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Tropes Used on PRMVF


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I'm sorry for the LONG, dry spell of this Club, but I have thought of a NEW topic to share with you! For the series of “Power Rangers Multiverse Force,” several writing tools have been used to make the stories be more interesting. The website TV Tropes, fittingly call them Tropes, and Tropes are Tools, as they are fond of saying. Here is a handful of Tropes that I have noticed that this series has used; followed by examples of when the Trope was used. If there are any more Tropes out there that I have happened to miss, please be sure to add it to this topic discussion! Valid, in universe examples ONLY; please and thank you! /


http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AbsurdlySharpBlade : Both BlackHawk's Electric Sabre and the Power Sword of the Multi-Megazord count as this. Not only is BlackHawk able to beat Baphomet relatively EASILY with his sword; the Power Sword has been shown to be able, to take down nearly ANY enemy that comes across it's path! One time villain Mustang Sally tried to No Sell the Power Sword's ability with her tough hide, but the Rangers used the V Blast attack to give the Power Sword a SUPER charge (taken to eleven), and they were able to beat HER, to!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ActionGirl : Applies to Usagi, Ebony, and Undyne. Villain examples include Vipera, Scorpina (one time boss), Mirror, and Amazoness.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AloofAlly : BlackHawk, Bash, and Smash initially, started off as this. While BlackHawk was quicker to warm up to the main Rangers, eventually getting to the point where he BECAME a Ranger himself; Bash and Smash have been slower to become, proper allies. Justified for those two, however, as unlike BlackHawk and the Rangers, they don't have exceptional fighting skills or any special powers.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AlwaysOnDuty : No matter what time of day, or where ever the Rangers are, they ALWAYS have to be prepared to jump into duty! Whether it's at night, whether it's at school, or whether they're going on a trip to help somebody! Sooner or later, someone ALWAYS sends a Monster of the Day that they have to fight and destroy!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AnAssKickingChristmas : The Rangers even managed to fight a monster around Christmas time, in “The Fight Before Christmas.”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BeastInTheMaze : Subverted in the episode “Pump It Up,” because the Rangers actually had to FIND and BEAT Emperor Sphinx when he tried to trap them INSIDE of a maze, in order to ESCAPE from it!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BloodlessCarnage : Usually played STRAIGHT, most of the time! The battles the Power Rangers fight, usually end up with the monsters getting destroyed in this fashion. There have and CAN be EXCEPTIONS to this rule!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BodyguardBabes : Fuhrer Saturn's forces are comprised ENTIRELY of these! Most notably, Amazoness, Galaxy Lightning, and the Zero Girls! Queen Hedrian's servants, Keller and Mirror, can also count as this.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BondOneLiner : The Rangers will sometime use these after defeating a bad guy. One particularly famous example, is after defeating Monster of the Day Octhulu. Naruto says: “I know what we're having for dinner tonight; calamari!”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BottledHeroicResolve : Used in “Orange Crush: Part II”. When the Rangers were getting worn down in their fight, Sans came along and gave them a special kind of Orange Crush, to bring them back to full fighting strength!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BreakTheBadass : The whole point of General Crush was to BREAK the Power Rangers and the forces that Emperor Diabolica and Queen Hedrian had, up to that point. Thankfully, BlackHawk managed to take a level in awesome just in time, and using his new found Ranger powers, managed to deal a non-fatal ending to General Crush by banishing him BACK into his own dimension!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CarnivalOfKillers : Invoked by Queen Hedrian when she unleashed her gauntlet, in a DESPERATE attempt to destroy the Rangers!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CurbStompBattle : While this usually applies to how the Rangers are able to beat all of the Monster's of the Day that they have to fight; the Rangers themselves ended up being on the receiving end of one during their fight against General Crush!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EducationThroughPyrotechnics : No matter where the Rangers go, or who they fight, ALWAYS expect a big explosion or several whenever they deal with a bad guy that they are fighting against!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FighterLaunchingSequence : Most battles against the Monster of the Day, usually climax with the zords being summoned and forming into the Multi-Megazord. While Transformation is USUALLY a Free Action, there HAVE been a FEW Monsters who were Genre Savvy enough to TRY to attack the zords BEFORE they can combine! Thankfully, Ebony and BlackHawk usually use their auxiliary zords to keep the monsters busy while the main zords form into the Multi-Megazord!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/INeedNoLadders : Applies to BlackHawk, as he can fly anywhere he wants to go to. Also applied to Baphomet, at least BEFORE he lost his wings!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IndyPloy : According to BlackHawk in “All is Fair, or Not!”; this is how the Rangers almost ALWAYS fights the bad guys, especially when they have to do it WITHOUT morphing and revealing their secret identities! / Sans asks: “How are you going to fight these guys?” BlackHawk says: “The same way we ALWAYS do; improvise our way out of it!” Ebony asks: “We do that?!” BlackHawk says: “Yes we do, ALL the time!”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IneffectualDeathThreats : The Monster of the Day; or sometimes one of the main villains themselves; usually make death threats to the Rangers. As of episode 28, they have YET to actually be able to KILL someone important!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InnocuouslyImportantEpisode : “Pump It Up; The Fight Before Christmas; Origins; Virtual Insanity; Hot-Blooded;” and “Wooly Bully” all count as this; as either characters, elements, or important developments occur in these episode that end up having important ramifications in later episodes of the series.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InstrumentOfMurder : In “The Drums of War;” this trope ended up being the primary mode of attack for the two monsters in this episode, using drums as a method of attack! This even carried over into the Megazord fight, when the two monsters were magically combined into one!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/JustBetweenYouAndMe : In “Virtual Insanity,” Vipera did this with the Power Rangers, when she told them how she had aspirations of using the Macguffin/ Chekhov's Gun, the Orange Ruby; for her OWN ends, rather than hand it over to her boss, Emperor Diabolica.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ManOnFire : More like Monster on Fire, but it still counts. In “Hot-Blooded!;” Monster of the Day Magmanificent's entire premise was being a monster made out of hot lava!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MissionBriefing : Often, Omnus and Alpha 8 will inform the Rangers of the current threat that is threatening Coastal Falls or wherever the Rangers happen to be; and will even offer helpful advice to them over the communicators if they need it.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MonumentalDamage : Done by General Shogun in “Orange Crush: Part I”; he destroyed Devil's Tower in order to free the long dormant, Spinosaurus zord. Ends up counting as a “Nice Job of Fixing it, Villain!”; as the Spinosaurus zord ends up being the final piece NEEDED to complete the Velociraptor Multi-Ultrazord!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MostDefinitelyNotAccompanyingUs : BlackHawk attempted this with Bash and Smash in “All is Fair, or Not!”; but Bash and Smash did a No Sell of BlackHawk's explanation, and they ended up going with him anyways.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MyNameIsInigoMontoya : Often done by BlackHawk in his earlier appearances. This trait has lessened over time, however.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NiceJobFixingItVillain : In “Heightened Anxiety,” General Skeleton tried to defeat Lettuce by using his fear of fights, but ended up CURING it! / In “Orange Crush: Part I;” both General Shogun (and more successfully, Vipera), tried to use the Spinosaurus zord for their own evil ends; but by taking the zord to the battlefield of the city; it ends up making it easier for BlackHawk to change it's alliance from evil to good, and gain control over it with his new Ranger powers! / A darker example, Greater Scope Villain Radiguet has PURPOSELY set up two scenarios so far, for Emperor Diabolica's forces and Queen Hedrian's to undergo and fail! Although, this could have to do with Radiguet's philosophy that he's the Only One Allowed to Defeat the Rangers!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheOnlyOneAllowedToDefeatYou : This is the personal philosophy of Emperor Diabolica and Queen Hedrian; that only THEIR forces are allowed to defeat all of the Power Rangers! More darkly, this is the philosophy of greater scope villain Radiguet, who is USING their various plots to break down a force field made of Applied Phlebotium; protecting Core Earth FROM Radiguet himself!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PunchPunchPunchUhOh : In “Orange Crush: Part I;” Drako's Monsters, Baphomet, Vipera, Mirror, and the Power Rangers (except for BlackHawk), all experience this when they try to fight General Crush, only for General Crush to No Sell all of their various attacks.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheRadioDiesFirst : It's actually an Intercom, but it still counts. In “Wooly Bully;” Demon King Banriki (possessing Woolbur Fleecely), shoots at the Intercom which is making an announcement.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ResignationsNotAccepted : An unwritten rule for the minions of Emperor Diabolica and Queen Hedrian. The only (accepted) way of getting out of working with them, is to meet your demise at the hands of the Power Rangers.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SaveTheVillain : More like spare the villain, but it still counts. In “Wild Horses,” after BlackHawk thoroughly trashes Baphomet and moves in to finish him, Baphomet BEGS to surrender, and pleads for BlackHawk to SPARE his life! BlackHawk reluctantly does so, but warns Baphomet to NOT go back on his word!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ScrewThisImOuttaHere : Done by the Zero Girls, in “Wild Horses.” They flew the coop when they grew tired of having their butts handed to them by the Power Rangers!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SicEm : Pulled by Queen Hedrian in “Orange Crush: Part II”. No sooner do the Rangers finish taking care of General Crush, than does Queen Hedrian send 20 monsters AND General Shogun after the Rangers!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StealthHiBye : A villainous version is pulled by General Crush in “Orange Crush: Part I”. When Mirror POSES as General Crush, and brags about her strength, General Crush moves to her SO fast; that only BLACKHAWK is able to physically SEE, General Crush actually MOVING!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SuddenlyAlwaysKnewThat : A running gag with Sans, is that he will often be working in a different job or skill, with little to no explanation as to how he GOT the job or knows the skills FOR the job; and it somehow USUALLY coincides with something the Rangers are concerned with, anyways!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SupernaturalMartialArts : Power Rangers BlackHawk, Naruto, and Usagi are able to fight with these types of skills; although BlackHawk seems to be the most proficient at it, having used these skills more often and with a greater degree of effectiveness.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheyHaveTheScent : One of the abilities that D.O.G., has, is his ability to smell when something is wrong with someone, or if something has a 'Stench' that 'Does not smell right.”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UnderestimatingBadassery : The common fate of the Monsters of the Day facing the Power Rangers. Surprisingly subverted by Greater Scope Villain Radiguet, who seems to actually be COUNTING on the Rangers to RUIN the plans of Emperor Diabolica and Queen Hedrian!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UnstoppableRage : In “Orange Crush: Part I”; when BlackHawk first transforms into the Spinosaurus Orange Power Ranger, his power enabled him to fight General Crush and vanquish him easily!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WeaponizedCar : In “Get Your Motor Running”; five of the Rangers get weaponized vehicles to help them take down some of the bad guys. The vehicles can even combine into a miniature Megazord to fire a super-powerful blast of energy!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MeaningfulName : Lettuce, Pinkie Pie, Ebony, BlackHawk, Vipera, Kraky, Demon King Banriki, Mirror, and General Shogun all have meaningful names, as well as MANY of the monsters that Emperor Diabolica and Queen Hedrian send after the Power Rangers.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RoyalBlood : Implied with Emperor Diabolica and Demon King Banriki; confirmed with Queen Hedrian, as she is the youngest daughter of Master Vile and the younger sister of the formerly evil Empress, Rita Repulsa.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SecretTestOfCharacter : It is revealed to BlackHawk by D.O.G., in “Virtual Insanity,” that the Orange Ruby is a Secret Test of Character. It only offers its TRUE strength to someone who is good and pure of heart. Anyone who is less than noble who tries to claim it, end up going mad with insanity, and driven to thoughts of greed and evil, in trying to keep the power of the Orange Ruby for themselves!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TruthInTelevision : At the end of “All is Fair, or Not!;” and “Wooly Bully;” the Power Rangers speak directly to the audience to talk about the truth of certain matters (in each case, eating healthy and bullying respectively), in order to provide the viewers with some truth in television. /

I think that's good enough to start off with. I will probably come up with some more once I have the time! :D Enough said! ;)

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I decided to collect some more Trope examples for my topic. I hope that these pique your interest in both the reading of the series, and the writing of your OWN work!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AnAesop : While several episodes of “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” can qualify for this; the best examples are probably “All is Fair, or Not!”; and “Wooly Bully!”; as they literally spell the Aesop out for you in the episode epilogue with their “Power Facts!”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AppliedPhlebotinum : This is the reason why Greater Scope Villain currently CAN'T invade Core Earth himself; a Force Field (which is the reason for this trope being mentioned) is specifically designed to keep HIM from getting into Core Earth's atmosphere is forcing Radiguet to rely (on what he considers to be, 'Inferior Evil Beings') to BREAK the Force Field, so that he can come in and achieve his OWN sinister goals!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ArsonMurderAndJaywalking : Applies to both Vipera and Queen Hedrian. While both of them have battled and threatened the safety of the Power Rangers and Core Earth itself; they have done LESSER evil things. In Vipera's case, she posed as a human to TRY to get BlackHawk to reveal the secrets of the Power Rangers to her, while Queen Hedrian utilized a love potion to get Emperor Diabolica to fall in love with her, so she could MARRY him once her former husband, Demon King Banriki died fighting the Power Rangers.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AuthorAppeal : The reason why BlackHawk and D.O.G., are in these series. BlackHawk appeals to my devotion to the cartoon series of “Yin Yang Yo”; while D.O.G., appeals to my fondness for talking dogs in cartoon comedy.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AxCrazy : Applies to Emperor Diabolica. Not only has he sent several crazy dangerous blood beasts (monsters of the day), after the Rangers; he regularly screams and beats his minions when things don't go his way.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BadassNormal : Applies to Undyne. While she has no special powers (compared with the Rangers), she is strong enough to hold her own against a couple of monsters, even able to make General Crush bleed when none of the Rangers (or Drako's monsters), could even SCRATCH him!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BerserkButton : A few of the Rangers have this quality. Lettuce's Berserk Button is when someone insults his family's cooking; Toby's Berserk Button is when someone insults his love of Pokemon; Naruto's Berserk Button is when somebody implies that he's NOT the strongest Ranger on the team; BlackHawk's Berserk Button is when somebody hurts D.O.G., or threatens the safety of his friends. A couple of villains have this quality as well. Demon King Banriki's Berserk Button was Queen Hedrian suggesting that they had to team up with Emperor Diabolica in order to destroy the Power Rangers; while Queen Hedrian's Berserk Button is when somebody confuses a quality of her's, with that of her older sister Rita Repulsa, or implies that she's LESS evil than her sister used to be.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BewareTheNiceOnes : Applies to Pinkie Pie. While she is generally the nicest Ranger on the team, you don't want to be anywhere NEAR her general vicinity when you mess with her or her friends; a fact that both Squid Clown and Mustang Sally found out the HARD way when they messed with her personally!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BigBad : Emperor Diabolica functions as this role in season one. Queen Hedrian is revealed to have been the Big Bad to a previous team of Rangers; the “Power Rangers Digital Squadron;” while Fuhrer Saturn was the Big Bad to the “Power Rangers Solar Force.” But Radiguet, as the Greater Scope Villain, supersedes all of them!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BigGood : Omnus functions as this role. His father, Zordon, served this function to previous teams of Rangers, like the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BigNo : BlackHawk shouted one when General Crush had defeated Drako's monsters, Baphomet, the Spinosaurus Zord, nearly KILLED Mirror, beat the Power Rangers, and was even about to destroy Undyne! However, this served as the precursor to BlackHawk FINALLY unlocking the true power of the Macguffin/Chekhov's Gun of the Orange Ruby, and becoming a Power Ranger himself.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BlatantLies : Vipera is NOTORIOUS for telling these. Not only for her undying 'loyalty' to Emperor Diabolica, but to the Power Rangers themselves. During “The Red Flaw” mini-arc, she lied about a high stakes race being completely fair; and in “Life is a Beach!”; Vipera lied to BlackHawk while posing as a normal human.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Brainwashed : This happened to Pinkie Pie in “All is Fair, or Not!”; she was tricked into craving and only wanting to eat sweets and junk food. Thankfully, she got better, though. A rare villain on villain example, is when Queen Hedrian used a Love Potion to brainwash Emperor Diabolica into loving her.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BrainwashedAndCrazy : This happened to Naruto during “The Red Flaw” mini-arc, and to Woolbur Fleecely in “Wooly Bully!” They both got better, though.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BreakTheHaughty : This has happened to both Emperor Diabolica and Baphomet, TWICE! It happened to Emperor Diabolica during “The Red Flaw” mini-arc, and in “Orange Crush: Part I”. Both cases occurred when Emperor Diabolica was trying to summon a monster powerful enough to destroy the Rangers; and the monster ended up being TOO powerful for Emperor Diabolica to control! Baphomet, had this occur to him during “Orange Crush: Part I”, and “Wild Horses.” In both cases, Baphomet was trying to fight someone COMPLETELY out of his fighting league, and suffering greatly because of his miscalculation.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BuffySpeak : This is how the powers of six of the Power Rangers are explained. A simplistic explanation was given to the main Rangers, and Ebony, as to how those powers worked, the source of these powers, and what they could do with these powers. BlackHawk was able to articulate the source of his powers more concretely; his Woo Foo Magic and the Orange Ruby was the source of his Ranger Powers, and he was able to fight, thanks to ten years worth of training at a Woo Foo Training Dojo.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ButtMonkey : Circe and Kraky serve this unfortunate distinction to Emperor Diabolica, and are usually the primary source of punishment or torture whenever Emperor Diabolica needs to vent out his frustration (which is VERY frequent!) Slightly justified, because they ARE still evil!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CallToAdventure : This initially happened to the seven main Power Ranger characters. Subverted by friend Woolbur Fleecely, as it was originally his older brother who answered the Call to Adventure. The job of S.P.D. Green Ranger was only passed to him when Woolbur's older brother was killed by Dr. Maniac! Unlike in many other shows and movies, Woolbur's older brother did NOT get better, and Death was NOT Cheap!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CaptainObvious : Ebony, BlackHawk, Sans, and D.O.G., frequently function in this role. Ebony and BlackHawk being very Genre Savvy, while Sans and D.O.G., seem to be very learned in what is to be expected in battles between good and evil.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CardCarryingVillain : Emperor Diabolica, Vipera, Queen Hedrian, Mirror, and Fuhrer Saturn all function in this role. Greater Scope Villain Radiguet, not only HAS this trait, but he Takes it to Eleven!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Catchphrase : Pinkie Pie often will say: “That's a Pinkie keen idea!”, or something along those lines. The Rangers will often say: “We need Dinozord Power, now!” Vipera will often say to the Power Rangers: “Later, losers!” And Emperor Diabolica will often say: “I've got a head-ache!”, whenever one of his plans fail.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CharacterDevelopment : This has happened to BlackHawk, Bash and Smash. BlackHawk initially started off as very aggressive and mistrusting of the Rangers, but later grew to be more trusting, open, and caring to the Rangers, especially when he later became a Ranger himself! Bash and Smash initially started off as bullies, but as BlackHawk began to warm up to the Rangers, they did to, becoming more friendly, and even occasional allies to the Power Rangers during a couple of their fights.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChekhovsGun : The Orange Ruby functioned as both this, and the Macguffin, for about five episodes. While it's potential was hinted at early on; it's true importance wasn't fully realized until “Orange Crush: Part I;” when BlackHawk's abilities allowed the Orange Ruby to awaken it's full powers, and transform him into the Spinosaurus Orange Ranger.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheChessmaster : Greater Scope Villain Radiguet functions as this role, as he is manipulating Emperor Diabolica and Queen Hedrian into performing all of their various actions, in order to weaken and break the Force Field, preventing Radiguet from invading Core Earth himself!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Cloudcuckoolander : Pinkie Pie, Papyrus, Sans, and D.O.G., function in this role. Pinkie Pie and Papyrus are more boisterous and exuberant; Sans and D.O.G., are, respectively, more aloof and easily distracted. Justified for D.O.G., as he IS, a dog!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ComicallyMissingThePoint : This often happens to Pinkie Pie. Often, when someone tries to tell her something important; she'll miss it and say something completely random instead as a response!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeadpanSnarker : Sans can sometimes function as this role. Giving that this was his role (more or less), in the video game Undertale, it's actually quite fitting and Justified for him. Vipera will often function as a villainous example whenever Emperor Diabolica comes up with another plan that she thinks will fail SPECTACULARLY!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Determinator : While the Rangers all qualify for this trait to varying degrees of fierceness; this trait applies very specifically to BlackHawk and Naruto, who both have a friendly rivalry with each other, that propels them to becoming stronger than the other. General Crush served as a villainous example, as with the exception of the Orange Ruby, there was nothing that could stop him from beating ANYTHING that was thrown at him!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DisproportionateRetribution : Often done by Emperor Diabolica to his loyal minions, whenever they fail him. Even when they do something that is genuinely bad AGAINST him (such as temporarily abandoning him in “The Fight Before Christmas”), and Baphomet abandoning his fight against BlackHawk in “Wild Horses;” Emperor Diabolica will punish them disproportionately. Emperor Diabolica cursed Vipera with a mutant transformation whenever he turns her giant, while Emperor Diabolica ripped off Baphomet's wings for failing in his battle!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheDragon : There have been a few introduced so far. Vipera functions as Emperor Diabolica's personal dragon; Demon King Banriki was Queen Hedrian's personal dragon (until his attempted betrayal and eventual demise at the hands of the Power Rangers). Galaxy Lightning functions as Fuhrer Saturn's personal dragon; while all of the main villains could be seen as Dragon's to Greater Scope Villain Radiguet!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EldritchAbomination : There are at least four known to exist so far; mentioned, but not seen. They are called the Chaos Gods; and they are Khorne, T'zeentch,

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin : This is what “The Fight Before Christmas; Karaoke Knight; Virtual Insanity; All is Fair, or Not!; The Drums of War; Life is a Beach; Cold as Ice; Hot-Blooded!; Wooly Bully; The Lounge Lizard;” and “Wild Horses” function in this role.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MrFanservice : BlackHawk will often function as this role, both to Ebony, and in private to D.O.G. To date, he has yet to be this publicly.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FiveManBand : This is what the Power Rangers, started off as. Naruto was the Leader, Usagi was the Lancer, Toby was the Big Guy, Lettuce was the Smart Guy, and Pinkie Pie was the Chick. When Ebony was introduced, she functioned as a feminine counter-part to the Smart Guy; and when BlackHawk gained his Power Ranger powers, he became a Big Guy Lancer.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BreakingTheFourthWall : To date, only BlackHawk, Pinkie Pie, and Sans seem to be aware that they are in a story, as they are aware of elements in the story (background music and songs that the audience hears, but the characters normally don't). Ebony, doesn't break the Fourth Wall, she's merely very Genre Savvy and occasionally leans ON the Fourth Wall.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FreudianExcuse : Emperor Diabolica and Queen Hedrian both have one of these. Emperor Diabolica's is that he is the son of a FILTHY prostitute; while Queen Hedrian's is that she has always been secretly JEALOUS of the attention that her older sister, Rita Repulsa, got while SHE was still evil; and thinks of herself as FAR more evil than Rita could EVER have been! Therefore, she's doing all of the evil things she has done, in an attempt to be recognized as the GREATER evil daughter of Master Vile!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GenkiGirl : Usagi and Pinkie Pie both function as this. Villainous examples include Vipera and Mirror.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GenreSavvy : Ebony and BlackHawk are both this. BlackHawk's genre savvy traits come from the first, hard, six years of his life, and training and subsequent fighting as a Woo Foo Warrior. Ebony's genre savvy traits come from the many movies and T.V. Series she has seen over the years.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GilliganCut : Used in “The Drums of War.” When Pinkie Pie suggests that Ebony, Lettuce, Usagi, and Toby call themselves The Dark, Shiny, Progressive, Arena Lords of the Underworld (a combination of all the band names they suggested), they simultaneously respond: “We are NOT calling ourselves The Dark, Shiny, Progressive, Arena Lords of the Underworld!” (Gilligan Cut!) Ebony says: “I can't believe we're calling ourselves The Dark, Shiny, Progressive, Arena Lords of the Underworld!”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AGodAmI : This is Radiguet's entire attitude; that he alone is the God of Judgment, and he alone gets to decide who lives and dies; which would be anyone and everyone who is weaker and uglier than HE is! Because of his narcissistic behavior, he views that as EVERYONE else in the entire known UNIVERSE!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeelFaceTurn : Done by Woolbur Fleecely in “Wooly Bully.” After he is freed from his brainwashing at the hands of Demon King Banriki; he sees the Rangers without their helmets on, and realizes he has been acting HORRIBLY to Toby, and mistakenly thinking that his friends were wrong in their attempts to defend Toby.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeroicSacrifice : Confirmed to have happened, to Woolbur Fleecely's older brother. Woolbur and the other S.P.D. Power Rangers were caught in a trap, and the only way that five of them could escape, was for Woolbur's older brother to stay behind, and sacrifice his own life in the trap.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HotBlooded : Monster of the day Magmanificent, was a LITERAL example of this! Bonus Points to him appearing IN an episode CALLED “Hot-Blooded!”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HumongousMecha : This is what the Rangers' zords are, both on their own, and especially when combined into the Megazord and all its other various forms.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IncrediblyLamePun : Some of the names of the monsters qualify as this trope. Included are Road Hog; Karaoke Knight; Tape-Worm; Pound Her; Magmanificent; Zombee; Mirror; Lounge Lizard; and Gray. /

