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Total Cartoon Paradise City!


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Here's the second part of my latest "Total Cartoon Action" episode, "SpaceHalls!" / After the commercials end, the scene opens up in the EVIL ship of the SpaceHalls, commanded by General Barracuda who is once again disguising himself as Dark Laser! General Barracuda says: "At long last, I have re-assembled the army that I had once before; the 44 Sharks of the PACIFIC!!!! Arson, Nick, Devlin, Plainsight, Daemon, Winters, Frank, Hollister, Justin, Bieber, Ted, Levine, Christopher, Lee, and all the others whose names I can't remember! You all know what I have recruited you to do, to make sure that Spongebob and his friends DON'T make it out of this challenge ALIVE!!!!" The sharks shout: "Sir, yes sir!" General Barracuda says: "To that end, we must be ever alert, vigilant, constantly alert..." But then beeping from a radar is heard and a shark tries to say: "Exscuse me sir, I think that--" General Barracuda yells: "SILENCE MORTAL!!!! Don't interrupt me why I'm EXPLAINING things! You don't even HAVE a name, Shark #33!" Shark #33 says: "I do SO have a name! It's--" And General Barracuda seriously says: "Your name is going to be MUD if you don't SHUT it!!!!" And Shark #33 sits down. /


Meanwhile, Larry's spaceship arrives close to Pearl's spaceship, which is close to being captured by General Barracuda's warship! Larry docks the two ships together, and Patrick says: "I'll go get the Princess!" Larry says: "Fine! Go be the hero for your GIRLFRIEND! It's not like I had ANY plans of being chivalrous!" (Confessional) Larry says: "I TOTALLY had plans for being chilvalrous! But if Patrick messes up, it will be on HIS head, not mine! Although, if he really IS as smart as he now says he is, that might not be likely to happen!" (End Confessional) Patrick makes sure that the airlock passage between the two ships is secure, and he opens up Pearl's spaceship. Pearl says: "That was fast! Didn't the Spacehalls fight you?" Patrick says: "Oddly enough, they haven't even noticed us! Larry is counting on my usual dumb luck to hold out and keep us safe until we see the wise sage!" Pearl says: "But you're NOT dumb anymore; General Barracuda put the brain corral on your head, remember?!" A feeling of dread washes over Patrick, and he says: "I REALLY wish you didn't JUST bring that fact up just now." And he briefly pauses and yells: "We better get the heck out of DODGE!!!!" And they both quickly duck back into Larry's spaceship which tries to blast off as fast as it can go! /


Meanwhile, General Barracuda is STILL ranting: "...We must be watchful, strong, assertive, positive, and make sure that NOTHING alludes our focus!" Than an alarm starts blaring and General Barracuda says: "That alarm only blares when an enemy is escaping with MY Princess! Why didn't someone tell me they were approaching?!" Shark #33 raises his hand and says: "I tried to sir, but you shut me out." General Barracuda angrily yells: "Don't lie to me! How STUPID do you think I am? Do I amuse you, like a clown?!" All the sharks say: "Sir, no sir!" General Barracuda says: "Be that as it may, we must now take measures to steal the Princess that THEY stole!" On Larry's spaceship, Skipper is looking at the radar and says: "Uh-oh! Here comes the BADYEAR blimp!" Larry says: "General Barracuda and his cronies, we better switch to our secret hyper-jets!" Craig says: "But buckle-up, first!" Larry says: "Hang on everybody! We're going into hyper-active!" Pearl says: "That's hyper-SPEED!!!!" Larry retorts: "Don't correct me! You understood what I meant!" General Barracuda, on his evil ship says: "Captain Dave Thomas, no relation to a certain Thomas who discovered a certain restaurant chain?!" Dave says: "Yes sir?" General Barracuda says: "We have the little twerps in our sights! Prepare to attack! At the count of THREE!!!! One, Two--"


And Larry's spaceship blasts off and General Barracuda screams: "LATE!!!! What happened?! Where are they?!" Dave says: "I don't know! They must have hyperjets on that thing!" General Barracuda shouts: "And what do we got around here; a Wii U?!" Dave says: "Unfortunately, no sir!" General Barracuda says: "Well don't just STAND there; find them, CATCH THEM!!!!" Dave picks up the intercom, and over it says: "Prepare spaceship, for LIGHT speed!" General Barracuda yells: "No!!!! Light speed is TOO light!" Dave asks: "Too LIGHT?!" General Barracuda seriously says: "We're going to have to go RIGHT to...LUDICROUS speed!!!!" And everyone gasps! Dave says: "Sir! This ship has never gone THAT fast before! I don't know if it can take it!" General Barracuda mockingly asks: "What's the MATTER Dave Thomas; BURGERS?!!!" And Dave's lips tremble and his voice cracks as he says: "Prepare SHIP--" And then he clears his voice and says more firmly: "Prepare ship, for LUDICROUS speed! Fasten your seat belts, lock all entrances and exits, close down the school and mall, cancel the three-ring circus, secure all animals in the petting zoo--" And General Barracuda grabs the intercom away from him and says: "Give me THAT, you petty EXCUSE for an officer! Now hear this, LUDICROUS speed!" Dave says: "Sir, don't you think you should buckle up?!"


General Barracuda scoffs and says: "Oh, BUCKLE this! LUDICROUS speed, GO!!!!" And his evil spaceship quickly powers up, and BLASTS off! And the speed SO surprises General Barracuda, that he QUICKLY has to pick up some nearby handles on a near-by command console, in order to KEEP from flying backwards, and General Barracuda screams: "What have I DONE?!!! My BRAINS are going into my FEET!!!!" And the evil Warship goes so FAST, it actually turns PLAID, and it zooms STRAIGHT past Larry's spaceship! Craig asks: "What in HEAVENS name was THAT?!" Skipper answers: "The evil warship!" Larry says: "They've gone to PLAID!!!!" General Barracuda screams: "We passed THEM!!!! Stop this crazy THING!!!!" Dave whimpers: "We can't stop! It's too dangerous! We've got to slow DOWN, first!" General Barracuda yells: "NONSENSE!!!! Just STOP this; I ORDER you; STOP!!!!" And Dave nervously reaches for a brake lever, which is located over a sign that reads: "Emergency Stop: NEVER use!!!!" And as the brake almost instantaneously STOPS the ship (which is especially JARRING, considering how the ship has gone from TRIPLE light speed to a dead stop) sends General Barracuda FLYING forward into a forward facing control unit! Dave rushes forward and asks: "Sir, are you all right?!" General Barracuda woozily says: "I think so!"


Dave says: "It's a good thing you were wearing that helmet sir! What should we do now?" General Barracuda asks: "Well, are we stopped?" Dave answers: "Of course, sir." General Barracuda says: "Good, why don't we take our five minute break, and hope that a certain FRIEND of mine has got the other Princess well-taken care of?" Dave says: "Capital idea, sir!" General Barracuda says: "Shave and a haircut, two bits!" And he finally FAINTS from all the pain he is in! / Meanwhile, Marlene (with her hair done up in two space buns and wearing a white dress) is being led forward by Anti-Fairies in a super secret SPACE weapon, to a VERY familiar evil fish first seen in "The Spongebob Squarepants Movie!" Marlene says: "Well, if it isn't Spongebob's old nemesis, DENNIS!!!! I should've expected to find YOU here, hiding behind the curtain! I recognized your foul stench the moment I was brought on board!" Dennis says: "Charming, to the last! You don't know how HARD it was for me. After my last encounter with Spongebob, I was pretty banged up. Thankfully, General Barracuda found me, helped me, and I was revived as a cyborg, with several times the amount of nefarious evil that I had before! And you don't know how hard it was for me to SIGN your execution papers!" Marlene sarcastically says: "I'm surprised you had the courage to do it yourself!"


Dennis says: "Before your execution proceeds as planned, I'd like to introduce you to the fire-power of our super secret space weapon; the DEATH Sun!!!! Not to be confused with the Death STAR or the Death EGG!!!! No city in the world will DARE oppose us once we demonstrate this weapons AWESOME power!" Marlene says: "The more you tighten your grip, the more cities will slip off your fins!" Dennis says: "Not after I demonstrate this weapons power! In a way, YOU have determined which site will be DESTROYED first! Since you show no intentions of telling me HOW to destroy your friends, I have decided to strike at your OLD birth-place, Moss BAY!!!!" Marlene shouts: "No!!!! Moss Bay is abandoned! It's a protected World Heritage Site! Nothing but porcupines live there! It would provide you with NO strategic advantage! You can't POSSIBLY--!" Dennis sternly says: "Do you want our target to perhaps be a military target? Than you will COOPERATE!!!! I won't mince words, so I'll only ask you once; where can we find the secret military base of your rebel friends?" Marlene looks scared, knowing that her birth place (even if the action is being green-screened) depends on her answer. Marlene reluctantly says: "Harmony, it's in Harmony." Dennis says: "Well, what do you know? You CAN be reasonable! Continue the operation, Anti-Pixies, fire when ready!"


Marlene screams: "WHAT?!" Dennis says: "You're far too trusting. Harmony is too small, and too insignificant a place to demonstrate this weapon's fire power on. But don't worry, we'll deal with your rebel friends SOON enough!" Marlene says: "NO!!!!" And the Anti-Fairies, using their EVIL magic, power-up the DEATH Sun, and blast what looks like a GIGANTIC crater in the Earth at the location of Moss Bay! From off-set, Sniz says: "I'm glad I WASN'T there, even if it was only a green-screened moment!" / Meanwhile, on Spongebob's spaceship, Haggis suddenly gets a BAD feeling in the pit of his stomach, and Stimpy asks: "Haggis, what's wrong?" Haggis says: "It's either last night's rump roast, or something worse; like thousands of SIMULATED porcupines suddenly screaming their hearts OUT in terror, and suddenly silenced! That's the awful feeling I feel!" (Confessional) Spongebob says: "I'm not going to question the judgment of Haggis! He's been in these acting situations a LOT more than I have! He's probably right!" / Haggis says: "I know what I'm talking about, I screen-tested for Obi-Wan Kenobi in the ORIGINAL trilogy! I didn't get it. At the very least, I'm STILL alive and MY career wasn't RUINED by having been in that TRILOGY!!!! Why does THAT film series seem to be so CURSED for so many actors and actresses, though?" (End Confessional)


A Scouter ship suddenly zooms PAST Spongebob's spaceship and Spongebob says: "We've been followed!" Haggis says: "No, that's a short range craft." Stimpy says: "It couldn't have gotten out THIS far on it's own!" Lil says: "Maybe it got lost, as part of a convoy." Ren says: "Maybe it's best to let it go, it's too far out of range." Spongebob says: "Not for LONG!!!!" (Confessional) Spongebob says: "I'm not letting ANY enemy aircraft out of MY sight! Once I see my opponent, I'm all over them like Orlando Bloom was all over Justin Bieber!!!! FALCON PUNCH!!!! When Orlando Bloom socked it to that rip-off ARTIST, he shot up over 9,000 respect points on my respect-ometer!" / Haggis says: "One thing about Spongebob, that guy has courage! Let's just hope that it doesn't get HIM killed!" (End Confessional) / In the DEATH Sun, Dennis awaits any news from the Anti-Fairies. Dennis says: "Anti-Cosmo, do you have my report on what you found in Harmony?" Anti-Cosmo says: "The convoy is coming in now sir, apparently, there WAS a rebel base in Harmony, but it has been abandoned for quite some time. I could've told you that Marlene would NEVER betray the rebel alliance consciously!" Dennis says: "Wait a minute! My cyborg senses are tingling! There's a spaceship after that convoy! Marlene MAY yet prove to be of use to us! Interesting."


Anti-Cosmo says: "What's interesting?" Dennis says: "My cyborg scanner just picked up a reading on the Princess that General Barracuda is looking for." Anti-Cosmo asks: "You mean PEARL?!" Dennis startled says: "PEARL?!!! NO!!!! It couldn't be...General Barracuda said he took care of THAT problem a long time ago. Now, it looks like its HER turn." Anti-Cosmo says: "Her turn to what?" Dennis says: "I've GOT to inform Master Coelaceanth!" / Stimpy says: "That spaceship is almost in range! I think its heading toward that small love Ren--I mean MOON!!!!" (Confessional) Stimpy shouts: "Why did I say LOVE Ren?!!! And in FRONT of LIL?!!! Stupid, STUPID!!!!" / Lil says: "I know Stimpy NEEDS to tell me something, the question is, why doesn't he?" / Haggis shakes his head and says: "Stimpy, now is NOT the time to let your stubborn pride get in the way of what NEEDS to be done! You HAVE to tell her the TRUTH!!!!" (End Confessional) Ren opens his eyes WIDE and says: "That's no MOON; that's a SPACE station!" Lil says: "It's too BIG to be a space station!" Haggis says: "I think we better turn around." Spongebob says: "Yeah, I think you're RIGHT! Stimpy, fire up the rockets and put this thing in full reverse!!!!"


Stimpy asks: "But what about REN--I mean, RESCUING the Princess?!!!" (Confessional) Stimpy says: "Come ON!!!! Stop DOING THAT!!!! Stupid, stupid, STUPID!!!! I'm blowing my relationship with LIL; BLOWING IT!!!!" / Haggis says: "Stimpy; stop messing around! If you keep tempting faith, the truth is going to explode, and at the WORST possible time!!!!" (End Confessional) Spongebob says: "Forget about it and turn us around!" Lil asks: "Why are we steering TOWARDS it?!" Spongebob answers: "We're caught in a tractor beam, there's nothing I can do about it! I'm going to have to shut our spaceship engines down! They're NOT getting US without a FIGHT!!!!" Haggis says: "Spongebob, you CAN'T win! But there ARE alternatives to fighting!" Spongebob says: "I just hope that Larry is having a HARDER time of getting through THIS challenge than WE are!" / General Barracuda asks his sharks: "Have you FOUND that Princess yet?!" Shark #33 says: "No, but would it KILL you to address me by my real NAME?!" General Barracuda says: "That's not going to happen!"


