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Original topic got purged during that event. You know, that one.

Best game of the year without a doubt. The musical score is amazing, the writing is insanely clever, and has so much replay value that you won't mind having to play again to achieve it's alternate endings.

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Ah man, speaking of those alternate endings, I recently got the True Pacifist ending, and... wow. I think this is the first game where I legitimately burst out in tears while playing it. Not gonna spoil anything, but wow. What an amazing game.

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On August 16, 2016 at 2:50 PM, Metal Snake said:

You are still young. You are still innocent to true terror.

yeahhhhhh I was like half-awake when I wrote that and there are way worse things in the world but just saying it's pretty bad fandom-wise

but then again, every fandom will have a weird/bad part so it's not really fair to call a specific one out

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ehhhh i hope you guys don't mind if i bump this again what with deltarune chapter 1 coming out and everything

so uh... hmmm. the weird feeling i get whenever i think about this game. oh. ?

i put it in my top 5 games list a while back and i still stand by it. every component of this game to me is still basically flawless. this is coming from someone who doesn't even care about RPG's that much, so that i was immersed in this game as much as i was when i first played it should say something. i have nothing but affection for this game.

but of course, i can't do shit about that stigmata.

you know what i mean. the posts i made about this game beforehand where i said the fanbase that i knew of weren't nearly as bad as people made it out to be weren't even wrong! i genuinely met nice and only nice people in real life during the game's peak in popularity! and i knew this to be true, i've been to two conventions in 2016 and cosplay was abundant. i met chang herself at one of those conventions! but of course, i have to remind myself that people younger than me play video games too and make videos onto the internet. so that aside, i'm constantly in fear of being taken less seriously for liking the game. i just end up feeling embarrassed at even thinking of mentioning something related to the game in casual conversation (which isn't even often, but... y'know, when i do feel like it...) in fear of being called an Autistic Fucking Retard like "the others" (and if you've known me for a while, you should probably realize how worse this sounds in my case). so... i just can't connect to the game like i used to, as much as i adore it.

still about as good as a video game can get tho imo. i don't plan to change my profile pic any time soon.

anyway, deltarune so far is pretty good. i just can't help but feel like it's holding itself back for future installments. will prepare for them.

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The most discerning thing about the stigma that Undertale gets is that it's to the point where I hardly ever see anyone talk about the game itself when they bring up Undertale nowadays and whenever I see anyone talk about Undertale anymore, it always has to do with the relationship that they have with the fanbase and how some of its fans are so toxic and etcetera. Then again, I'm not a fan myself to know if most others still talk about the game itself. I haven't had the chance to play Undertale yet. From that point of view, this is also somewhat of a thing when it comes any other web game that had garnered so much hype and has a sizeable fanbase like Cuphead and Fortnite. People draw so much of their attention towards the the toxic side of a fandom and we're still in this day of age where these people still act surprised that unpleasant fans exist rather than come to the realization that any particular fandom will attract such folk and that they don't make a fandom as a whole all bad.

After hearing about it for the first time, Undertale had piqued my interests and I've been meaning to play it for quite some time. Just hearing about Deltarune, I feel like I'm quite behind. So, maybe this year I'll open my own Steam account.

Edited by Steel Sponge
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