That's it for now. I'll post more Trope examples on another time. Enough said, true believers! ;)

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I just realized that in order to finish writing the next episode of “Power Rangers Multiverse Force,” I need to know more about “Power Rangers Mystic Force” first, for reasons that will only become apparent once I release the next episode, “Land of Confusion;” that knowledge will be handy and relevant to the plot of the episode! :D But to tide you over until such time, here are some more tropes that have been used in “Power Rangers Multiverse Force.” Enjoy! :cool: /

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/JustifiedTrope : The rule for any usage of tropes in this series, is that more often or not, they are completely justified when used within the context of any episode. Examples include, but are not limited to; Action Girl, An Aesop, Applied Phlebotinum, Ax Crazy, Berserk Button, Beware the Nice Ones, Big Bad, Big Good, Big “NO!”, Blatant Lies, Brainwashed and Crazy, Break the Haughty, Buffy Speak, Butt Monkey, Call to Adventure, Captain Obvious, Card-Carrying Villain, Catchphrase, Character Development, Chekhov's Gun, The Chessmaster, Cloudcuckoolander, Comically Missing the Point, Curb-Stomp Battle, Deadpan Snarker, Determinator, Disproportionate Retribution, The Dragon, Eldritch Abomination, Even Evil Has Standards, Exactly What it Says on the Tin, Mr. Fanservice, Five-Man Band, Breaking the Fourth Wall, Freudian Excuse, Genki Girl, Genre Savvy, Gilligan Cut, A God am I, Heel-Face Turn, Heroic Sacrifice, Hot-Blooded, and Humongous Mecha.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KarmaHoudini : This usually applies to Emperor Diabolica and Vipera. While they, themselves have done just as many bad things as their minions and other monsters have, they have not yet REALLY paid for their evil deeds yet.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KickTheDog : Done very LITERALLY by Vipera in “Life is a Beach,” when Vipera kicked D.O.G., away from her! Slightly Justified because D.O.G. DID just bite her in the butt; but Vipera WAS trying to steal the Orange Ruby, so she kind of deserved it.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MoralEventHorizon : While it is at least IMPLIED that all the main villains of this series have crossed the Moral Event Horizon long ago; the Rangers have witnessed at least two in universe examples of one of these. Emperor Diabolica's Moral Event Horizon, was when he TRIED to turn Naruto into a loyal, evil minion of his in “The Red Flaw” mini-arc; making him brainwashed and crazy! Queen Hedrian's Moral Event Horizon, is when she refused to repent her evil ways in “Life is a Beach”, and allowed Keller to SACRIFICE herself on Queen Hedrian's behalf! When it's later revealed in “Wild Horses” that Queen Hedrian could have used black magic to bring her fallen servants back, but selfishly chose not to, it makes her decision to let her minions sacrifice themselves, seem even MORE harsher in hindsight!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KilledOffForReal : For the most part, when a Monster of the Day is destroyed by the Power Rangers, they are totally destroyed and they don't come back. But it has been shown that for Monsters, Death can be Cheap. In “Orange Crush: Part I;” Drako resurrected some fallen monsters in an attempt to bring down General Crush, and it is revealed in “Wild Horses” that Queen Hedrian could have used her black magic to bring her former husband Demon King Banriki, (and presumably, her other fallen servants) back to life, but decided it would be a waste of black magic. A heroic example includes Woolbur Fleecely's older brother, who sacrificed himself to save the lives of his younger brother, and the rest of the “Power Rangers S.P.D.” team.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MadScientist : The biggest example of this, is Drako. He is Emperor Diabolica's go-to for creating evil monsters, and carrying out other evil deeds. His father, Finster, was the Mad Scientist for Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa. Also known (but not yet seen), is the evil Dr. Maniac, who killed Woolbur Fleecely's older brother!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MagicAIsMagicA : The powers and the principles of the Morphing Grid. While not yet fully known or understood, the Morphing Grid operates on a basic set of rules. They always remain consistent, and they are always shown to be stronger than the presence of any evil that tries to conquer the Earth. Training and hard work, are ALWAYS shown to make the good guy characters even stronger, so as to prepare them for the next new monster threat!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MoodWhiplash : Although the over-all storyline, is generally an Action Comedy, there have been points in the story where the action gets darker, and the comedy almost disappears entirely! The biggest occurrences for these events, are during “The Red Flaw” mini-arc, and the “Orange Crush” two-parter.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Mooks : Both Queen Hedrian and Emperor Diabolica have these. Queen Hedrian's foot soldiers are the Dusters (Skeleton based mooks), and Emperor Diabolica's foot soldiers are the Imps! Drako tried to improve their stamina and effectiveness, by combining the two of them into Imp Dusters in “Hot-Blooded,” only for the Power Rangers to No Sell the attempt, with their acquisition of the Thunder Slingers.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MoreDakka : The whole purpose of the Spinosaurus Dinozord, driven by BlackHawk, is to fire FAR more weaponry than is actually necessary, to shoot down any attacking monster that is threatening Core Earth at any given time. Slightly justified, in that BlackHawk never knows for sure just how many torpedoes and missiles it WILL take, to finish off any particular monster at any given time.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast : So far, only three names have ever made the Rangers REALLY have to struggle, in trying to fight against them! General Crush, Galaxy Lightning, and Radiguet! Radiguet is special, because none of the Rangers, have actually SEEN Radiguet yet! But his reputation is SO fearsome, they know that at their current level of power, they can't even ATTEMPT to fight him and HOPE to survive, yet!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NiceHat : Some of the Monsters of the Day wear one. Examples include General Skeleton, Emperor Sphinx, Cursed Kringle, Aye Guy, and General Crush. Vipera is always wearing her viper helmet head-gear, while Queen Hedrian wouldn't be caught DEAD without wearing a fancy head-dress of some kind!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NinjaPirateZombieRobot : Some of the Monsters of the Day, are a direct result of this. Examples include Squid Clown, Beat Pound (the combined form of Beat Him and Pound Her), Octhulu, Magmanificent, the Imp Dusters, and Zombee.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ObfuscatingStupidity : Pinkie Pie, Sans, and D.O.G., often mix their genuine Cloudcuckoolander traits with this, so as to make evil beings underestimate them, and catch them off guard. Drako attempted to do this with the Power Rangers in “Orange Crush: Part I”, only for Naruto to pull a “Big Shut UP!”, by threatening to rip Drako's SPINE out unless he told the Rangers what was going on; definitely a case of “Good Isn't Always Nice.”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ObviouslyEvil : Emperor Diabolica, Demon King Banriki, Queen Hedrian, and Fuhrer Saturn are the main examples of this trope. Greater Scope Villain Radiguet, not only fits this trope, he takes it to Eleven!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThePowerOfLove : The seemingly normal power of love, has helped out the Rangers on two MAJOR occasions! During “The Red Flaw” mini-arc, it was the power of love that helped Naruto break FREE of the brainwashing done to him by Emperor Diabolica, and in “Orange Crush: Part I,” it was the power of love that helped BlackHawk awaken the true potential power of the Orange Ruby, and transformed him into a Power Ranger!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RefugeInAudacity : Both the Rangers and the bad guys have been guilty of this on occasion. Ebony usually does this whenever she talks about BlackHawk, and how “Manly” he truly is; Pinkie Pie whenever she randomly breaks the Fourth Wall; and Fuhrer Saturn, when he was INSULTED that someone THOUGHT that he was a Clone of Adolf Hitler!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RuleOfCool : No one can ever explain just HOW the Rangers are able to make colored explosions behind them wherever they go; mostly because it would ruin the mystique AND fun of trying to explain it!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RuleOfFunny : No one can ever really explain Pinkie Pie's pinkie sense, or why she just randomly “Speaks out”, the way she does; ditto for Sans being able to travel faster on an ordinary bicycle, than BlackHawk can travel on a Vespa!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RunningGag : A running gag with Sans is that he usually finds himself in a different job in every episode, and it usually has something to do with whatever the Rangers are involved with in any particular episode. Also, D.O.G., can sometimes get distracted by something random during the middle of a conversation he's having, although it HAS proven to be a useful trait, as D.O.G., actually ALERTED the other Rangers to the danger of Mustang Sally in “Wild Horses”, before it was too late!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SarcasmMode : Vipera enters this state frequently, usually to mark her disdain or extreme doubt that a plan of Emperor Diabolica's will actually end out WORKING for once! Strangely enough, it's even WORSE when Emperor Diabolica's plan ends up working out, All too Well!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SavingTheWorld : The whole premise, of “Power Rangers Multiverse Force,” is to save Core Earth from the forces of EVIL!!!!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ShoutOut : The general story-line is built upon the many earlier, cannon seasons of “Power Rangers” that have already happened, as well as certain elements, from the earlier “Super Sentai” series that were not adapted into “Power Rangers” series. Naruto, Usagi, (“Sailor Moon”), and Pinkie Pie (“My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”), are all shout-outs to their original, respective series. Toby is a shout-out to “Pokemon”, Lettuce is a shout-out to “Club Penguin,” Ebony is a shout-out to “Harry Potter,” and BlackHawk is a shout-out to “Yin Yang Yo.” Also, the villains frequently measure the power levels of the good guys, in a similar fashion to “Dragonball Z,” even going so far as to use the SAME types of power scouters!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StoryArc : Although each episode contains its own, individual story, the series as a whole, has been progressing in the epic battle that is pitting the Power Rangers against the forces of evil!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TrueCompanions : The Power Rangers, generally consider themselves, to have become this!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/VillainousBreakdown : So far, Demon King Banriki has had the closest example of this happening. He started off as relatively sane, and genuinely loving of Queen Hedrian when first introduced. But as Queen Hedrian's plans continued failing to kill the Rangers and get them their world domination, Banriki gradually grew colder, and more distrustful of Queen Hedrian's abilities and over-all competence. But it was when he was reduced to being just another mere monster for Queen Hedrian to use, that he TRULY snapped and lost it, leading to a breaking speech about how he was so much better off BEFORE he ever fell in love with Queen Hedrian, and developed “Petty, useless emotions!” Needless to say, he was unceremoniously destroyed by the Rangers, and even more unceremoniously missed by Queen Hedrian.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CompleteMonster : Greater Scope Villain Radiguet, is widely discussed to be one of these, even among the ACTUAL main villains of the series! /

I think that is enough Trope ideas for now. If anyone out there feels like contributing some of there own, feel free to do so! That's what this topic is here for! :hysterical: Enough said, true believers! ;)

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I'm going to add some tropes pertaining to Emperor Diabolica, if you don't mind.

Evil Former Friend: Diabolica is this to Omnus, who took him on as the first Red Ranger when the former was still a young and idealistic prince. It can be assumed Omnus still has feelings of guilt from their falling-out.

The Ageless: Diabolica is this due to casting a spell on himself that prevents aging; 11,000+ years old and counting.

Prince Charming,The Hero/The Leader: Emperor Diabolica fit all three of these tropes before his face-heel turn. He was the first Red Ranger of the Multiverse Force after all.

Evil Overlord: What he's become as a result of him defecting, via patricide

Freudian Excuse: Literally killed his parents as a result of an Oedipus complex, though it's far more likely that Chaos itself may have preyed on his burgeoning sexual maturation in order for his corruption and fall to evil to be complete.

Big Bad: Of Power Rangers: Multiverse Force as a whole.

Shout Out: His name is a reference to Diabolico from Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, and the central idea of his backstory (main villain who was a former Power Ranger) is taken from Power Rangers )2017).

Orcus on His Throne: Naturally for a Power Rangers villain. However...

Let's Get Dangerous: ...you do NOT want him getting off his throne. If he does, then he'll gladly show you exactly why he earned his title of Emperor, whether it's indirect (as in the Red Flaw arc and the Orange Crush two-parter) or direct (his plan in the season 1 finale).

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This is good, Renegade! Believe it or not, in the last two episodes of “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” alone, I actually managed to get in a handful of tropes that I had not actively used in an episode before, so I will list their usage here for your convenience! I hope that you enjoy looking at this list, as much as I did coming up with it! /

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CrossesTheLineTwice : Deliberately invoked in “Land of Confusion: Part Two!” Done by Ebony in order to distract her evil Mirror counterpart, she distracted Ebony by claiming that Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy were having a three-way with Hermione Granger! It crosses the line from being offensive, to being funny, when you realize that Draco Malfoy has absolutely NO interest in Hermione, being a Fantastic Racist, and wouldn't want to engage in ANY activity that Harry Potter would do, and Harry Potter already HAS a girlfriend with Ginny Weasley! It could also count as a Take That!, to people who actually FANTASIZE (or even WORSE, WRITE such SLOPPY fan-fiction), as Mirror Ebony ended up getting KILLED for falling for the OBVIOUS ruse!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DoNotDoThisCoolThing : Generally, a lot of the things the Power Rangers do, fall into this category. While their actions and super heroism look WAY cool, and absolutely AWESOME; most of the stunts and actions they pull, are either too risky, too intense, too dangerous, and would cause way more damage if such moves were utilized in real life!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EarWorm : Some of the songs used in the episodes of “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” could fall under this category. Such examples include, but are not limited to; “Walk Like An Egyptian, Born to be Wild, Virtual Insanity, Pour Some Sugar on Me, Burning Down the House, Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Monster Mash, Hot-Blooded, Wooly Bully,” and “Land of Confusion!”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FashionVictimVillain : General Shogun, Demon King Banriki, Amazoness, Queen Hedrian, and Fuhrer Saturn, all fall victim to this; either for not dressing appropriately enough, being too flashily dressed, or dressed offensively just for the sake of it! When Ebony first meant Vipera, Ebony thought Vipera was a victim of this trope, but Vipera thoroughly disagreed with Ebony!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/SugarWiki/FunnyMoments : Usually, any moment that has Pinkie Pie, Toby, Lettuce, Sans, or D.O.G., saying or doing something that's totally hilarious will fall under this trope! Vipera (albeit, unintentionally), can also fall under this trope whenever she says something sarcastic regarding to any particular moment that something is going on within the Diabolic.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/SugarWiki/HeartwarmingMoments : Such examples include but are not limited to; the Power Rangers getting Naruto to regain his sanity with the Power of Love, in the “Red Flaw” mini-arc; BlackHawk taking in D.O.G., to take care of as his own pet in “Virtual Insanity”; BlackHawk apologizing to D.O.G., for not listening to D.O.G., earlier when he tried to warn BlackHawk about Vipera's disguised form in “Life is a Beach”; Woolbur Fleecely apologizing to Toby for not realizing that Toby was telling Woolbur the truth about being a good guy, in “Wooly Bully”; Pinkie and Lettuce kissing each other in “The Fight Before Christmas”, and “Wild Horses”; and Mirror D.O.G., saving Mirror Lettuce with the Power of Love through his magic healing tears, in “Land of Confusion: Part Two!”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BadGuyBar : More like a Bad Guy ship, but it still counts. The Diabolic is the ship on which Emperor Diabolic and his minions (and later Queen Hedrian and the Black Magma Empire), hang out to regularly plot all the nefarious deeds and monsters, that they will send to battle the Rangers on any particular day. There is actually also, an entire Bad Guy Planet, named Planet Onyx (referenced from earlier, canon seasons of “Power Rangers”, but not yet seen within this series), that outlaws from all over the universe, converge to gather at!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BoomerangComeback : Although Pinkie Pie's Diamond Boomerang is by it's nature, DESIGNED to do this, a particularly deadly example happens in “Land of Confusion: Part Two!” When Mirror Pinkie threw her Diamond Boomerang at Mirror Usagi (It Makes Sense in Context), Mirror Usagi ducks the forward throw, but gets so ANGRY at Mirror Pinkie, Mirror Usagi forgets about it when she moves with her Wind Staff, to attack Mirror Pinkie; only to get fatally struck by the Diamond Boomerang when it returns, and Mirror Usagi's Wind Staff ends up killing Mirror Pinkie after Mirror Usagi gets struck!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CasualDangerDialog : Sometimes, even when Toby, Lettuce, and Pinkie are facing against extreme odds; they will still sometimes try to crack a joke in order to relieve the pressure! This was even Lampshaded in “Land of Confusion: Part Two!” where Captain Retro tells Toby that while he usually appreciates a good joke, the Dimension they are currently in is neither the time or the place to crack such a joke!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheCavalry : In “Land of Confusion: Part Two!” when Lettuce gets captured by a weary (but still very dangerous), Radiguet, Mirror Lettuce ends up becoming this by knocking Lettuce free OUT of Radiguet's grasp, and decided to pull a Heroic Sacrifice, by pulling a Heroic version of “I'm Taking You With Me,” to Radiguet! Even though it ends up being a Disney Death, due to Mirror Lettuce getting revived by Mirror D.O.G., it still counts. Because Mirror Lettuce was pulling his Heroic Sacrifice under the assumed knowledge that when he died, he was going to Die for Real, and even Mirror D.O.G., didn't know about his Healing Tear power!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheDayOfReckoning : Has happened once so far on “Power Rangers Multiverse Force.” In “Orange Crush: Part One”; D.O.G., says that the Orange Ruby gaining and revealing its true potential and power with BlackHawk, by transforming him into the Orange Spinosaurus Power Ranger, was an ancient prophecy, that would occur once the Orange Ruby had found the “Chosen One”, to unlock it's TRUE power! A darker example, is revealed to the Power Rangers in “Land of Confusion: Part Two.” It turns out the Warp (from which all the Rangers, except for BlackHawk) derive their powers from, is becoming unstable due to all the chaos that Radiguet is incurring from gathering a huge amount of evil power, even from far away in their own dimension! In ten days, Emperor Diabolica will bring his entire legion of troops to fight against the Power Rangers; and in twelve days, the six Rangers will lose their ability to use their Dino-based Ranger powers, possibly forever!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DisneyDeath : Unintentionally pulled by Mirror Lettuce, in “Land of Confusion: Part Two.” What should have been a permanent death, instead ends up getting cured pretty easily, when Mirror D.O.G.'s magic tears of healing, manage to remove the stone encasing that surrounded Mirror Lettuce, and healed him from his inanimate state of death. Justified in that neither Mirror Lettuce nor Mirror D.O.G., were previously aware that D.O.G. HAD such powers in him to begin with.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeyCatch : In “Life is a Beach”, this is deliberately pulled by Vipera (while in her human disguise as Viola). She does this to D.O.G., in order to keep him from TELLING BlackHawk about what her TRUE form actually is! What makes this even worse, is that Viola/Vipera didn't even throw a REAL ball for D.O.G., to catch; she threw a non-existent ball for D.O.G., to find, so that he would NEVER find one! It doesn't stick, however, and D.O.G., eventually stops being distracted, and gets to tell BlackHawk the truth about the matter!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LastVillainStand : Happened to Mirror Radiguet, in “Land of Confusion: Part Two”, even though the DARK Mirror was still alive! Mirror Radiguet was just so MAD that Mirror Lettuce managed to break free of his brainwashing, Mirror Radiguet decided to turn into his One-Winged Angel form, by transforming into a gigantic, blue, fire-breathing dragon!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NoOneShouldSurviveThat : Happened to Mirror Radiguet, in “Land of Confusion: Part Two”, not once, but TWICE!!!! The first time was when Radiguet managed to SURVIVE the Multi-Ultrazord's Final Attack, albeit very wary and forced to revert back into his normal form. The second time was when Mirror Lettuce tried to pull, a “Taking You With Me” against Radiguet, by Mirror Lettuce blowing himself up (though somehow inexplicably remaining as a Stone Statue); but Mirror Radiguet manages to survive even THAT; although he was reduced to just being a head with one arm and a bleeding torso, prompting Naruto to shout: “Why Won't You Just Die?!”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SoleSurvivor : While this has not yet happened to the Power Rangers themselves, it ended up happening to the Mirror Rangers in “Land of Confusion: Part Two!” All of the Mirror Rangers ended up getting destroyed by the Power Rangers, except for Mirror Lettuce, who was spared because the real Lettuce knew that despite Mirror Lettuce being Brainwashed and Crazy, that there was STILL some good in Mirror Lettuce somewhere! The real Lettuce is proven Right Almost Instantly, as the Mirror Lettuce breaks FREE from the Brainwashing that Radiguet inflicted upon him, causing Radiguet to fly into his Berserker Mode!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ViolenceIsDisturbing : While usually averted in “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” for the most part, it was played surprisingly straight in “Orange Crush: Part One”, and “Land of Confusion: Part Two!” The part where the Power Rangers and Baphomet got curb-stomped and beaten by General Crush in “Orange Crush: Part One” was played rather darkly; but “Land of Confusion: Part Two!”, managed to top even that, when Mirror Radiguet, after being reduced to just a head, one arm, and a bleeding torso, was Driven to Suicide by the Chaos Gods he absorbed; and in his own insanity, Mirror Radiguet bloodily ripped out his own brain in an attempt to SILENCE the Chaos Gods forever, but this of course, led to Mirror Radiguet's FINAL demise!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CrapsackWorld : In the “Land of Confusion” two-part special, the Dark Mirror Dimension is depicted to be this, as long as Radiguet is controlling the Brainwashed and Crazy Power Rangers! But as soon as Radiguet is destroyed, his dark influence over the Dimension disappears entirely, and the Dimension returns to normal; even though it's implied by Mirror Lettuce that they still have a lot of work to do in order to repair all the damage that was caused by Radiguet, Mirror, and even himself, while he was still Brainwashed and Crazy.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvenEvilHasStandards : In the “Land of Confusion” two-part special, Queen Hedrian is revealed to have this, as she is seriously AFRAID to use a Hedrian Egg, that was tainted with Evil from Radiguet himself, and says that Radiguet is evil, even by Master Vile's standards! Fuhrer Saturn also utilized his trope, when expressing his disgust when Master Vile said, that he was going to put the United Alliance of Evil back together, and Fuhrer Saturn expressed just how much he was NOT, under ANY circumstances, ever going to WORK with Master Vile if and/or when that ever happened!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MindRape : Implied to have happened to Naruto in “The Red Flaw” mini-arc, which caused him to go Brainwashed and Crazy; shown to have happened to Woolbur Fleecely in “Wooly Bully”; when he was temporarily possessed by Demon King Banriki; and is implied to have happened to the Mirror Rangers in the Land of Confusion” two-part special; by Mirror Radiguet himself!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OneWingedAngel : In the “Land of Confusion: Part Two!” Radiguet became this after Mirror Lettuce broke free of Radiguet's Brainwashing! Radiguet transformed into a gigantic blue, fire-breathing Dragon, and in this form was so powerful, that even the Ultrazord's Finishing Attack couldn't kill Radiguet off; although it DID severely weaken him so much, he was FORCED to revert back into his normal form!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NightmareFuel : Moments that are exceptionally dark in “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”, are meant to be this. Such examples include Naruto's forced Blood Beast transformed form in “The Red Flaw” mini-arc; General Crush curb-stomping Baphomet and the Power Rangers, as well as managing to harmlessly survive Undyne's would-be fatal attacks in “Orange Crush: Part One”; Woolbur Fleecely being possessed by Demon King Banriki, and being forced to watch him attack the Power Rangers in “Wooly Bully”; and everything about Mirror Radiguet and the Dark Mirror Dimension in general, in “Land of Confusion: Part Two!” /