Dave says: "Wait! I've got it! Get me the Blu-Ray set of Total Cartoon Action!" General Barracuda asks: "Wait a minute! How can there be a BLU-Ray set of Total Cartoon Action?! We're still in the middle of MAKING it!" Dave says: "That's true, but there's been a new break-through in marketing; Instant Blu-Ray! They are OUT in stores before the SERIES is even FINISHED!" General Barracuda says: "And we've got it! Let's fire it up!" Dave puts it in, and it shows the FBI Warning. General Barracuda says: "That's much TOO early! Prepare to fast-forward!" Dave says: "Fast-forwarding, SIR!!!!" And a bunch of scenes from "Total Cartoon Island" AND "Total Cartoon Action" are briefly seen, including the scene where General Barracuda is wrestling with Sandy Cheeks, and her friends come in and warn her about General Barracuda, and Sandy over-powers him while General Barracuda is distracted! General Barracuda says: "No, it was past this...past THIS part! In fact, never play THAT part again!" Dave says: "How about here? Let's stop right here!" And as Dave pushes play, he and General Barracuda are suprised to be looking at THEMSELVES; and whatever they THEMSELVES are doing, is what they see themselves on the SCREEN, doing the same thing at the same TIME! General Barracuda says: "What am I looking at? When does THIS happen in the series?!"


Dave says: "Well sir, you're looking at NOW; everything that happens NOW, is happening NOW!" General Barracuda says: "Well, go back to THEN!" Dave asks: "When?" General Barracuda shouts: "NOW!!!!" Dave says: "I can't!" General Barracuda asks: "Why?!" Dave says: "Because we're PAST THEN, we're at NOW, right now!" General Barracuda asks: "Well, when will THEN be now?" Dave says: "Soon." General Barracuda asks: "How soon?" Dave looks back at the monitor and it is showing another scene, of Larry and the others walking through a desert climate! Dave says: "There's your answer! It seems that Larry and the others have landed on a desert planet...well, it's actually the desert near Lone Pine, California in order to save time, money, and budget, but you get my point. We'll set a course for THERE!" General Barracuda asks: "When?" Dave says: "Now! In less than one hour, Pearl and the others will be OURS!" General Barracuda says: "Good! I want there to be NO slip-ups! You can do what you WANT to the others, but I WANT Pearl ALIVE and unharmed!" Dave asks: "Why?" General Barracuda angrily says: "That's NOT your concern! Now, DO as I COMMAND!!!!" Dave sighs and says: "As you wish, sire!" (Confessional)


General Barracuda says: "Why do I WANT Pearl alive? Wouldn't YOU like to know? But you're not going to, not yet at ANY rate! I WILL reveal my REASONS, but at the PROPER time! I just hope that Master Coelaceanth doesn't find out about it! If he realizes that I didn't follow through on that ONE mission...I'd be FINISHED!!!!" (End Confessional) / In the desert, Larry says: "Well, THAT was a totally uneventful 15 minutes of time walking through the desert that we're NEVER going to get back!" Skipper says: "But look at where I brought you, the Sage's Secret Hide-Out!" And the heroic group is looking at a GIGANTIC building, which looks like a temple, even though it says: "Scotty's Castle." Craig says: "It looks like the Temple of Doom!" Pearl says: "Well, it sure ain't Templeton, California!" Patrick says: "Do we have to go in there?" Skipper says: "Well, we BETTER if we want to learn the secrets of the ROAST and save Spongebob and Stimpy!" And the group walk down a long corridor, which looks VERY reminiscent of the long hallway in the 1939 version of "The Wizard of Oz." Patrick says: "Wait a minute guys! I was just thinking! It might not be a good idea if I went in there with you! Maybe I should wait outside!" Skipper asks: "What's the matter?!" Craig says: "I think he's still SCARED about what he had to do when he still HAD to work for General Barracuda!"


Pearl asks: "Can't you convince the wise sage that you're all good?" Patrick says: "I may be smart, but I'm too SCARED to do that!" Pearl says: "I'll convince the sage FOR you!" Patrick says: "Maybe I should wait outside! I'm feeling SO apprehensive!" Craig says: "Maybe that's because you've got your PANTS hiked up too high!" Patrick looks at himself and says: "Oh, they are." And when he pulls his pants down so that they are more NORMAL fitting he says: "That IS a little better!" And a Scottish voice says: "Silence! Who DARES disturb the sacred and AWESOME presence of the ever-lasting know-it all, Gordon Quid!" And the heroic group says: "Gordon Quid from Catscratch?!" Gordon Quid walks out from a giant statue of himself and asks: "You've HEARD of me?!" Skipper says: "Who hasn't heard of; Gordon Quid, discovered by the same guy who discovered Earthworm Jim!" Pearl says: "Gordon Quid, the rich cat who shares his wealth with two brothers who look absolutely nothing LIKE him?!" Larry says: "Gordon Quid, the cat who couldn't make his show last more than two seasons?" Gordon answers: "Yes, yes, and I'm going to PRETEND to ignore that LAST one, but I am Gordon Quid!" Larry says: "Than you MUST be the Sage!" Gordon says: "Yes! I am the keeper of a GREATER knowledge! A knowledge known through-out the universe, as--!"


Craig quickly answers: "The Force?! The Schwartz?!!!" Pearl whispers: "Copyright INFRINGEMENT warning!" Gordon says: "No! The Roast! Observe!" And Gordon opens up a barbecue grill and says: "See? You can roast things pretty nicely with this thing." Larry says: "That's it?" Gordon says: "What do you expect? It's a 30 minute show." Craig says: "But what is it that you do here?" Gordon answers: "MERCHANDISING!!!!" The group asks: "Merchandising?!" Gordon answers: "Merchandising! I'll show you!" And Gordon opens up a panel, and reveal a LARGE store that is revealed as being "Total Cartoon Merchandising!" Gordon says: "Take a look! We put the series name on EVERYTHING! Merchandising, merchandising, where the REAL money from the series is made! Total Cartoon, the lunchbox! Total Cartoon, the Breakfast Cereal! Total Cartoon, the Coloring Book! Total Cartoon, the Shirt! Total Cartoon, the Hat! Total Cartoon, the Candy! Total Cartoon, the Bedspread! Total Cartoon, the FLAMETHROWER!!!!" And as he uses an ACTUAL working flamethrower which says: "A SAFE Children's toy," Gordon adds: "The kids REALLY love that one! And last but not least, Total Cartoon, the Talking Toy, ME!!!!" And Gordon pulls a string, and his toy self says: "May the ROAST be with you!" Gordon says: "Adorable!"


And off the set, Sniz says: "Well, it looks like Larry and his friends have found the wise sage! Now they've got to learn the secrets of the Roast OFF-SCREEN, because we've got to go to commercial break. But when we come back, Larry and his friends are going to have to try to rescue Spongebob and the others, and see if they can destroy the DEATH Sun! Stay TUNED!!!!" (Commercial Break) / I'll finish up this episode the next time I post. Enough said, for now! ;)

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Here's the third and final part of my latest "Total Cartoon Action" episode, "SpaceHalls!" / After the commercials end, the Anti-Fairies are looking throughout Spongebob's spaceship to find the passengers onboard. However, they prove unable to do so. That's because Spongebob and the others are hiding in anti-magic containment chambers that prevent even the Anti-Fairies from being able to locate them inside of them. Spongebob says: "I'm glad these anti-magic containment chambers happened to be located on this spaceship, Haggis." Haggis says: "They're supposed to be used for smuggling the FOOD type of haggis, I never thought I'd have to smuggle MYSELF in here! This is ridiculous; even if we DIDN'T have to worry about these Anti-Fairies, we'd NEVER make it past the tractor beam!" Lil says: "Leave that to me!" Ren says: "Why did I KNOW that you of ALL fools would say that?!" Lil asks: "Well, who's the bigger fool? The fool, or the fool who follows one?" (Confessional) Lil says: "I try to leave someone with at least ONE confusing thought at least once a day!" (End Confessional) Stimpy says: "Wait Lil! Before you leave, in case anything happens to you, I just want to let you know that I love you!" Lil says: "I know." (Confessional)


Haggis says: "Well, that was surprising; I thought for SURE that Stimpy would slip up and say Ren's name accidentally." / Lil says: "Of course I know that Stimpy loves me; he tells me that every day. He knows that I'm not going to DIE! Still, it's always nice to know that you ARE loved! I just wonder, does he love Ren as well?" / Stimpy says: "Stupid, stupid, STUPID!!!! You had the PERFECT chance to tell the truth, that was a PERFECTLY good opportunity to tell the truth, and you LET it slip away! How could I DO that?!!!" Stinky says: "I don't know, Dad; I don't know." (End Confessional) Lil leaves to find the power room for the tractor beam in order to turn it off, while Spongebob turns to the others and asks: "So, what do we do now?" And from across the way, Otto shouts: "Come and help US out for a change!" Stimpy asks: "Otto, Reggie, Rocko, Susie; what are YOU guys already doing here?" Susie answers: "We got here over fifteen minutes ago." Otto says: "I WOULD'VE struck out to find out what makes this space station tick, but little miss polite INSISTED that I wait for YOU guys to get here so that we could do it together!" Reggie says: "Otto, you KNOW that it's the right thing to do!" Otto says: "Doesn't mean I have to like it!" (Confessional)


Otto says: "At least my fifteen minutes provided me with one GOOD thing; the opportunity to get to know more about Suzie. I now know what she likes about a guy, and the qualities she most admires. Thankfully, I have a LOT of those good qualities in SPADES! And the ones that I don't, I can EASILY work on! One thing is for sure, Suzie is going to have the boyfriend that Angelica WISH she had! Sorry Angelica, but you BLEW your chance with me!" (End Confessional) Rocko is searching through the computer system and says: "I found her guys, she's HERE!" Spongebob asks: "Who's here?!" Rocko answers: "Our Princess, Marlene!" Stimpy says: "The Princess, she's here?!" Haggis asks: "Well, where is she?" Rocko says: "She's being held prisoner in the Detention Level in section four. But I'm afraid that she IS scheduled to be terminated!" Stimpy says: "We can't let that happen! We have to save her!" Haggis says: "I agree, but how are we going to do it?" Stimpy says: "Well, let's disguise ourselves as Anti-Fairies by painting ourselves blue, and wear black clothes!" Spongebob asks: "And do you really think THAT will work?!" Stimpy says: "Well, Ren and I once painted ourselves like Dalmations by covering ourselves in white and black paint, and that seemed to fool everyone!" Haggis says: "That's actually a very good point!"


Ren says: "But you NEED a reason to go to the Detention Level!" Stimpy says: "That's where YOU'LL come in. I wouldn't ask you this unless I thought you could handle this; I'm going to have to ask you to be hand-cuffed. If WE have a prisoner, they'd HAVE to let us into the Detention Level." Ren sighs and says: "Personally, I don't like it, but I'll do it. I can't remember the last time I was PRETEND hand-cuffed! Oh wait!" And Ren gets a subtle grin on his face and says: "Actually, I CAN!!!!" (Confessional) Haggis says: "Yep! Stimpy TOTALLY cares for Ren!" / Ren says: "Now this is the Stimpy I know and love, he knows that I like this kind of, 'PLAYING' around! But that's neither here, or there. Stimpy always did know what kind of acting ploys would work in MOST of our episodic situations! I think we can probably pull this off!" (End Confessional) / Meanwhile, in the Desert, Larry and the others get finished with Gordon. Larry says: "Thank you for spending 15 minutes of your off-screen time to show us the secrets of the Roast. Will we ever see you again?" Gordon says: "Who knows? If we're all lucky, we'll ALL meet again in Spacehalls 2: the Search for MORE Money!" Skipper says: "Come on guys, let's set a course for the super-secret space weapon!" Pearl says: "Which is NOT a super-secret anymore!" Craig says: "That's BESIDES the point!" And their spaceship blasts off! /


In his Warship, General Barracuda is stomping his feet and says: "This is UNACCEPTABLE! Of all the DAYS my sharks could go on STRIKE, they choose THIS day!" A shark says: "I'm not invading anything." Another shark says: "I'M not invading anything!" And the sharks both say: "And why is that?" And they start singing: "Cause we're on STRIKE!!!! We're on strike, we're on strike, we do anything we like! And why is that? Cause we're on STRIKE!!!!" Dave goes up to General Barracuda, and says: "You still have ME, sir!" General Barracuda rolls his eyes and says: "That's of VERY little comfort, Dave. I can now see why George Lucas doesn't LIKE working with UNIONS!" Shark #33 is playing his Nintendo 3DS and says: "Don't look at me; I won't help you until our demands are met, AND you start addressing me by my REAL name!" General Barracuda angrily says: "SHUT UP, Johnee!" Shark #33 shouts: "I HAVE a name you know, it's--!" And he realizes what General Barracuda just did, and Johnee says: "I really HATE you, do you know? That REALLY threw me OFF!" (Confessional) General Barracuda says: "Ironically, many people DON'T really want to be rewarded, they REALLY want CONSISTENCY!" (End Confessional)


Dave says: "Wait! Larry and the others are making a bee-line for the Death Sun!" General Barracuda shouts: "Are they CRAZY?!!! Such an attack would be a SUICIDE!" He gasps with fear, and General Barracuda says: "Unless they've learned the secrets of the Roast! Well, they're in for a RUDE awakening when they get there, because I'm going to be prepared and strike them RIGHT there!" (Confessional) General Barracuda says: "So much for sheer numbers! If you want something done, you've got to do it YOURSELF!" (End Confessional) / In the Death Sun, Spongebob and the others (minus Rocko, Reggie, and Suzie, who have volunteered to stay behind and watch Spongebob's spaceship), are disguised as Anti-Fairies. Ren is looking at Stimpy as he subtly loosens Ren's handcuffs on the elevator leading to the Detention Level. Ren says: "This is NOT going to work!" Stimpy asks: "Why didn't you SAY so before?" Haggis answers: "He DID say so before!" They arrive in the Detention Level, and Anti-Cosmo asks: "Exscuse me, what is this?" Haggis coughs, and gruffly answers: "Prisoner Transfer, from Sector 6."


