucements:

-12 Hour Writing Sessions: These will make a return starting later this month. The frequency of these will be based on how adjusted I am in doing these. Up to this point, this will be a monthly thing.

-Chemist Bob's Catastrophic Creations Cinema: This new series will be among the four new series I intend to have out by this year. Of course, this already premiered late last year, but hear me out on this when I say that this is also one of two of my newest creations planned for Q1 2021. Anyways, this series will return with new episodes later this month, with one of them featuring special guest riffer Jjs.

-Red Flag Savior: Rebirth of a Storm: This is the next core spin-off of mine that's planned to be finished after Sub Tropical Academy and I intend to continue writing for this sometime around February. I hope to return to it by early that month. Besides that, there's nothing much else for me to add except that two episodes and one epilogue remain before it is done.

-Tiki Land: I have plans to return to writing for this spin-off by around late February to early March. Five more episodes and an epilogue until it's concluded. The last five episodes will act as part of a premiere week that will be announced once I've made good enough progress for one.

-Sub Tropcial Academy: The main story is already over, but there's still an epilogue to be written out so keep your eyes on that later this month.

-SpongeBob SquarePants: Lost in Translation: It is on its current break from new episodes but this time, it won't take several months. This will return for one time during Valentine's Day ("try and guess" what episode will be covered for that occasion) and will officially return in March.

-Oh Yeah! Collections: This one I have interesting plans for. I've been meaning to write and publish original stories of my own for years, and this variety series will be the host of a good several original one-shots. I've intended to do this last year starting with a re-post of In His Honor, previously submitted during 2019's Spin-Off Festival, but now those plans will carry over into this year. I plan on publishing these on a monthly basis, with nine different one-shot stories over the course of the year. They will all be published on my Wordpress blog before they're posted to the respective SBC topic as early access. Lastly, here are three titles of the one-shots to expect during the first quarter:

Side Quest
The Main Detraction

One last announcement before I wrap this up, and this one is a surprise:

-Total Drama Treasure Tour (working title): I've said it back in 2019 in the Oh Yeah! Collections thread that this idea got scrapped, but now it has been revived and with one compromise: the episodes will be written in the old, standard tv.com summary style, so don't expect so much out of this. Of course, since I have already explained most of how this idea would've panned out, this may not be an entirely new series from me, but I will try to make the most out of this since I couldn't let this one go. Anyways, this is planned to premiere on SBC later next month.

And that concludes the spin-off/lit announcements for the first quarter of 2021. Like I said before, these are just plans for me to commit to and I can't guarantee that all of these goals will be fulfilled. For now, I'm sticking to the main goal of being more motivated into writing and completing my projects.

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