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Squidlerd: The Life of An Unloved Squid (Rebooted)

Minty Car

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Been working out this one quietly for a while now, but time to make it public. This is a reboot of my second ever spin-off, Squidlerd: The Life of An Unloved Squid. You can read the original story if your interested, but it's not essential to this one. Anyhow...

Synopsis: Squidward Tentacles wakes up one day to learn that the son he never knew is coming to live with him. A sixteen year old named Squidlerd with low goals, but a huge heart, tells him that his mother has gone missing and he needs to live with him as a result. Can Squidward work this out?

Rating: PG for now. May rise as the series goes along.

Genre: Drama with hints of action and comedy.

First Episode comes out Tuesday.

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Yes, yes, yes! I loved Squidlerd back when you first wrote it, and was disheartened after it got cancelled. So this is a welcomed surprise :) .

Edited by teenj12
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Early release Tuesday! Early release (But still expect most episodes on a Wednesday schedule.) Pilot's a bit shorter then what most future episodes will be, but I'm satisfied with it nonetheless.

 But without further ado...

Episode 1: Father! Son?

"Another day gone by so slowly, but another day is done with." Squidward Tentacles moaned to himself as he racked his bike onto the bike rack of his house and laid his hat down on the seat. He was finally able to walk inside of his house and...

"reeeelaxxxxxxx!....." Squidward sighed happily aloud as he slumped weightlessly on to his couch. As he did this, his mind wandered into other thoughts that he carelessly said aloud.

"No SpongeBob." 

"No SpongeBob"

"No Spong-" Squidward immediately sprang up in disgust.

"What is that disgusting odor!?" he yelled in the room. Running across his living room he smelled everything from the couches and the tables to the sink and the toliet. But he still could not find the source of the smell until he whiffed his own armpit and said

"I need a shower..." 


The warmth of the hot shower water was refreshing on the rough complexion of his face face. Sure, it was a nice beautiful day outside he knew, but something about this was far more relaxing. It felt much more real then anything the sun could, he'd always felt to himself. And so he returned to his thoughts.

"No Spon-"


The sound of the knocking interrupted the peacefulness of Squidward's thoughts, causing him to slip and fall out of the shower flat on his face.

"What moron is interrupting my shower!?" Squidward muttered angrily to himself. After putting on one of his twenty brown shirts and seeing no need to put on some trousers, Squidward walked down the stairs and opened the door. Before him stood a smaller squid, bald like him and scrawny as well. From the lack of wrinkles on his face and his height, one could guess an early 20 year old. "Are you Squidward Tentacles?" he asked.

Squidward glared back. "I don't want a timeshare!" HE said angrily, as he shut the door on his face. The knocking returned quickly though. "Damn salesmen can be so persistent..." he mumbled. Opening the door, he yelled "No, I don't want any Squid Scout Cookies!" This time though, the squid pushed back against Squidward, not letting him close the door.

"Dad..." he said. Squidward looked at him confused. "Dad? I'm not your dad boy!"

"Yeah, you are. I got proo-" Squidward pushed him aside as he ran out the front door of his house. "I AM NOT YOUR FATHER!"


Squidward was running like a madman, planning never to stop if he could. It already seemed like he'd gone for so long without even taking a momentary breather. The ground below him had shifted from the hard, leveled road of Conch Street to sandy, unstable pastures of no constraint. Covered by nothing at all, it was no place to hide for the lumbering squid, but certainly one for his flight from that boy to continue. The rays of the sun beamed on Squidward's face, ruining his complexion once more.

"Damn sun!" came his rageful condemnation at the sky. "You're always fu-" Squidward's rage was interrupted by his tripping over a pebble, falling face first into the sand, burning his eyes and filling up his mouth to the brink. Simultaneously, the strain on his middle aged, out of shape body endured finally caught up to his mind and he became weakened and stiff all over. Writhing in pain, Squidward laid for what seemed like hours.

"Will someone help me? I can-" Squidward was huffing, when he noticed a figure before him. He quickly recognized it as the squid from earlier. "Dad you ok?" he asked. "I didn't realize you still-"

"I have no son!" Squidward yelled at him. "Who are you and why do you keep saying that?"

"Because you are my dad. My Mom said so in this letter." He dropped a scrap piece of paper on his face. Squidward opened it.


If your reading this, it's because something has happened to me. In that case, find Squidward Tentacles. He's your real dad, but I didn't want you to meet him, because... well he can tell you if it comes to that. But if I'm gone, he's all you got left and you two will gotta make it work. Hopefully, I'm the only one who will ever see this letter.

Mom xx

Squidward's face shrunk even further in disbelief as he read through the letter. "I-I don't-t-t-t beli-i-i-ieve this." Squidward said. "Hell, you could have written this. I mean look at this handwriting! It's terrible."

Squidlerd glared. "Dad, we have no thumbs and therefore no grip. All our handwriting is terrible."

"Stop calling me Dad, goddammit!" Squidward said. "Refer to me as Mr. Tentacles! Now, normally I'd tell you to get the barnacle out, but I'm curious what this is all about. So, under the condition of you paying rent, you may stay with me."

"Yay!" Squidlerd cheered. "I'm bonding with my Dad!" Squidlerd then ran off.

"Wait! Come back!" Squidward yelled back. "I'm still stiff! SQUIDLERD!!!!"

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