Anti-Cosmo says: "Funny, I wasn't notified. I'll have to clear it." And as Anti-Cosmo approaches Ren, his shackles fall loose and Spongebob shouts: "Look out, he's LOOSE!" And Ren grabs a laser and starts shooting, while Stimpy, Spongebob, Haggis, and Otto all use their Wand lasers to try to shoot at Ren, but they all PURPOSELY miss and instead transport the Anti-Fairies back to the Anti-Fairy World! An alarm goes off, and Otto goes to answer the radio intercom. Dennis asks: "What's going on down there?!" Otto nervously answers: "Uh, well, we had a SLIGHT, weapons malfunction, but, uh, everything's fine, we're all fine here now, thank you! How are you?" Dennis says: "I'm sending some Anti-Fairy units down there." Otto says: "Uh, negative, negative. There is a leak, a slight, large reactor leak, very radioactive, VERY dangerous! Just give us a couple of minutes to track down and locate the problem." Dennis asks: "Who is this? What's your Anti-Fairy ranking?!" Otto says: "Uhhh..." And he shoots the radio intercom and Otto says: "Boring conversation, anyways! STIMPY; we're going to have company!" And Stimpy opens the cell door that's holding Marlene; and she wakes up and says: "Aren't you a little CATTY to be an Anti-Fairy?"


Stimpy asks: "This? It's a disguise!" And Stimpy wipes the blue paint off of his face. Stimpy says: "You don't need to worry, Marlene; we're going to rescue you! Lil's going to take care of the tractor beam, and then we're going to help you out in blowing up the Death Sun!" Marlene says: "I'm a big fan of that plan!" (Confessional) Marlene says: "Once again, my alliance with Stimpy is paying off! He's so sweet to me! Than again, he's sweet with a LOT of people!" (End Confessional) / Meanwhile, Lil is looking around for the Power Room controlling the tractor beam, and she asks: "Now, if I were a Power Room controlling a Tractor Beam, where would I be located?" And she looks up and reads a sign that says: "Tractor Beam Power Room, Located THIS a-way!" Lil says: "Well, THAT'S convenient!" And she goes in the direction of the sign, and spots the control panel; it's surprisingly unguarded! Lil punches up the computer monitor, and who of ALL computer voices should speak except for Karen! Karen says: "This is Karen, providing your Tractor Beam Power Room control panel. Please input the correct song to power down the Beam."


Lil thinks about it and starts singing: "Eep-opp-ork, ah-ah! Come on baby, we're blasting off! Eep-opp-ork, ah-ah! Eep-opp-ork, ah-ah! Eep-opp-ork, ah-ah! And that means I love you! Well I took my baby for a ride in space; Eep-opp-ork, ah-ah! I met a little man, with a very funny face; Eep-opp-ork, ah-ah! He taught us both to wail his way; Eep-opp-ork, ah-ah! Now nobody digs a word we say; Eep-opp-ork, ah-ah! Eep-opp-ork, ah-ah! Eep-opp-ork, ah-ah! Eep-opp-ork, ah-ah! And that means I love you! Come on, fly with me! Come fly with me, up high with me! Now Eep-opp-ork means I dig you! The word you heard! That word you heard! That crazy word! Eep-opp-ork means I love you! Come on baby, I'll put you in orbit! Eep-eep!" Karen sighs and says: "Correct, Tractor Beam, powered down!" And a whirring sound is heard, as the computer console powering the Tractor Beam powers down. And Lil makes an air fist bump and says: "Yes! I KNEW my knowledge of obscure Hanna-Barbera pop songs would one day pay off! Now I just got to get back to Stimpy and the others!" / Meanwhile, Stimpy and the others are having problems of their own, as a bunch of Anti-Fairies have gathered to block their way out of the Detention Level!


Otto says: "Oh, GREAT! We're trapped!" Haggis says: "Oh, I HATE these movies!" Marlene says: "This is SOME rescue! Do you plan ALL of your rescue's this way?!" Otto says: "Don't ask me, Stimpy and Spongebob are the brains for THIS operation!" (Confessional) Marlene says: "Stimpy, I can understand; but the day somebody calls SPONGEBOB the brains of ANY operation; that's when I worry! At the top of the lists of which you DON'T want Spongebob performing an operation on, especially an open-heart operation on, is ANY operation that requires a STEADY hand, and CAREFUL concentration!" (End Confessional) Marlene grabs a gun from Haggis, and shoots at what looks like a sewer grating! Haggis asks: "What are you doing?!" Marlene says: "Well, SOMEBODY has to save our skins! Into the garbage chute, fly-boys!" And Haggis quickly dives in, followed by Spongebob! Marlene says: "Stimpy, get in there!" Stimpy says: "No!" Marlene says: "Get in there!" Stimpy says: "But it will take WEEKS to get the stink out of my fur; no offense, Stinky!" Stinky says: "None taken, dad!" Marlene says: "Well I don't care WHAT you smell; just get in there!" And Marlene PUSHES Stimpy into the garbage chute; Ren and Otto jump in, and Marlene follows after! When Marlene finally falls into the Garbage Chute, they are SURROUNDED by a plethora of unpleasant sights and smells!


Otto sarcastically says: "Down the GARBAGE Chute! What a GREAT idea! What an incredible SMELL you've discovered! Maybe after this, you can take us to see your home town of Moss Bay! Ohhh, TOO soon?!!!" (Confessional) Marlene says: "I come up with a good idea, and get CRITICIZED for IT?! Well, let's see OTTO ever receive any advice from ME again!" / Otto says: "Out of ALL the top ten ways to get OUT of a Space Station, Marlene HAS to pick the one that even I wouldn't touch! Not even with a, 39 and a half-foot POLE!!!!" (End Confessional) Haggis says: "This smells WORSE than the Loch Ness, even on a GOOD day!" Spongebob says: "It's probably NOT going to take long for the Anti-Fairies to find us!" Marlene says: "It COULD be worse!" Stimpy feels a rumbling and says: "It's WORSE!!!!" Ren says: "I've got a BAD feeling about this!" And no sooner does Ren say this, than do BOTH of the side-walls start moving IN on them! Haggis says: "The walls are CLOSING!!!!" Marlene says: "Don't just stand there, try and BRACE it with something!" And as Stimpy DESPERATELY tries to stop the wall, he says; "Ren; if we don't make it, you HAVE to know the truth!" Haggis shouts: "Really, right NOW?!!!"


Stimpy shouts: "I LOVE you REN; I always HAVE!!!!" And unbeknownst to Stimpy, his voice echoes THROUGH the ship's many chambers, and it eventually REACHES Lil's ears as she CLEARLY hears: "I LOVE you REN; I always HAVE!!!!" And she gets SHOCKED by this! (Confessional) Lil says: "So, THAT'S what Stimpy needed to tell me. I'll tell him I don't care, but I don't think he intended for me to hear it. I'll wait and see how long it takes for him to PERSONALLY tell me the truth." / Haggis says: "Oh, I sure hope that LIL didn't manage to HEAR that!" (End Confessional) Ren asks: "Well if you LOVE me; why didn't you ACT like it when you broke up with me in the Cowboy Challenge?!" Stimpy says: "Because I didn't know how to properly handle my emotions! I was scared about what my parents would think if they found out about our relationship!" Haggis says: "You guys have been at it for 25 years; you think NOBODY noticed?!" Otto shouts: "WE NOTICED!!!!" Haggis, in a sing-song voice says: "Otto! You're not HELPING!!!!" Otto says: "I wasn't TRYING to HELP!!!!" Stimpy than says: "Well Ren, if you were so upset with how our relationship was; how come you didn't tell me so sooner?!" Ren answers: "Because in all the times we've been together; there has NEVER been a single off-screen argument that I ever managed to win!"


Stimpy says: "Well, it's not MY fault you couldn't keep up!" Otto says: "Would you KNOCK it OFF with your Lover's Quarrel?!" They CLEARLY don't hear him and Ren asks: "Well if you truly DO love me so much; why are you only BOTHERING to tell me now?!" Stimpy says: "Because barring a MIRACLE, we are GOING to die!" And the locked door leading the way out is kicked open, and Larry appears in the door-way. Larry says: "Not YET, you're not! Come with me, if you want to live!" And Haggis, Otto, Marlene, Ren, Stimpy, and Stinky quickly get out, but Spongebob says: "If you think for ONE minute, that I'm going to allow LARRY--" But Larry FIRMLY grasps Spongebob's arm as Larry says: "This isn't ASKING, this is TELLING!!!!" And Larry PULLS Spongebob out before the garbage chute can completely compact! And Stimpy can see that Pearl, Craig, Patrick, and Skipper  are with Larry. Stimpy says: "So, I take it you guys have already seen the wise sage?" Craig asks: "Is it THAT obvious?" Haggis asks: "Well, where is the REST of your team?" Pearl asks: "Well, how should WE know?!" /


The spaceship that Gerald, Dog, Darwin, and Angelica is in, is waiting in a LONG car line for a restaurant called "Intergalactic N' Out", and Angelica angrily says: "300 BILLION miles of available interspace traveling, and YOU pick the FIVE square miles filled with the BUSIEST restaurant business this side of Alpha Centauri!!!!" Gerald says: "Don't blame me; Dog just HAD to try the secret Triple McBeefy Deluxe, 4X4 animal style, make it cry, two shakes and a shimmy, low-grease, and let it swim!" Dog says: "McBeefy Deluxe Burgers are my life!" Darwin says: "What a fine predicament THIS is; some part WE got in this episode; PHOOEY!" / Back in the Death Sun, Spongebob angrily says: "If anybody hear EXPECTS me to say thank you to Larry, you can forget it!" Larry says: "I don't need your thanks anyways! I did it for another reason entirely!" Haggis asks: "What's that?"


Larry says: "A promise to keep, to an old friend." (Confessional) Larry says: "Let me be TOTALLY honest; saving Spongebob felt WEIRD; but not weird in the sense that, it makes me feel so sick to my stomach, that I don't know how I'm going to LIVE with myself kind of weird, so oddly enough! Instead, I feel weird in the sense that I feel all warm and tingly inside. Is THIS the intangible reward that Craig was talking about?" / Craig says: "I know what Larry is going through! He's experiencing GOOD Karma! It might be intangible, but karma for the sake of karma is always a goal to strive for! Even if the pay-off isn't always obvious, the reward is ALWAYS worth it in the end!" / Spongebob says; "Now I'm feeling more confused than ever. Larry says he hated me, but he still saves me. It's such a conflicting feeling. Do I feel grateful, or do I STILL hold a grudge? I WISH Sandy were here, she'd tell me how I should be feeling!" (End Confessional) Patrick SMARTPANTS says: "Well, if we can avoid ANY more advice from a certain self-assured OTTER, I think we can get OUT of here SAFELY!"


Marlene says: "Look; I don't really know WHO you are, or who you think you are, but you're NOT going to PUSH your so-called superior intelligence around us! If you want to contribute something USEFUL; you're going to be NICE about it!" Patrick says: "Listen PRINCESS, let us get one thing straight; except for Pearl, I take orders from just one person; ME!!!!" Marlene rolls her eyes and she says: "It's a WONDER that you're still alive!" Patrick asks: "Why not? It's not like I'm SUDDENLY going to be struck by LIGHTNING!!!!" And at that very instance, lightning bolts SUDDENLY course through the air, and they STRIKE Patrick in the head! Patrick says: "Smug, superior attitude disintergrating! Loyalty to friends returning!!!!" And the blast propels Patrick backwards! Dennis says: "CURSES!!!! Patrick's pointed head acted like a LIGHTNING rod, drawing the electricity to HIM!!!!" Spongebob says: "Well Dennis, we meet again for the second time, just like the last time!" Than the sound of a lazer blade ignites behind Dennis, and General Barracuda, disguised as Dark Laser says: "Actually, he's NOT the villain that you're looking for; that would be me!" Pearl says: "Don't try THIS stunt again; I KNOW who you really ARE under there!" General Barracuda says: "I'd be more worried about your BOYFRIEND, Patrick! Seeing as how he is, indisposed at the moment!"


Larry activates a watch communicator and angrily says: "ANGELICA!!!! Did you WISH for Patrick to be struck by LIGHTNING in case revenge DIDN'T make you happy?!" Over the intercom, Angelica scoffs and says: "Coincidence!" (Confessional) Larry gets stunned and says: "Did her obsession for revenge REALLY cause my team-mate to be hurt?!!! I always thought that if I got revenge; it would make ME feel better about myself. But ever since Sandy's elimination, me SAVING Spongebob, and now THIS, now I'm just not so SURE anymore! I'm starting to wonder what I'm really in this season for. Patrick has got someone he cares for that HE wants to protect; don't I deserve to have the same? But if not Sandy, than who?" / Angelica scoffs and says: "Yeah, right! Like ME wishing for Patrick to get struck by lightning REALLY caused him to be struck by lightning! If life REALLY worked that way, than I'd wish for Justin BIEBER to be struck by lightning!" And Cosmo appears, magically poofs a TV, and the TV is on news, and the news says: "And this just in; amazingly, from out of nowhere, a bolt of LIGHTNING has just STRUCK Justin BIEBER!!!!" Cosmo laughs at the EXPENSE of the irony, but Angelica gets SO angry, she throws a pencil sharpener at the TV which breaks it, and she screams: "Oh, YEAH?!!! Well, who asked YOU?!!!" (End Confessional)


Larry says: "You DON'T scare me! Craig, get the others to the safety of the ship! I'll deal with THIS matter, personally!" Craig says: "Larry, don't get KILLED!" Larry says: "Craig, you're going to have, like, over a DOZEN of the main characters in the ship, I think we're ALL going to be okay!" Pearl says: "I can't argue with logic like that; let's go!" And they all rush for Larry's spaceship! General Barracuda says: "Larry, before you DIE; there is something you should KNOW about us!" Larry asks: "What's that?" General Barracuda says: "I AM your Mother's, sister's, nieces, cousins, brother's, uncles, aunt's former room-mate!" Larry says: "What's that make us?" General Barracuda answers: "Absolutely NOTHING! Which is what YOU are about to become!" And General Barracuda AND Larry both ignite LASER forks, extending AWKWARDLY from their leg-chest area. General Barracuda says: "You HAVE the FORK! And I see YOUR Fork is as BIG as MINE! Now let's see how you HANDLE it!" And the two begin an epic laser fork duel, which gets interrupted when General Barracuda swings his fork TOO far to the left, and HITS Fondue as he falls off his chair! General Barracuda nervously says: "Uh, HE did it!" Larry angrily says: "WHAT?!!!" And they continue their fork duel, it's evenly matched, until their forks get intertwined TOGETHER!!!!


