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Snow Maze

Jjs Goodman

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13 hours ago, SantaRobert RectangleClaus said:

Disney-Pixar's Up

You rolled a 5! Try again, where your next options are: up, down or right.

13 hours ago, dmandablitzen said:

*pounds both fists on table while yelling right*

You rolled a 3! Try again, where your next options are: right, left or down.

13 hours ago, Winterypuff said:

@spongerobert fug

Also I'll go Right

You rolled a 2! Try again, where your next options are: right, left or down.

11 hours ago, Shuichi said:


You rolled a 1! Try again in 1 hour, where your next options are: left, right or up.

5 hours ago, Igshrew said:

*rapid spins right*

You rolled a 2! Try again in 7 hours, where your next options are: right, left, up or down.

4 hours ago, Christmas Eevee said:


You rolled a 4! Try again in 8 hours, where your next options are: left, right or up.

4 hours ago, Goofy the Red Nosed Goober said:

Lefties for life!

You rolled a 2! Try again in 8 hours, where your next options are: left, right or down.

4 hours ago, Paul McCartney said:

As a famous song once sang: "Love will lift us UP where we belong." :cool:

You rolled a 6, hitting a dead end! Try again in 8 hours, where your next options are: left, right or down.

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2 hours ago, Winterypuff said:


You rolled a 4, hitting a dead end! Try again in 10 hours, where your next options are: left or down.

Winter is getting close to the end of the maze...!

45 minutes ago, Shuichi said:


You rolled a 2! UH OH! You activated a trap, which is...


An avalanche blocks your path! Try again in 14 hours, where your next options will be: up, down or left.

29 minutes ago, SantaRobert RectangleClaus said:


You rolled a 3! UH OH! You stepped on a trap, which is...

Icy Slide!

You slip back two spaces! Try again in 12 hours, where your next options will be: up, down or right.

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6 hours ago, Goofy the Red Nosed Goober said:

Righty right

You rolled a 4! Try again in 6 hours, where your next options are: right, left or up.

7 minutes ago, dmandablitzen said:


You rolled a 2! Try again in 12 hours, where your next options are: right, left or down.

Dman is getting close to the end of the maze...!

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11 hours ago, Igshrew said:

*rapid spins up*

You roll a 5! Try again in 1 hour, where your next options are: up, down or right.

10 hours ago, Winterypuff said:


You rolled a 5! Winter has made it to the end of the maze, giving him first place! 

Second and third place still both remain!

9 hours ago, Paul McCartney said:

Quickly moves to the right!

You rolled a 3! UH OH! You activated a trap, which is...


An avalanche blocks your path! Try again in 5 hours, where your next options will be: up, down or left.

  • Happy 1
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