Old Man Jenkins Posted February 23, 2018 Share Posted February 23, 2018 So I thought this'd be a nice feature for the club. Here's the first installment in a series where I discuss scrapped storylines and/or cut content from Community Deathmatch. Hopefully it's interesting enough and that I have enough scrapped ideas on hand to make more of these in the future For the first entry into this series, I'd like to share with you all the original plan that I had in my mind for the whole "ACSaga/Lochinvar" involving the heel turn of a certainly familiar member (it'sa me). But for those of you who don't know wrasslin lingo or don't go on tv tropes often enough, a heel in pro wrestling is pretty much a bad guy. And what luck, if you've read the last Deathmatch episode (which you totally should, if you haven't), you would know that I turned heel by attacking Shin. My timing is just impeccable But that wasn't always the plan in place. In fact, it was a fairly recent change in the story made within the last couple days I've gotta be hip and somewhat up to date with my storylines, which is why I really liked how the whole Jjs attacking Homie on the cbox thing turned out. It was recent, it struck closer to home. But yeah, that spoiler tag wasn't always in the cards. Let's turn the clock back to three years ago (hard to fucking believe, jeez). ACS and Team Raging Boners were all up in my face about my portrayal of them at the time. Of course, what happened after that is history. But on screen, on Community Deathmatch, that all only served to fan the flames of the big storyline going on at the time so much fucking more. It was a ratings goldmine. The story was pretty much SBC vs Team Rage for a quite few months up to that point, it was hip, it was coral, and it honestly blew up to a point where I questioned whether or not I could actually bring it to an end befitting of its buildup. Spoiler alert, I didn't, and it's remained unresolved ever since then as I, much like how WWE does time and time again, chose to insult the intelligence of my fans by acting like it didn't happen and moved on with the show. But make no mistake, that's not the heel turn I originally planned for myself. So yeah, at the time, I believe it was Elastic, Dr. Sex, Nuggets, termi and Clappy taking on the many faces and names of Team Rage 2015. Elastic, Nugs and Claps I can understand, but in hindsight, termi and maybe sex shouldn't have been there. Like, talk about wasted potential not throwing Drag, jjs (altho he was on commentary) or CDCB into this, but I digress. Clappy eventually splintered off onto his own sub-match, taking me on for post count supremacy (as well as the right to kill ACS, since we each felt we deserved the honor more) in a throwaway dream match since our "legendary post-offs" (aka spam the fuck out of the games section sessions) were still relatively fresh on people's minds, I hoped. So yeah, Clappy and I were off doing our own selfish thing all around the forum (that's how legendary it was), wrecking all sorts of shit in the process, while the others were fighting to keep the community alive back in the Deathmatch arena Eventually, those two threads would've converged back together as Clappy and I's(?) fight would somehow circle back around to the arena, where Team Rage would be in dire straits. I had the idea at the time to have my fight with Clappy end by a countout (sorta as a reference to the Stallone vs Schwarzenegger Deathmatch where one of them, I forget which one, won by beating the random ass 10 count first and neither of them died). That way, neither of us looked entirely weak. Clappy would've been the victor and crowned himself "The King of Games". So as such, he would be the one to deal the fatal blow to ACS. But before he the final blow was struck, even more of ACS' personalities that he thought up on the fly would've popped in to make the save. Elastic, Nugs and Sex would've joined in on Clappy's behalf while I stood on the sidelines, hesitant over what to do next. I would had eventually joined in the effort to fight ACS' personalities off. We would all be standing back to back in the middle of the ring, fighting waves of ACS while jjs went crazy on commentary, but then, Clappy would be brought down followed by Sex, then Elastic and then finally, Nuggets. The ACSes were getting their asses whooped, none of them couldve done it.The camera would had then panned out and a badly shopped photo would had shown that I was the one who did the dirty deeds and I would had left them at ACS' mercy and he would kill one of them, which would had been Elastic because I remember Cha telling me that she'd be sad if I were to kill him off and I'm fucking cruel li'dat my quest to keep my #1 top poster spot would had taken precedence over defending the community from my hated rival, ACS, and that would've been it right there. ACS would had still been the same asshole that he was at the time, Clappy would be the Hulk Hogan to my Randy Savage (lets be honest, Clappy will always