General Barracuda says: "Blast it! I hate it when my FORK gets twisted! Okay, maybe if I put my foot on YOUR leg, we can push away and pull." Larry sighs and says: "Fine." General Barracuda places one of his feet on one of Larry's legs, and the evil fish says: "One, two, three, PULL!" But Larry TRICKS General Barracuda, and seems to MAGICALLY levitate General Barracuda off the ground and General Barracuda screams: "What are you doing?!" Larry says: "It's called the ROAST! Actually, Hollywood Green Screen Special Effects, but you get the idea! And Larry PUSHES General Barracuda BACKWARDS, RIGHT into the Self-Destruct button, which has a sign under it which reads: "Self-Destruct Button, do NOT Push unless you really, REALLY, mean it!" As the alarm blares, General Barracuda screams: "COME ON!!!! Why is there a self-destruct button on this SHIP?!!!" Sniz says: "Because THIS is MY movie!" Larry quickly runs back to his space-ship and screams: "Let's get out of DODGE!!!!" General Barracuda and Dennis quickly run to an escape pod, only to find ONE available one left! Dennis says: "Looks like we have to roshambo for it." General Barracuda BRIEFLY thinks about it and says: "That sounds PRETTY logical, BUT--!" And General Barracuda EPIC punches Dennis and gets on the lone escape pod! General Barracuda says: "I DON'T negotiate!"


And both Larry AND General Barracuda manage to escape the Death Sun MOMENTS before it explodes in a STUNNING display of flame and light! Sniz says: "And it's over, it's ALL over! Since Larry and his team managed to do the COMPLETE challenge, meeting with the sage AND destroying the super-secret space weapon--." Darwin interrupts: "But it's not a SECRET, anymore!" Sniz says: "Irrelevant! The point is, the Network Noobs have WON this challenge! Boom Vets, sorry to say, there's no reward for second place. One of you will have to be voted off tonight!" Patrick FINALLY wakes up and he asks: "Pearl, did we win?" Pearl says: "Yes, we won. I'm so glad YOUR safe!" Patrick says: "Pearl, that lightning affected the brain coral! I can CONTROL my attitude now; and I think I've just realized how I can safely expose General Barracuda!" Pearl excitedly asks: "REALLY?!" Patrick sadly answers: "Yes, but you might not like what I HAVE to do in order to do it." (Confessional)


Patrick says: "I'm proud of Larry keeping his promise to keep Spongebob and Stimpy safe, I really am. However, if I want to keep EVERYONE safe, this is something I can do. I know Pearl will be sad, but this will help HER out, as well." / Larry says: "Patrick INSISTS on doing something to keep Spongebob and Stimpy safe! I already promised to Sandy that I would do it, but Patrick wouldn't let up until I agreed for him to do it. This could put a DENT into my alliance plans!" (End Confessional) The "Silver Sniz Theme" triumphantly plays, and Sniz comes out with a tray FULL of Silver Sniz Awards! Sniz says: "Boom Vets, you came, you saw, you didn't conquer. Now one of you must leave the show, because you will be voted off. And you can NEVER come back EVER!!!! Behold your voting devices!" And as the Voting Devices pop up, Sniz begins to say: "Choose carefully, before you decide on--." But all of a sudden, the LIGHTS go out, and several contestants start SCREAMING! Suzie asks: "What's going on?" Otto says: "I don't know!" Reggie says: "I can't see anything!" Than the lights come back on and Sniz says: "Wait a MINUTE!!!! APPARENTLY, when the lights went out, you all VOTED for somebody!"


Marlene says: "But none of us even TOUCHED the devices!" And Sniz says: "And the person you voted out was--" And suspense builds and Sniz, puzzled, says: "General Barracuda?!!!" General Barracuda BURSTS on stage and screams: "What's the MEANING of this?!!! We had a DEAL!!!! I'd work for you as LONG as you promised to NEVER expose my SECRET status to EVERYONE here!" Patrick shouts: "NO!!!! He DIDN'T expose your secret status; I did it! Sniz, Fondue, I hereby vote myself off from this game! I know this sounds weird, but this is the one way that I can keep everyone safe! General Barracuda said he'd make Pearl's life miserable if she got eliminated before I did! He never SAID anything about being able to do it AFTER I was eliminated, yet alone eliminated after he got EXPOSED!!!!" General Barracuda says: "You BETRAYED me, you SELL-OUT!!!!" Patrick says: "Impossible! How could I BETRAY you if I was NEVER really on your side to begin with?!" Larry comes on-screen and says: "Besides, Patrick didn't even necessarily have to do this! I could've ALWAYS shown Sniz and Fondue that secret footage of mine that I've been taking of you, that would've shown them EVERYTHING they would've needed to KNOW about you!" Sniz says: "Truth be told, we actually wouldn't have even NEEDED that!!!!" General Barracuda asks: "Why?!!!"


Sniz says: "Maybe you've COMPLETELY forgotten; but this is a REALITY show!!!! You're ALWAYS being WATCHED; like ALL the TIME!!!! DUH!!!!" General Barracuda says: "I DIDN'T forget; I just figured you would be too SMART to ever try anything FUNNY against me!" Patrick says: "Well, unfortunately for you, he TECHNICALLY didn't! You revealed YOURSELF when YOU came out on the stage and THREATENED Sniz's life; not your smartest PLAYBOOK move, HORATIO!!!!" General Barracuda suddenly realizes how HORRIBLY out-smarted he's been played for and in utter frustration, he says: "AHHH, CRUDCAKES!!!!" Otto says: "Wait a minute! Patrick was actually RIGHT about something?!!!" Reggie says: "Statistically speaking, he had to be right about SOMETHING sooner or later!" Sniz says: "General Barracuda, for forcing Patrick into an illegal alliance, and NOT so secretly trying to kill Spongebob and his friends on a semi-regular basis, you are on PROBATION!!!! You break the rules two MORE times, and you are GONE! And good luck trying to pull off any more nefarious schemes now that ALL of the contestants KNOW that you WORK here!" Patrick says: "Well Sniz, my work is done here!" Patrick rushes over to Pearl, kisses her and says: "Pearl, I leave the rest to you. And don't EVER forget, General Barracuda probably betrayed and MURDERED your father!"


Pearl says: "I won't forget!" Patrick gets onto the Limo of Losers and says: "I'll see you all at the finale!" And the Limo of Losers drives off!" Sniz says: "I guess that means that ALL the Boom Vets receive a Silver Sniz tonight, seeing as how Patrick just eliminated himself." / General Barracuda walks into the monitor room, very dejected about the whole experience. General Barracuda screams: "GONE!!!! It's ALL gone!!!! All of my HOPES and DREAMS gone, good-bye! WOAH, see you!!!! One minute, you're in charge of the WHOLE galaxy, and suddenly, you're now stuck DRINKING Dar-jeeling tea with Mrs. Nesbit and the Babysitters Club! My experience here could not POSSIBLY get any WORSE!!!!" Than General Barracuda spots a D.V.D. case marked; "From Dennis, to HORATIO; play me NOW!!!!" And curious as to what is on it, General Barracuda pops the D.V.D. into a player, and who should appear on the screen except Dennis?! The image of Dennis says: "Greetings, General Barracuda! If you're watching this, than you have probably succeeded in saving your OWN skin by sacrificing me in the process! I figured you would pull a stunt like that; but I'll have the last laugh! I know the SECRET you've been HIDING General Barracuda, and I just told Master COELACEANTH what it IS you've been hiding from him! He's on his WAY, HORATIO!!!!"


The screen goes blank and General Barracuda gets more horrified than ever! General Barracuda says: "Master Coelaceanth! That JERK Dennis CALLED on Master Coelaceanth! I have to succeed in my mission! If I don't, there's no telling what Master Coelaceanth will DO to me, but it will NOT be pretty!" / And Sniz is watching this on his personal monitor, and he says: "Well, what an interesting surprise THIS is; Patrick may have revealed the MAN behind the curtain; but not the MONSTER behind the MAN! I have a feeling that Master Coelaceanth's presence will spell something BIG for our remaining contestants! The question is, what? The answer; will be revealed on another dramatic episode of Total Cartoon Action!!!!" Episode Notes: Ren, Skipper, and Dennis from "The Spongebob Squarepants Movie" make guest appearances in this episode. General Barracuda's presence is now revealed to EVERYONE on "Total Cartoon Action," effectively nullifying any SECRET plans he had against Spongebob! Patrick gains the ability to control his attitude, despite the attachment of the brain coral. Patrick quits the game in this episode, doing so in order to keep Spongebob and ALL his friends safe! Stimpy tells Ren the truth about his love, but Lil over-hears! But Stimpy doesn't know that Lil knows! Larry begins to question his OWN motives for wanting to be in the game. /


Personal Note: Patrick was ALWAYS going to be eliminated THIS season as a result of General Barracuda's interference! He is also one of the many red herrings this season that have been set up as the potential BIg Bad this season. Patrick's goal was to make it farther THIS season than he did the last season, but sacrifice his OWN game in order to save the games of all his friends, who became more important to him than the money. Having Patrick leave the game this way, means that Patrick got to leave the game on his OWN terms! / That's it for THIS episode of "Total Cartoon Action!" See you the NEXT time! ;)

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Nice to see Catscratch referenced along with the idea of a cyborg Dennis.


The Patrick/Barracuda storyline, while admittedly a clear parallel to DJ/Chef in TDA, is something I feel you went about uniquely enough.

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Nice to see Catscratch referenced along with the idea of a cyborg Dennis.


The Patrick/Barracuda storyline, while admittedly a clear parallel to DJ/Chef in TDA, is something I feel you went about uniquely enough.


Thank you. And in case you hadn't noticed, that most recent episode (as well as the last two before that) all contained a Mel Brooks reference! And yes, I admit that I was just going to do a straight-forward parody of the T.D.A. story line at first. However, this occured RIGHT before I decided to REALLY deviate from "T.D.A." and try to be more original with my stories. First, I made Patrick RESIST General Barracuda more, and General Barracuda having to go to more EVIL lengths to try to control Patrick! Then, I made it seem like General Barracuda's alliance role would end EARLY, by having Larry (similar to Justin, except he ACTUALY does STUFF), end up being an unlikely hero and saving Patrick! But because General Barracuda REFUSED to give up on his goal, it forced Patrick to sacrifice himself anyways, for everyone's safety! But the rest of the cast will soon find out that you can't mess around with the cub and NOT expect to get the BEAR! Master Coelaceanth is COMING, and he's going to make General Barracuda look like a SAINT! And now, without further delay, I shall begin writing the next episode of "Total Cartoon Action!" /


Sniz is in the Control Room and says: "Last time on Total Cartoon Action, we went into space! Actually a Hollywood, Green-screened room, but you get the idea! In a world where Larry learned the secrets of the Roast, Spongebob learned how NOT to invade a super-secret space weapon, Stimpy learned how to reveal his love for Ren, and Lil unexpectedly LEARNED of said love! Can you say, Love triangle? And in a shocking twist, Patrick learned of General Barracuda's NOT so secret plan to try to do bodily harm to Spongebob and all of his friends. But in a moment of heroic, self-sacrifice, Patrick gave up his OWN game, and exposed General Barracuda to EVERYBODY! So much for the GENERAL'S plan of revenge! But while the General might have failed, a MASTER might have something different to say about it! That's because according to MY intel, a certain Master Coelaceanth, General Barracuda's EVIL superior, is set to make his appearance today! What kind of EVIL plans does this fish predator have up his sleeves for Spongebob and his friends? I don't know, but I do know one thing; today, all of the LIES that have been building up among all of the REMAINING contestants are going to come CRASHING down to the ground! The truth is about to hit the fan, and it's NOT going to be pretty! See the mess unfold on today's episode of Total Cartoon Action!" /


"Predator Aliens: Countdown to Disaster! (AKA: Lies, Lies, Lies, Yeah!)" In the night, General Barracuda is working on a secret concoction of potions and liquids. General Barracuda nervously says: "Let's see, add in four teaspoons of baking soda, a tablespoon of fast acting yeast, a cup of milk, a pinch of salt, a stick of butter, an ounce of tea, a cookie, and a liter of Mountain Dew!" General Barracuda mixes the concoction together; and when he sees the results, he says: "Perfect! And now, the final and most IMPORTANT ingredient; my OWN mixture of UNKNOWN and highyly mysterious CHEMICALS! What they're going to do, I have NO idea! But, I'll test it on STIMPY tonight!" / General Barracuda sneaks to the Boom Vets' trailers, and sees Stimpy and Stinky sleeping peacefully. General Barracuda says: "This plan has GOT to work!" And General Barracuda POURS the entire liquid mixture into Stimpy's mouth. General Barracuda lifts up Stimpy's chin, to make sure that Stimpy swallows ALL of it, in his sleep! General Barracuda clenches his fists together and says: "Come on! Do SOMETHING!!!!" General Barracuda waits a few seconds, only to be distraught by the fact that NOTHING is happening to him! General Barracuda GASPS in horror and says: "That's it, man! Game over man, game OVER!!!!" And General Barracuda dashes OUT of the Boom Vets' trailer, only to run RIGHT into Fondue! Fondue says: "Awfully LATE to be out and about and sneaking around the Boom Vets' trailers, aren't YOU; Horatio?!" General Barracuda nervously says: "I wasn't sneaking! I was...well, I just...I got nothing!" Fondue says: "Do you WANT me to TELL Sniz about this?!" General Barracuda nervously says: "You got to let me go! He's coming; he's COMING!!!!" Fondue says: "Well, I don't care if the POPE asked you to go somewhere; you are UNDER contract and you are going to stay here and HELP this show!" And as Fondue GRABS General Barracuda by his jean vest, General Barracuda shouts: "You don't know the horror that's coming!!!!" /


