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Things that remind you of SBC members


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Does anything you see in your daily lives remind you of someone on SBC? 

For me:

*Ariana Grande makes me think of Sauce and Cha

*Chipotle and Emma Stone reminds me of Clappy

*Anime reminds of Crushing and Aya

*Wrestling reminds me of OMJ

*Cold weather, Nutella, and llamas remind me of Omair

*Chocolate and horror movies remind me of Katie :P 

Edited by Santa Kenma
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There's a LOT of things so I probably won't be able to list them all


Pip culture, warm weather, Jamaica, and Chris Pratt remind me of Klt

The 4 and ANIME and pretty spring nature and hiking remind me of Cha 

Plankton and Dennis and peanut butter and jelly remind me of Katie 

Canada and Nicole back reminds me of wumbo 

Hipster music reminds me of Hal and Jake and we'll the entire xat crew lmao

Jay the jet plane and regular show remind me of Jay jay 

Wegmans and winter reminds me of clapbto

Hawaii, the emotes :funny: , and wrestling remind me of OMJ 

GF (Wendy and wendip specifically)  any typo involving genitalia , steelers , baseball,  and consolation reminds me of fa/Brady (who's fa :laugh: ) 

The concept of pathetic reminds me of sbc various trolls 

The Panthers remind me of JCM 

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Nutella and cold weather = Omair

Chris Pratt and Chipotle = Kat

Doctor Who and Rick and Morty = Whobob

Wrestling = OMJ

Jeopardy = Trophy

The Eagles and Leonardo Dicaprio = Clappy

Billboard and Nickelback = Wumbo

Horror movies and Plankton = Katie

Kappa Mikey = Cha

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WhoBob- Doctor Who and Invader Zim


Katniss- Star vs. The Forces of Evil and Modern music (and Katniss Everdeen :funny:)


Metal Snake- MLP:FiM and Princess Luna and Fluttershy




crushing- Anime


Trophy- Baseball


Clappy- Billboards 'n stuff


Wumbo- Nickelback


ooooofy- Santa Squidward



Edited by Santa Fluttershy
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Movie/TV critics - Clappy

Mystery Science Theater 3000 - Jjs

Anything trippy - Elastic and Dr. Sex

Anime - crushingmayhem

Nightmare Moon - Spongetron RobotPants

Doctor Who - Whobob

Any sarcastic comment - JCM and terminoob


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11 minutes ago, illiniguy34 said:

I think it's because of that time you had Pearl dressed in Peridot's clothes as your avatar for what seemed like forever.

Oh I thought you meant Pearl as in Mr. Krabs' daughter XD

If you meant Steven Universe Pearl then I totally understand

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