That's it for my Trope Ideas for now! :D I probably won't have any more to add, personally, until season two is underway! I hope you enjoy the Tropes I have provided in the mean-time! :cool: Enough said, true believers! ;)

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Now that Season One of “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” is done, there have been quite a few tropes, introduced in the last two episodes alone. I shall take the time to provide a list of those, that have already been used in this series as least once, and you can learn about them for yourself! (Please note that are Tropes are filtered through my personal opinions and observations. The opinions of myself, do not necessarily reflect those of the reader/viewer. They may on occasion, but not necessarily!) :hysterical: /

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/SugarWiki/AwesomeMusic : Generally speaking, all of the songs used in “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” falls under this distinction. The back-ground music score (primarily inspired by the first four seasons of “Power Rangers”), falls under this category, to!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BigLippedAlligatorMoment : Moments like these are mostly few and far in-between, given the magical, mystical nature of this show, and how everything can usually be explained rationally through exposition. Although some more notable moments are how in some episodes, Papyrus talks ALL BOLDLY IN ITALICS AND IN ALL CAPS; but in other episodes, he's able to talk normally, and only emphasizes certain words. The combined monster form of Beat Him and Pound Her, called Beat Pound, in “The Drums of War;” is meant to be a DELIBERATE usage of this trope! Keller and Mirror turning into a shield and a mirror unexpectedly, might SEEM, like a Big Lipped Alligator Moment, unless you're familiar with their original “Super Sentai Denziman” original series, in which they DID transform into a shield and a mirror, respectively! But the biggest example SO far, has got to be when Slaneesh FORCED Usagi and Kras-hir to make intimate love with each other in “The Laughter of the Thirsting Gods: Part One” (although it SORT of makes sense in context, seeing as how Slaneesh is a depraved, Chaos God, and found it amusing); of course, Slaneesh paid DEARLY for it, as Usagi awoke to her TRUE potential, and left Slaneesh with a PERMANENT reminder (with scars on his face), of why it's NOT wise to FORCE “Sailor Moon” herself, to do something, even if she KIND of enjoyed it in retrospect.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CrowningMomentOfAwesome : In a series of this nature, “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” has many of these! But of special note, are when the Power Rangers have to go into the Morphing Grid itself (it makes sense in context), and end up as 3-D pixel versions of themselves in “Virtual Insanity”; when newly transformed Spinosaurus Orange Ranger BlackHawk beat the living tar out of General Crush in Orange Crush: Part One”; when Naruto and BlackHawk had to go back in time to 1995 in “Hot-Blooded” (it makes sense in context), and they got to fight along side Tommy, Billy, and Adam when they were the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers; and when the Power Rangers managed to defeat their Dark Mirror images (with the exception, of Mirror Lettuce, who was spared), and then used the Ultrazord to bring down Radiguet himself! By extension, ANY battle that uses the Ultrazord is usually a Crowning Moment of Awesome!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BrickJoke : In Ebony's debut episode, “Paint it Ebony; it was revealed that Ebony was infatuated by Draco Malfoy, even though both Professor's Dumbledore and McGonagall tried to EXPLAIN to her that Draco Malfoy was NOT interested in her! Several episodes later, in the “Land of Confusion” two-part special, Ebony mentioned Draco Malfoy again, when she first said that the Dark Mirror Dimension was like a Slytherin Halloween that was too creepy even by Draco Malfoy's standards, than tricked her OWN Dark Mirror image, by claiming that Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy were having a three-way with Hermione Granger! But the Brick Joke is finally revealed in “The Laughter of Thirsting Gods” two-part season one finale. In the first part, when Slaneesh asks each of the Power Rangers, who they SEE when they look at him (he could appear to be whoever the Rangers were most in LOVE with); while BlackHawk saw Ebony, Ebony SAW Draco Malfoy, which aroused suspicion in BlackHawk! When BlackHawk finally asked Ebony about it, Ebony admitted that on at least ONE occasion, she DID sleep around with Draco Malfoy! Needless to say, this caused BlackHawk to have a “What the Hell, Hero?” Moment with her, and he angrily, stormed out on her!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WhatAnIdiot : This was Ebony's entire summation of Smash Swallow in “All is Fair, or Not”. When Smash Swallow asked WHY he was still attracted to Pinkie Pie even AFTER she had LITERALLY just run over both him AND Bash Buzzard (not entirely her fault, as she was currently brainwashed at the time), Ebony replied to Smash Swallow, that it was “Because you're an idiot!” A second example occurs in “Life is a Beach”, AGAIN with Smash Swallow! One of the Rangers warn Smash to not go swimming until 30 minutes after eating, but he doesn't listen. When Monster of the Day Octhulu attacks, and Smash Swallow has cramps and can't swim back to shore, BlackHawk even asks: “Why doesn't that BOY ever LISTEN to me?! Is it the tone of my voice?! It's probably the tone of my voice, isn't it?” Of course, it doesn't help for the most part, that Bash Buzzard and Smash Swallow, are “Those Two Guys”. Also, generally how Circe and Kraky are treated by everybody else on the Diabolic spaceship!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AntiClimaxBoss : Emperor Diabolica could count as this for the Power Rangers, in the season one finale, “The Laughter of Thirsting Gods: Part Two”. After going through a VERY trying ordeal, in trying to destroy the Mirror Rangers, a Mirror Radiguet (who they couldn't even KILL as it took the Chaos Gods Driving him to Suicide to finally DO the job), a Dark Mirror, and a BUNCH of revived Monsters of the Day the Power Rangers had previously faced, the fight against Emperor Diabolica himself was pretty easy. Granted, they HAD the backing resources of FOUR armies worth of Chaos Gods to weed out all the Imps, Baphomet, and a Power Strengthened Rito Revolto; but Emperor Diabolic didn't provide much of a fight. In fact, he escaped into the Warp into the realm of the Chaos Gods itself, before the Rangers could even FINISH the fight! Of course, this might not BE the last time the Rangers have to FIGHT against Emperor Diabolica!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BreatherBoss : Deliberately invoked in “The Red Flaw: Part One.” Monster of the Day, Dr. Koi, was INTENTIONALLY made to get the Red Ranger to drop his guard, so that Emperor Diabolica could make him Brainwashed and Crazy as the Blood Ranger. Unfortunately, it Succeeded All to Well! Drako himself thought Monster of the Day Greedy Goat, in “All You Can't Eat” was this, as Greedy Goat didn't even want to FIGHT the Power Rangers! Greedy Goat eventually DID, but not for the reasons that Emperor Diabolica wanted him to, and he proved to be more of a headache than the Power Rangers had initially anticipated.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CrazyAwesome : Pinkie Pie, Sans, and D.O.G., can often come across as being this, for one various reason or another. Although not seen as often, Papyrus and Undyne make the most use out of the screen-time they do get, usually by being Crazy Awesome!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CreepyAwesome : Monster of the Day, Octhulu, in “Life is a Beach”, is directly meant to invoke this! Being a combination of both an Octopus and a C'thuhlu Monster, it Makes Sense in Context!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CryForTheDevil : Although one of the LESS evil villains in “Power Rangers Multiverse Force,” it was definitely sad to find out in “The Laughter of Thirsting Gods: Part Two”, when Drako was trying to escape from the Diabolic Spaceship in a “Screw This, I'm Outta Here” moment; he wished to T'zeentch to be taken outside! In a case of “Be Careful What You Wish For” and “Those Exact Words”, he was taken outside the spaceship, in space; and died instantly! Made slightly better in the fact that he “Faced Death with Dignity”, but still a sad fate; considering the fact that his BIGGEST fault in the entire series arguably, was aligning himself with an Emperor who probably did NOT have Drako's best interests on the top of his priorities!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DemonicSpiders : The four main Chaos Gods (and by extension, everyone else that lives in the Chaos Realm), can be said to be this. Although they can't be classified on the typical sliding scale of Absolute Good Versus Absolute Evil (being Deities, who mostly live in their own realm and play by their own rules), they are STILL genuinely hard to fight against! Of particular example, occurs in “The Laughter of Thirsting Gods: Part One”. When Naruto fought against T'zeentch, he couldn't even land a decent hit! Kras'hir did a much better job, though. And after her impressive display, T'zeentch granted the Power Rangers the usage of his army.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FetishRetardant : The whole, forced LOVE scene, between Usagi and Kras'hir is this, in “The Laughter of Thirsting Gods: Part One”. While the action itself does awaken Usagi to her Full Potential as Sailor Moon; “Your Mileage May Vary”, as there might be some people who don't find the scene to be graphic enough, or think of it as TOO graphic! Although “Word of God” says that the original source, from “Warhammer 40,000”, was much, MUCH darker; or “Taken to Eleven!” Let THAT sink in for a minute...

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FoeYay : Due to the “Unusual fight”, between Queen Hedrian and Omnus in “The Laughter of Thirsting Gods: Part Two”, the two of them can now be canonically seen as this in the series, with Omnus going so far as to say, that he loved Queen Hedrian more than anything in SPITE of the fact that her Blood Templar Father, Master Vile, never taught her Right from Wrong. Queen Hedrian also reveals that she never REALLY loved Emperor Diabolica despite marrying him in “Land of Confusion: Part Two”. She just did it in order to increase her OWN magical power skills!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GrowingTheBeard : The series initially, started as a mostly funny, comedic homage to the “Power Rangers” series. While it was good even in it's earlier episodes, the series could be said to have started “Growing the Beard”; during “The Red Flaw” mini-arc. While it was noticeably darker from the rest of the series up to that point, it was also noticeably better! The point where the series could be defined as having FULLY “Grown the Beard”, is during “Orange Crush: Part One,” when BlackHawk became the FINAL core Power Ranger, the team was fully completed, and the dynamic of all the main characters up to that point, were fully established!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MostAnnoyingSound : In “The Red Flaw” mini-arc, “Orange Crush: Part One”, and “The Laughter of Thirsting Gods” two-part season one finale; anytime that the possessed Naruto and the Imps, General Crush, and basically ANY of the Natives living in the Chaos Realm chant: “Blood for the Blood Gods! Skulls for the Skull Throne!”; the Rangers (and even VIPERA, in “Orange Crush: Part One”); find it to be the MOST Annoying Sound they have EVER heard of (with the possible exception of Justin Bieber!)

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NauseaFuel : This has occurred on at least three separate occasions on “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” so far. In “Orange Crush: Part One”; despite Undyne cutting into General Crush SEVERAL times and making him BLEED, General Crush managed to just heal himself after EVERY single attack! (Although it Makes Sense in Context, given that he's a Daemon of the Chaos Realm, and mortal attacks on him would HAVE no affect; making it a case of “Unlike Cannot Harm Unlike”). In “Land of Confusion: Part Two”; the part where Mirror Radiguet is reduced to just a head, one arm, and a bleeding torso, not only REFUSES to die, but actually flies up, in PURE HATRED, to deliver a very MENACING Threatening Speech, only to FINALLY succumb to the Insanity being inflicted upon him by the Chaos Gods, and very GRAPHICALLY tear his own BRAIN out in an attempt to silence the bickering! An earlier, in-universe example in that episode, was when Emperor Diabolica got married to Queen Hedrian, and they kissed each other, Vipera reacted as though that was the most GRAPHICALLY disturbing thing she ever saw! Vipera: “Oh boy; that's a sight that I'm NEVER going to get out of my head! I'm just going to look over here, and oh LOOK! It's Flower Petals! THAT'S what I was LOOKING for!” And basically, anything and EVERYTHING that happened in “The Laughter of Thirsting Gods: Part One”.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ShockingSwerve : In “The Laughter of Thirsting Gods: Part Two”, the fact that Omnus and Queen Hedrian are revealed to have a “Thing” for each other, comes across as VERY shocking, seeing as how there was no previous episode build-up to reveal that they even THOUGHT about each other, let alone in terms of having any romantic ideas for each other. Granted, it helps that they are both REALLY 10,000+ years old, and they had some historical basis with each other; but that was STILL a good 10,000 YEARS before “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” took place!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StuckInTheirShadow : Baphomet permanently suffered this fate during the entire time he was alive in “Power Rangers Multiverse Force.” Despite being billed as Emperor Diabolica's toughest fighter, he RARELY fought, and on the major occasions when he did (“Orange Crush: Part One; Wild Horses;” and “The Laughter of Thirsting Gods: Part Two”), he fought on the LOSING side of a Curb Stomp Battle, against General Crush, BlackHawk, and a Chaos Realm Blood Daemon respectively, resulting with his death in the last battle. Most of the time, Baphomet was Stuck in the Shadow of Emperor Diabolica, Drako, and Vipera, with most of the fighting actually falling to a Monster of the Day, Vipera, occasionally Mirror and Amazoness, and arguably the most successful to ever fight against the Rangers so far; Galaxy Lightning in “Amazoness' Last Stand.”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SuperCouple : With “The Laughter of Thirsting Gods: Part Two”, Pinkie Pie and Lettuce have now officially become this! Arguably, Vipera and Baphomet were to; when the latter was alive. Queen Hedrian and Demon King Banriki (and again, with Emperor Diabolica), before the former died, and the latter disappeared into the Chaos Realm through a Warp. And BlackHawk and Ebony, before the former found out the UGLY truth that Ebony had been, LESS than honest and truthful about being a Virgin, or that she found BlackHawk as the most attractive male she had ever met (with that distinction falling to Draco Malfoy).

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TearJerker : Two particular moments in “The Laughter of Thirsting Gods: Part Two”. The first was when Drako died after a Wish Gone Wrong, and he died in the Vacuum of Space; slightly cushioned by the fact that he “Faced Death with Dignity.” No such cushion was in place, when BlackHawk confronted Ebony about the truth of any “Previous relations” that she had with other guys, and the fact that she was NOT a virgin and had NOT saved herself for marriage as she had previously claimed MULITPLE times before; makes what she had said in several earlier episodes about saying those exact things, a LOT “Harsher in Hindsight.”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThatOneBoss : By far, the biggest example is Mirror Radiguet in “Land of Confusion: Part Two”! Not only was he FAR stronger than any monster the Rangers had previously faced before, but he managed to survive TWO finishing attacks! Justified however, in the fact that his REAL Dimension counterpart is the series “Greater Scope Villain,” and the fact that Mirror Radiguet could transform himself into a “One-Winged Angel” form, in the form of a Dragon, didn't hurt matters EITHER!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThatOneLevel : If the Chaos Realm in “Laughter of the Thirsting Gods: Part One” doesn't qualify for this Trope, NOTHING does!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheyWastedAPerfectlyGoodCharacter : Arguably, this is what happened with Rito Revolto. Reintroduced after having been previously thought of as “Dead,” only to turn out to be “Alive All Along;” Master Vile decided to give Rito Revolto a super-charge of evil strength and power in “Land of Confusion: Part Two,” so he could eventually kill Emperor Diabolica for Queen Hedrian. Rito never got to do that though, and instead of being able to fight against the Rangers in a heated battle, he instead got on the losing end of a Curb-Stomp Battle against the Chaos Realm Daemons, and died a HORRIFIC Death! /

That's it for the Tropes I'm listing THIS time! :D Enough said, true believers! ;)

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Because I really, really, REALLY have nothing better to do with my free time, than to list the many different types of writing techniques that have been used in “Power Rangers Multiverse Force;” I have decided to look, and have found a few more for you to enjoy and learn from! :D I hope you enjoy reading them, as much as I did finding and writing them! :hysterical: /

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ActionFilmQuietDramaScene : Usually happens whenever there's a break in the usually action-oriented series. Instead of seeing stuff blow up or a Monster of the Day biting the dust, we get to see some very important character development going on between the characters! Sometimes romance, sometimes family related, sometimes friendship related, but always important character development that helps solidify their character for future episodes and/or adventures from their perspective!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AdrenalineMakeover : Not that Usagi, was ever really shy to begin with, but she REALLY took a Level in Awesome, when she awoke to her full potential as Sailor Moon, and started using it on a regular basis, starting with “Cosmic Guardians: Part One;” with her going so far as to be Promoted to the Leader of the Power Rangers in season two!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AfterActionPatchup : Happened to Kras'hir in “Cosmic Guardians: Part One;” after Usagi/Sailor Moon utilized her full powers, and she accidentally caused Kras'hir to be hurt in the melee, Kras'hir got patched up in a quiet scene while the rest of the Rangers (minus BlackHawk) got introduced to their new powers.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeathCourse : Practically EVERYTHING and anything in the Chaos Realm in “The Laughter of the Thirsting Gods: Part One,” was designed to be this. There was nothing that was even REMOTELY safe about that place, and the only moment of rest the Rangers and Kras'hir got, was when they got to Nurgle's place. And kind of fitting, since Nurgle was the ONLY one of the Chaos Gods who didn't threaten, try to attack, or force anybody to do something that they didn't want to do.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ExtremelyShortTimespan : While all of the episodes of this series written so far (on their own), occur during a relatively short time; even the episodes that have multiple parts are notable usages of this writing technique. “The Red Flaw” mini-arc occurs during the time-span of just a few hours; “Orange Crush” begins in the morning, and ends later in the same afternoon; while “Land of Confusion” begins in early afternoon, it's unknown just how much time has actually passed (though Word of God says that Master Vile's magic FROZE time in Coastal Falls, while the Power Rangers themselves spent a few hours, trying to deal with Mirror Radiguet and everything else in the Dark Mirror Dimension.) Finally, “The Laughter of Thirsting Gods” occurred during a time-span of 48 hours or less in actual Core Earth time, though it certainly felt a lot LONGER to the Power Rangers, due to everything they had to go through.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NowItsMyTurn : The definition of Mirror Radiguet in “Land of Confusion: Part One.” Every time the Rangers set up what would normally be a devastating attack against a normal monster, Mirror Radiguet always follows it up with a far MORE, devastating attack against the Power Rangers!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OneSceneWonder : While most of the Monsters of the Day that the Power Rangers face, can easily fit this definition; one particular mention goes to Jaedite. An Adviser/General to Queen Beryl, who is introduced—than promptly killed, in the same episode, “Cosmic Guardians: Part One.” This was to show that unlike Emperor Diabolica, Queen Beryl is NOT interested in messing around with the Power Rangers, or anyone who tries to CROSS her!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ForTheEvulz : The whole purpose of Radiguet's character in general. He's not attacking people, making sinister plots, or crafting some elaborate revenge scheme because he feels SLIGHTED; he does it merely because “It Amuses Him,” and he thinks that Core Earth (and the whole Universe, by extension), deserves a BETTER class of villain than what Emperor Diabolica and Queen Hedrian have been able to provide.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Foreshadowing : Used several times in several episodes throughout this series. Most notably, BlackHawk reveals himself to be a Woo Foo Warrior in his debut episode in “Pump it Up,” the skill turns out to be very useful in helping his friends, the Power Rangers, fight against a Brainwashed and Crazy Naruto in “The Red Flaw” mini-arc. It was also helpful in helping BlackHawk tap into the hidden power of the Orange Ruby, in order to become a Power Ranger. In Ebony's debut episode, she revealed herself to be infatuated with Draco Malfoy. It turns out to be a pretty significant fact, when the infatuation turned out to be something DEEPER in “The Laughter of the Thirsting Gods” two-part season finale, as Ebony saw Slaneesh as Draco Malfoy, as her greatest love interest, leading to BlackHawk and Ebony having a fall-out with each other.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OptOut : Attempted by Drako in “The Laughter of the Thirsting Gods: Part Two.” Deciding that the situation on the Diabolic spaceship had deteriorated far too much for his liking, Drako had intended to go to the Chaos Realm to become an apprentice to T'zeentch. But in a case of “Did Not Think This Through,” Drako specifically wished to be taken outside, and he was; outside the Diabolic spaceship in space, where he died an instant death!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Protectorate : Pretty much Core Earth falls under this, in regards to what the Power Rangers fight to defend. They also protect each other, Omnus, Zordon, Alpha 8, D.O.G., Bash, Smash, Toby's Mother, BlackHawk's Mother, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Lettuce's Father, Rita, Zedd, and pretty much everyone else who lives on Core Earth.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SentientCosmicForce : It is practically implied, and applied, that the Morphing Grid, the Chaos Realm, and the Warp; are not only tied in together somehow, but it's at least somewhat Sentient, powered by the countless number of souls, either killed by Daemons, or from fallen Daemons themselves. The Morphing Grid and the Warp are essentially Neutral in nature, as they do not express powers by itself, but only through the people who use them. Therefore, it is up to the user, whether to use these powers for good or for destructive ends.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ShaggySearchTechnique : In “The Laughter of the Thirsting Gods: Part One”, this was the only way the Rangers managed to get back to Core Earth at both the RIGHT place, and the RIGHT time! By searching through the Library of T'zeentch, they accidentally stumble upon the right Magic Book, that summons a portal that takes them to the correct location, and the correct time to fight Emperor Diabolica, and his marching army of 10,000 Imps!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SuperMultiPurposeRoom : In “Cosmic Guardians: Part One”, this is revealed to be the case for the apartment that Undyne and Alphys share. It helps that it's actually BIGGER on the Inside, than it Looks on the Outside. The fact that Alphys is a scientist who is always tinkering with things, certainly helps with the ever-changing layout of the room!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThoseWereOnlyTheirScouts : In “Cosmic Guardians: Part One”, Usagi/Sailor Moon and Kras'hir were celebrating their initial victory over the Youma that Queen Beryl had sent to destroy Usagi, only to reveal that those were only the ADVANCE scouts, and that more dangerous opponents were on their way to fight her AND her fellow Power Rangers!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThrowAwayCountry : More like a Throw-Away Dimension, but it still counts. The Dark Mirror Dimension in “Land of Confusion” two-part special, is basically depicting Core Earth, as to what COULD happen to it, should the Rangers FAIL in their mission to protect it against the forces of evil, such as Greater Scope Villain Radiguet!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/VillainousValour : Shown by Drako a couple of times, especially during the times he was a temporary ally to the Rangers, during “The Red Flaw” mini-arc, and “Orange Crush: Part One.” Although not as significant, Mirror BlackHawk also showed this trait, in “Land of Confusion: Part Two.” After BlackHawk delivered the finishing blow to his Dark Mirror counterpart, Mirror BlackHawk decides to Face Death With Dignity, and admits to the REAL BlackHawk, that HE was a better Warrior than Mirror BlackHawk was!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WalkIntoMordor : The whole experience in the Chaos Realm for the Power Rangers in “The Laughter of the Thirsting Gods: Part One” went like this. They could not and were not able to warp from place to place in order to talk to the Chaos Gods; they HAD to go through all the EXCRUCIATING ordeals/traps/obstacles in their way, before they were allowed to speak to each Chaos God.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WasntThatFun : Definitely the (sarcastic) attitude of the Power Rangers, after escaping from the Dark Mirror Dimension, in “Land of Confusion: Part Two”; and returning from the Chaos Realm in “The Laughter of the Thirsting Gods: Part One.” /

That's it for the Tropes that I'm listing this time! As Season Two goes on, there might be even more Tropes that get introduced further on down the road! Stay tuned to see for yourself! :cool: Enough said! ;)

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It's been a while, but I've decided to take a look and see if there were any more trope examples, either new or previously weren't referenced, that I have not gotten around to mentioning yet! o.o Here is what I managed to find! I hope you enjoy reading them, as much as I did writing them! :D (Warning: Walls of TEXT Ahead!) /