In the morning, the contestants are all in the cafeteria, eating breakfast. Haggis asks: "Stimpy, how are you feeling this morning?" Stimpy looks at his breakfast, unsure and says: "I don't know. I'm not sure, but I feel something STRANGE inside of me; and I just don't feel like I normally feel." Haggis says: "Don't you think it's time you told LIL what you told REN the other day?!" Stimpy says: "I'm THINKING about it, okay?! But it's not just an object you can DROP like a bomb shell; this type of matter needs to be handled DELICATELY, or you'll HURT the relationships you have!" Haggis asks: "What are you WAITING for; a note from your MOTHER?!!!" Stimpy says: "Actually, that WOULD be kind of NICE; but I'm trying to figure out the best way to PHRASE the situation to Lil!" Haggis says: "Stimpy, sometimes there IS no best way to phrase a situation to somebody; you just have to phrase it! You know that you've GOT to tell her sooner or later; but if you wait until later; it's BOUND to explode and it will NOT be pretty!" Stimpy says: "I KNOW what I'm doing! I actually WON last season, okay? Do you think I would be so foolish to make the kind of mistakes that Ren made?!" (Confessional) Haggis says: "I WISH Stimpy wouldn't bring Ren up. Any time Stimpy brings Ren up, it causes Stimpy to THINK about Ren! And when Stimpy thinks about REN, he DOESN'T think about the game! Stimpy's in dangerous territory, and I'm worried that he's heading into a dangerous situation that I can't help him OUT of!" / Stimpy says: "It's not like EVERY time I think of Ren, I stop thinking about the game. I still think very much about Lil, and what she means to me. I'm sure that once I get a chance to explain my side of the story, she will realize that I love her just as much as I love Ren!" Stinky asks: "You mean, you don't love one more than the other?" Stimpy says: "I don't think that way. Love isn't like cookies; you take the last one away, there's no more cookies left. But love is an inexhaustible material that can be shared with everyone!" Stinky says: "That's really deep, dad." (End Confessional)


Rocko and Reggie are eating together, and Rocko asks: "Reggie, can we talk?" Reggie answers: "Sure, what's on your mind?" Rocko whispers: "I don't feel comfortable about hiding the fact that you FAKE cried to win that spa hotel trip reward!" Reggie asks: "Why not? You got to go on it, to!" Rocko says: "But I just don't feel comfortable knowing about it. Whether you realize it or NOT Reggie, that's LYING; and when it comes to lies, they are almost ALWAYS inevitably going to be found out!" Reggie says: "Stop worrying about it; nobody's going to find out about it, because it didn't HURT anybody!" Rocko says: "I'm SURE it must have hurt somebody!" Reggie says: "Well, I didn't hear anybody complain about it! Can't you just PROMISE not to tell anybody else?!" Rocko says: "Reggie, I love you, but I don't want--." Reggie shouts: "PROMISE me!!!!" Rocko sighs and says: "All right, I promise!" (Confessional) Rocko says: "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive! I NEVER would've agreed to go on the hotel spa trip with Reggie if I had initially KNOWN she was fake crying; but by the time I found out, it was already too late! I don't want any part of this lie, but I also don't want to disappoint Reggie! The trouble is, the more Reggie keeps lying, the more she's going to depend on me to support the lie. My love for Reggie is strong, but so is my sense of right and wrong. I'll suppose I'll find out soon how much it will take for my sense of right and wrong, to out-weigh my sense of loyalty." / Reggie says: "As my brother once said; it's only LYING if you get CAUGHT! Nobody's gonna catch me in this lie, because the lie isn't even TOXIC! Besides, who would ever suspect sweet, innocent Reggie Rocket of ever partaking in a lie; let alone maintaining one?! Besides, we all KNOW why I did it; Angelica! So in a way, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have needed to DO what I did! It's just rational logic!" (End Confessional) Angelica goes up to her fellow Network Noobs and says: "Come on! Cheer up! Pouting isn't going to bring Patrick back!"


Larry scoffs and says: "I'm not in the MOOD for your observations!" Craig says: "Patrick was a nice, KIND guy, qualities of which YOU seem to know NOTHING about!" Angelica says: "Doesn't CHANGE the fact that Patrick is gone! Which means that for Larry, his alliance is DOWN a member!" Pearl asks: "What's your point, Angelica?" Angelica says: "I'm TIRED of being the low girl on the totem pole; I want to be HIGHER, like second!" Darwin says: "That's NOT going to happen!" Dog says: "No kidding! You have NO real loyalty to us; why should we have any loyalty to you?" Angelica shouts: "Who CARES about LOYALTY?!!! You've got a HOLE in your defense, and without the RIGHT member, the Boom Vets are going to EXPLOIT that weakness and DECIMATE your alliance! I'm the BEST replacement for the JOB!" Larry says: "I'd sooner let GERALD into my alliance, and he doesn't even WANT to be in it! You're STAYING where you are!" Angelica angrily says: "You know something, this team would be NOTHING without ME!!!!" Gerald says: "Exscuse me?!" Angelica says: "Who comes up with ALL the good ideas? ME!!!! Who does ALL the behind the scenes work? ME!!!!" Pearl says: "You're not even supposed to be on this show!" Angelica asks: "And YOU are?!" Pearl says: "What's THAT supposed to mean?!" Angelica smugly says: "Only that I heard a certain SECRET from my LAWYER Johnathan. He told me how your father, Mr. Krabs, BRIBED Sniz and Fondue to LET you on this show, and how Mr. Krabs PROMISED them a PORTION of YOUR winnings if they would rig ALL the challenges in YOUR favor, and never let you get VOTED off!" Pearl angrily slams her flippers down and says: "That's a LIE!!!! I made my father PROMISE not to interfere! If I DO win this season; I'm GOING to win fair and SQUARE!!!! He PROMISED!!!!" Angelica rolls her eyes and says: "PLEASE!!!! We're TALKING about a LUMP sum of money! Do you really think that Mr. Krabs is going to pass up an EASY opportunity to get his HANDS on that money?!"


(Confessional) Angelica says: "I've got Pearl RIGHT where I want her, in the palms of my hands! Surely she doesn't think of her dad as being honest and TRUSTWORTHY! How ELSE could she make it THIS far in the game, if not for her dad's help?! It's not like she's actually GOOD at the game, like I am!" / Pearl defiantly says: "Mr. Krabs would NEVER interfere with this game! I made him PROMISE to stay out of this and let me WIN this game FAIR, and SQUARE! Winning this game would mean NOTHING to me if the challenges were all RIGGED in my favor! Besides, I KNOW that can't be true! Our team hasn't even been WINNING the majority of the challenges! If the game WAS rigged in my favor, I THINK I would be the FIRST to know about it! But I would NEVER let that kind of activity go on either WITH or without my knowledge! I'd do the RIGHT thing and inform Sniz about such un-ethical behavior! So I THINK Mr. Krabs knows BETTER than to try such a CHEAP stunt! He'd probably try a FREE stunt, but NOT a cheap one! He might not be my biological dad, but he has too much at stake to try to interfere with this game! I just wish my REAL dad was still alive; he's show EVERYONE how you play a game with DIGNITY, and honor!" (End Confessional) In contrast to the irony of Pearl's statement, General Barracuda is dressed as a cook, fixing up every single contestant's breakfast! General Barracuda says: "Angelica, your made to order breakfast is ready!" Angelica says: "Now THERE'S someone who knows what I want to HAVE!" Craig says: "But he's a villain!" Angelica says: "An EXPOSED villain; meaning he's of NO threat to us!" Angelica walks up to the counter and says: "I've never had cooking from a General before; I'm expecting good things! Just give me my genuine French Toast from Paris and Paris Purple Flurp, and make sure my sausage is cooked WELL done and that my bacon is extra crispy!" General Barracuda gives her a cup of green liquid with whipped cream and a cherry on top. Angelica asks: "What the HECK is this?!"


General Barracuda says: "You said you WANTED to stay on a food regiment that allowed you to stay the size of a size four super-model; this is how you do it! A smoothie that's one part fiber, eight MORE parts fiber, one part prunes, topped with soy cream and a cherry!" Angelica says: "That isn't even food-ESQUE!!!!" General Barracuda angrily says: "Don't PUSH me, okay?! I'm being FORCED to do this on account of my bad behavior to all of you!" Stimpy walks up and says: "I'll take it! No sense letting a good drink go to waste!" And Stimpy drinks it up in one gulp and says: "Who KNEW that a mostly fiber, prune smoothie could taste so GOOD?!" Stimpy burps, and adds: "Even on the RETURN trip?!" Angelica says: "Well, I'd say my breakfast was all done, but I never even got STARTED!" (Confessional) Angelica says: "And to think, that I'M called CRUEL around here! It doesn't matter that I WASN'T going to like it, that was STILL my BREAKFAST!" / Stimpy says: "Angelica only has herself to blame! In my personal view, you don't get anywhere in life if you DON'T try new things! New things can broaden your horizons, and open new doors! I've tried a lot of things in life, and I've liked MANY things that I have tried!" Stinky asks: "Is that why you're so KNOWLEDGEABLE about so many things, dad?" Stimpy says: "Well, it's ONE of the reasons I'm so knowledgeable about so many things!" (End Confessional) Sniz comes in and asks: "Did you ALL have a GREAT breakfast?!" Angelica shouts: "NO!!!!" Sniz continues as though Angelica didn't say anything and says: "GOOD!!!! Because today, we're going to be doing our tribute to the Alien Movie Picture!" Otto asks: "Exscuse me; shouldn't THIS count as our SECOND sci-fi action movie?" Sniz says: "You would think so, but no! Because as far as Nickelodeon is concerned, we have PLENTY of aliens to go around. So aliens AREN'T science-fiction to us, they are science FACT! Besides, you'd be surprised by the number of alien pictures that don't involve a lot of science-fiction action!"


(Confessional) Craig says: "I love alien picture movies! One time, I remember watching this scary flick called Martians, with my girlfriend Girly Teengirl; we were at the local drive-through, and we nearly lost our Reese's Pieces, when that Martian embryo BURST out of that guy's stomach, and his guts exploded EVERYWHERE! Girly was all emotional about it, but I was thankfully there to comfort her in her time of need. We managed to see the whole flick together. And we were SO relieved by the ending! I won't spoil it for anyone who HASN'T seen it yet!" / Spongebob says: "Sandy says most of my knowledge about aliens comes from all the alien movie films I have seen over the years. While that may be true; it doesn't mean that those movies don't have any merit to them. If I can dazzle everyone with my prowess and mad skills in this challenge, I bet I could honor Sandy's heroic sacrifice, and show Larry just how heroic I can be! He's not the ONLY guy who can take command in an intense situation! I've got this challenge UNDER control!" (End Confessional) Suzie asks: "So, who's General Barracuda going to disguise himself as today? Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta?" Sniz says: "Actually, General Barracuda will NOT be doing the antagonizing today! Instead, we have a special guest for today! All the way from the IRKEN home-world; and the subject of over ten THOUSAND fan-fictions, it's everybody's FAVORITE would-be conquerer; Invader ZIM!!!!" And Invader Zim bursts through the door, holding a lazer and says: "Surrender to ME, puny Earth mortals!!!!" And instead, everybody laughs out LOUD at Zim's proposal! Zim asks: "Exscuse me? What's so funny about THAT threat?!" Reggie, still chuckling, says: "You want US to bow down to you?! Yeah, right! Your show only lasted like, one SEASON on Nickelodeon! Do you know how LAME you have to be to have your show only last ONE season on Nickelodeon; if even Breadwinners, Sanjay and Craig, Fanboy and Chum-Chum can have over ONE season on Nickelodeon?! You have to be like; Planet SHEEN lame!"


(Confessional) Invader Zim angrily says: "Story of MY life! I make a SERIOUS threat, and it gets taken like a JOKE! I bet FREEZA would NEVER have to put up with a TAUNT like this!" / General Barracuda says: "At least he's not Master Coelaceanth; at least not yet! But I still have a sinking feeling; Master Coelaceanth is BOUND to show up sooner or later, and I'm stuck as a prisoner to Sniz and Fondue's contract! And if I'm WORRIED about what Master Coelaceanth is going to do to ME for lying and FAILING; it's going to be SO much worse for Spongebob and his friends! And the worst part about it all, is what Master Coelaceanth is going to do to Pearl! That girl; if she weren't SO essential for me to keep alive at ALL costs, I wouldn't put myself through such agony! But I'm going to keep Pearl alive even if it KILLS me! Master Coelaceanth can have his way with ME; but he will NOT have his way with Pearl! She's MINE, and mine alone!" (End Confessional) Sniz says: "Fondue, tell our challengers how today's challenge is going to work?" Bored, Fondue rolls his eyes and says; "A colony of Earth settlers, stranded on an alien planet, find out that there is a hive of predator aliens living on it. Desperate for salvation, they call on a team of extreme commandos to wipe out the alien egg nest; then they have to deal with the Alien Queen!" Pearl says: "That's the exact same plot of my favorite 1986 movie!" Sniz says: "Which is why we're using it; because the plot is SO good!" (Confessional) Spongebob says: "This is even BETTER than an alien movie, it's alien HUNTING!!!! I LOVE alien hunting! I even have experience in alien hunting! Granted, that experience only amounts to me hunting and bagging everyone in Bikini Bottom. Sandy was pretty ticked off about it; good thing when I released her and agreed to take her place in the bag, she was able to fix the engine and get us back home. I'm never going to make THAT mistake again! / Larry says: "So we're going to be doing a challenge about aliens today! I hope I don't have to save Spongebob again!" (End Confessional)


Sniz says: "Does anybody have any questions about today?" Pearl raises her flipper and says: "Yes, is today going to be an elimination challenge, or just a reward one?" Sniz says: "Actually, I think I'm going to keep EVERYONE in suspense until near the END of the episode; it makes you all try HARDER if you think there MIGHT be an elimination when all is said and done!" (Confessional) Pearl says: "I'm not sure what to make of it. In a case like this, there's no way to tell what Sniz's true intentions are. If he intends to eliminate us or not. Personally, I'm all up for booting Angelica OUT if it IS an elimination challenge and we end up losing! She is NOTHING but dead weight on our team!" (End Confessional) Sniz says: "The challenge will take place on the alien home-world set, full with a complete replica of a working Irken warship, courtesy of Invader Zim. You'll have to avoid Invader Zim's blasts while you hunt for the alien eggs and destroy them!" Marlene says: "Thank you for that helpful information! I don't know WHAT I would do without a game plan!" (Confessional) Marlene says: "This is a PERFECT challenge for me! In a movie such as this one, the strong, self-assured, warrior woman ALWAYS wins it over the aliens in the end! I have got this challenge in the bag!" (End Confessional) Sniz says: "It's time to show what you're made of! To the alien home-world!" And the contestants walk off to the alien home-world set, unaware that someone with EVIL eyes is watching them, and it's NOT General Barracuda!


