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Introvert or Extrovert?


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Are you more introverted, extroverted, or maybe a bit of both (ambivert is the technical term for that, I believe)? I know I come across as sociable on here but in real life I'm quite shy and a bit withdrawn except for occasions around my family. 

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Often Introvert in real life. I like spending time with my friends and I like going outside but when there's converasition, I sometimes don't know what to say or I get afraid that I may say something wrong or stupid, so I tend to not talk too much. I could talk to my relatives easier but even there are times that I act shy or quiet. :/

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Outside of my close circle of friends and family, I'm pretty introverted irl. I've gotten better to the point where presentations and occasionally small talking are easier for me to manage, but participating in large groups and party-like settings are still things I struggle with

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I'm so introvert it hurts. It may not seem like it on here (or on my blog... LOL), but I'm very shy irl. I get anxious around people I don't know very well... and thus, I panic. I have come out of my shell quite a bit, especially this past year, but I still have a long way to go. :P 

Only few people have witnessed my extroverted side, though. Oh yes, it exists. (smirk) 

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I guess ambivert maybe slightly leaning towards extrovert.  The reason being is when it comes to meeting new people, I'm nervous and slightly quiet.  But I am definitely more than capable of getting out of my shell more so than I was say five years ago.  I am definitely more sociable in larger situations now and can carry a conversation with anybody.  But there are some days where I do like being in my personal bubble and just stay quiet and write.

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ok so a few months ago i took that web quiz that tells u ur personality type and it said i am 100% introverted:000 which is not wrong coz i never hang around people if i don't have to. i have anxiety and selective mutism so ye i never talk to people IRL lelzies

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On 2/9/2016 at 11:19 AM, Clappy said:

I guess ambivert maybe slightly leaning towards extrovert.  The reason being is when it comes to meeting new people, I'm nervous and slightly quiet.  But I am definitely more than capable of getting out of my shell more so than I was say five years ago.  I am definitely more sociable in larger situations now and can carry a conversation with anybody.  But there are some days where I do like being in my personal bubble and just stay quiet and write.

Pretty much. Being thrown into a huge sea of people where I don't know anyone is still gonna be kinda difficult for me to handle, but in general I'm starting to become more extroverted.

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