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AbandonShipping : Happened canonically, to Ebony and BlackHawk. Although they WERE a couple for a time, from “Life is a Beach” to “The Laughter of Thirsting Gods: Part II;” when BlackHawk found out the TRUTH about Ebony's TRUE sexual nature, it caused him to storm out on her! In “Cosmic Guardians: Part Two”, the romantic relationship officially disintegrated into nothingness; due to Ebony gaining her NEW Morphing Powers through Slaneesh (in a “Deal With the Devil”), she was only able to GET those powers, by PROMISING to be as promiscuously active as POSSIBLE, and she wound up STARTING it off, by getting involved in a relationship with TOBY, who, IRONICALLY, she PREVIOUSLY turned down in “Life is a Beach” for not being STRONG enough!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AcceptableLifestyleTargets : Happened canonically, to Billy in the “Power Rangers” universe. Being that he was GAY, and originally a Power Ranger in the 1990's, it used to be perfectly FINE for Tommy to CALL Billy GAY as an insult! Naturally, Billy did NOT see it THAT way, even WANTING Zordon and Alpha V to FAKE his disappearance so that Billy wouldn't have to ENDURE Tommy's TAUNTING anymore! Word of God, however, says that Billy's relationship status and his lifestyle acceptance will “Get Better.”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AcceptableReligiousTargets : Canonically, the Necrons, introduced in “Cosmic Gaurdains: Part II” are these. Justified in the fact that they worship the FALSE Emperor, strung together a FAR Flung Galactic Empire across VAST galaxies, waged genocidal war against OTHER species (likely due to “Fantastic Racism”), and even after the species going into sleep for about 60 million years (“It Makes Sense in Context”); upon waking up, the first thing the species did was to RESUME what they had done PRIOR to going into hibernation, and continue waging their war against other species, STARTING with Human Kind itself! Cue the “Oh, Crap!” reaction from Omnus and the Power Rangers!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChaoticEvil : Canonically, Greater Scope Villain Radiguet is this! Creating evil wherever he goes, just to cause Chaos, and because, “It Amuses Him.” The Four Main Chaos Gods themselves, could be argued to be various shades of this trope, depending on their particular mood, and whoever happens to be meeting with them at any particular moment.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FamilyUnfriendlyAesop : One was introduced in “Cosmic Guardians: Part Two.” The Power Rangers had to find out the hard way, that not EVERYBODY will always end up appreciating what the Power Rangers DO, as heroes! And sometimes, hard choices have to be made; as to what would be best for society and humanity as a whole. Also, Usagi found out the sad truth that sometimes, Parents (such as her mom), will NOT always accept your life style choices, even if it's what YOU want, and even if it's not HURTING anybody else! Usagi's Mom “Got Better” though, and eventually came around to accepting Usagi's relationship with Kras'hir/Krystal.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InferredHolocaust : Canonically, the Necron are said to have caused MANY of these across a vast number of GALAXIES, to many different species on many different planets! Even though the Necron had to go into slumber for 60 million years for “Reasons,” they now have their sights set on human kind itself, on Core Earth! Thankfully, Usagi and five of the other Rangers, managed to take a level in Awesome, and managed to defeat the FIRST of Queen Beryl's Youma monsters, with relative ease!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IronWoobie : Canonically, Queen Hedrian can now be seen as this! Despite having her butt constantly SERVED to her on a Silver Platter by the Power Rangers, who constantly DESTROYED her loyal monsters and servants, Queen Hedrian never seemed to be the least bit FAZED or FETTERED, by the constant setbacks and humiliations she had to suffer! Ironically, as of “Cosmic Guardians: Part Two”, she is now somewhat of an “Aloof Ally” to the Power Rangers, helping them for reasons that are NOT entirely known to the Power Rangers as of yet, but all they know is that Queen Hedrian is doing it because she cares for Omnus.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NeutralEvil : Canonically, Doctor Maniac is this. He pursues his own intellectual, selfish pursuits, all “For the Science!” He really doesn't care if his allies are in it for Revenge, “For the Evulz”, or for World Domination! As long as Doctor Maniac is allowed to conduct his “Experiments” on living Bio Beasts, and able to modify himself to become more MACHINE than human (losing his very SOUL in the process), Doctor Maniac will be perfectly FINE with going along with whatever plan Queen Beryl has in mind!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TenMinuteRetirement : More like 24 day retirement, but it counts. Justified, because in between “The Laughter of Thirsting Gods: Part II”, and the “Cosmic Guardians” two-part season two premiere, six of the Power Rangers lost their dino-based Ranger Powers, and had to wait 24 days before new ones could be acquired for them.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs : Happened to BOTH the Command Center, AND Coastal Falls during the “Cosmic Guardians” two-part season two premiere. Although Queen Beryl's forces did NOT succeed in conquering EITHER, they DID temporarily make it DIFFICULT and impractical for the Power Rangers to actually MORPH and try to deal with the situation, due to circumstances that were totally BEYOND the ability of the Power Rangers to control!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BombDisposal : It was chillingly revealed in “Cosmic Guardians: Part Two;” that the mechanical Necrons are ACTUALLY walking TIME Bombs! To prevent them from destroying/wrecking parts of Coastal Falls, Usagi and Kras'hir had to SCRAMBLE in order to LURE the Necrons OUT of the city in time, and then destroy them where they could do no significant damage to any property or innocent life!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CarnivalOfKillers : Due to Queen Beryl's previously established, antagonist relationship with Usagi/Sailor Moon, her loyal servants, Youma, and hired help, can now be said to be canonically THIS against Usagi/Sailor Moon, as she is the daughter of the True Emperor, and she represents the Coming Light that will VANQUISH all Youma, and Daemon Kind!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CavalryBetrayal : When Usagi and Kras'hir were rescued by the Core Earth Federation in “Cosmic Guardians: Part Two”, they ended up temporarily CAPTURED by ORDERS of the President! As it turns out, the situation was totally JUSTIFIED, as one of Queen Beryl's goons REVEALED himself to the AUDIENCE, as POSING as the President, in an attempt to get Usagi and Kras'hir OUT of the picture, in attempting to deal with them as a threat!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DiagnosisFromDrBadass : Whenever Dr. Maniac talks to someone else, he ALWAYS makes it a point, to talk about in GRAPHIC detail, either how much he IS hurting someone, how MUCH he wants to hurt someone, how MUCH he HAS hurt someone, OR how much he is GOING to hurt someone! He even talked about the DEATH of his own son, without so much as a single note of sorrow or pity!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DyeOrDie : In order to blend into regular Core Earth society starting with “Cosmic Guardians: Part One”, Kras'hir has to use a special ring to disguise herself as a normal human being, so that no one will suspect that she's actually a Demon from the Chaos Realm, and so she can have a more 'normal' relationship with Usagi!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ExpositionDiagram : When the Necrons first introduced themselves to Queen Beryl in “Cosmic Guardians: Part Two,” they made it a point to talk about in GREAT length, how they came to be, the origins of their now mechanical appearance, what they want, what they expect from Queen Beryl, and what they expect to get in RETURN from aiding Queen Beryl, in her quest to DESTROY Usagi/Sailor Moon, as well as revive Queen Metalia!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FightMagnet : Usagi and Kras'hir can now be said to be canonically this, as of “Cosmic Guardians: Part One,” due to Queen Beryl (and by extension, her loyal servants, Youma, and hired help), all wanting to ATTACK the two of them, and KILL them! Or at the VERY least, generate ENOUGH energy to REVIVE Queen Metalia, so she can KILL the two of them (and by extension, the Power Rangers), as SOON as she is revived!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GenocideDilemma: As of “Cosmic Guardians: Part Two”, the Power Rangers are now faced with THIS unpleasant situation! The Necrons want to ANNIHILATE human kind, and they are WILLING to do ANYTHING to do so! Justified in the fact that the Necrons worship the False Emperor, and they are depicted to be MORALLY wrong, when compared with the general population living on Core Earth!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeroicBSOD : Toby and Usagi BOTH suffered this in “Cosmic Guardians: Part Two.” Toby suffered it due to him now dating Ebony, and the effect it was starting to have on his health and his grades; with Toby loudly arguing with his mother, only to suffer a “Heel Realization”, when he finds out that his younger brother has CANCER; and the SAME type of Cancer that KILLED his Father! Usagi suffered it when her parents found out about her relationship status with Kras'hir/Krystal. While her Human Father was very understanding of the situation, her mother was notably LESS so, causing Usagi to be emotionally drained and despaired! Usagi's mother eventually came around, even going so far as to apologize to Usagi when she found out all the harrowing details, of what brought Usagi and Kras'hir together!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeroicSafeMode : Due to Queen Beryl coming back into the life of Usagi/Sailor Moon, and subsequently, her having to make a deal with Khorne in order to strengthen her Ranger Powers, Usagi/Sailor Moon can now said to be canonically this FULL time as of “Cosmic Guardians: Part Two”! She now has a NEED to fight ALL the time, in order to satisfy the blood lust cravings that Khorne FORCED onto her!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TorchesAndPitchforks : In “Cosmic Guardians: Part Two,” a bunch of people got together torches and pitchforks to ransack and BURN effigies of the Power Rangers, because they were being convinced that a group of teenagers were doing a job that SHOULD be done by highly-trained, highly-professional military service soldiers! Justified, in that most of them were being tricked and deceived by Demons POSING as normal human citizens!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ViolenceIsTheOnlyOption : For the Power Rangers, as of “Cosmic Guardians: Part Two,” the only viable solution to dealing with the Necrons, the Youma, Queen Beryl, and ALL her hired help, is to resolve it by a TON of BUTT-KICKING ACTION!!!!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PossibleWar : In “Cosmic Guardians: Part Two”, Usagi/Sailor Moon, was treated to the prophetic possibility, that a NEW war involving human kind and the Daemons will happen within twenty years time, and that by that time, ONE of her friends will be DEAD!!!! Needless to say, Usagi decided to “Defy Fate”, and work HARD with her fellow Power Rangers, to ensure that either the prophecy DOESN'T come to pass; or if it does, it won't be as bad as the prophecy was making it out to be!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PowerAtAPrice : In “Cosmic Guardians: Part Two, six of the Power Rangers were able to get their new Ranger Powers and weapons, with each of them making a deal with one of the four main Chaos Gods. Naruto and Usagi went with Khorne, Toby and Lettuce went with T'zeen'tch, Ebony went with Slaneesh, and Pinkie went with Nurgle.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FunnyAneurysmMoment : Has happened on at LEAST two separate occasions to the Power Rangers. A milder version occurred in “Orange Crush: Part One,” when BlackHawk began his day by playing Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers' “She's a Woman in Love (It's Not Me”). This counts, because he had JUST started a romantic relationship with Ebony in “Life is a Beach”, only to discover in “The Laughter of Thirsting Gods: Part Two,” that she WASN'T as faithful and virtuous as she CLAIMED to be! Also counts as “Fridge Brilliance”, as the SONG was actually FORESHADOWING what Ebony's and BlackHawk's relationship with each other would ultimately AMOUNT to! In “Laughter of the Thirsting Gods: Part One,” when Kras'hir first met Usagi, Kras'hir almost INSTANTLY found herself ATTRACTED to Usagi! But when Kras'hir found out that Usagi was already IN a relationship with Mamoru, Kras'hir secretly WISHED that Mamoru was DEAD! Later, in the SAME episode, Slaneesh treated BOTH Usagi and Kras'hir to the sight of Mamoru's decapitated HEAD! It turned out to be a trick, though. As it was revealed in “Cosmic Guardians: Part Two,” it turned out that Mamoru was alive and well. Mamoru also decided: “I Want My Beloved to Be Happy,” so he graciously decided to step out of the way, and allowed Usagi and Kras'hir to have their relationship together.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PsychicPowers : Zordon, Omnus, and Captain Retro all have these powers to various extents. Most notably, the power of foresight, and the ability to see different possible futures! Zordon is also capable of producing psychic barriers, and can contain the powers of Chaos within the Warp, albeit, only for a limited amount of time.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PsychologicalCombat : Arguably, the Necron and the Youma aren't just waging PHYSICAL combat against Usagi, they're also trying to BREAK her mentally, by torturing her with perfectly POSSIBLE and PLAUSIBLE thoughts of failure, death, and even the possibility that SHE was fighting for a cause that WASN'T worth fighting for! Thankfully, Usagi did a “No Sell” in “Cosmic Guardians: Part Two;” said a BIG “Shut Up, Hannibal!” And gave the evil Necron and Youma a WELL-DESERVED BUTT-KICKING!!!!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AdaptationDeviation : Has happened to a degree, to characters that already canonically exist in the “Power Rangers” universe, the “Super Sentai” universe, or any other various universe that the characters originally come from! For instance, in “Denziman”, where both D.O.G., and Queen Hedrian originally come from; D.O.G. SACRIFICED himself to provide the Power Rangers with the ultimate weapon to bring down the bad guys, while Queen Hedrian, wound up frozen in the Arctic, until being thawed out and revived as a cyborg in “Sun Vulcan.” Word of God is, that D.O.G., will be SPARED by the Adaptation, and Queen Hedrian STILL remains FULLY organic...at least, for NOW! Also, while Billy's sexual orientation was NEVER explicitly stated in “Power Rangers” (although it was SHOWN that he went out with several girls), he is revealed to be GAY within THIS series, and probably only went OUT with the girls he went out with, in an attempt to get Tommy to STOP making insulting jokes about him being GAY!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GayAndLesbianFiction : Thanks to the now-established relationships between Usagi and Kras'hir, as well as Alphys and Undyne, this series can NOW be said to contain ELEMENTS of this type of story-writing! /

I think that's enough Tropes for now! I'll probably be able to come up with a few more, once I write the NEXT exciting episode of “Power Rangers Multiverse Force!” :cool: Enough said, true believers! ;)

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Here are a few more tropes for PR: MVF.

Badass Princess: Future Usagi, as shown in Cosmic Guardians: Part II. Hell, her future title is Regina, Latin for "princess".

A God Am I: Radiguet's entire motivation, as he seeks to absorb the Chaos Gods in order to become the "God of Judgement". This is also is inherently deconstructed in the next trope...

Too Dumb to Live: What Radiguet's actions show him to be. He wants to absorb the freaking CHAOS GODS, some of the most powerful beings in the series' canon. As shown in Usagi's future vision, Horus Lupercal ends up beating him, as Radiguet (stupidly) attempts to revive him in an attempt to further his goals.

Off With His Head!: What becomes of Radiguet in the future; Horus ends up taking his head as a trophy.

Morality Pet: Usagi and Omnus are this to Kras'hir and Hedrian respectively.

Really 700 Years Old: Although Omnus appears to be in his 20s, he is of an unknown age due to this, having been a young adult when the Imperium was founded on what would become Core Earth 50,000+ years before the series began; this also applies to Hedrian.

And I Must Scream: The Emperor of Mankind. Dear GOD, the Emperor of Mankind. Having been mortally wounded during the Horus Heresy, watched as his Imperium collapse into a techno-barbaric theocracy that worshiped him (an antithesis to his ideals of a secular, enlightened human-based empire), and then lived through the total collapse of the society he founded and a new one arise in its place thousands of years later, all the while having long-since rotted away into an immobile skeleton bound to an intricate life support system that is tied to the Warp and could overrun the planet with eldritch creatures if it is ever shut off, he qualifies for this trope. Although this trope is averted in the future seen in Cosmic Guardians: Part II, where he is alive and well.

State Sec combined with Government Conspiracy: Delta Green, an organization created by the Federation to accomplish two major goals: to keep Chaos under wraps and eliminated, as well as hide the existence of the Emperor of Mankind still being alive (well, as alive as one can be in a state like his).

Erudite Stoner: What Toby becomes as a result of Ebony introducing him to pot in Cosmic Guardians: Part II.

Low Culture, High Tech: Well, more like "Modern Culture, High Tech", but it still counts. Core Earth has highly advanced technology, though has a culture roughly analogous to the 1990s-2010s.

Schizo Tech: Core Earth's technological level can be this at times, with bicycles existing alongside hovercraft, for example.

End of an Age: What the Federation is heading towards, as shown in Cosmic Guardians: Part II.

Back From the Dead: Zordon is this as a result of Zedd and Rita reviving him, though at the cost of their youth. It is shown in Cosmic Guardians: Part II that the Emperor of Mankind is this, possibly even through the same means as Zordon.

Messianic Archetype: Usagi is this due to being born partly from the Emperor's Light. Appropriately enough, the Emperor himself is also this because Jesus was one of his many aliases.

A God I Am Not: What the Emperor considered himself, which at its core led to the Horus Heresy. As seen in Cosmic Guardians: Part II, he still considers himself this, though has allowed those in the future Neo-Imperium to believe in him, likely to avert a second Heresy.

Crystal Spires and Togas: What the Neo-Imperium shown in Cosmic Guardians: Part II is implied to be, given that the Emperor intends to avert the same mistakes that plagued the first Imperium.

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And, because I want to get this out of my system, here are some tropes relating to Dr. Maniac's Orkoid assistants, Bzrk and Grzrg.

Author Appeal: Orks are my favorite characters from Warhammer 40K, and are the main reason why Bzrk and Grzrg exist as characters.

Blue and Orange Morality: Like all Orks, Bzrk and Grzrg have no sense of "good" or "evil". They follow Dr. Maniac and by extension Queen Beryl because they are their bosses, and nothing more.

Blood Knight: Orks are literally genetically engineered for fighting; they need it like food and water, otherwise they'll suffer a form of emaciation/starvation. Bzrk and Grzrg are no exception.

Dumb Muscle: Tying in with the above, both of these guys are simple-minded, and don't know much aside from fighting and tinkering with technology.

Clap Your Hands if You Believe: Bzrk and Grzrg, like all Orks, have minor reality-warping powers due to naturally possessing a field of psychic energy around themselves. Therefore, if they believe something should work a certain way, it will.

Insane Troll Logic: Overlapping with the above trope, Orks have...a very bizarre train of thought.

Cyborg: Bzrk and Grzrg are this due to being Mekboys.

Gadgeteer Genius: The "genius" part is dubious, due to Orkoid technology defying all common sense and logic in how it works. Being Mekboys, however, the duo are definitely gadgeteers.

Mad Scientist/For Science!: Why they follow Dr. Maniac in the first place, and due to their downright weird morality, have no qualms about how unethical his experiments are.

Scavenged Punk: Bzrk and Grzrg's inventions are cobbled together from whatever they can find, as it is with all Ork technology.

Funetik Aksent: Combined with Xtreme Kool Letterz, Bzrk and Grzrg speak Orkoid, a language resembling thick Cockney English.

Genius Bruiser: Again, "genius" isn't the right word to describe this duo. "Bruiser", on the other hand...

Insistent Terminology: Rather then refer to Queen Beryl by more appropriate titles, Bzrk and Grzrg only refer to her as "Boss Lady".

Plucky Comic Relief: ...These two are meant to be comic foils to Dr. Maniac, for a given definition of "plucky". Or "comic relief", for that matter.

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I've been wanting to do this ever since I wrote the last new episode of “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”, but now, I finally have an opportunity to present some new trope examples that have been used within this series. I hope you enjoy looking at them, as much as I did coming up with them. Enjoy! (Warning: WALLS of TEXT Ahead!) o.o /