The stranger, who sounds EXACTLY like Ted Levine in "Silence of the Lambs," creepily says: "That's right, my little lambs, tromp care-free into the fields of playful laughter; it will be your last romp. Because when I'm done with you, all of you will understand the TRUE meaning of pain and suffering before I am done with you, for I am your WORST nightmare; MASTER COELACEANTH!!!!" And a bolt of lightning flashes, revealing the creepy air-breathing fish in ALL his creepy evilness! (Commercial Break) I'll finish posting up this episode later. Enough said, for now! ;)

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Here is the second and final part of my "Total Cartoon Action" episode: "Predator Aliens: Countdown to Disaster! (AKA: Lies, Lies, Lies, Yeah!") / The contestants are now located in the giant Irken space-ship replica, all decked out in mock military uniforms. Suzie asks: "So, how are we going to start this challenge?" Otto says: "Well, we've been given GPS locaters to track our locations throughout this crate; at least we'll know where we're going." Angelica romantically says: "You're a SMART and intelligent guy; not to mention a perfect partner!" Otto scoffs and says: "I'm not YOUR partner anymore, Angelica! If I didn't buy your Dead Grandma lie, what makes you think I'm gonna buy this one?! Suzie is my interest now! Unlike YOU, she's kind, she's nice, she's NEVER lied to me; and I have NEVER had to force her into going on a date with me! In other words, she's everything you're NOT; and I actually LIKE it!" Angelica protests: "Besides all that, what do you possibly see in her?! I'm PRETTY!!!!" Otto says: "Not under that two cent toupee, you're not! Besides, why SHOULD I love you when I KNOW you don't love me back? You blew your chance with me, Angelica; and now, you have to live with what could've been as much as I do! The only difference is, I know how to move on to something that actually CAN work for me, unlike YOU!"


(Confessional) Angelica is shocked, and says: "That's IMPOSSIBLE! Otto CAN'T be OVER me! NOBODY gets OVER me; I'm Angelica PICKLES! I'm the one who DOES the dumping, not the one who GETS dumped! Suzie is going to be SO sorry for taking Otto!" Than Angelica remembers how people are watching her and, and she says: "Don't get me wrong! It's not BECAUSE I have any feelings for him; it's the PRINCIPLE of the matter!" / Otto says: "Suzie and me have got a pretty sweet thing going on. We hang out together, we communicate, we find out what the other likes, and we don't keep secrets from each other!" / Suzie says: "I have to admit something. My relationship with Otto hasn't always been platonic. Originally, I just began the relationship to get attention from Otto, and form an alliance with him. And to make Angelica mad and jealous that I was getting cuddle time with him when SHE wasn't! But now, I really feel like I have something with Otto! It means something to him, and to me as well! And I'm NOT going to give that up to anyone; least of all Angelica Pickles; who is the LAST person who deserves it!" (End Confessional) Stimpy says: "Otto, while that MAY be a good plan; you're choosing a BAD time to strategize!" Otto asks: "Why is that?" Stimpy says: "Haven't you noticed how we're ALL conveniently grouped together in a single spot?! Bad idea, anyone?!"


Marlene says: "Stimpy, that may be the SMARTEST thing I have EVER heard you say!" (Confessional) Marlene says: "I say that for two reasons. A, because it's true. B, I want to ensure that my alliance with Stimpy is still standing!" / Stimpy says: "I hate being put into tense situations; like any kind of situation where we're all grouped together, and our adversary can pick us off in a single swoop! If it was General Barracuda, I wouldn't have to worry about it! But Invader Zim is a LOOSE cannon! He SAYS that he's loyal to the Irken cause, but he ALWAYS acts like he is LOYAL to NOBODY! Wouldn't it be funny if his mad-invader craze was all just a FRONT to cover up the feelings he has for Dib?!" Than Stimpy remembers that people are watching him, and he says: "But that doesn't relate to the feelings I have for Ren and Lil! I have a GOOD feeling that I will be able to tell Lil all about my honest feelings in a nice, healthy way soon!" / Otto asks: "Can't I EVER be allowed to come up with an idea that DOESN'T get criticized?! I feel like the Nostalgia Critic whenever he critiques a Don Bluth movie, or something!" (End Confessional) Otto asks: "Well, if YOU'RE so smart, tell us what we SHOULD do in a situation like this?!" Stimpy says: "Spread out, but have a partner! No one goes off alone! You can't be ambushed if you have company!" (Confessional)


Stimpy says: "It's simple movie logic. Aliens ALWAYS go after the lone, solitary figures, and pick them off one by one, whittling down the survivor's numbers! Being paired with a partner means an extra set of eyes, and an extra set of ears. Two heads are ALWAYS better than one; unless that head belongs to Angelica Pickles, in which case, it doesn't!" / Otto says: "I hate to admit it, but that's actually SOUND logic! Is it a BAD sign to ADMIT that someone has a good idea if that someone is STIMPY?! Or has he been taking some secret courses in game strategizing that I am not aware of?!" / Lil says: "It's all MY genius plan! I've been helping Stimpy step up his game in order to go FAR this season! I mean, I want to go far this season as well, maybe even win! But I want Stimpy to remain in the game for as long as he can! So I've been teaching him everything I know about game show challenges, and I think it's paying off! He seems a LOT more sure and focused on winning challenges THIS season than he was LAST season! Although, I DO have to wonder who he's winning challenges for; is he winning them for Ren, or for me?" / Haggis says: "Truth be told, I'm pretty sure Stimpy is winning challenges for BOTH Ren and Lil!" (End Confessional) Larry says: "Pearl and Craig, you're with me! Dog and Darwin, keep each other safe!" Gerald asks: "What about me?!"


Larry says: "Look Gerald, our team is like the Power Rangers. I'm the red ranger, Pearl is the pink ranger, Craig is the green ranger, Darwin is the blue ranger, Dog is the orange ranger, Angelica is the yellow ranger, and you're the black ranger." Gerald angrily says: "WHAT?!!!" Larry continues, unaware of the un-intentional insult he just made, and says: "The Power Rangers work their best when they're together as a team; because alone, we all pretty much suck, except for me, because I'm Jason David Frank as Tommy Oliver, so I'm the best Power Ranger of all time, and I get to be five different Ranger powers! Look, the point is, did Jason ever quit the team to go to a peace conference? Did Kimberly ever relinquish her powers to go train in the Pan-Global Games? Did Billy ever leave to go live on an alien planet?" Pearl says: "Yes, yes, and technically, no. That wasn't David Yost acting as Billy when THAT happened!" Larry says: "Irrelevant! The point is, the team works best when they follow the rules of teamwork! That's why it's important for YOU...to team up with ANGELICA!!!!" Gerald and Angelica both shout: "WHAT?!!!" Larry says: "I thought you would both be a FAN of that plan; you ARE both humans; unless Angelica is actually a giant snake!" Craig says: "Which actually isn't too FAR from the truth!" Larry says: "In any case, you either team up, or you'll get ambushed!"


(Confessional) Angelica says: "The things I go through in order to secure my STAYING place in this game! At least I'm NOT an Asian; otherwise, I would be REALLY ticked off about being the Yellow Ranger!" / Gerald says: "Bad enough I'm labeled the Black Ranger just because of my skin color, but pairing off with Angelica?! Larry's just looking for an exscuse to eliminate me! I'm not a member of his alliance, so he wants to take care of the last loose end on his team! How could TODAY get any worse?!" (End Confessional) Than all of a sudden, a small, CRAZY Robot comes whirring in, and blazes some alarms! It says: "Danger, DANGER! My name is Gir, I am a robot who disguises himself as a dog, Zim is on his way to invade and conquer you Earthlings, which is a secret that I'm not supposed to share with you; but I am because I love sharing secrets! Zim loves WAFFLES!!!!" And Gir wheels his way OUT of there! Larry says: "Separate and look for the alien eggs! I'll see you all at the finish if you're lucky!" And the three different Network Noob groups scatter in different directions! Otto says: "Quickly, team leader! We need a plan!" Stimpy, unsure, says: "Uh, Reggie and Rocko together, Otto and Suzie together, Spongebob and Haggis together, Marlene and Lil, you come with Stinky and me! Let's MOVE!!!!" And the four different Boom Vet groups spread out in different directions! / General Barracuda nervously looks up and down the long, darkened hallway, scanning for any signs of Master Coelaceanth. General Barracuda says: "So far, so good. Although, that's probably one thing I shouldn't be SAYING at the moment, seeing as how it SO often leads to irony! I shouldn't have to put myself through this; especially NOT for Pearl, but I need her ALIVE for my plan to work, and I am going to KEEP her alive even if it KILLS me, whether Pearl likes it or NOT!!!!"


General Barracuda starts running down the hallway, only to bump into Invader Zim! Invader Zim says: "Foolish Earth being, what are YOU doing here?!" General Barracuda says: "I've got some FOOLISH contestants to take care of!" Invader Zim cries: "That's what I'M doing here; I'm afraid ONE of us has GOT to go!" General Barracuda gets a malicious look and says: "You couldn't be MORE right!!!!" And General Barracuda epic PUNCHES Invader Zim, throws him into a supply closet, and locks him in it! General Barracuda says: "Sorry, you've been canceled, AGAIN! Now, if I were Pearl and competing in a challenge, who would I be with?" And off in the distance, he hears some contestants talking. Craig says: "We've been walking around for ten minutes, and we have STILL seen NO sign of the alien eggs OR an alien!" Larry says: "That's because we're only ten MINUTES into an alien movie; nothing can POSSIBLY happen to us yet!" Pearl says: "Well, there ARE always rare EXCEPTIONS to the rule!" General Barracuda says: "And I'm about to SHOW you one RIGHT now!" And General Barracuda rushes out, and TACKLES Pearl to the ground! Larry shouts: "YOU again?!" Craig says: "I thought you weren't allowed to interfere in our challenge!" General Barracuda, struggling with Pearl, manages to say: "Well, in THIS case, it's no longer YOUR challenge, it's MINE! And you no longer HAVE Patrick to sacrifice himself for NOTHING!!!!" Larry says: "I've beaten you once, and I can beat you again!" Pearl angrily says: "I can to, and AVENGE what you DID to my father?!" General Barracuda mocks her by fake-crying: "So young, and yet SO angry; you remind me a LOT of me when I was your age! We have MORE in common than you THINK! You smell just like your mother!" Pearl asks: "Is that why you KILLED my father, because YOU couldn't be with her?!" General Barracuda says: "You would be SURPRISED with who your mother loved. My biggest regret, is that Ambrosia isn't around to see what a fine, young lady that you are becoming."


Craig says: "Well, it doesn't matter WHAT crazy plan you've come up with! Larry and I are going to stop it!" General Barracuda gets a smug look on his face and says: "Actually, I believe you WON'T!" Larry asks: "And just WHY is that?!" General Barracuda maliciously says: "Because I have something that I DIDN'T have last time; a HOSTAGE!!!! Namely, Mr. Krabs!!!!" Craig gasps and says: "You don't!" General Barracuda nods his head and says: "But I do! He might not be Pearl's biological father, but he's the ONLY parental figure Pearl has ever known for 16 years!" Larry angrily says: "If you've harmed Mr. Krabs in ANY way..." General Barracuda rolls his eyes and says: "Please! Mr. Krabs and Pearl will be just FINE; as long as you DON'T try anything STUPID! I'd hate to be responsible should anything BAD happen to Spongebob, who Larry just HAPPENS to be trying SO hard to keep safe!" And Larry gasps at this development! General Barracuda says: "Sorry, my would-be partner, but I am in charge of your alliance NOW!!!!" (Confessional) Larry angrily says: "CRUD!!!! That CREEP has been listening in on my Confessionals! I can't LET him HURT Spongebob! I made a promise to Sandy, and I am NOT going to have it broken NOW!" / General Barracuda is holding Pearl, and he says: "At this point, I'm willing to do ANYTHING to win, and keep Pearl alive at ANY cost!" Pearl angrily says: "Why do you want to keep ME alive?! You KILLED my father, and I will kill YOU!!!!" General Barracuda laughs and says: "If only you realized the SHEER amount of irony in this situation; you'll look back at this moment in retrospect and laugh!" Pearl angrily says: "I'll LAUGH when I've avenged my FATHER!!!!" General Barracuda rolls his eyes and says: "I SO look forward to that day!" (End Confessional) General Barracuda says: "I'll lead you to where Mr. Krabs is being kept, fortunately, it's also where the alien eggs are being kept, so you'll have an advantage in winning the challenge. You see, we BOTH get what we want in the end!" Larry shakes his head, and says: "You're INSANE!!"