be the good guy in a feud with me lol I can't script it otherwise) I would be seen as an asshole alongside ACS as he would then activate Lochinvar, which would crash the servers (since server problems were kind of a thing back then) in a personality kamikaze attack on the spot and season 3 would had signed off on that somber cliffhanger. That plan just didn't really jive with me and the storyline sorta got dropped all together, as I mentioned earlier. I actually had it all written out at one point, but I think I accidentally deleted it while sorting out my notepad one day. Would've been nice to have that to post along with this. But that was just one of two planned heel turns I had in mind for myself ! Haha! And this next one, I personally think, is a whole lot better. The second one damn near almost came to be just last year. I even guest wrote an SBCinema episode that was made to lead into it, which you can read, if you're curious, at this link: https://www.thesbcommunity.com/forums/topic/3861-sbcinema/?do=findComment&comment=831839 So the ACS character was gaining steam once again on Deathmatch as he and a revitalized Team Rage, now reorganized as The Bullshit Club, were just going on a tear throughout SBM at the time (the whole late-2016 drama that neo-nazi friend of his had with ssj). I think it was also around this time that he posted a blog bitching about my portrayal of him on Deathmatch again, which is just more material in itself. I was pushing the fact that he hated his portrayal on Deathmatch hard in a "he's only making fun of me and not anybody else" way (which was just art imitating at that point). This would continue to build as I would start to get more and more scathing when it came to writing about other members (if you've seen some of it, you'd probably know). ACS would see this and begin pushing his agenda that Community Deathmatch is a, in his own words, "a hateful fanfic" in an attempt to turn the community against me. My character really could've cared less at the time, I was booking myself like a thug then, but much like in 2015, the community members would slowly start to come out of the woodwork and go to bat for your old man. This would've led up to the much anticipated Deathmatch between myself and ACS. Just one-on-one, no bullshit like in the last idea. The amount of guests in the crowd would've been an insane amount, well over a thousand (since we used to have all those damn guests coming in around that time and not joining). Remember that because it'll come into play later. I would've been the victor, beating ACS quite resoundingly and cleanly. All the SBCers would come out and celebrate this victory with me, as this was a victory for the community, really. I'd get on the mic and do some sappy shit, but then I would just take a complete 180 and be all like "this is a victory us, not us." OOOOOOHHH, what the fuck could I possibly mean?! ACS would get back up, seemingly from the dead, no-selling the murder I just committed on him and he would be hamming it the fuck up the way only DM!ACS knows how. And then suddenly, all the guests in attendance for this record-breaking show would start making accounts and logging in, each and every single fucking one of them being a different personality of ACS. All the SBCers would just be trapped in one place, surrounded by a sea of ACSes. ACS would go on to explain his convoluted "six year revenge scheme", all dating back to the spring of 2011, when he first joined and was almost immediately scorned. This was also the time when I legit took a leave of absence to focus on school and graduation (holy fucking shit, it was that fucking long ago now that ACS himself is in college now). I deleted my original account and everything to make sure that I didn't have a reason to come back (which, spoiler alert, didn't last too long). The DM!ACS at that time took note of this. He saw the original posts this user had made and he noticed just how warmly received and idolized this Old Man Jenkins was (let's be honest here, I was, at that time at least). So DM!ACS came up with a plot. He put his mind through extreme pressure in order to completely shed his personality and become somebody completely different, somebody that would be better than any other personality both before and after it. He would create a new account on SBC, completely undetected, known as "leeroy jenkins!!" (Just imagine it upside down) before finally embedding himself into the heart of the community by making the name change to "Old Man Jenkins", his "Lochinvar" to use against SBC. Under this new account, he would make friends with the whole lot of the community's populace, even working his way up the ranks to Consultant, Board Member and then finally, Cashier all for the sake of his ill intent. ACS!OMJ figured that with his new mod power, he could finally strike back at the community that has been a thorn in his side for two whole years, but something stopped ACS!OMJ that day, and that thing was love. Aya joined around