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LampshadeHanging: Used twice in the episode “Baby, Be Mine.” While Lettuce and Pinkie singing “Jolly Holiday” together wasn't so unusual, having six characters they were acquainted with suddenly JOINING them in the song, and singing on cue AND on key WAS unusual! Lettuce actually NOTED the weirdness of the activity, while Pinkie chalked it up to a harmless prank done by the Chaos God T'zeen'tch. Not too much later in the same episode, Pinkie saw a blue egg in a hollow tree, but couldn't reach it on her own. Lettuce had to get on her back in order to reach it, but it looked like Lettuce was RIDING Pinkie Pie! And even though she IS a pony, she's never, EVER actually HAD to carry someone on her back before, and both Lettuce AND Pinkie felt that the whole thing was pretty awkward. Pinkie even noting that the over-used writing technique of a group of characters finding an abandoned baby somewhere and having to take care of it until it's real mother or father comes back for it, WAS an over-used plot technique, but that they HAD to get around to doing it SOONER or later! Also counts as “Breaking the Fourth Wall.”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChaoticNeutral & http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChaoticGood: Depending on what MOOD she is in, and depending on where a certain character falls on a character alignment chart, Kras'hir can be either one of these. Kras'hir is genuinely Chaotic Good when she's with Usagi. But whenever she's “Just Doing Her Job” as a Chaos Demon, she can DEFINITELY be seen as Chaotic Neutral to ANY crook, hoodlum, or two-bit villain (and by extension, anyone who SEES her ATTACKING them) who HAPPENS to be committing evil deeds!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LawfulGood: Most of the time, the Power Rangers tend to fall under this trope. They protect the people of Core Earth (and occasionally, other dimensions and time periods across the Multiverse), and they always make sure not to break the law. As of season two, however, some of the Power Rangers are starting to blur into more “Gray and Gray Morality,” as Ebony and Toby have started a Drug-fueled relationship that is Questionable at BEST, and arguably Depraved at WORST; while Usagi's pact with Khorne has started her down the path into becoming a “Blood Knight Templar.” Although she's still managed to keep her sanity intact, only time will tell if Usagi can KEEP her sanity when she has to CONSTANTLY kill, even if it IS evil people, EVERY SINGLE DAY!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LawfulNeutral: Due to their nature as being mentors, Zordon, Omnus, and Alpha Eight are officially and TECHNICALLY this trope! They do NOT actively participate in the fighting, but they will lend their advice and any technological aid that the Power Rangers may need in order to combat evil. However, it HAS been revealed that at least OMNUS has NOT always BEEN this character trait, and MAY have once been a “Blood Knight Templar” himself! While the murky parts of his past are unclear as of this point, it is clear that he has become “The Atoner,” and wishes to make up for his past misdeeds.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NeverLiveItDown: Both Ebony and former “Power Ranger Turbo” member Justin seem to have fallen afoul and his trope. Ebony's mistake was that she had a fling with Draco Malfoy, but she LIED about being a squeaky clean Virgin in an attempt to impress BlackHawk! Needless to say, when BlackHawk found OUT about the lie, he was LESS than happy about it, to put it moderately! And practically EVERYBODY in universe dislikes Justin for being “The Scrappy” of the “Power Rangers Turbo” team, and think that Zordon made a MISTAKE in choosing him, and that Justin was the BIGGEST reason as to WHY Divatox was ABLE to prevail over the “Power Rangers Turbo” team in the FIRST place!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RescuedFromTheScrappyHeap: More like, “Rescued From the So Okay, it's Average Heap”, but it still counts. While Rocky from the days of “Mighty Morphing Power Rangers” seasons two and three, and “Power Rangers Zeo” wasn't a BAD Ranger by ANY stretch of the imagination, he wasn't what anyone would REALLY call special! Starting in “Baby, Be Mine” he was reintroduced into the “Power Rangers” universe as being Billy's special partner, as Billy called him Handsome, and ABLE to make Billy laugh!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TakeThatScrappy: How practically everyone IN universe, views Justin from the “Power Rangers Turbo” team! Everyone tends to take any and ALL available opportunities to make FUN of Justin for just HOW mind-numbingly USELESS he was as a Power Ranger! Seeing as how even his fellow BLUE Rangers don't CARE for him, his situation is NOT likely to improve any time soon, IF it ever DOES!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TrueNeutral: Seeing as how minor character Sally Anne is only three, and thusly too YOUNG to REALLY grasp the concept of Good and Evil, she can EASILY fit this description! Could also be used to describe Notacon's baby child, as all it did in “Baby, Be Mine”, was eat and make 'stinkies' in his diaper, in a case of “Reality Ensues.”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UnderusedGameMechanic: Although Time Travel has been used in the past, a couple of times by the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers, the Blue Sentaurion in “Power Rangers Turbo,” the ENTIRE plot point of “Power Rangers Time Force”, both the Power Rangers Dino Thunder and the Power Rangers S.P.D. Teams in “Power Rangers S.P.D.,” two of the “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” Rangers in “Hot-Blooded”, Gluto and some Cyclobots in “Baby, Be Mine” (only to be destroyed by current Phantom Ranger StarHawk as “One Scene Wonders” for all their trouble), and seven Legendary Rangers in various episodes; Time Travel is STILL not used all that often in “Power Rangers” canon.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WhatDoYouMeanItsNotForKids: Because this series has the “Power Rangers” name attached to it, there might be some people who might mistakenly think that the series is ACTUALLY made for kids, in SPITE of it's PG-13 rating! While there HAVE been some episodes that have been written BELOW the PG-13 rating (at arguably, a G rating or a PG rating), due to various swear words, several violent actions, drug usage, and questionable behavior of some rather NAUGHTY nature that has happened over the episodes, it should be clear by now that this series is NOT for young kids!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GovernmentAgencyOfFiction: While the Federation of Core Earth is TECHNICALLY a Fictional Government Agency, it IS still described in a realistic way. There is a President who is ELECTED, and that president has an army to serve Core Earth, and a group of Secret Service agents to carry out tasks that the public is NOT to know about! What makes it chilling, is that it is revealed in “Cosmic Guardians: Part II”, that a Chaos Demon is actually POSING as the current Core Earth President! Even WORSE, BlackHawk's Mother, Mrs. Little, is currently DATING the President, in an attempt to get herself a MAN who is a WINNER!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HassleFreeHotwire : Done by Coop in “Baby, Be Mine.” He was invisible, and in order to track down Lettuce and Pinkie and find out what they were up to, he needed to get to Undyne's apartment. Knowing that he would never be able to get there on foot in time, he simply used the magic spell “Piertotum Locomotor” in order to magically start up BlackHawk's Vespa, so it would GET him to Undyne's Apartment in time for Coop to find out what was going on.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/JustAKid : Subverted and Averted by Coop, who HAPPENS to be BlackHawk's younger brother! Justified in the fact that Coop (who is a CANON character in “Yin Yang Yo”), has already BEEN revealed to be smart AND a competent fighter, who has helped Yin, Yang, and Master Yo take down the Night Master, and it is revealed in “Baby, Be Mine,” that by working together, BlackHawk and Coop also managed to take out the villain named Ferocitus in a fight that has been mentioned, but not yet seen!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ProductPlacement: Happens from time to time in the “Power Rangers” universe. Sometimes, certain songs will play during key moments of an episode that promote a specific singer or musical group. Other times, certain products like video games or restaurants will be mentioned, like “Mario Kart 64” or “Chili's Restaurant”.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GenreSavvy: Initially, only Ebony and BlackHawk were actively this. Ebony because she used the knowledge of various movies and TV shows she had already seen in order to make her aware of what would probably happen next in any given situation. And BlackHawk already had active fighting experience as a Woo Foo Warrior. As of season two, ALL of the main Power Rangers are NOW exceptionally much more Genre Savvy than they were in season one; with even Pinkie Pie stating that while she's STILL going to be herself, she's going to be a lot more WISER about it, since the Power Rangers have to deal with things like the Chaos Gods!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RankUp: Due to Usagi's ascension into becoming Sailor Moon and the White Cosmic Ranger in between the events of “The Laughter of the Thirsting Gods: Part One” and “Cosmic Guardians: Part II”, she got a Rank Up to becoming the OFFICIAL team leader of the Power Rangers; a prospect which excited BlackHawk, because he NOW has someone who he can aspire to be as STRONG as; a prospect that intrigued Lettuce and Toby to VIE to become Usagi's second-in-command; and a prospect that left Naruto a bit cold, as HE was no longer the official team leader of the Power Rangers.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Adorkable: BlackHawk can get this way around D.O.G., sometimes; and especially around girls he finds attractive! Most notably, Vipera in her disguised Viola human form in “Life is a Beach”, and StarHawk in “Baby, Be Mine!” Arguably, D.O.G.'s whole persona could be described as this, to his natural dog nature, and his ability to be funny whenever he talks! Alphys is neurotically Adorkable by nature, and Coop is normally Adorkable, but Coop DOES have a Cool Side to him; which he hasn't HAD to reveal...YET!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RareGuns: The Thunderslingers, used by the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers in the CANON episode of “Gung Ho,” and later much more FREQUENTLY by the Power Rangers Multiverse Force, definitely fits this trope! What makes it even better, is they're not just rare, they are ALSO powerful! They were used to power up the Velociraptor Multi-Ultrazord in order to power up it's FINISHING Attack! The Phantom Ranger's Delta Blaster can also qualify as this, as it was able to take out “Power Rangers Time Force” villain Gluto, in just FOUR shots!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RealityEnsues: This started happening to the Power Rangers, and to the series as a whole starting with season two. While the cool action-adventure fantasy plots still play a big part in the series, more realistic plot elements are starting to creep in. For instance, a good amount of nudity is no longer in shadow or conveniently censored in anyway, and babies realistically make 'stinkies' in their diapers...a LOT!!!!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GettingCrapPastTheRadar: Initially, the way to show-case BlackHawk's nudity WITHOUT actually showing his nudity, was to simply have some sort of object or something conveniently BLOCK the nudity from the view of the viewers. Also, whenever Pinkie wants to talk about SOMEBODY doing something that is of “Fourth Base” material, she ALWAYS refers it to as “Doing the NASTY” so she doesn't have to ACTUALLY say what she is implying!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GlowingEyes: The eyes of the Spinosaurus Zord ALWAYS glows! When it was untamed or temporarily under Vipera's control, it's eyes glowed RED to indicate that its powers were NOT being used for the right purposes! But when BlackHawk gained control of the Spinosaurus, it's eyes glowed BLUE, to indicate that it's powers were NOW being used for the right purposes! Additionally, Sans' eyes ALWAYS glow for some reason! (If you're familiar with “Undertale,” you'll KNOW the full ramifications for TESTING Sans' faith in goodness if you're not CAREFUL and you DON'T show MERCY!)

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AlternateUniverse: The whole purpose of the Dark Mirror Dimension in the two-part “Land of Confusion”, was to give the Power Rangers a glimpse as to what could/might/WOULD happen to THEIR universe if Greater Scope Villain Radiguet EVER succeeded in absorbing the power of the Four Main Chaos Gods! He would be able to turn Core Earth into a BARREN Wasteland, and would subsequently BRAINWASH all of the GOOD characters on Core Earth into doing ALL of his EVIL BIDDING!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GoodIsNotNice: If Naruto threatening to RIP Drako's SPINE out in “Orange Crush: Part One” doesn't qualify for this trope, NOTHING does! Also, Kras'hir's whole personality in general. While she IS technically on the side of the Power Rangers, you definitely do NOT want to get on her bad side by committing any heinous, immoral, or illegal acts, or you MIGHT not LIVE to REGRET it!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GreyAndGrayMorality: The four main Chaos Gods, and Kras'hir, could be said to fall under this trope. While they clearly can NOT be defined as Good, they can't just be written off as evil, either! As they WERE willing to lend their armies to the Power Rangers for the battle against Emperor Diabolica's army in “The Laughter of the Thirsting Gods: Part Two.”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Hammerspace: Mentioned in universe in “Baby, Be Mine”, as for the proper explanation as to how Undyne's apartment is able to be BIGGER on the Inside, than from what it looks like on the Outside!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RichPeople: Lettuce and his family, as well as BlackHawk and his mother and younger brother, both fall under this trope.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheRival: Initially, BlackHawk and Naruto viewed each other as this; with both training as hard as they could in an attempt to unmistakably be considered more powerful than the other! However, with Naruto now demoted to second-in-command in season two, and BlackHawk now interested in becoming as powerful as Usagi/Sailor Moon, the rivalry between BlackHawk and Naruto now seems to have ended.

tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NeverMyFault: This was Vipera's WHOLE attitude towards Emperor Diabolica and her fellow evil-doers whenever things went wrong! While most of the time, it really ISN'T Vipera's fault that things went wrong, it STILL doesn't make her fellow evil-doers HAPPY to have to hear her SAY that! She even SAID the trope out-loud in “Orange Crush: Part One;” when Drako asked WHY Vipera was blaming HIM for the out-of-control behavior of General Crush, when Drako didn't even CREATE him?! And Vipera said, “Because it's NEVER MY Fault!” Now it seems to be the trope for Queen Beryl's three loyal sorcerer's, as they can't seem to agree on just WHO is to blame for a Youma FAILING to destroy the Power Rangers, with Doctor Maniac going so far as to serve them a “BIG SHUT UP!!!!” /

That's my list of trope ideas for today! :D Enough said, true believers! ;)

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I'm sorry for the long wait between posting here last, but I wanted to wait until I had written an episode of my own, to comment on things that happened before the episode BEFORE that! But I am ready, now! I hope you enjoy reading these tropes, as much as I did finding them! /

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AuthorsSavingThrow: It was BOUND to happen sooner or later, with three different people writing “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”, but the revelation that StarHawk was a LESBIAN in “Where Our Demons Lie”, and into three-way relationships, came out of NOWHERE !!!! So in “Genesis of Good, Genesis of Evil”, one of the other authors “Ret-Conned” the aspect of StarHawk's Lesbian tendencies, to have been WITH her all along, since at LEAST the year 2028 (“It Makes Sense, in Context”); and it was as a result of her sister, FireHawk; cursing her! The reason for doing so, was that StarHawk was the one who turned her in, and therefore, got FireHawk BANISHED from her Home Planet of Hawkia, as a result!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CatharsisFactor: Whenever BlackHawk needs to get rid of his angst, his anger, or any OTHER various sets of negative emotions he might be feeling; he always chooses to get his anger out in a constructive, and positive way; by choosing to train in the Simulation Planet, that Omnus and Alpha Eight have set up for the Power Rangers.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DesignatedMonkey: This is the fate that has befallen “Power Rangers Turbo” member, Justin, in-universe! Even as an ADULT, and the CURRENT S.P.D. Blue Ranger, living in the “Power Rangers S.P.D.” time-line of 2028; the other Power Rangers STILL won't let Justin EVER forget about the fact, that HE and his FELLOW Power Rangers actually LOST to Wimpy Space Pirate, Divatox! However, “Word of God” says that Justin will not ALWAYS be the Designated Monkey, and that fate may someday fall to be shared equally with Ebony (mostly deserved), and Toby (mostly undeserved).

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/SugarWiki/HeartwarmingMoments: If the moment of BlackHawk freeing EVERYONE from the Underground (including Flowey), in “Genesis of Good, Genesis of Evil”, by following the TRUE Pacifist Route, doesn't qualify for this trope, than NOTHING does!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OneTrueThreesome: In “Where Our Demons Lie”, this is what Usagi, Kras'hir, and StarHawk, were designated to be! Only time will tell if this relationship manages to stand the test of time or not.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ShockingSwerve: If the sudden revelation that StarHawk was a LESBIAN and into three-way relationships doesn't qualify for THIS trope, than NOTHING does!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TooCoolToLive: Seems to be the fate of Ramone Fleeceley, Woolbur's older brother, during Woolbur's flash-back sequence in “Genesis of Good, Genesis of Evil.” Ramone Fleeceley was briefly shown to be a “Cool Older Brother,” who selflessly rescued Woolbur from the clutches of the EVIL Dr. Maniac; than selflessly sacrificed himself in order to let the other Rangers get out of a trap that they had all fallen INTO!!!! Also the fate of Prince Maniac, Doctor Maniac's son, who wanted to do NOTHING more than to be a great Rock Star Musician, as he was seemingly struck DOWN by Psygorn, the “Big Bad Wannabe!” However, “Word of God” says, that it might BE possible that BOTH Ramone and Prince Maniac might not BE as dead as they both APPEAR to be!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UnintentionallySympathetic: Ends up happening in-universe, to Queen Hedrian of all people! In “Genesis of Good, Genesis of Evil”, Omnus revealed that he foresaw Rito Revolto falling to his death in “The Laughter of Thirsting Gods: Part Two”, and he couldn't BEAR the thought of the same thing happening to Queen Hedrian! So he made a “Deal with the Devil” (or in this case, FOUR of them), the Four Main Chaos Gods, to SPARE Queen Hedrian's life, in exchange for EACH of the Four Main Chaos Gods getting one of the Power Rangers to 'mentor,' for their OWN nefarious purposes!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WhatDoYouMeanItWasntMadeOnDrugs: Some aspects of “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” are SO surreal (such as, six of the main Power Rangers getting pixelated forms when they traveled into the Morphing Grid in “Virtual Insanity;” the great, GRUELING ordeal that WAS the Chaos Realm in “Laughter of the Thirsting Gods: Part One”; or the animated musical sequence that happened during Woolbur Fleeceley's flash-back in “Genesis of Good, Genesis of Evil”), that some people might MISTAKENLY think that THOSE parts of the story MUST have been made on Drugs! But a confirmation from the “Word of God,” can safely say, that NO PARTS of “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”, have EVER been made on drugs of ANY kind!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HopeSpot: Happened to Woolbur Fleeceley and the other S.P.D. Power Rangers not once, but TWICE; during Woolbur Fleeceley's flash-back sequence in “Genesis of Good, Genesis of Evil”! After Woolbur and four of the S.P.D. Power Rangers escaped from the trash compactor, leaving Ramone Fleeceley who HAD to stay behind in order to free the rest of them, Bridge suggested that maybe there was still time to go back and SAVE him; only to hear the SICKENING CRUSH of the Trash Compactor, causing Woolbur Fleecely to scream out a “Big NO!!!!”, and cry his heart out! Then, when Prince Maniac offered to turn himself in, and work AGAINST his own father (who wasn't ALLOWING him to follow his own dreams, anyways), the Rangers took Prince Maniac up on his offer, only for PSYGORN to come along, and seemingly BURN Prince Maniac to death, and FRAME the Rangers for doing it, RIGHT before their very eyes! Needless to say, Woolbur Fleeceley was NOT the least bit HAPPY about this!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KatanasAreJustBetter: The whole purpose of Master Vile's PERSONAL assortment of body-guards, the five, female squadron he calls the “Mighty Morphing Katana Rangers”, revealed in “Genesis of Good, Genesis of Evil”! They don't just have LOOKS to DIE for; they could LITERALLY KILL somebody, if they ever get a good opportunity to DO so!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LetsGetOutOfHere: Justified during Woolbur Fleeceley's flash-back sequence, in “Genesis of Good, Genesis of Evil.” A trash compactor was going to come DOWN on them, and they didn't have TIME to argue about who was going to stay behind and keep the ESCAPE door open for the rest of them! Of course Woolbur Fleeceley STILL didn't want to LEAVE his older brother behind!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MyNameIsInigoMontoya: Woolbur Fleeceley has ALSO used this trope, once, during his flash-back sequence in “Genesis of Good, Genesis of Evil.” Justified, because Dr. Maniac just CALLED him a Green fleeced TWERP, trying to “Kick the Dog” while he's down, by mocking him about his older brother just seemingly died, and it's the SAME thing Dr. Maniac did to the original Yellow Ranger of the “Power Rangers Bionic Force!” But THIS pushed Woolbur's “Berserk Button,” and resulted in a moment of “The Dog Bites Back”, and Woolbur said: “I HAVE a NAME!!!! I'm WOOLBUR FLEECELEY!!!! YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!!!! PREPARE TO DIE!!!!” And in a BURST of adrenaline, he quickly and EFFORTLESSLY, cuts OFF Dr. Maniac's left arm with an “Insanely Sharp Blade!” Could also count as a “Did You Just Punch Out Cthulu?” Moment, and a “Crowning Moment of Awesome!”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThisWayToCertainDeath: In “The Laughter of the Thirsting Gods: Part One”, the entirety of the Chaos Realm was FULL of it, no matter WHICH Chaos God (save possibly, for Nurgle's), the Rangers wound up in! Justified, in that it IS the Chaos Realm, which is a “Meaningful Name,” and “Exactly What it Says on the Tin”.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TrashLanding: When designated Butt-monkey Justin TRIPPED the hidden mechanism that led the S.P.D. Power Rangers and Woolbur into a dangerous trap, during Woolbur's flash-back sequence in “Genesis of Good, Genesis of Evil”, the place that they landed just HAPPENED to be a VERY active, and very DANGEROUS Trash Compactor!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TrialOfTheMysticalJury: Justified, and subverted during StarHawk's flash-back sequence in “Genesis of Good, Genesis of Evil.” Justified in the fact that it was her sister, FireHawk, who was being put on trial for her crimes! Subverted, in the fact that FireHawk was actually EVIL and was actually GUILTY of committing all the crimes she was put on trial for!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UncertainDoom: During Woolbur Fleecele's flash-back sequence in “Genesis of Good, Genesis of Evil,” neither Woolbur Fleeceley, any of his fellow S.P.D. Power Rangers (or any of his friends WATCHING the flash-back unfold, “It Makes Sense in Context”), ever got to SEE whether or not Ramone Fleeceley ever actually WAS crushed to death by the Trash Compactor that Ramone Fleeceley was TRAPPED in, although Woolbur has assumed that Ramone probably didn't! It remains to be seen for sure!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThrowingDownTheGauntlet: Done by Queen Hedrian during both parts of the two-part “Orange Crush”. She even CALLED it by name, commanding Mirror to “Release the GAUNTLET!!!!” And Mirror released TWENTY Hedrian monsters that the Power Rangers had to ALL completely fight and destroy, along with General Shogun, in order to win the day!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ComeWithMeIfYouWantToLive: Actually mentioned by NAME, by Captain Retro, when he first introduced himself to the Power Rangers in “Land of Confusion: Part One!” Justified by the fact that the Power Rangers WERE facing their evil Dark Dimension DOUBLES, along with an even MORE Evil Dark Dimension Mirror, and they were STILL exhausted from their warm-up battle against the Dark Dimension Radiguet!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EscapeFromTheCrazyPlace: Justified in “The Laughter of the Thirsting Gods: Part One.” The Power Rangers managed to CONVINCE each of the Four Main Chaos Gods to send their legions against Emperor Diabolica's forces, but they STILL had to try to find a way OUT of the Chaos Realm, and the Chaos Gods couldn't be counted on to JUST warp them back home! So in the realm of T'zeentch, they had to use the “Shaggy Search Technique” in order to find the right way home! Eventually, they do, and manage to get back to Core Earth, just in time for the great battle against Emperor Diabolica!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TimeTravelEscape: Justified in the “Power Rangers” universe several times. Whenever the main Power Rangers of the time are sent to a time where they don't belong (with the exception of the “Power Rangers Time Force” who HAD to go back into what was the PAST from THEIR perspective), the Power Rangers would always have to find a WAY to get back to their own time! Examples include, but not necessarily limited to; “Rangers Back In Time Parts I & II”; “Return of the Green Ranger Parts I-III”; “Wild West Rangers Parts I & II”; the entirety of the “Mighty Morphing Alien Rangers” mini-arc; “A Brief Mystery of Time”; “When Time Freezes Over”; “History”; “Wormhole”; and even “Hot-Blooded” in “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” ITSELF!!!!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AttackHello: While most Monsters of the Day generally make their debut in this fashion; great examples include, but are not necessarily limited to the following examples! When Vipera made her proper introduction to Ebony in “Virtual Insanity”, by fighting her and her fellow Rangers; General Crush in “Orange Crush: Part One”; the Dark Dimension Radiguet, the Dark Dimension Rangers, and the Dark Dimension Mirror, in the two-part “Land of Confusion”; and Psygorn during Woolbur Fleeceley's flash-back sequence in “Genesis of Good, Genesis of Evil”.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BackstabBackfire: Has happened on quite a few occasions in “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”. Monster of the Day Cursed Kringle, during “The Fight Before Christmas,” managed to temporarily trap “Big Bad” Emperor Diabolica in a Snow Globe, only to be SEVERELY punished by getting KILLED by Emperor Diabolica ONCE Drako finally managed to FREE Emperor Drako! Happened to Demon King Banriki in “Weekend at Ebony's”, when he ATTEMPTED to pull a “Starscream” on Queen Hedrian, only to be THWARTED by Amazoness, and Queen Hedrian REDUCED Banriki into little more than a Hedrian Monster slave, who would do HER bidding! Jaedite didn't even get THAT far in “Cosmic Guardians: Part One”, as Ahminnan TOLD Queen Beryl about Jaedite's PLANNED betrayal on Queen Beryl's life, and Queen Beryl gave Jaedite a QUICK and MERCILESS death! Also implied to have happened to Emperess Jooza, during the flash-back sequence of 1999. She attempted to STRIP Radiguet of his powers, leaving him as little more than a mere human mortal on Earth (even though she said that it was done in the name of mercy)! “It Didn't Stick”, however; and Radiguet invoked “Disproportionate Retribution” on the life of Emperess Jooza, by mercilessly BEATING her, than KILLING her!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BattleChant: Right before General Crush goes into battle in “Orange Crush: Part One”, he would always chant: “Kill, maim, burn! Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!”, over and over! This also applies to all of the Chaos Demons living in the Chaos Realm! In fact, the Power Rangers consider it to be the “Most Annoying Sound!” Before the Power Rangers themselves, go into battle, they usually shout: “It's Morphing Time!”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BattleDiscretionShot: Occasionally happens, especially during season one of “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” which was less serious and less dark than season two. Probably the best example occurs during “Land of Confusion: Part Two”. When Dark Mirror Radiguet is reduced to little more than a head with a torso and one arm, he is “Driven to Suicide” due to the influence of the Mirror versions of the Four Main Chaos Gods INSIDE of him! And instead of Dark Mirror Radiguet's BRUTAL attack on himself being seen ON-SCREEN; the camera INSTEAD pans to the Rangers REACTIONS of seeing a SHADOW of Dark Mirror Radiguet using his ONE remaining arm to GRAB into his own head, and pull out his OWN brain!!!! Although we DO see Dark Mirror Radiguet holding his OWN brain, in his own hand, we don't actually SEE the hole in his head! It only lasts for a few seconds though, as Dark Mirror Radiguet EXPLODES shortly there after!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BehemothBattle: Most fights against monsters of the day, usually end up with the Power Rangers utilizing their Megazord, and using it against a giant-sized version of whatever monster is CURRENTLY threatening Coastal Falls, on any given occasion!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChaseFight: This has happened on a few occasions, during “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”. In “Get Your Motor Running” against Monster of the Day, Road Hog. During “The Red Flaw” mini-arc against Vipera and some illusion Monsters, as well as against a “Brainwashed and Crazy” Naruto! And against Vipera AGAIN in “Orange Crush: Part One!”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ElementalPunch: Naruto's “Fire Fox Punch” attack against Dark Mirror Radiguet in “Land of Confusion: Part One” was INTENDED to be this! However, not only did the attack end up NOT working; it also resulted in a moment, where Naruto felt like he “Broke His Arm While Trying to Punch Cthulu!” /

I think that's enough Tropes for today. After I've finished my NEXT episode, I'll think up of some more tropes, than! :D Enough said, true believers! ;)

Edited by 4EverGreen
Writing error.
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Sorry for the long delay! Here are some more writing tropes! /