General Barracuda says: "Maybe, but I currently hold ALL the cards in the deck; now, don't I? Now, let's go!" / Lil motions the rest of her group to stay close, and says: "Just follow me, guys! I have been abducted LOADS of times, and I know my way around a spaceship! I even have this tracking chip installed in my neck; see?!" And Stimpy looks closely and sees that there actually IS a tracking chip installed in her neck! Stimpy's eyes open wide and he says: "WOW! Does it hurt?" Lil says: "Only when I hiccup. HICCUP!!!!" And a buzzing noise can be heard coming from inside Lil's neck, which causes Lil to cry: "OUCH!!!!" (Confessional) Stimpy says: "I didn't know Lil had alien abduction knowledge! It makes me feel a LOT better about my chances of getting THROUGH this challenge! Although, I'd feel a lot better once this challenge is over, and I can tell Lil the honest truth about how I feel, both for her AND for Ren!" Stinky says: "Because if you don't have the truth, than what DO you have?" Stimpy says: "I couldn't have said it better myself!" / Lil says: "I'm really touched that Stimpy CARES about me so much! Of course, I'd feel a whole lot better if Stimpy would just tell me what he NEEDS to tell me; it's got to be EATING at him inside!" (End Confessional) Than the group hear a distant running sound from down the hallway. Stinky asks: "Who is that?!" Lil says: "I'm not sure!" Stimpy asks: "Is it Invader Zim?" Marlene gets into a karate pose and says: "If it is, we're going to be ready for him!" And the group is relieved when they see that it's just Fondue, carrying a thermos! Lil says: "Oh, it's only Fondue!" Fondue pants and says: "Sorry for the delay, Marlene. But I've got your made to order energy drink all fixed up and ready to go!" Marlene says: "Awesome!" Lil asks: "YOU got a made to order energy drink?" Marlene answers: "To make sure I'm at top peak physical performance! I want to have optimum energy for this challenge! What will I be drinking; Gatorade?"


Fondue looks humiliated and says: "Well, it's not so much Gatorade as it is part of the fiber-prune smoothie that was made for Angelica." Marlene smells it and says: "Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, EW!!!! I am NOT drinking that!" Stimpy says: "I'll take it!" And Stimpy grabs the thermos and drinks it down in one gulp! Stimpy says: "Delicious!" Lil asks: "Are you SURE that was a good idea, Stimpy?" Stimpy says: "I was thirsty to, and no sense letting a good smoothie go to waste!" (Confessional) Marlene says: "I'm glad that STIMPY is enjoying that smoothie, but there's a particular problem! That much smoothie gulped down in such a short span of time, it's BOUND to come out of the other side of his mouth sooner or later, and when it does, it isn't going to be PRETTY!!!!" / Lil says: "Stimpy drinking so much smoothie reminds me of the time that Lil once ate 20 chili dogs on a dare once! When I was finished, Angelica said that I SMELLED just like a--." (Camera cuts) / Fondue says: "I have never SEEN a guy drink that much of THAT type of smoothie as Stimpy has! And the weird part is, he SWEARS that he tastes Mentos and Mountain Dew in that smoothie, and I didn't even ADD anything in it! But if he really DOES like it, more power to him!" (End Confessional) Than the gang is ALL suprised when a BIG, LOUD, thudding and stomping sound can be heard coming down the hallway! Lil nervously says: "Uh-oh!!!! What's making THAT kind of noise?!" Marlene nervously says: "That's BAD! If the CRAZY girl is WORRIED; it only means I should be SUPER worried!" Stimpy nervously says: "It's WAY too loud and big to be Invader Zim!" Lil says: "I'm feeling bad, evil vibes just from the sound alone!" And the gang's WORST fears are confirmed when Master Coelaceanth FINALLY steps out of the shadows, in all his CREEPY evilness! Stimpy says: "That's NOT General Barracuda!" The creepy Master Coelaceanth says: "No. I am Master Coelaceanth, the most POWERFUL fish in the entire world, and YOU are not fit to even MENTION me by NAME!!!!" Lil asks: "Coelaceanth?"


Marlene answers: "It's an ancient breed of fish; the coelaceanth species have existed for at least 70 million years! They were once thought to have died out, but they were recently discovered to be thriving, completely unevolved in all that time!" Master Coelaceanth sneers: "At least ONE of you has SOME idea of what I'm about!" Marlene nervously says: "Comes with being an aquatic mammal! I got to know who I share my ocean waters with!" Master Coelaceanth, unimpressed, says: "If you're LOOKING for some kind of SLIGHT positive recognition for me, or ANYTHING positive at all, I'm afraid you are SADLY mistaken! I am NOT that kind of villain! So, there is NO point in trying to FLATTER me, girl!!!!" Lil nervously asks: "What do you WANT with us?!" (Confessional) Marlene screams: "Use your HEAD, Lil!!!! One does not SIMPLY ask the biggest, baddest, vilest, most EVIL air-breathing fish they have EVER seen, what they WANT with them!!!! That's an invitation to DISASTER!!!!" / Lil nervously says: "In retrospect, that was NOT the smartest thing I ever ASKED of somebody, let alone to somebody like Master Coelaceanth!" (End Confessional) Master Coelaceanth, still unfeeling, says: "Touching. Actually, I have a possibility of choices for you. Shall I roast you open a fire like a BUNCH of over-fed SWINE, or perhaps I should use you as GUINEA pigs for my HIGHLY endangered species brand of lotions, used ONLY from the most exotic animals?! It puts the lotion on its skin, it does this when it's told, or else it gets the hose again. After which, I'll SKIN you, and use your HIDES as part of my exotic endangered animal SKIN collection, and make people LOVE me! Would you love me? I'd love me, I'd love me SO good!!!!" Marlene gasps: "He's a sadistic PSYCHOPATH!!!!" Lil says: "Those are the WORST kind of villains! You can't reason with THEM!!!!"


Stimpy screams: "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!" And the gang runs at a LIGHTNING speed, away from Master Coelaceanth! Master Coelaceanth, bored, merely says: "Running will do the pigs no good; it will only make them thin. I'll just fatten them up again. After all, I don't want my HIDES to be too SMALL, now do I?" Fondue looks nervously at Master Coelaceanth and says: "I'm just here to do my job, don't hurt me!" / A montage of scenes showing the different groups running around is shown, while The Thompson Twins' 1984 hit song, "Lies, Lies, Lies," plays in the background. "You told me you loved me, so I don't understand why promises are snapped in two and words are made to bend. (The bigger, the better) some stolen from japan, collected from around the world, they'll catch you if they can. Lies, lies, lies, yeah! Lies, lies, lies, yeah! Lies, lies, lies, yeah! Do I have to catch you out to know what's on your mind? Well, Cleopatra died for egypt, what a waste of time. White ones and red ones, and some you can't disguise. Twisted truth and half the news, can't hide it in your eyes. Lies, lies, lies, yeah! Lies, lies, lies, yeah! Lies, lies, lies, yeah! You say you'll try harder, but i think it's just too late. Well, the car is revving in the drive, and i'm not the sort to wait. The bigger, the better, some nicked from old Saigon; collected from around the world, love lies on and on and on and on and on and lies, lies, lies, yeah! (They're gonna get you!) Lies, lies, lies, yeah! (They won't forget you!) Lies, lies, lies, yeah! (They're gonna get you!) Lies, lies, lies, yeah! Oh, you know I know. Lies, lies, lies, yeah! Lies, lies, lies, yeah! Lies, lies, lies, yeah! Oh, you know I know. Lies, lies, lies, yeah! Lies, lies, lies, yeah! Lies, lies, lies, yeah!" /


After the montage ends, Otto and Suzie are seen casually walking down a darkened hallway. Otto asks: "So Suzie; what would you do if YOU ended up winning the $1.5 million?" Suzie says: "Tough question! I'd probably put it towards a music scholarship of some sort, to improve my singing career prospects. My family always tells me that I have good singing pipes." Otto says: "Nice to know you have a concrete plan! So far, the only thing I can come up with is using that money as a down-payment on a skate-themed amusement park!" Suzie says: "That sounds fun! I'd come and visit it!" Otto says: "I'm sure you would!" Suzie says: "Hold it! What is THAT?!" Otto says: "On the ground? It looks like a magazine. It IS a magazine!" And Otto gasps and says: "I can't BELIEVE it! The Limited Gold Edition Sports Illustrated Tony Hawk issue! I already own one, so I can SELL this for $9,000 on eBay, EASILY!!!!" Suzie runs up to Otto and says: "Otto, I really don't think you should touch--." But Otto picks it up, and without WARNING; a rope net GRABS them both, and lifts them both in the air, catching them in the exact SAME way Otto got caught in the Jungle episode! Suzie sarcastically says: "THAT; was BRILLIANT Otto! Falling for the EXACT same stunt; TWICE!!!!" Otto screams: "IT'S OVER $9,000!!!! Do you expect me to pass up a Golden Ticket opportunity like THAT; I don't think so!" (Confessional) Otto says: "It's CALLED planning for the future! What if I got into a major accident, and needed funds, in a flash?! $9,000 can be very helpful in a situation like that!" (End Confessional) Stimpy, Marlene and Lil stop running, catch their breath, and Marlene says: "I think we lost him!" Stinky says: "That's comforting to know." Stimpy says: "Now, we can focus on finding the alien eggs! We'll have to be aware, vigilant, CONSTANTLY alert, and not go wandering off..." But at this moment, Lil gets distracted when she SEES a wrapped piece of candy on the ground!


Lil runs up to it and says: "Ooh! A piece of candy!" She unwraps it, eats it, then she sees ANOTHER wrapped piece of candy on the ground and says: "Ooh! A piece of candy!" She sees even MORE pieces of candy, unwraps them, eats them, and says: "Ooh! A piece of candy!", for a total of twelve times, until she is SURPRISED when a box door slams BEHIND her, trapping her in the EXACT same way she got trapped in the jungle episode! Watching this, Sniz spits up his Mountain Dew, laughs and says: "I CAN'T believe she actually FELL for that STUNT a SECOND time!!!!" Lil groans and says: "Something tells me I should be feeling REALLY stupid about now!" / General Barracuda, still holding Pearl, arrives at a steel door with Larry and Criag close behind. General Barracuda says: "The eggs, and Mr. Krabs are in there; alive and unharmed." Craig says: "How do we know that it really IS Mr. Krabs, and not just Plankton in some Imitation Krabs robot pretending to BE him?!" General Barracuda scoffs and says: "PLEASE!!!! Plankton WISHES he could be ME!!!! Besides, I have TOO much at stake to just turn back now! And so do YOU, Larry!" Larry angrily says: "Don't EVER compare me with you! I am NOTHING like you; I'm HONORABLE!" General Barracuda says: "Really? Because trying to get Sandy to dump Spongebob, scheming of ways to have Spongebob eliminated, blackmailing Sandy into doing a favor for you? THOSE things aren't honorable!" Larry angrily says: "Don't EVER lecture ME!!!!" Spongebob says: "Hold it right THERE!!!!" And all of a sudden, Spongebob and Haggis, Rocko and Reggie, Darwin and Dog, Gerald and Angelica, Marlene, Stimpy and Stinky, come in from all directions, and they surround General Barracuda! General Barracuda fumes, and angrily, VERY sarcastically says: "Well, this day is going down EXACTLY the way I PICTURED it!!!! Only...NOT!!!! Not at ALL like THIS with all of you SURROUNDING me!!!!"


Spongebob says: "What are you up to THIS time?! And where's Lil, Otto, and Suzie?" Stimpy realizes Lil's absence and says: "What?! I thought Lil was with US!" Marlene says: "This is NO time for Lil to have gone wandering off!" General Barracuda says: "What do I look like, your girlfriend's keeper?!" Spongebob angrily says: "If you've done ANYTHING to harm Pearl in ANY way..." General Barracuda angrily says: "Stop assuming THINGS! The problem with nearly ALL of you, is that you're ALWAYS so QUICK to jump to conclusions without knowing all the facts! Just look inside, Pearl, and Mr. Krabs will tell you a secret that YOU need to hear, while I reveal EVERYTHING about EVERYBODY!!!!" (Confessional)


Stimpy gets a stunned look and says: "Did he just say, EVERYTHING?!!!" / Angelica gets a stunned look and says: "Did he just say EVERYTHING; as in, how I REALLY feel about Otto Rocket?!" / Dog gets a stunned look and says: "Did he just say EVERYTHING; as in, how I REALLY feel about my brother Cat?!" / Gerald gets a stunned look and says: "Did he just say EVERYTHING; like how I might NOT be the coolest guy to EVERYONE who KNOWS me?!" / Haggis gets a stunned look and says: "Did he just say EVERYTHING; like where my loyalties TRULY lie?!" / Larry gets a stunned look and says: "Did he just say EVERYTHING; like how I'm REALLY starting to feel about my motives for playing the game?!" / Marlene sighs and says: "Whew! I'm sure glad I don't have anything for General Barracuda to reveal! Everybody already knows about my hatred for Treeflower, so I'm all paid up!"  / Otto gets a stunned look and says: "Did he just say EVERYTHING; like how I REALLY feel about Angelica Pickles?!" / Reggie gets a stunned look and says: "Did he just say EVERYTHING; like how I fake-cried to win a reward?!" / Suzie says: "Did he just say EVERYTHING; like why I really started a relationship with Otto?!" / Rocko shakes his head and says: "I WARNED Reggie, I tried to WARN them all! It looks like I might not HAVE to reveal anything after all! This is where the truth hits the fan!" (End Confessional)


General Barracuda opens the door and says: "All the answers LIE, or should I say, HONESTLY? The are in THERE!!!!" And sure enough, the contestants see the room FULL of fake alien eggs, and Mr. Krabs tied to a chair. Pearl says: "You're okay!" Mr. Krabs says: "Pearl, you're safe! You're all right! I was SO worried!" General Barracuda says: "Pearl, Mr. Krabs has SOMETHING he needs to tell you!" Pearl says: "I ALREADY know; Mr. Krabs is NOT my biological father." Mr. Krabs gets a stunned look and says: "WOW! You figured that out on your own?" Pearl says: "Actually, it was Patrick who told me." Mr. Krabs says: "I'm sure it's an interesting story about how he figured THAT one out!" General Barracuda says: "NOT that! Tell Pearl the REAL reason she's competing this season; and the DEAL you set up with Sniz and Fondue!" Pearl says: "Mr. Krabs didn't set up ANY deal with Sniz and Fondue, RIGHT?!" Mr. Krabs nervously looks around and says: "Depends on how you...I mean, there ARE other WAYS to..." but he looks at Pearl's soulful eyes, sighs, and Mr. Krabs says: "I did. I bribed Sniz and Fondue to let you compete on this season, and I promised them a portion of your winnings if they would make sure to rig all the challenges so that you would win them, or make sure that you never got voted off!" Pearl gasps and says: "How could you DO that?! After you PROMISED you wouldn't interfere; how could you break a promise with me?!" Mr. Krabs cries and says: "I just didn't want to see you hurt, I wanted you to win SO badly!!!!" Craig says: "Wait a MINUTE!!!! You mean Angelica was actually RIGHT when she told us about this EARLIER?!!!" Angelica says: "Why would I ever LIE about information as juicy as THAT?!" General Barracuda mocks Pearl's crying and says: "Ahhh, the truth HURTS, DOESN'T it?!" But without realizing it, Larry has QUICKLY gotten behind him, and has tied his FINS together tightly!