that time, bringing out a weakness in ACS!OMJ that he never counted on before. ACS!OMJ would choose not to carry out his plan and relinquished his mod powers to fully rid himself of the temptation. ACS finally felt at peace in the community. He managed to fit in, had close friendships with Clappy, Sauce and Cha in particular, and he got some puhhh along with that too, life was good for the former leader of the RACB! Until, of course, that all came crashing down when the drama against the Fantastic Five started, leading all the way up to Aya breaking up with him" Dear ACS!OMJ was now in a very bad place. He felt he had betted on the wrong horse and try as he might, things with the Fan Five, and everybody else for that matter, never felt the same for him., but he held onto hope that things could still salvaged as time can heal all wounds. So he waited, all of 2014 went by in a flash, but things for him just got worse. He toyed with the idea of carrying out plan in 2015 but got cold feet and tried to be more optimistic, finding fault in himself and making light of it on Deathmatch to mask the fact that he was looking for anything that could be worth sparing SBC for. 2016 came and went, and nothing of the sort showed, just more maliciousness against his original personality. ACS!OMJ decided that 2017 would be his time, which bring us back to the heel turn. DM!ACS reveals that he didn't die because a part of him still lived in ACS!OMJ, which kept him active. Their big match was a ruse to lure all the SBCers into a false sense of security. The buildup up to this point was all planned and scripted by them. DM!ACS wanted to finally prove to SBC that he can make fun himself with Community Deathmatch, which he had written all along, and that shitting on all of SBC as he wrote it was the cherry on top because he was allowed to do all of that within his rights, and you all defended him for it. I'm almost bummed I didn't go through with this one. The fucking irony of it all, I would've loved to see ACS' reaction to that. Oh the fun ACS and I would've had at SBC's expense The countless potential rivalries with all the personal implications; Clappy actually being rockmates with ACS and then losing to him in forum posts, Elastic being friends with ACS since me and him were real tight back in the day, jjs being close friends and broadcast partners with ACS, Aya being in a relationship and cybering with ACS etc. It would've been so fucking grand, mang I envisioned it as being sorta like a Goku Black/Zamasu from Dragon Ball Super sorta thing and even culminating to the point where we would merge accounts and become a super fused ACS. Imagine his bloated ass sense of self-importance and overlydramatic way of going about things combined with my huge ass ego and level of "badassery " I didn't go through with it for a variety of reasons. For one, it put a lil too much of the spotlight on me. Like, even if it wasn't me in the context of the story, that's a lot of OMJ screentime that would had just been me getting back at and burying y'all on ACS' behalf. If you read that SBCinema guest write, you'd see just how op I would've been and two, I had Crushing booked to be the main babyface and I wanted to play up all the history that he and I have together (and my "treacherous" history on the web, in general. Read my wiki page if you wanna know some of the shit I've done haha), but a good chunk of that history took place way before either of us even joined SBC and it just looks ridiculous to be having ACS be 6-8 years old and doing all that shit, even by Deathmatch's standards the plan that I did decide to go with kind of combines some elements of both of these. That's about as far as I'll go without divulging too many spoilers. So there you have it folks, two scrapped storyline ideas mostly involving my feud with ACS. Do you think either of them would've turned out good? Sound off in a comment down below! Here's to hoping I can remember or find anymore cut content. But until then, I'm Old Man Jenkins and I hope you have a great fucking day, thanks for reading! 3 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
So Sejima Posted February 23, 2018 Share Posted February 23, 2018 A Black/Zamasu kind of storyline would be neat as long as it avoids the weak ending even if a bit needlessly complicated in the end, would at least be interesting to have seen that done but I definitely can see the issues such as spotlight being in there. Forget if you did a fusion somewhere else but trying one eventually would be fun. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aya♥ Posted February 23, 2018 Share Posted February 23, 2018 It's fun to see scrapped storylines like these two. I've dealt with my fair share of scrapped ideas. Both seemed really well thought out, and I had an itching that the culmination of the Lochnivar story would have been the first story line you laid out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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