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RedemptionPromotion: Happened to Rita AFTER she became the Magi Mother! In “Shock the Monkey”, When Alpha Eight scanned her energy, it registered at 180,000; which he said was ten times MORE powerful than she EVER was when she was evil! By contrast, her sister Queen Hedrian (who STILL considers HERSELF evil DESPITE being heavily out-classed by Queen Beryl), only registers to a power level of 16,660; which she TOTALLY doesn't believe!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FetishRetardant: Whenever characters are FORCED to have sex together, or, just as equally bad in its own way, ACTUALLY related by blood like StarHawk and Firehawk are, it is ALWAYS this example! Also overlaps with http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NauseaFuel!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IAmNotShazam: This should be a FAIRLY obvious example, but despite having the heroic title of “Sailor Moon,” the heroine actually HAS a real name! Usagi is the REAL name of the heroine, Sailor Moon!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThatOneRule: From the perspectives of StarHawk and FireHawk, the ONE rule that's harder for them to understand (and follow), is the rule that siblings are NOT supposed to marry (or make intimate love), with each other on Core Earth, no matter WHAT their Hawkian (alien) custom traditions happen to be!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BreadEggsMilkSquick: Often the talking habit of FireHawk, and to a lesser degree, StarHawk. They will often talk to each other, or to other characters, and they will make what is to THEM, a casual remark about them having LOVE with each other, often dropped into a conversation that was TOTALLY unrelated to that! More often, the main villains will often dive into this territory; talking about their plans of BRUTAL conquest, dropped into a series of items that are far LESS squeamish!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DrivesLikeCrazy: Once done on purpose by Toby in "Get Your Motor Running." Granted, he was trying (in futility) to outrace the fancy hover bike owned by Bash and Smash on his ordinary bicycle. Needless to say, it didn't end well. And once done accidentally by Coop in “Baby, Be Mine”. Because he was only thirteen and obviously didn't and COULDN'T have a driver's license yet, he decided to use a magic spell to ride on BlackHawk's Vespa to where BlackHawk and all the Power Rangers were meeting. For Coop, he arrived at his destination safely. But because Coop was invisible at the time (“It Makes Sense, in Context”), people who saw it FREAKED out, and Coop immediately realized that he, “Did Not Think This Through”, but decided to file it away for FUTURE reference, because he felt like he needed to find out that BlackHawk and his friends, were indeed, Power Rangers!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EscapeArtist: Woolbur Fleeceley can be considered this after he “Took a Level in Awesome!” In “Genesis of Good, Genesis of Evil”; NONE of the S.P.D. Power Rangers OR Woolbur could escape from one of Doctor Maniac's death traps WITHOUT one of them PRESUMABLY having to sacrifice himself! Fast-forward to later in his life, in “Shock the Monkey,” where Woolbur Fleeceley managed to use his OWN natural strength to BREAK out of his rope bonds EASILY, proving that he was http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CapturedOnPurpose in an effort to get Doctor Maniac to divulge some USEFUL secrets to him!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/YouAreBetterThanYouThinkYouAre: Often said to Usagi. Despite all her accomplishments as Sailor Moon and as a Power Ranger, Usagi STILL only sees herself as an ordinary teenage girl just trying to do the right thing. So when she doubts her own self-worth, someone (usually Omnus or Kras'hir); tells her that she's a LOT more capable than she THINKS she is, and it SNAPS her out of her self-doubt! Ramone Fleeceley also said self-motivating positive affirmations to his younger brother Woolbur Fleeceley. Sadly, it was shortly before Ramone Fleeceley was SEEMINGLY killed by Dr. Maniac's evil trap!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AdvantageBall: Most of the time, the Power Rangers hold the Advantage Ball in fights, simply by the virtue that they are the GOOD guys who are TRYING to beat the bad guys! But a couple of times, it was a LITTLE more complicated than that! In “The Red Flaw” mini-arc, the Power Rangers could not over-power a “Brainwashed and Crazy” Naruto, even WITH the help of BlackHawk; until Naruto was able to unleash his secret Ninetales Battlizer mode (with the “Power of Love”), and was able to defeat the demon that had hijacked his body! Also, in “Orange Crush: Part One”, nobody could even SCRATCH General Crush, until BlackHawk FINALLY unlocked the true potential of the Orange Ruby, becoming the Orange Spinosaurus Ranger, and was able to utilize his FULL powers against General Crush, by sending him BACK to the Chaos Realm! Finally, it's a guarantee that if you PRESS Usagi's “Berserker Button” by FORCING her to do something she DOESN'T want to do, or by threatening to HURT adoptive daughter Sally Anne (“Would Hurt a Child”), the Advantage Ball will ALWAYS (so far) be held by Usagi!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ArtisticLicenseMartialArts: The Power Rangers often invoke this trope. It's justified for the bad guys, who are evil space aliens or mutated beasts, who can use, and/or have been genetically altered to use super-natural martial arts with ease. Justified with BlackHawk, StarHawk, and FireHawk as they are Hawkians, who can LEARN super-natural martial arts through extreme training and diligence! And since Naruto and Usagi use super-natural martial art techniques in their respective cartoons, it makes sense that they can use THOSE moves in this series as well!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BlockingStopsAllDamage: Not so much as even NEEDING to block, as in “Orange Crush: Part One,” General Crush was SO impervious to attacks, he didn't even NEED to block in order to stop any damage. And even though Undyne could PHYSICALLY hurt him, he just HEALED his damage! But when BlackHawk finally transformed into the Orange Spinosaurus Ranger for the first time, and COULD hurt General Crush, BlackHawk didn't even GIVE General Crush a CHANCE to block, and just kicked his butt! Later played straight, and than subverted, in “Land of Confusion: Part One.” When the Power Rangers fought the Mirror Radiguet, he was able to BLOCK most of their attacks, and when he did, he NULLIFIED all the damage! But when the Power Rangers started to COMBINE their individual attacks, such as Naruto and Usagi combining their fire sword and wind staff attacks, Radiguet STILL blocked their attack, but he yelled that it STILL actually hurt him!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IKnowYoureInThereSomewhereFight: This was the whole basis of “The Red Flaw” mini-arc. Naruto became a “Brainwashed and Crazy” warrior thanks to Emperor Diabolica; and the Rangers (with BlackHawk), were forced to fight against Naruto, while trying to REMIND Naruto of who he truly was! They were eventually able to succeed through “The Power of Love.”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OneHitKill: The Multi-Megazord, and Cosmic Multi-Megazord attack with the Power Sword, is usually enough to finish off ANY giant monster in one blow! But when an enemy is actually STRONG Enough to “No-Sell” the technique, the Power Rangers resort to the Ultrazord (“Taken to Eleven”), in order to finish the job!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SpeedBlitz: The first example of a fighter being a “Lightning Bruiser”, is General Crush in “Orange Crush: Part One”. He was able to move SO fast, that NOBODY (save for BlackHawk), could even SEE him move! It was only when BlackHawk transformed into the Orange Spinosaurus Power Ranger for the first time, that BlackHawk could actually SURPASS General Crush in speed, and therefore, be able to BEAT him!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SpinToDeflectStuff: This is how the Ankylo Shield technique was used for the Original Multi-Megazord. By utilizing this protective shield technique, they could DEFLECT any blow that was intended to KNOCK them back!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ToWinWithoutFighting: In “Genesis of Good, Genesis of Evil”, BlackHawk revealed that THIS was how he managed to FREE everyone who was trapped in the underground! Seeing as how the whole POINT of “Undertale” (at least, IF you're going to do the TRUE Pacifist Run), is to NOT fight any of the beings you encounter there, it makes sense that this is how BlackHawk was able to ESCAPE from the Underground!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OpenSaysMe: Played for laughs in “Shock the Monkey”. BlackHawk was trying to guess the secret pass code number to enter into Doctor Maniac's secret forest base, only to fail each time he tried! When Lettuce was seemingly NOT helping, by making an ANNOYING buzzer sound every time BlackHawk failed to open the door, BlackHawk quipped that Lettuce COULDN'T do any better!! But Lettuce simply grabbed OUT his Power weapon, a powerful hammer, and Lettuce simply broke DOWN the door, much to BlackHawk's frustration!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PrisonEpisode: A good chunk of “Shock the Monkey” was this, as when Woolbur and D.O.G., got captured by Dr. Maniac's evil forces, they were forced to spend a good portion of the episode TRAPPED in Dr. Maniac's sinister jail cells, along with several of the main characters of “Camp Lazlo!”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeadlyEnvironmentPrison: Naturally, Dr. Maniac's secret hidden prision in “Shock the Monkey” was this. While the jail cells themselves weren't too bad, they were being GUARDED by several of Dr. Maniac's sinister goons! And even worse, the prison had a testing lab, were Dr. Maniac and his goons would conduct evil, diabolical experiments on the main characters of “Camp Lazlo,” all “For the Science!!!!”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AbortedArc: In season two of the series “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”; the main reason StarHawk was introduced in “Baby, Be Mine” was to set up an entire sub-plot of BlackHawk and StarHawk falling in love with each other during the season! But no sooner was this idea set up, was it completely taken down!! The arc was aborted when StarHawk was revealed to be a lesbian lover; first with Usagi and Kras'hir, and then with her OWN sister! And yes; it IS as BAD as it sounds!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AdaptationNameChange: Although D.O.G., and General Shogun do INDEED come from “Super Sentai Denziman” originally, they had different NAMES in their original series. D.O.G., was called I.C., for “Intelligent Canine,” and General Shogun had a DIFFICULT to pronounce and spell Japanese name! Also, from “Super Sentai Bioman”, Dr. Maniac and Prince Maniac, were originally just called Dr. Man and Prince respectively, while Bio Gorilla just went by the name of Monster. In each of the name changes, the names were changed in order to be easier to be remembered, and be more unique for the American viewer/reader!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/QuirkyGood: Pinkie Pie, Sans, Papyrus, D.O.G., Captain Retro, Alphys, and StarHawk, can all be considered this trope, for their own unique view-points on life. However, it has been shown on at least one occasion, in “Shock the Monkey”, that Captain Retro can completely DROP his quirky attitude when he needs to, and get QUITE serious! When he does, it's an alert to EVERYONE that “OoC (Out of Character) is Serious Business!”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ReformedButNotTamed: This is the situation that the Power Rangers currently find themselves in, with Kras'hir, Queen Hedrian, and FireHawk, all for different reasons. Although Kras'hir is firmly on the side of the Power Rangers, due to her Chaos Demon nature, she STILL has to go out and technically KILL humans (although thankfully, she has DECIDED to only kill the BAD ones), so that she doesn't go berserk and INSANE at an inconvenient moment! Queen Hedrian, having lost TWO husbands (one to death, and one to abandonment), her ENTIRE army of loyal monsters, and having nowhere else she can go, has decided to seek refuge with Omnus, and become an “Aloof Ally” to the Power Rangers. But for good reasons, the Power Rangers STILL don't completely trust her yet! And while FireHawk unleashed the deadly Necrons on Planet Hawkia in the past, becoming banished from Planet Hawkia as a result, she is apparently no longer evil as she used to be, as she has so far kept her word that she would NOT harm her younger sister, StarHawk, and she HAS managed to get rid of Usagi's connection to Khorne, ridding Usagi of her blood-lust instinct. However, there is a very good chance, that FireHawk has some ULTERIOR motives in mind!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RoyalsWhoActuallyDoSomething: Queen Hedrian, Demon King Banriki, Emperor Diabolica, and Queen Beryl, ALL fit this trope! Demon King Banriki actually FOUGHT against the Power Rangers! Queen Hedrian was very hands on, in attempting to cast spells and create monster for the Power Rangers to fight against! Emperor Diabolica personally created some monsters, and attempted to fight the Power Rangers, before being whisked away to the Chaos Realm, and Queen Beryl actually KILLED her traitorous servant, Jaedite! Prince Maniac doesn't count, because despite actually doing something, Prince Maniac is his ACTUAL name, and not a title!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SadisticChoice: It's a well-established rule in “Power Rangers Multi-verse Force”, that you NEVER want to run into Radiguet! And if you DO run into Radiguet, you NEVER want to fight him! And if you DO fight Radiguet, you never, ever, EVER want to MAKE Radiguet MAD, or you will DIE by the hands of Radiguet! And when Radiguet decides that he wants to KILL somebody, he will ALWAYS choose to do it; in the most SADISTIC of ways currently available to him! If you're lucky, he'll just kill you QUICKLY and effortlessly! If you're unlucky, he WILL draw out your TORTURE and pain for as LONG as it amuses his twisted sense of enjoyment!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ShutUpHannibal: According to BlackHawk, this is Captain Retro's go-to phrase for dealing with bad guys who are trying to TALK to you in your mind, using telepathy! BlackHawk himself, has utilized this technique TWICE! First, against Chara, in “Genesis of Good, Genesis of Evil”, and he revealed that he also did it against Khorne SOMETIME before “The Laughter of the Thirsting Gods: Part One”, since BlackHawk was actually Khorne's FIRST choice for a loyal servant, NOT Usagi!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheSmartGuy: It's a given, that in any team of Power Rangers, no matter how big or small, they will always have at LEAST one smart guy to fall back on, for any special ideas on how to deal with a bad guy. The Mighty Morphing Power Rangers had Billy and Zordon; the Lost Galaxy Power Rangers had Kai; the Power Rangers Time Force had Trip; the Power Rangers Dino Thunder had Ethan and Tommy; the Power Rangers S.P.D., had Bridge and Kruger; and the Power Rangers Jungle Fury had R.J.! The Power Rangers Multi-verse Force themselves, have Toby, Lettuce, and Omnus.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SpecialAttack: Both the bad guys, and the Power Rangers, will often utilize techniques that utilize some form of energy, during a fight. And if a technique is combined with another one, it will always be more affective (and more effective), than either technique would be alone!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StandardSuperheroSuits: All Power Ranger teams have their own unique, individual set of Power Suits to protect them from attacks, with the rule that the sixth Rangers and Battlelizers, are usually better at protecting and attacking than the normal Power Ranger suits are!

tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SamusIsAGirl: The whole point of re-introducing the Phantom Ranger into “Power Rangers Multi-verse Force,” was to solve the MYSTERY of who the Phantom Ranger was! In this continuity, the Phantom Ranger IS a GIRL!!!! Specifically, StarHawk from the planet Hawkia! /

That's enough for today! :D Enough said! ;)

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I'm going to contribute a small list of tropes, though they aren't too many:

Batman Gambit: What kicks off "The Red Flaw" arc from season 1. Diabolica uses the same MOTW tactic (see Strictly Formula below) as a distraction so that his real plan to transform Naruto into the Blood Ranger can be put into motion.

Breather Episode: As a general rule, 4EverGreen's season 2 episodes tend to act as this (especially to more intense episodes such as Germany Rising), though they aren't devoid of plot and character development.

Cerebus Syndrome: Gradually underwent this; the series started out as an homage to early Power Rangers and was lighthearted, goofy, and generally episodic, with a set formula. At around the Red Flaw arc, the first seeds of the Cerebus Syndrome were planted: it was the first "serious" arc of the series, generally dropping the MOTW element, and focusing more on the characters, as well as introducing the Chaos Gods and their connections to the Ranger powers. Afterwards, the series returned to formula, though the stakes grew higher and higher until the season 1 finale, which set the tone for the next season. Despite this, the series still alternates between darker, character-driven episodes (written by Renegade and Greyknight) and more action-adventure episodes (written by 4EverGreen); it also keeps its sense of humor, unlike a good amount of other works that went through a similar process.

Canon Welding: As a Massive Multiplayer Crossover, PR: MVF does quite a bit of it. There are fat too many examples to list.

Darker and Edgier: Season 2 compared to Season 1, as seen under Cerebus Syndrome. In fairness, the latter was not without its darker moments.

Early Installment WeirdnessYes. Among other things, the series was very blatant in its MMPR homages (until it found its footing with "The Red Flaw" arc in Season 1), Vipera spoke in Ssssnake Talk for the first few episodes, the Chaos Gods weren't a part of the series' lore yet (and the Forces of Chaos were simply the "Make My Monster Grow" method), and Core Earth actually being a technically post-apocalyptic Terra was not mentioned nor implied until the end of the first season.

Strictly Formula: A majority of season 1 was this, as follows: Rangers do something (usually presenting a problem of the week), villains create a monster, cue alert from Omnus and Alpha, morph, fight cannon fodder, fight monster, cue Power Blaster Cannon and first monster defeat, Make My Monster Grow, summon Zords, battle monster, cue second monster defeat, villains throw fit over being defeated, Rangers return to whatever they were doing, the problem of the week finally solved. The series does return to formula from time to time in season 2, usually in episodes written by 4EverGreen.

Whole Plot Reference: Believe it or not, "The Laughter of Thirsting Gods: Part I" was this to Dante's Inferno, with Kras'hir in Virgil's role as a guide, the Rangers in Dante's role as the traveler(s), and the Warp/Chaos Realm acting as the Circles of Hell. In another example, a few of PR: MVF's early episodes were these to several MMPR episodes (see Early Installment Weirdness).

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Some more tropes for you:

Bittersweet Ending/Downer Ending: A good amount of the episodes in season 2 tend to have these endings (mostly bittersweet, but downer endings have happened before), in contrast of the more idealistic and victorious endings of season 1.

Black and Gray Morality: The Rangers, starting in season 2, have done more morally questionable things to battle their foes, who are truly monstrous beings (especially the Nazis).

Black and White Morality: Compare this to season 1, which operated on a strictly black-and-white basis of morality (Rangers = good, Diabolica = evil).

Cowboy Episode: "Heroes and Villains" was this, as well as a Whole Episode Flashback for Blackhawk and a Genre Deconstruction of the spaghetti western.

Eldritch Abomination: Prominent examples include the Chaos Gods and the Crimson King (who, in a bit of trivia, is one of only two beings Radiguet truly fears; the other is the God-Emperor of Mankind).

Heroes With Bad Publicity: The Rangers are this in the eyes of Coastal Falls' inhabitants. To them, they are child soldiers who the Federation basically gives free employment rather than deal with threats via military intervention. They also view the Rangers as "heroes" who don't care about anything else except for battling monsters. Some of the Rangers' actions


(such as being unable to prevent a fair amount of Coastal Falls from being destroyed in a nuclear explosion in "Fear No Evil", which in fairness they could do nothing about and even then it was the only viable option left given the circumstances)

have done nothing to help.

Monster of the Week: It's Power Rangers. What did you expect? Though it isn't as prevalent in season 2 due to Greyknight joining Renegade and 4EverGreen (and therefore bringing a longer, more dramatic and character-based writing style with him), MOTWs are still present in the series.

Really 700 Years Old: Blackhawk might be this due to the space-time continuum on All-World, his place of birth, slowly breaking down.

Those Wacky Nazis: A faction of Nazis from an alternate universe where the Reich won World War II, gained control of the world, and have highly advanced technology (up to an including immortality inducers) target Core Earth starting in "Germany Rising". Though for now, they are merely observing and awaiting a perfect opportunity to invade.

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Sorry for my LONG delay in submitting some more tropes, but I finally have some more for you! I'm dreadfully sorry, but for some reason, my word program wouldn't allow me to copy the descriptions as long as they were hyperlinked, so I had to turn them into plain text. You can still find them in TV Tropes, though. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did researching them! /

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AbusiveParents: This is implied to have happened to Abby Mallard Little (BlackHawk's mother) when she was young. She was emotionally abused by her parents at the age of six, just because she looked ugly, and not pretty. This is her major Freudian Excuse for behaving the way she does, as she wants her two sons to experience all the winning and glory that she never got to experience.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BigNo: More examples include in “Land of Confusion: Part II”, Radiguet screamed out a big NO when he found out that Mirror Lettuce had been freed from being Brainwashed and Crazy! A more dramatic example includes “Follow You, Follow Me,” when Queen Hedrian found out from Omnus that Radiguet had (until Omnus mentally confronted Radiguet) consistently MIND RAPED Queen Hedrian, in the most SADISTIC matter possible!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BigShutUp: Whenever somebody annoys him, Doctor Maniac will always say one of these to the evil creature and/or creatures irritating him, followed by his trademark phrase: “Don't MAKE me turn you into Mulan Szechuan McNugget Sauce!”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BluntYes: Has been used on at least two occasions in “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” so far. Once by Pinkie Pie, when Lettuce asked her if they were actually facing the commonly used, “Find an abandoned baby somewhere and have to take care of it until it's real parent/s come back for it” plot; and when Usagi asked Sans if she was facing the commonly used, “I saved your life, so now you're going to follow me annoyingly around until you pay me back” plot. In both cases, the character being asked it, replies with a blunt: “It is.” Then they turn around to face the Fourth Wall (the audience), and say: “Sorry, but we HAD to get around to doing it sooner or later!”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KirkSummation: Done by D.O.G., to Queen Hedrian in “Life is a Beach”; and one of Sans' trademarks is to say: “If you continue going on the way you are now, you're going to have a bad time” (which, if you have PLAYED or attempted to play a True Genocide Route or abort it right after he first says it in the game “Undertale”, than that phrase takes on a MUCH darker meaning). Also done by Captain Retro to Radiguet in “Vision Quest Part I: Head Games”. Of course, Radiguet refused to listen to it, which Captain Retro admitted that he FIGURED Radiguet wouldn't listen, but he had to TRY it anyways!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KnightOfCerebus: The Brainwashed and Crazy Naruto, seen in “The Red Flaw” mini-arc, was the first sign that “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” was no longer going to be a purely comedic/action based monster of the week series, but a particular note is when General Crush was introduced, who was the first NON brainwashed adversary the Rangers had to face, who posed a genuine threat! But the biggest culprit for being a Knight of Cerebus, is ARGUABLY Radiguet! Even BEFORE he properly faces the Rangers, it is CLEAR that anyone who even KNOWS of him, FEARS him! And the fear proves to be not unfounded, as in his first proper appearance in the “Land of Confusion” two-part special, he manages to EASILY hold his own against seven morphed Rangers, and manages to survive TWO “No One Should Survive That” attacks, that would have worked against any other regular opponent the Power Rangers could meet!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PromotionToParent: (Have I REALLY not put this down sooner?!) More like Promotion to Co-Parent, but it still counts. With the location of BlackHawk's dad, Ace Little unknown (later revealed to be dead), BlackHawk was kind of forced to become a co-parent with his mother, to his younger brother Coop.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PsychicDreamsForEveryone: In “Vision Quest Part I: Head Games”, this initially only happened to BlackHawk and Captain Retro, where they both shared the same dream and/or vision about Ace being brought back to life. Later, Alma took all the Power Rangers, StarHawk, FireHawk, Kras'hir, and Captain Retro into a mental realm, where they could all see the same visions at the same time!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SarcasticClapping: Done several times throughout the series, usually by a villain, and ALWAYS when something that someone else (usually by a good guy) said, doesn't IMPRESS them!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeliveryStork: Not only was this trope subverted, it was also given a big “Take That!”, in “Vision Quest Part I: Head Games”. During the Denial Vision, Pinkie Pie said out LOUD, that she HONESTLY thought that the way she was born, was that a Magical Stork from Canterlot brought her as a baby, to her mother and father. Ebony than SLAPPED her in the face, and YELLED the blunt truth into her ears! The reason it's a big “Take That”, is because Pinkie said her statement out loud, and unintentionally proved just how patently RIDICULOUS the concept actually is, especially when somebody actually says it out loud for everyone to hear!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WeUsedToBeFriends: Hinted at in “Origins”, when Omnus mentioned that he and Emperor Diabolica USED to be friends, back when Diabolica was a Red Ranger. But that changed, once Diabolica did his “Face-Heel Turn”. Seen in better detail in “Shock the Monkey”, when Lazlo is emotionally SHOCKED that Raj no longer THINKS of Lazlo as a friend. It's a result from a “Noodle Incident” that happened when they were younger at Camp Kidney, where they ended up kissing each other. Raj fell in love with Lazlo, but Lazlo did NOT return the same love to Raj, driving Raj to anger and jealousy! Sadly, before they had a chance to try to make up, Psygorn mutated Raj into a monster, forcing the Rangers to destroy him (and Raj briefly managed to TELL them to save him by destroying him), therefore, making it a case of “Death Equals Redemption” for Raj.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IncestIsRelative: Seeing as this is the relationship that is happening between StarHawk and FireHawk, this one is kind of obvious.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BestialityIsDepraved: Word of God is, that the romantic relationship between BlackHawk and D.O.G (who was still an ordinary canine at the time)., was originally supposed to start back in “Baby, Be Mine.” However, this was nixed because the authors of “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” thought that would be a bridge too far. It was pushed back to AFTER D.O.G., had become anthropomorphic, in “Vision Quest Part I: Head Games”, in order to make the relationship be more palatable for general audiences.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AllGaysArePromiscuous: Mostly subverted and averted in “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”. Billy and Rocky are loyal to each other, Alphys and Undyne are loyal to each other, and StarHawk and FireHawk are loyal to each other. However, Kras'hir and Undyne HAVE had moments where they loved MORE than just each other.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ClosetKey: Unintentionally done by D.O.G., to BlackHawk in “Vision Quest Part I: Head Games”. When the anthropomorphic D.O.G., revealed that he truly loved BlackHawk, BlackHawk realized that he loved D.O.G., as well, and was actually, bi-sexual.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FakeRelationship: As far as EVERYONE who ISN'T StarHawk and FireHawk are concerned, FireHawk's relationship with StarHawk is THIS, personified! Of course, with FireHawk being who she is, it is currently unknown at this time whether she will fully confirm this or not. And while Radiguet is TECHNICALLY in a marriage with Maria with a SON named Tranza; because Radiguet has brainwashed Maria and doesn't even REALLY love her, it still counts as this trope, as well.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FalseSoulmate: Poor BlackHawk. This has happened to him not once, not twice, not even THRICE! It has happened to him at LEAST five times! Once when he was a Gunslinger (revealed via flash-back), once in “Life is a Beach” with Viola/Vipera, once in “The Laughter of the Thirsting Gods: Part II” with Ebony, once in “Where My Demons Hide” with StarHawk, once AGAIN with Ebony (and depending on whether you count it as a joint or a separate relationship), once with Toby. Of course, Ebony herself is no slouch in this department, having fallen out of love with Draco Malfoy, BlackHawk twice, and an unconfirmed number of people that she slept with while she was at Hogwarts.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FreeLoveFuture: This is basically the philosophy that Lazlo and some of his friends from Camp Kidney follow. They are all romantically involved with each other, yet they aren't in any real committed marriage relationships with any of each other (with the exception of Samson and Almondine). However, since it's only THEM who practice this belief, it's more like a, Selective Free Love Future.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GiveGeeksAChance: This was basically Ebony's attitude towards Toby, after falling out of love with BlackHawk. Because of this, Ebony and Toby are pretty much a canon relationship couple within this series by now!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LaughOfLove: Pinkie Pie often does this whenever in the presence of Lettuce. Even better, Lettuce actually TRIES to be funny, because he KNOWS that Pinkie loves to laugh, and she loves it whenever he makes her laugh!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LoveConfession and http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LoveEpiphany: Has happened on several occasions in “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”. Most recently, in “Vision Quest Part I: Head Games”, with the anthropomorphic D.O.G., admitting he loved BlackHawk, and BlackHawk realizing he loved the anthropomorphic D.O.G., back.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LoveFloats: Happened to Smash Swallow in “All is Fair, or Not!”, when he realized he loved the Pink Ranger (who unbeknownst to him, is ALSO Pinkie Pie, his PREVIOUS crush!) Also happened to BlackHawk in “Life is a Beach!”, when he thought he was in love with Viola/Vipera! Justified in both cases, as both Smash Swallow and BlackHawk are bird creatures, and can fly!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LoveIsAWeakness: Doctor Maniac and Radiguet both feel this way in regards to their views on what they want to achieve. Doctor Maniac actually HAS a “Freudian Excuse” in the fact that his son, Prince Maniac died, and he wants to enact “Disproportionate Retribution” by getting RID of all organic life forms on Core Earth, and loving something would get in the way of that; Radiguet doesn't even USE the potential Freudian Excuse of his Mother trying to murder him to excuse HIS behavior! The only reason he married Maria and had a SON with her, was so that everyone ELSE in the universe would STOP calling Radiguet “GAY,” (which is actually for the best, since that's ACTUALLY one of Radiguet's many “Berserk Buttons” to beware of!)