General Barracuda shouts: "What's the big idea, Larry?!" Larry says: "The big idea is that I'm NOT letting you go, not THIS time! Fool me once, shame on YOU! But you WON'T be fooling me a SECOND time! Spongebob, You and your friends shoot every single alien egg in this room! Than, we can take this CREEP to Sniz and Fondue so they can PROPERLY deal with him!" Spongebob gets a stunned look and says: "You're giving ME permission to WIN this challenge?! But your team will lose!" Larry sighs and says: "That's not as important as your safety! Sandy made me promise that I WOULD keep you safe, and I am going to keep that promise!" Pearl asks: "You're STILL keeping that promise?" Larry says: "I NEVER break a promise, and I NEVER make a promise that I can't keep! I have too much honor and dignity at steak! And, I'm afraid I was WRONG about you, Spongebob." Spongebob asks: "What were you wrong about?" Larry sighs and says: "I was wrong to think that you were my enemy. I was so blinded and consumed by my initial wanting of revenge, that I thought I would do ANYTHING to get even when I was WRONGED by Sandy. But due to the recent actions taken by General Barracuda, and the recent actions I've had to do in order to stop him; I now realize that I wasn't the ideal man that Sandy deserved. I can see now why she WOULD want to be with you. Unlike me, you've ALWAYS been nice and kind; you're considerate, and you don't let yourself get consumed with revenge like I did. I realize now that revenge is not the answer for me. From now on, no more vendetta, no more grudge. From now on, I want to compete against you the way I SHOULD'VE done from the beginning, for the RIGHT reasons!"


Spongebob asks: "And what reasons are those?" Larry says: "For honor, justice, conviction, and doing the right thing. In a weird way, I actually need to THANK General Barracuda for this!" General Barracuda asks: "And WHY is THAT?!" Larry answers: "If I had never MET you, I could've BECOME you; and I now know that my heart is not cut out to be like yours, if you even HAVE a heart, that is!" General Barracuda says: "Keep talking! You're giving ME heart disease!" Darwin says: "So he DOES have one!" Spongebob happily says: "Larry, I'm so happy about this! Now, we don't have to be focused so much about any nefarious schemes, and we can just focus on the competition!" Larry says; "And when the final challenge comes, there will be no doubt in either of our minds as to who the better man is; if there even IS a man left for the final challenge!" Spongebob says: "I'll try not to disappoint you!" (Confessional) Larry says: "I honestly didn't foresee myself making a move like this, but I had to ask myself if I was playing this game for the right reasons. When I saw that I wasn't, I had to make a change and find out what those right reasons were. Now I know what they are; to make sure that anyone like Angelica Pickles and General Barracuda DON'T push others around so that they can selfishly have THEIR way at the expense of OTHERS happiness! Still, I have to wonder, if this was Sandy's intention all along? Did she start this situation, to get me and Spongebob close together and become friends? Not that it matters much to me now, but I still have to say; well-played Sandy Cheeks. Well played." / Spongebob says: "Somewhere, Sandy is laughing her head off! I never THOUGHT she could pull off a game plan like this, especially without her even being AROUND to see it to fruition! Now that's what you call PLANNING for the future!" (End Confessional)


Spongebob confidantly says: "Boom Vets, you heard Larry! Let's BREAK those eggs!" And the Boom Vets QUICKLY shoot all the alien eggs in sight! Reggie says: "That's it!" Rocko says: "We've got them all!" Larry says: "Now, let's take General Barracuda to Sniz and Fondue! We'll see if they WANT to let you stay on the show NOW!!!!" But everyone gasps when they find their path BLOCKED, by Master Coelaceanth; and a lightning bolt SOMEHOW strikes behind him in the hallway, to illuminate his evil presence! Spongebob gasps: "NO!!!! It CAN'T be you!" Master Coelaceanth says: "I'm afraid that the rumors of MY demise have been GREATLY exaggerated!" General Barracuda weakly says: "Master, I know it looks like Larry has my fins all tied up, but there's a perfectly LOGICAL explanation! I can explain!" Master Coelaceanth CRUELLY says: "There is NOTHING left to say! You FAILED me! So now, I'm just going to have to kill you, to!" Than Master Coelaceanth THROWS Lil, Invader Zim, Suzie AND Otto, in the room with them! Master Coelaceanth creepily says: "And don't bother HOLDING your breath, it WON'T do you any good! Fare well, though I KNOW you won't!" And Master Coelaceanth SLAMS the door, locking them in, than he cranks a lever, and breaks it OFF for good measure! Lil nervously asks: "What did he MEAN by holding our breaths wouldn't do any good?!" Than Stimpy appears to start PUFFING up, and Stimpy says: "Guys, I'm starting to bloat up like a PUFFERFISH over here!" General Barracuda nervously says: "Uh-oh!!!!" Otto suspiciously says: "What do you mean by, 'uh-oh'?!" General Barracuda says: "The concoction! I nearly forgot!" Suzie, puzzled, asks: "Concoction?" General Barracuda says: "A last-ditch potiion formula I whipped up in an attempt to POISON all of you, I tested it on Stimpy! It didn't work, at least, now when I WANTED it to!" Angelica sternly says: "Stimpy, you are NOT farting in here! Not only will it be COMPLETELY disgusting; the smell will cause us to DIE, or at the VERY least, make us all SICK!!!!"


Stimpy says: "But there's another air baby inside of me and it NEEDS to be born!" (Confessional) Angelica weirded out, says: "Did Stimpy SERIOUSLY say THAT?!" / Stimpy says: "I'm not sure why I said THAT; it just slipped out that way!" (End Confessional) Stimpy is breathing like he is experiencing labor, while Angelica attempts to sing a lullaby. Angelica sings: "Hush little baby, don't you cry. If you do, we'll SURELY die!" Stimpy moans and says: "Lil, I have to apologize! I DO still have feelings for Ren, but I love you EQUALLY as MUCH! I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, it was wrong of me! Can you EVER forgive me?!" Lil says: "I was WONDERING when you would get around to PERSONALLY telling me that!" Stinky asks: "You KNEW?!!!" Lil realizes her mistake, and she says: "That's not what I meant! I merely, noticed..." But Lil see's Stimpy's and Stinky's soulful eyes; she sighs, and Lil says: "I did. I overheard your words echoing in the space-station in the last episoe. I knew you wanted to tell me personally; I didn't want to make it seem like I was violating your trust in me." Stimpy says: "I was worried SICK about how I had to tell you about this, and you already KNEW, anyways!" Lil says: "But I didn't MEAN to over-hear it; I just did! I'm NOT upset! I can forgive you!" Stimpy asks: "You do?" Lil says: "Sure! Especially if you can keep holding it--." But Stimpy releases a loud burp, causing Lil to woozily say: "IN!!" Then all of a sudden, green gas starts flowing IN all around the contestants, causing them to cough due to the impurity of the air! Otto shouts: "Stimpy, cut it OUT!!!!" Stimpy groans and says: "It's NOT me!!!! Burp!!!! Not all of it, anyways!" Stinky says: "I AM Stinky, but this is a little much, even for ME!!!!" Angelica cries: "I can't DIE like this! There are SO many places on EARTH that haven't been graced by my awesomeness!!!!" Marlene says: "Are you ALWAYS this vain and WHINY?!!!" Angelica sternly retorts: "I'm about to die from a mixture of Stimpy's gas and some OTHER gas! How would YOU feel?!" (Confessional)


Marlene says: "Well for ONE thing, I WOULDN'T be blaming STIMPY for something that WASN'T his fault! I'm SO glad she is NOT on OUR team!" (End Confessional) Angelica screams: "I can't DIE like this! Not when I NEVER got to tell Otto how I really do LOVE his STUPID skateboarding and the STUPID way he looks, and the STUPID ways I LOVE him!!!!" Otto asks: "What are you TALKING about?! I'm right HERE!!!!" Angelica gasps, futily covers her mouth and screams: "OHHH!!!!" (Confessional) Angelica is shocked and says: "How could I DO that?! Reveal my HONEST feelings for Otto, and in FRONT of Suzie?! Neither of them are EVER going to let me hear the END of it!" / Otto is shocked and says: "Angelica actually DOES have feelings for me, and she actually DOES love me?! Under different circumstances, I'd say she was lying and not give it a second thought. But due to the circumstances of the moment, I'h have to say she's not. The question is, do I STILL have feelings for HER?! After everything she's done to me and everyone else?! How can I trust someone with a track record like her's?!" / Suzie gasps and says: "Angelica; you did NOT just admit feelings for Otto, I have feelings for Otto! Get your OWN boyfriend! If you can even FIND one!" (End Confessional) Otto says: "Angelica, do you know how OFTEN I wanted to hear you SAY that in season one? How I wanted you to confess your love and admire ME in season one? And how disappointed I was by every time you shot me down in flames, refusing to even give me a CHANCE?! Maybe I was just attracted to you for your beauty, but I was also drawn by your brains! And that's why I felt DEEPLY betrayed when you cheated my sister OFF in season one just to further your own game!" Reggie rolls her eyes and sarcastically says: "SURE!!!! NOW you remember!" Otto says: "I don't know if it IS the gas, but I am NOT interested in a LOVE triangle; I don't ROLL like that! As of RIGHT now, I STILL have a thing for Suzie, she has a thing with me; and she has NEVER lied to me about ANYTHING!!!! Right?"


Suzie laughs nervously and says: "Funny story about that; I might have just started a relationship with you so you would pay attention to me, and make Angelica jealous that I was getting cuddle time with you!" Otto and Angelica both scream: "WHAT?!" (Confessional) Angelica says: "Suzie! Coveting a boy who's WAY out of your LEAGUE?! I didn't think you were CAPABLE of such a thing!" Otto is stunned and says: "Well, there goes MY knowledge of the world down the drain! And I thought I found someone who is honest! It's getting so I can't trust ANYBODY on this game show!" / Suzie is humiliated and says: "Honestly, that confession went a LOT better in my head!" (End Confessional) Otto angrily says: "Well as LONG as we're revealing secrets; I actually DO still have FEELINGS for Angelica, and I was GOING to NOT tell you about it in order to SPARE your feelings!" Suzie and Angelica both scream: "WHAT?!!!" (Confessional) Otto says: "Truth turnabout is fair play. You hurt MY feelings, I can hurt yours; and the truth REALLY hurts, doesn't it?!" / Suzie asks: "How can Otto POSSIBLY still have feelings for Angelica?! This season just got a whole lot WORSE for me!" / Angelica eagerly says: "Otto DOES still have feelings for me! I KNEW he wasn't over for me! This season just got a whole lot BETTER for me!" (End Confessional) Reggie screams: "This looks like the end! Like, the END, end!!!! And I want to LIVE!!!!" And as Reggie starts bawling, Rocko comforts her and says: "Reggie, I WILL find us a way out of here; don't cry!" Reggie stops and she says: "Who said anything about CRYING?! Reggie Rocket NEVER cries!!!!"


Otto's eyes open up wide and he says: "You were sure BLUBBERING enough when there was a spa hotel trip reward on the line; remember?!" (Flashback) Sniz says: "For your reward--." Reggie starts bawling: "AHHH, AHHH!!!! I'm sorry; it's just that this game has become SO stressful!" Spongebob says: "All in favor of Reggie and Rocko?" The other Boom Vets all say: "Yes!" (End Flashback) Otto shouts: "You mean to tell me that my own SISTER fake-cried to win a REWARD that I had wanted in order to take SUZIE out on?!!! That is the LOWEST, MEANEST, VILEST, DIRTIEST...UGH!!!!" Suzie asks: "Rocko, did YOU know?!" Rocko truthfully says: "Not initially. But when I found out, it was already too late. I told Reggie I didn't feel comfortable about keeping her secret, but she made me promise not to tell anybody." Reggie shouts: "ROCKO!!!!" Rocko protests: "Well, it's the TRUTH!!!! There's no point in concealing it now! You revealed the truth, but you did NOT do it in a way that I would've LIKED!!!!" (Confessional) Reggie, stunned, asks: "Did Rocko just ARGUE with me?!" / Rocko, unsure, asks: "Did I just ARGUE with Reggie? I didn't mean to! Heaven knows, arguing with Reggie is the LAST thing I would want to do, but I felt icky about the whole lie thing from the start! Why didn't Reggie LISTEN to me?! A lie ALWAYS ends up being toxic, no matter WHAT the circumstances!" (End Confessional) Dog cries: "I can't believe that I'll never get to tell Cat that I really do still LOVE him!!!!" Craig asks: "Why would you need to keep THAT a secret?!" Dog says: "After I made such a big deal about separating from him, I wanted to prove that I didn't NEED him anymore; but I STILL love him; he IS my brother, after all!" Craig says: "I'm sorry I don't have anything juicy to share, unless somebody wants to hear about my girlfriend's successful job in her modeling career?" Larry says: "Uh, no we DON'T. And it's not because we don't think she's real, we all KNOW she's real, we ALL saw her!" Craig says: "Just thought I'd make things less tense around here!"


(Confessional) Darwin says: "I can't believe all the lies that have been LIEING around throughout my fellow contestants! Are Marlene, Spongebob, Craig, and I the ONLY contestants here who DON'T have a dirty secret?!" (End Confessional) Invader Zim cries: "I don't even HAVE a nose and I DON'T want to die like THIS! Not without telling Dib that I've actually learned to LOVE his stupid planet, and his stupid Earth food, and his stupid Earth movies, all the stupid Earth people I'm forced to be in contact with on a daily basis, and even the fact that I've actually grown to LOVE that stupid Earth Dib!!!!" