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10 hours ago, Bada Bing Nuggets said:

let me pull out a long post I wrote about Things Change the other day

"yeah we didn't get to figure out who Slade or Red X were, or why Terra was back, or whatever the fuck that giant white thing was. But as a finale, I don't think that's what Things Change was supposed to be. If you want the huge, ceremonial, "wraps a bow on everything" type finales with references to a lot of past episodes, cameos from a million characters, and a general air of finality, then the original Teen Titans really had about 3 different finales. There's the 3 part "The End" finale that was actually meant to be a series finale, where the world literally ends. There's the 3 episode string of Go! - Calling All Titans - Titans Together that makes as strong a case as any for a damn good finale. And Trouble In Tokyo is solid too. But Things Change excels on a level beyond that to me. 

After pulling out the stops for every season finale prior to Season 5, from having Robin join Slade, to having Cyborg take on Brother Blood leading a team all on his own, or, again, having the entire world end in hellfire, each season had a thematic line running through it that resulted in a huge explosion by the end. Season 5 does the same thing in 12 (really, just 11) episodes, but even in that, it feels off. A season about Beast Boy? The fuck? And yet, it manages to be very effective, giving Beast Boy some much needed depth, and telling a very good story as well (Season 5 is hands down the best of TT 03 imo). The season pulls back for a little on the Beast Boy focus for that aforementioned 3 episode stretch to effectively end the series on the note people wanted, but with one episode left, it zooms right back in on Beast Boy. 

Ultimately, Beast Boy's character was the comic relief, and the only really serious material he was given was his relationship with Terra, all the way back in Season 2. With his new turn into some deeper stuff, it's only right that the Beast Boy season ends with the thing that gave Beast Boy some depth in the first place. But returning to that can't just happen - the Titans have to return to Jump City first. Things Change is definitely a weird episode, I will admit, feeling more like a melancholy epilogue than a finale. And admittedly, some of that is unintentional. There were a lot of things on the cutting room floor for Season 5. That giant white monster was a teaser for something Murakami wanted to do in Season 6, but because we never got that, the villain ends up having a strange metaphorical feel because of how unique it is. A lot of stuff here does feel half finished, but that ties into what this episode is ultimately about, intentionally or no. Everything about this episode is different, open-ended, with a lot of, yes, questions that don't get answered. Where'd the monster come from? How the hell is Terra alive again? How tf is Slade back, and what are his plans? We don't know. It ultimately doesn't matter. 

In the end, Things Change's parable rings true to things like the very fucking existence of Teen Titans Go, and makes the very polarizing reaction to it hilariously ironic. People change. Places change. Things change. And no matter how much we as human beings hate that, it is inevitable, and there is nothing we can do about it. Was that girl really Terra repressing her memories, or just an ordinary girl? There's enough evidence leading me to believe that the answer is both. Oh, she was Terra now, but not anymore. But after all that awful tragedy Terra endured (and caused) in Season 2, who would want to remember that? Terra struggled with her powers, but that was ultimately Terra struggling with who she was. And so, after being brought back to life, she decides to be someone else. Is that a healthy way of dealing with things? No. Is it even right? I'd say no. But for a season where Beast Boy bosses up and ends up getting the thing I'd argue he wanted and deserved the most over the course of the series (respect), he's brought back down to Earth and realizes something.

Things change, but they also don't. Both of those things happen in a way we never want them to. Despite how much Beast Boy wants Terra to change and be the old Terra, wants his life to go back to how it used to, it isn't going to happen, and ironically enough, he can't change that. That's why BB comes to terms with what happens and it's business as usual when Robin calls him for help, even though he'd much rather stay with Terra and figure stuff out. The moral here is simple. You don't always get everything you want. In fact, you rarely do. *cough* TTG *cough* But the thing is, you just have to deal with it. It's not a nice little bow on the series, it's not about the overall value of teamwork or some through line that's been pushed since the first episode. We got that already. Several times. Things Change focuses on the silliest character of the show, and examines the series in a microcosm over the course of 22 minutes, subtly alluding to the morals of episodes like "How Long Is Forever" by preaching the moral upon which life is ultimately based. And while I universally hate this argument, I think that if you don't at least appreciate Things Change, you arguably missed the point of it. 

and all of this from amy fuckin wolfram lmao"

fair enough. message was good, I'll give it that but It kind of sucks to leave the show with so many questions. Robot Slade is still like wtf lol. Perhaps the blame could be on CN cancelling it but idk either lol. Glad you understand what I mean tho. :P


About live action TT, I think it could work with Greg because I personally believe sometimes it's CW that makes Arrowverse have unnecessary drama and countless forced romance. Now that TT will be on a different network, I think there's hope it can work so well.

Posted (edited)

To make it up to you guys for accidentally falsely getting your hopes up last summer...

I'm going to get your hopes up right this time. Michael Jelenic, co-creator of Teen Titans Go!, said that he could "almost guarantee" the original show's return at WonderCon. Greg Cipes, Beast Boy's voice actor, backed up the validity of this statement when asked by a fan if it was true.

Though we have yet to see any official footage, the fact that Young Justice was able to be brought back from the dead accompanied by the impressively high ratings of the reruns of the original show on Cartoon Network makes it very likely that all of this is legitimate.

Edited by Metal Snake
Slight slip, it was WonderCon, not Comic Con.
  • Confused 2

It's about time the REAL "Teen Titans" made a come-back! o.o Maybe this time around, we'll get to see some cool cross-overs that we didn't get to see the FIRST time! I'll keep my fingers crossed! :cool: Enough said! ;)


That's cool that the first Teen Titans serious could be returning and all, but I avoid clicking on that video because The Roundtable is cartoon clickbait garbage.


It's kind of weird to see both Titans show being made and original Teen Titans cartoon returning from the dead at the same time but If that's the case, It feels good to be a Titan fan right now.

On 8/4/2017 at 9:12 PM, WhoBibbles said:

my hopes and dreams are broken. :(

If Young Justice can come back, I just hope it's same with this show. I still want them to explore what did they leave behind in that terribad series finale and make it a Starfire season. 

girl shut the fuck up


On 8/5/2017 at 1:36 PM, WhoBibbles said:

fair enough. message was good, I'll give it that but It kind of sucks to leave the show with so many questions. Robot Slade is still like wtf lol. Perhaps the blame could be on CN cancelling it but idk either lol. Glad you understand what I mean tho. :P


About live action TT, I think it could work with Greg because I personally believe sometimes it's CW that makes Arrowverse have unnecessary drama and countless forced romance. Now that TT will be on a different network, I think there's hope it can work so well.

you have never been so wrong in your life

  • Funny 1

i've always been in the opinion they should revive teen titans 2003 tbh, they'd probably find a way to fuck it up by now, it's been 15 years since it ended lol

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