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LoveRedeems: Happened to Queen Hedrian, of all people! Despite having already married twice, once to Demon King Banriki, and once to Emperor Diabolica, she revealed that she didn't truly love EITHER of those men! But when she sought refuge with Omnus, he revealed he truly loved her, it slowly began to CHANGE her attitudes towards the Power Rangers and Core Earth as well. It wasn't until a horrific event in “Follow You, Follow Me,” after Omnus revealed that Radiguet had been MIND Raping her without her even realizing it, that Queen Hedrian FINALLY had her “Heel Realization”, and finally completed her “Heel-Face Turn” to be on the side of good!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheMatchmaker: Abby Mallard Little once TRIED to be this between BlackHawk and StarHawk, in trying to hook them up together, in order to make BlackHawk “A Winner.” To make a “Dramatic Understatement”, it did NOT end well!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MuggleMageRomance: This is technically the relationship status between Ebony and Toby, even though Ebony's professionalism at magic (or rather, lack thereof), would make her more of an “Inept Mage” than an actual witch, while Toby certainly can't be called normal; besides being a Power Ranger, he is also an accomplished Pokemon trainer, who knows at LEAST four whole generations (the first four) of Pokemon that can be caught!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TastesLikeDiabetes: According to Abby Mallard Little in “Shock the Monkey!”, this is what Pinkie's and Lettuce's relationship together, feels like to HER!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AkashicRecords: According to Captain Retro, in “Vision Quest Part I: Head Games”, the Dog Guardian Clifford (though Captain Retro mentions other alias' he has gone by) is a living version of this! He has seen all that has been, and all that will be! Of course, to be fair about the whole thing, Clifford can only preserve the balance of life between good and evil, and cannot actively choose sides, which is why he needs someone like Captain Retro to do the ground work for him.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AlienInvasion: Most seasons of “Power Rangers”, and “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” itself, wouldn't even be POSSIBLE without the usage of this trope! Examples include “Mighty Morphing Power Rangers” (all three seasons), “Power Rangers Turbo”, “Power Rangers in Space”, “Power Rangers Lost Galaxy”, “Power Rangers S.P.D.”, “Power Rangers Megaforce”, and “Power Rangers Super Mega Force”. “Power Rangers Zeo” doesn't count because the invaders were sentient machines, and not aliens. “Power Rangers Time Force” doesn't count because they were mutants from the future.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Shapeshifting: Keller, Mirror, and Vipera, have all been capable of this to some degree. Keller could change into a shield, Mirror could change into a mirror (“Meaningful name”), and Vipera could change into both a viper (a type of snake), and a normal-looking human. Radiguet has so far, shown to be capable of being able to shape-shift into a DRAGON!!!!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Teleportation: The main form of travel in all three seasons of “Mighty Morphing Power Rangers”, “Power Rangers Zeo”, and “Power Rangers Turbo”. Phased out during and after “Power Rangers in Space”, but brought back (in certain circumstances), in “Power Rangers Dino Thunder”, and fully utilized in “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AliensSpeakingEnglish: For the most part, this is the rule that ALL aliens follow, in any given season of “Power Rangers”, and “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”. Of course, there are “Exceptions to the Rule”. Namely, native Hawkians who have NOT learned English, tend to speak in a series of screeches and cries! Emperor Diabolica also sometimes speaks Tauran, but usually only when he's reciting a magic spell.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AllMythsAreTrue: Given the nature of “Power Rangers” and “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”, it's possible for any and ALL myths to be the truth! Of course, various seasons of the “Power Rangers” will vary as to which myths are true.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AlternateRealityEpisode: This is what the “Land of Confusion” two-part episode was about, and any episode in season two of “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”, involving the Nazi Realm Dimension. In the former, the Power Rangers visited a mirror dimension where Radiguet SUCCEEDED in draining the power of the Chaos Gods, and made THAT dimension's version of the Power Rangers, “Brainwashed and Crazy”! In the latter, the Nazi Realm Dimension is “Exactly What it Says on the Tin”, and it showcases an Alternate Earth where the Nazi's and the Axis Nations won World War II.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CasualInterstellarTravel: Conquering planets and galaxies are no problems for a good number of evil villains, that threaten Earth in various seasons of the “Power Rangers”, and “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” itself!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DescriptivelyNamedSpecies: This is the case for the Aquatarians, the Hawkians, and the Woolians. Woolbur Fleeceley even makes a “Lampshade Hanging” about how his species are named SPECIFICALLY for the fact that they are covered in wool like a sheep, noting that the name existed LONG before HE ever came about! /

That's it for my trope selections this time! Enough said, true believers!

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Since I LITERALLY have nothing better to do with my time, I decided to research more tropes that have been used on "Power Rangers Multiverse Force", before I begin writing my next new episode of it! I hope you enjoy reading them, as much as I did writing them! /

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WouldHurtAChild: Vipera and Galaxy Lightning chillingly revealed that they WOULD hurt a child...or at the very least, they COULD if they really wanted to! One time, they kidnapped Sally Anne with the hopes that they could lure the Power Rangers into a trap! Although they never actually HURT her, it has to do more with the fact that Usagi never gave them a CHANCE to attempt to hurt Sally Anne!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WouldHitAGirl: Just because Vipera, Galaxy Lightning, the Zero Girls, and many other one time villains were female, that never stopped the Power Rangers from fighting them. Of course, it's justified in the fact that those characters are genuinely evil, and by extension, are kind of giving OTHER females, especially the female Power Rangers, a less than positive image as a gender!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WhatTheHellHero: Deliberately invoked and mentioned by Captain Retro to BlackHawk in “Vision Quest Part I: Head Games.” Captain Retro was referencing the past action the Power Rangers did, in their attempts to try to stop the psychic girl Alma, from escaping out into the world! The Power Rangers resorted to trying to NUKE her; but when it didn't work and instead only RUINED most of Coastal Falls, Captain Retro was NOT at all impressed when he confronted BlackHawk about it!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WellIntentionedExtremist: Dark Fuhrer Saturn considers himself this. He wants to create an 'idealized world', for the 'Aryan Master Race'. And if he has to exterminate a BUNCH of different ethnic groups in order to do it, than as far as he is concerned, the ends will justify the means.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WasTooHardOnHim: In retrospect, Abby Mallard Little considers her past treatment to her husband Ace, this. She berated and yelled at him for losing a karate championship, and was subsequently divorced from him! After Ace died, Abby concealed her true feelings, by trying to retreat into her shell of being obsessed with winning, propping up BlackHawk, and to a lesser extent, Coop, as substitutes for her lost husband. Of course, now that Ace has been brought back to life, there's a chance that Abby might be able to ask Ace for forgiveness.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/VillainousBSOD: Queen Hedrian suffered this, upon finding out that Radiguet had been mind-raping her without her knowledge, in the episode “Follow You, Follow Me.”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheUnapologetic: Greater Scope Villain Radiguet, is infamously this! He NEVER apologizes, he NEVER thinks that anything he does is wrong or punishable, he NEVER feels remorse, and he NEVER says that he's sorry!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TearsOfRemorse: Queen Hedrian shed these in “Follow You, Follow Me”, after making her “Heel Realization,” on how horrible she had been in the past, towards Omnus and the Power Rangers who had fought against her.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MoralityKitchenSink: With the Guardians, the Chaos Gods, Radiguet, Queen Beryl, Omnus, Doctor Maniac, Captain Retro, Queen Hedrian, the Magi-Mother, Vipera, Emperor Diabolica, Dark Fuhrer Saturn, Kras'hir, and the Power Rangers themselves; “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” has a big case of THIS trope, in spades!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SensitivityTraining: Omnus is currently teaching the reformed Queen Hedrian this, to use her powers for good instead of evil, and also teaching her to have more empathy towards others and their problems.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SelfDisposingVillain: Unintentionally, this ended up happening to Mirror Radiguet in “Land of Confusion: Part II.” When he was reduced to just a torso with an arm and a head, the Chaos Gods he had absorbed, drove Radiguet to SUICIDE, and Mirror Radiguet ended offing himself off, just to get the Chaos Gods to FINALLY shut up!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ScrewTheRulesIMakeThem: Greater Scope Villain Radiguet, has no sense of morals, and no sense of fair play. And if he ever DOES set up an arbitrary set of rules for the Power Rangers, you can DEFINITELY expect that he will BREAK his own rules, “For the Evulz,” and because, It Amuses Him” to do this!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ScrewTheMoneyIHaveRules: This is one of Captain Retro's operating principles! No matter what type of bribery or temptation that evil might try to bribe him with, he will NEVER betray his core set of principles, of doing the right thing for justice and good!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SafeSaneAndConsensual: While BlackHawk does have strong sexual urges towards others he is attracted to, he only feels comfortable in doing something with someone else, as long as that person or character consents and is comfortable to doing the activity with him!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RedemptionFailure: Sadly, has happened to the Zero Girls, and it wasn't even THEIR fault! After betraying Vipera and trying to achieve normal lives, Vipera returned with a sinister Psycho serum in “Vision Quest Part I: Head Games”, in order to BRAINWASH the Zero Girls into becoming EVIL again! And now, they are the Super Psycho Zero Girls! This can NOT end well!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OrderVersusChaos: One of the core concepts of “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”, is that it's a story of Order (the Guardians, Omnus, and the Power Rangers), fighting against the forces of Chaos (Radiguet, Queen Beryl, and the Chaos Gods).

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NotEvenHuman: Justified for most teams of the Power Rangers; as in many cases, the Power Rangers have to fight off space aliens, sentient machines, demons, mutants, Orgs, the Rinshi, the Moogers, Imps, and MechaClones.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NeverHurtAnInnocent: Another one of Captain Retro's core principles, is that he will not allow harm to fall upon anyone innocent, or hurt them in any way.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheNeedsOfTheMany: This is the reason why Ramone Fleeceley sacrificed himself during Woolbur Fleeceley's flashback sequence in “Genesis of Good, Genesis of Evil.” Ramone felt like the lives of his younger brother and his fellow Rangers, were more important than his own.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MoralityBallad: This is the purpose of a good number of songs that are played in “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”. A good number of times, they are used and utilized to explain any given moral concept that happens within any given episode.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MiseryBuildsCharacter: While probably NONE of the Power Rangers would REALLY like to admit it, the numerous ordeals that Emperor Diabolica and Queen Beryl have put them through, have undoubtedly made them into better warriors, and has helped strengthen their already strong, moral concepts on where they stand as good guys.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MindOverManners: While Captain Retro DOES have the ability to read minds, he always prefers to refrain from doing so, unless there is a NEED to do so, in the case of an emergency! Because Captain Retro feels like the mind is a sacred place, and needs to be respected as such.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MachiavelliWasWrong: Always played straight by the Power Rangers. They never gain respect through fear or intimidation, they gain respect by saving the day and any innocent people who are being threatened by the forces of evil. Always DEFIED by Radiguet, as gaining respect through fear and intimidation, is the only way he WANTS to be respected!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LackOfEmpathy: Radiguet and Doctor Maniac can EASILY be said to fit this trope! Radiguet just does it because “It Amuses Him”, while Doctor Maniac uses the Freudian Excuse of having had his son die, and he now wants to kill all organic life-forms on Core Earth as a form of Disproportionate Retribution!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/JusticeWillPrevail: This is the core belief of all the Power Ranger teams! No matter how tough things get, they will ALWAYS find a way to make sure good wins in the end!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ItsAllAboutMe: The main reason that Radiguet does ALL the things he does! Because he believes that when it comes right down to it, the only thing that even REMOTELY matters in the universe is HIMSELF, and whatever he wants to do!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IncorruptiblePurePureness: Captain Retro is said to be this! Justified, because he is the CURRENT avatar of the Dog Guardian, Clifford, and is therefore, immune to being corrupted or tainted by the forces of evil!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HelpingWouldBeKillstealing: This is the main reason why Captain Retro doesn't intervene or help more often. Even though Captain Retro can easily help the Rangers out in a fight, he knows that the Rangers NEED to get stronger, in order to face off against MORE evil threats that will come to Core Earth, and the Rangers won't be able to GET stronger, if Captain Retro always comes to help them! And that's why Captain Retro will only intervene on their behalf, if it's absolutely necessary!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GoodIsNotSoft: The Various Power Ranger teams have definitely proven themselves to be this! While they will always help the meek and the innocent, they're not above going above and beyond the call of duty, if the need calls for it!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UnscrupulousHero: Kras'hir could be considered to be this; although it isn't entirely her fault, since she shares a connection to the Blood God, Khorne, and therefore has no choice but to go out and kill people, or go insane from the lack of doing so. Although to her credit, she DOES make it a point to ONLY kill people and creatures who are truly GUILTY of having committed heinous crimes and/or activities on Core Earth.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RousseauWasRight: Played pretty much straight, at least in the normal version of Core Earth on “Power Rangers Multiverse Force.” For the majority of humans and other life-forms who are known to exist, a good number of them don't become evil unless certain circumstances push them into becoming evil! It's unknown whether this trope applies to the Nazi realm version of Core Earth.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IgnoreTheFanservice: Captain Retro is capable of this, and always plays it straight. Of course, being a pure being of incorruptible goodness (namely, the current avatar of the Dog Guardian, Clifford), probably helps matters out a lot!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GreaterNeedThanMine: Most Power Rangers always play this straight. Special mention goes out to Kendrix and Ramone Fleeceley, who willingly sacrificed their own lives in order to save the lives of their fellow Power Rangers!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/JapaneseSpirit: Played straight in “Power Rangers Multiverse Force.” While their morphing powers DO give them enhanced abilities, they have the ability to make those powers stronger, by training to become faster and mightier than they were initially!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GoodIsNotDumb: With the exception of Justin, and T.J., during “Power Rangers Turbo”, and the entire team of “Power Rangers R.P.M.”, none of the Power Ranger teams can EVER be truly described as stupid!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GoodFeelsGood: This is the reason why BlackHawk, Captain Retro, and D.O.G., behave the way they do.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheGoldenRule: The main reason why the Power Rangers don't use their power for personal gain, or for revenge, because it is not the right thing to do.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GoldenMoment: This usually occurs “Once per Episode”, in any given episode of Power Rangers, usually spelled out near the end of the episode.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ForGreatJustice: Most Power Rangers fight because of this trope. BlackHawk lives for it, and Captain Retro seems to have been MADE for it!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EnemiesEqualsGreatness: Most villains in “Power Rangers” seem to think that this is the main reason to be evil. As long as they have people who hate their guts, they feel better about their nasty attitudes toward everyone else.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DisappointedByTheMotive: Mostly everyone, especially Captain Retro, is disappointed that Radiguet's main reason for being evil, is that his own mother tried to MURDER him, seen in a flashback sequence in “Genesis of Good, Genesis of Evil.”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AChatWithSatan: Talking with the Chaos Gods could certainly count as this, in “Laughter of the Thirsting Gods: Part I”. Although they more accurately consider themselves as having a code of “Blue and Orange Morality,” they can certainly NOT fit any human's definition of being nice and trustworthy, with the possible exception of Nurgle.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BeingEvilSucks: Sooner or later, it seems that every single villain on “Power Rangers” will find out that this trope will ALWAYS apply to them, as their evil plans RARELY, if EVER, work. And if they do, it NEVER benefits them in the long run! Possibly subverted and averted by Radiguet, who actually gets OFF on making the lives of OTHER evil villains MISERABLE!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BefriendingTheEnemy: Done by Omnus to Queen Hedrian starting in “Laughter of the Thirsting Gods: Part II.” The amazing part is, it actually WORKED! And by the time of “Follow You, Follow Me”, Queen Hedrian made a complete “Heel-Face Turn.”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AboveGoodAndEvil: The Chaos Gods (the four main ones), and the Guardians, consider themselves this. They do not really concern themselves with the matters of humans, or what they consider to be good, evil, right, just, immoral, or wrong. Although to the credit of the Guardians, they are at least concerned with maintaining the balance between good and evil, and will utilize avatars to help them maintain that balance. Captain Retro is one of the current avatars.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RepressedMemories: This is what Doctor Maniac has done to the memory of his son, in order to eliminate his own feelings and emotions. In fact, he's forgotten about his own son SO much, it's gotten to the point when Woolbur Fleeceley calls him OUT on it, all Doctor Maniac remembers about the day when it happened, he says: “But For Me It Was Tuesday”. Also counts as “Fridge Brilliance” on his part, since he actively NOTED that it WAS a Tuesday as it was happening, as seen in Woolbur's flashback sequence in “Genesis of Good, Genesis of Evil.”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PhotographicMemory: Captain Retro seems to have one of these, as he remembers MANY significant events of the past; when they happened, where they happened, who they involved, and any significant lasting impact that these events have on the present!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeathOfPersonality: Not only is this happening to Doctor Maniac, because he decided that the life of his own son should become Demoted Memories, he actually WANTS this to happen, because he believes that the death of his own emotions, will free him up to become concerned only with further improving upon his own scientific agenda, and not concerned with the well-being of others, regardless of how they feel about what is happening to him!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheChosenMany: More like the Chosen Group, but it still counts. Each member of the main Power Rangers of the “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”, were chosen because Omnus, the Magi-Mother, and even Captain Retro, all had prophetic visions, that these seven Power Rangers would one day save Core Earth from the forces of evil, namely Radiguet! It helps that each one of them “Answered the Call,” and have since actively worked at making sure that their vision comes to pass! /

That's enough tropes from me this time! :D Enough said, true believers! ;)

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Here are some tropes relating to some of the more...cosmic bits of PR: MVF (with a few tropes geared more specifically the Crimson King) and by extension the Reneverse, though the former is the primary focus.

Animalistic Abomination: While not necessarily abominations in any sense of the word, the Guardians fit this as they are all-powerful god-like beings who just happen to resemble animals.

Apocalypse How, Class Z: What the Crimson King is intending to happen to the multiverse as a whole; the annihilation of everything that is, was, or would/could be. The Rangers cannot do anything about it, sadly, because ka, or fate, has not destined them to do so. Instead, it has fallen to the gunslinger known as Roland to do so.

Cosmic Keystone: The Dark Tower, which holds up all of reality, and is kept watch over by the Guardians. However, the Beams that hold it up are slowly decaying as a result of the Crimson King, and by extension, so is the multiverse.

Cosmic Horror Story: "Power Rangers: Multiverse Force" has always had elements of this, though it's become far more prominent from the tail-end of season 1 onwards.

Even Evil Has Standards: The Chaos Gods, the most powerful beings in "PR: MVF" canon, fear and despise the Crimson King. Word of God states that Radiguet feels the same way in spite of being in service to Malal/Misery, the Renegade Chaos God. For all his narcissism and violently childish ambitions of godhood, even Radiguet knows what the Crimson King and his associates are doing IS A VERY, VERY, VERY BAD IDEA.

Greater Scope Paragon::The Guardians are this in contrast to the Greater Scope Villains of Radiguet and the Crimson King.

Greater Scope Villain: Radiguet is peanuts compared to the Crimson King, to put it bluntly.

Lovecraft Lite: While definitely having cosmic horror overtones, "Power Rangers: Multiverse Force" from season 2 onwards falls far more into this category. Despite the crapsack, horror-filled nature of the multiverse, the Rangers still try and hold onto their ideals of justice. Surprisingly enough, this fits more in line with the original tones of H.P. Lovecraft, a prominent influence on the literature.

Omnicidal Maniac: ...WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CLUE?!

Sliding Scale of Idealism Vs. Cynicism: "Power Rangers: Multiverse Force" season 1 was very idealistic in keeping with its 'homage to early Power Rangers' roots. Season 2 is somewhere in the middle; while it's definitely far more cynical and dark in tone, there is still a strong sense of optimism.

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I decided to come up with some more tropes that I have researched on happening on various episodes of "Power Rangers Multiverse Force." I hope you enjoy reading them, as much as I did researching and writing them.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SuccessfulSiblingSyndrome: Thankfully subverted and averted by Coop. Even though his older brother BlackHawk has MANY more athletic awards than he does, Coop doesn't resent BlackHawk for it, and instead focuses on winning his own awards through scientific accomplishments. Played straight with Queen Hedrian when she was evil, as she was initially jealous that everyone thought of her older sister Rita Repulsa, as a big deal! Thankfully, this has stopped ever since her “Heel-Face Turn” in “Follow You, Follow Me.”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IHaveNoSon: It is implied that Emperess Jooza tried to do this to Radiguet, during the flash-back sequence from 1999, seen in the episode "Genesis of Good, Genesis of Evil". When she found out that Dark Specter wasn't killed by the Power Rangers, but by his own supposed ally Darkonda, Emperess Jooza worried that the SAME fate could happen to Radiguet, so she tried to strip him of his powers, and leave him for dead on Planet Earth! “It Didn't Stick”, however, and Radiguet came back and murdered her! Retroactively, this is played straight by Doctor Maniac, after the death of his own son, Prince Maniac. He has killed off his own feelings, resulting in a “Death of Personality” on his own part, and turning his back on his own human emotions.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BadassFamily: It is implied that the entire immediate Little Family, is one of these. It has been stated that Ace was a Martial Arts expert (it helps that “In-Universe”, his ideal voice actor would be Jason David Frank)! Abby's weapon of choice is a “Frying Pan of Doom,” in “Yin Yang Yo” canon, Coop has immense powers and has used them to help defeat the season one Night Master, and helped the Woo Foo Warriors on other occasions in battle! BlackHawk, lets his actions against the forces of evil speak for themselves!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BadassArmFold: Although it's not always explicitly stated, whenever BlackHawk is trying to make an important point to somebody (especially and even if it is a bad guy), he will always fold his arms together, in exactly this matter.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DynamicAkimbo: Given that this is a series based on the “Power Rangers”, this trope will ALWAYS be in play, at least “Once per Episode”, and it will ALWAYS be played straight!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PowerWalk: Back when D.O.G., was more of a normal canine, BlackHawk would always take him out for a walk, in PRECISELY this matter!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WeCanRuleTogether: The whole basis for Queen Hedrian giving Emperor Diabolica the Love Potion, was to invoke this trope! Of course, it was a long-term game plan of trying to increase her OWN powers, and trying to get Emperor Diabolica killed OFF (which she couldn't do herself, although “It Makes Sense in Context”). Needless to say, the plan didn't work out the way she wanted it to! (Although as Queen Hedrian found out retrospectively, it was probably in her OWN best interest!) In “Shock the Monkey!”, Doctor Maniac was disappointed, NOT by the fact that Woolbur Fleeceley was able to break FREE of his binding ropes so EASILY, but by the fact that he did it BEFORE Doctor Maniac could get around to trying to invoke THIS trope, by trying to betray his fellow Rangers! Although, given the type of character that Woolbur Fleeceley is, it probably wouldn't have worked on him anyways.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeroicRROD: Has happened canonically on the “Power Rangers” a few key times. The first time was in season three of “Mighty Morphing Power Rangers.” After Rita and Lord Zedd temporarily stole Kimberly's Power Coin, she had to draw on the power from the other Power Rangers in order to become the Pink Ranger. Than, when Kimberly was distracted by trying to train for the Pan Global Games, Rita and Zedd decided to overtax Kimberly's energy reserves, by forcing her to fight in various monster emergencies! Their plan worked, as Kimberly finally became too exhausted to support the Pink Ranger power any longer, although it did have the unintended side effect of freeing Kat from Rita's mind spell in the process! It happened to Jason in “Power Rangers Zeo”. Despite being a strong, human warrior, he could not support the powers of the Gold Zeo Ranger forever. And as a result, it got to the point where it began to HURT Jason, just to SUMMON the powers of the Gold Zeo Ranger, and Alpha V and Zordon had to undergo a complex ritual, that WOULD allow Jason to SAFELY transfer the powers back to a reunited Trey of Triforia! Thankfully, it worked! It happened in “Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue,” after Olympius cursed Ryan, the Titanium Ranger with the Curse of the Cobra; an evil serpent tattoo that would inch CLOSER to his neck and eventually kill him, every time he utilized his morph! Thankfully, Ryan eventually got better.

The most notable example, happened in “The Legendary Battle.” Although the “Super Mega Force” Power Rangers were all good fighters, they were simply overwhelmed by Emperor Marvo using SHEER numbers against them! It took the return of Orion, and seeing the resilience of the civilians, to get the Power Rangers to mount a successful counter-attack! But after being able to FINALLY bring an end to Emperor Marvo, the Power Rangers were HORRIFIED to see an army of THOUSANDS of X-Borgs approaching them, when they were already DRAINED to the point of exhaustion! Thankfully, the Legendary Rangers pulled a “Big, Damn Heroes” moment, and teamed up with them in order to bring an end to the Galactic threat. Has now happened on “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” itself, in “Vision Quest Part II: Orange Sunset.” BlackHawk, faced with the overwhelming strength and power of Super Psycho Zero 01, was FORCED to try to push the Orange Ruby, BEYOND it's normal power limits! Doing so, put a STRAIN on the Orange Ruby, causing it to crack! BlackHawk was FINALLY able to fatally STAB Super Psycho Zero 01, only for her to pull an “I'm Taking You With Me!” And BlackHawk was already too physically exhausted to try to escape, and the explosion SHATTERED the Orange Ruby into three distinct pieces, ending the powers, of the Orange Spinosaurus Power Ranger!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DramaticallyMissingThePoint: In “Vision Quest Part I: Head Games”, Captain Retro utilized this trope verbatim, when Pinkie Pie, instead of focusing on the point that Sex is a necessary part to reproducing life, INSTEAD focused on the fact that the Tooth Fairy doesn't exist!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SlowNo: Rocky said this, when he saw Super Psycho Zero 01, fatally STAB FireHawk through the heart! Even though he had no emotional connections to her whatsoever, it was probably due MORE to the fact that he didn't believe that such a thing COULD happen in their vicinity! What made it even MORE dramatic, is that FireHawk ended up DYING right in Rocky's arms!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AbandonedWarehouse: This is where the main fight of “The Drums of War” took place, in an abandoned Fireworks Factory Warehouse.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AlwaysNight: Played Straight and Justified, whenever there is any action that takes place on Earth's moon, or in space during the Canon seasons of “Power Rangers”! Since the moon and space doesn't have a normal day schedule like there is on Earth, it is ALWAYS a de facto night in these locations! More darkly utilized, in the Dark Mirror Dimension in the “Land of Confusion” two-part episodes, where it is implied that the permanent darkness has been caused, BECAUSE Mirror Radiguet ABSORBED all the powers, of THAT Dimension's four main Chaos Gods! Another dark example occurred in “The Laughter of the Thirsting Gods: Part I”, where everywhere WITHIN the Chaos Realm, it was ALWAYS night time, with the notable exception of Nurgle's section of the Chaos Realm.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AttackOfTheKillerWhatever: Given that this is a series based on the “Power Rangers,” you can usually expect this trope to be played straight at least “Once per Episode.”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheSociopath: In Canon, Lord Zedd was this, ESPECIALLY before Rita Repulsa gave him a Love Potion that softened him considerably. Master Vile is STILL this, Dark Specter was; Trakeena eventually BECAME this, especially after she MERGED with Deviot and “Came Back Wrong.” Queen Bansheera eventually revealed herself to be this, to the point that even her loyal ally Diabolico, eventually TURNED on her, and helped the Power Rangers finally defeat her! Mesogog was this, ESPECIALLY after he separated himself from his Good half, Anton Mercer, and went off the DEEP end of insanity! Emperor Grumm, Dai Shi, and Emperor Marvo were all this. In “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”, Emperor Diabolica is this, even if it was rather PATHETICALLY in season one. Queen Beryl and Doctor Maniac are this much more successfully in season two, while “Greater Scope Villain” Radiguet takes this trope “Up to Eleven!”

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SlowTransformation: Happened to both D.O.G., AND Raj in “Shock the Monkey!” Thankfully, in the first instance, it was subverted, because the scientific device DIDN'T turn D.O.G., evil, thanks to “Unique Alien Biology”. It only turned him anthropomorphic, and allowed him to speak English without the need for an electronic dog collar. Played painfully straight with Raj, though. As it transformed him into a four-armed monster reminiscent of Vishnu! While in this monstrous form, Raj BEGGED to be put out of his misery, which the Power Rangers really had no choice, but to comply with.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SlasherSmile: You can usually count on the “Big Bad” of each season of “Power Rangers”, to flash one of these, at least “Once per season.” Notable exceptions are comedic villains.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LetsSplitUpGang: Averted in “Virtual Insanity!” This was Justified, in that it was a Scary Story type of a situation, they were in the woods, and as “Genre Savvy” Ebony pointed out, nothing good EVER happens to people who split up in the woods.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RemovingTheHeadOrDestroyingTheBrain: In “Virtual Insanity”, Ebony pointed out that the best way to attack the undead zombie Imps, was to remove the head, as that's the ONLY way to kill a zombie! Utilized yet AGAIN, in “Weekend at Ebony's, against “Monster of the Week” Zombee.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PuppeteerParasite: Demon King Banriki briefly became this when he was injected into the body of Woolbur Fleeceley in the episode “Wooly Bully.” Greater Scope Villain Radiguet became this when he tricked the young psychic girl Alma, into performing a magic ritual, that would ALLOW Radiguet's spirit to travel SAFELY through Core Earth's Force Field, into the body of the then dead Ace, and bring him back to life! In Radiguet's case, he actually managed to KEEP his body for TWO whole episodes, in “Vision Quest Part I” and “Vision Quest Part II”. In “Vision Quest Part I”, the Dark Kaiser also attempted to pull this on Fuhrer Saturn, but failed, as Fuhrer Saturn was a “Noble Demon”, and proved to be TOO strong to hijack!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PsychoPartyMember: Canonically, in both the original “Super Sentail” source “Bioman”, and in “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”, Psygorn, one of Doctor Maniac's generals, is one of these! Of course, the fact that the first half of his NAME, starts with “Psy”, should tip you off pretty QUICKLY, that he DOESN'T have any good intentions!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FateWorseThanDeath: “Greater Scope Villain” Radiguet himself, considers the usage of painful torture on all his enemies, instead of quick and painless death, to be a fate FAR worse, and more EVIL of a fate to bestow upon his victims!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EldritchAbomination: In addition to the four main Chaos Gods themselves; in “Vision Quest Part I: Head Games”, Captain Retro revealed that The Tower ITSELF is one of these! Although it isn't an EVIL one, as is the usual case. It's Eldritch Abomination status, comes more in the form of the fact that as far as humans are concerned, “You Cannot Grasp it's True Form.” The only reason humans SEE it as a Tower, is because it is a form that they can actually comprehend.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DistressCall: This is how the whole plot for “Shock the Monkey!”, started, as one of these is heard by the Power Rangers from BlackHawk's old friend, Samson, as he begs for help on behalf of Camp Kidney and Prickly Pines, to be saved from the wrath of the evil Doctor Maniac! Of course, the Power Rangers did so!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeadlyDoctor: This should be SO obvious, but Doctor Maniac is one of these! As he uses his scientific skills and technology to perform horrific experiments on people and other helpless creatures, all “For the Science!” /

That's it for my tropes this time! :D Enough said, true believers! ;)

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Hooray :D! I'm making a post at like, 3 in the morning! :hysterical: I practically DON'T have a life! :rolleyes: Okay, enough of the sarcastic self-depreciation, it's time to get to the REAL reason why I'm here, making another list of tropes that have appeared on "Power Rangers Multiverse Force". I hope you enjoy reading them, as much as I did researching them. /

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AngerBornOfWorry: Arguably, this happened to all the parents of the current team of “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” (the ones that are seen on-screen, anyways). Justified, because they of course, WANTED to protect their children from harm, but seeing as how their children are Power Rangers, they quickly realized that their ability to protect their children was going to be extremely limited in scope and efficiency.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BecomingTheMask: Happened to Queen Hedrian during the first seven episodes of season two of “Power Rangers Multiverse Force.” She started off, only PRETENDING to love and care about Omnus, but ended up falling in love with him for REAL, in “Follow You, Follow Me,” after Omnus freed Queen Hedrian from being manipulated by Radiguet.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeathOfTheHypotenuse: Arguably, has happened to StarHawk in “Vision Quest Part II: Orange Sunset”, after her sister-wife FireHawk died, and FireHawk's Lesbian Hex on StarHawk has now gone away. Now StarHawk is able to love somebody who can TRULY love and respect her; now that FireHawk has been http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RemovedFromThePicture.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DyingDeclarationOfLove: Depending on how you look at it, FireHawk's confession that she really DID love her sister-wife StarHawk, as FireHawk was dying in “Vision Quest Part II: Orange Sunset”, is either very sweet, or STILL very disturbing!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GrowOldWithMe: Ended up happening to Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd. Although already OLD by human standards by the time they became good, thanks to Zordon's purification wave; it wasn't long after that, they they soon LOOKED as old as they actually WERE, once they agreed to give up the youth they had received, in order to restore their powers, in order to use them for the forces of good. They have continued to grow old together, ever since their initial experience together.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FullFrontalAssault: Played straight when Radiguet became a http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BodySnatcher, and hijacked Ace's body (which HAD been buried and completely naked before Radiguet did so, making it a justified trope), in “Vision Quest Part I: Head Games,” and “Vision Quest Part II: Orange Sunset.” Even though Ace is considerably WEAKER than Radiguet, Radiguet, using Ace's body, was STILL able to hold his own against Captain Retro, and Ace was COMPLETELY naked during the whole ordeal!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Doppelganger: All seven of the main Power Rangers met Mirror Dimension versions of themselves, during the “Land of Confusion” two-part episode. Interesting variation, in the fact that they actually weren't EVIL to begin with, just “Brainwashed and Crazy. Even so, only Mirror Lettuce was able to be turned back to normal. Also seen in the two-part episode, were Mirror versions of Radiguet, Mirror, and D.O.G.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CloneArmy: This is the basis for Doctor Maniac's personal army of “Mooks”, or grunts. Of course, given that the name for his army of Mooks are called Mecha-Clones, the “Meaningful Name” should REALLY give it away!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CosmicChessGame: This is basically the game that Greater Scope Villain Radiguet is currently playing, through the manipulation of Queen Beryl and Doctor Maniac (and before that, Emperor Diabolica and Queen Hedrian). Since Radiguet currently CAN'T invade Core Earth due to a Force Field made of “Applied Phlebotinum”, he has to utilize chess pieces, or pawns to do it FOR him, and WEAKEN the Force Field to the point that it will BREAK, and Radiguet can invade it for himself!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CrushKillDestroy: A phrase similar to this one, was said by one-time villain General Crush in “Orange Crush: Part I.” The phrase was “Burn, Maim, Kill!” The same phrase is also said by EVERYONE living in the Chaos Realm, in “Laughter of the Thirsting Blood Gods: Part I”.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Cyborg: Doctor Maniac has currently become an evil version of one of these, due to Woolbur Fleeceley cutting OFF two of his limbs, his left arm and left leg, in “Genesis of Good, Genesis of Evil”, and “Shock the Monkey!” respectively!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilDetectingDog: Played straight with D.O.G., in “Life is a Beach!”, “Wooly Bully!”, and “Wild Horses!” In all three cases, D.O.G., could sense that there was an evil presence close to the Power Rangers, even BEFORE the Power Rangers themselves could!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ExtyYearsFromNow: The main story-line of “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”, takes place in 2178, 160 years FROM 2018, and according to “Word of God”, 200 years AFTER the very FIRST team of Power Rangers (the “Power Rangers Valor Force”), fought evil, in 1978!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FanOfThePast: Captain Retro, and to a lesser extent, BlackHawk, definitely fit this trope! Although, they are more fans of music, movie, and T.V. Shows that were popular in the past, and not necessarily every single thing that happened in the past!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheGenieKnowsJackNicholson: One of Captain Retro's favorite go-to tropes, is to reference pop-culture T.V. Shows, movies, people, and music that were popular (from the perspective of “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”), 200 YEARS ago, as one of the more quirky bits of his personality! It's justified in that A., Captain Retro was originally AROUND during the time of “Power Rangers Mystic Force”, and B., in the fact that Captain Retro is linked to the Dog Guardian Clifford, who is a living “Akhasic Records” on EVERYTHING that has happened in the past!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GodGuise: Radiguet is particularly FOND of using this trope, to achieve his evil ends. He has PRETENDED to successfully impersonate the Blood God Khorne to fool Emperor Diabolica and Queen Hedrian to do his dirty work for him, and successfully impersonated T'zeen'tch to get Alma to revive the then dead body of Ace, so Radiguet could STEAL it, to wage an attack on Core Earth!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GoneHorriblyRight: Surprisingly enough, this happened to Emperor Diabolica's plans, TWICE! The first time was in “The Red Flaw” mini-arc, and the second time was in “Orange Crush: Part I”. In both cases, the evil force that Emperor Diabolica created, turned out to be TOO strong for Empeor Diabolica himself, to be able to control!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ItOnlyWorksOnce: In “Land of Confusion: Part II”, Queen Hedrian revealed that she COULD revive ALL of her fallen monsters, but it's a trick that only works ONCE!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KillAllHumans: This is Doctor Maniac's ultimate plan, taken to eleven! He doesn't just WANT to destroy all of his fellow humans, he wants to END all organic life on Core Earth, as a form of “Disproportionate Retribution,” for the death of his son, Prince Maniac!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LoadsAndLoadsOfRaces: Due to the nature of “Power Rangers”, it has seen a vast influx of many different alien races appearing at least ONCE, in any given season of “Power Rangers”, even if a good NUMBER of alien races look surprisingly HUMAN in their appearance!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MetamorphosisMonster: Played straight with one-time villain Scorpina, Vipera, and Mirror Radiguet. In the case of the first two, they could turn into giant-sized MONSTER versions of their “Meaningful names”, while Mirror Radiguet could transform into a giant blue dragon! In the case of Raj and Nephrite, it was FORCED upon them, as it was Doctor Maniac's evil technology that transformed them into hideous, evil monsters!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InterspeciesRomance: Happened initially, between BlackHawk and Ebony in season one, before certain character traits on Ebony's part, caused BlackHawk to “Abandon Shipping” with her, TWICE! As of season two, is still going on between Lettuce and Pinkie; and to a lesser degree, Alphys and Undyne.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LovePotion: In canon, this is how Rita Repulsa got Lord Zedd to fall in love with her, initially. In Power Rangers Multiverse Force”, her younger sister Queen Hedrian, later utilized the SAME trick, to get Emperor Diabolica to fall in love with HER!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ReleasingFromThePromise: When FireHawk died in “Vision Quest Part II: Orange Sunset,” she released StarHawk from the magical vow, that she could ONLY fall in love with a woman, and that StarHawk had to stay devoted to her, even AFTER FireHawk's death!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PureEnergy: All Power Rangers, and most evil villains, have mastery over this to SOME sort of extent. The most notable exceptions, being the Machine Empire, who utilize technology instead of energy attacks to invade other planets!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Flight: In terms of actually being able to fly; BlackHawk, Coop, Abby Little, and Captain Retro have all mastered this. For the first three, it's Justified, in the fact that they are all alien bird-like creatures that have wings, and can fly naturally. For Captain Retro, he uses a combination of magic and chi energy to accomplish flying wherever he needs to go!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KamehameHadoken: Naruto, BlackHawk, Coop, StarHawk, and Captain Retro can already utilize techniques like this by the time “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” starts. In Captain Retro's case, he actually KNOWS how to USE an ACTUAL Kamehameha energy wave to attack energies. Usagi later learns this trick in season two, and Lettuce and Pinkie have started to undergo training, in order to utilize techniques like this one as well!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BequeathedPower: In “Vision Quest Part II: Orange Sunset”, psychic girl Alma did this to Ace for two heroic reasons. The first reason was to FORCE Radiguet out of Ace's body, and the second was to give Ace his OWN life back properly, so he could live WITHOUT Radiguet possessing his body like a puppet!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheForceIsStrongWithThisOne: Naruto, BlackHawk, and Captain Retro, all begin “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” already knowing how to sense power levels of their opponents, and therefore, able to gauge just how much of a threat they are. Usagi later learns this at the beginning of season two, and Lettuce and Pinkie start to learn it, starting with the episode “Follow You, Follow Me”. Ironically enough, despite being the strongest PHYSICAL threat to the Power Rangers, Greater Scope Villain Radiguet himself, can't sense power levels WITHOUT the aid of a device!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MagicEnhancement: The “Power Rangers Wild Force; Power Rangers Mystic Force; Power Rangers Jungle Fury; Power Rangers Samurai;” and “Power Rangers Super Mega Force” (by accessing the above-mentioned team's powers, as well as several LEGENDARY Ranger powers from the teams that came BEFORE the “Mighty Morphing Power Rangers”), can enhance their strength thanks to the properties of magic. BlackHawk, Coop, Captain Retro, and Ebony can also due this to varying degrees of success, with Ebony being more of an http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IneptMage at the whole thing.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SuperStrength: When someone turns into a Power Ranger, they almost ALWAYS gain this ability (with the possible exception of Justin and the “Power Rangers R.P.M.” team). Naruto, BlackHawk, StarHawk, Coop, Undyne, and Kras'hir take this ability to Eleven, as they already HAVE Super Strength, the FIRST three who later BECAME Power Rangers, merely got their Super Strength enhanced as a Power Bonus! General Crush, the Super Psycho Zero Girls, and Radiguet, are villainous examples.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/YouJustToldMe: Another trope that Captain Retro is fond of, is utilizing THIS one, in order to extract information from others who might not necessarily provide it under any other circumstances! For instance, he utilizes it in “Vision Quest Part I: Head Games” to CONFIRM his suspicions, that FireHawk IS working behind StarHawk's back, to be the Necron Prophet for Queen Beryl.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MonsterOfTheWeek: Played pretty much straight in the “Power Rangers”, with the exception of certain arcs or multi-part episodes that deal with more serious matters.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MulticulturalAlienPlanet: By the time of “Power Rangers S.P.D.,” Earth has become this. It carries on into “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”; and will continue at least until the time of “Power Rangers Time Force”, in the year 3000.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheMultiverse: This should be SO obvious, but “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”, is built upon, and operates AROUND this trope!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NamedAfterTheirPlanet: This happens to be the case for the Eltarians from “Mighty Morphing Power Rangers”, the Aquatarians from “Mighty Morphing Alien Rangers”, the Triforians from “Power Rangers Zeo”, the Xybrians from “Power Rangers Time Force”, the Andalusians from “Power Rangers Super Mega Force”, and the Hawkians from “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”. Although in all six cases, it's not explicitly stated whether the name of the species, or the name of the planet, came first.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NewNeoCity: In “Power Rangers Multiverse Force”, its stated that BlackHawk's hometown (and by extension, Coop, Abby, Ace, and the rest of the Woo Foo Warriors from “Yin Yang Yo”), is Neo Chicago. However, it is currently unknown whether the city was rebuilt from the ruins of an original Chicago, or a completely brand NEW city, that just decided to be CALLED Neo Chicago.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NoBigDeal: Given that by the time “Power Rangers Multiverse Force” is occurring, Power Rangers running around fighting bad guys, aliens or whatever trying to take over the world, sealed evil in a can or jar (or dumpster), and magical feats of skill, are commonly known feats of knowledge, things just don't seem as SHOCKING to the citizens of Core Earth anymore. In fact, it takes the revelation of the fact that the Chaos Gods and the forces of Chaos EXIST to START the people of Core Earth to worry somewhat!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NoNewFashionsInTheFuture: So far, played straight in “Power Rangers Multiverse Force,” even if no actual explanation as to why, has been given yet.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NukeEm: The Power Rangers Multiverse Force attempted to do this to Psychic Girl Alma, in order to stop her. It FAILED miserably, and later caused Captain Retro to give a “What the Hell, Hero?!” moment to BlackHawk, who was actually AGAINST the idea!

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HijackedByGanon: Attempted by the spirit of the Dark Kaiser, to Fuhrer Saturn, in “Vision Quest Part I: Head Games.” Subverted in the fact, that Fuhrer Saturn actually manages to DEFY the Dark Kaiser's attempt to hijack him, and Fuhrer Saturn even MENTIONS this trope by name, in the fact that such a thing would NOT happen to him, as he was a “Noble Demon.” /

That's it for my list of tropes this time! :cool: Will there be another LIST of tropes in the future?! o.o Who knows?! But if there is, I will present them to you! Enough said! ;)

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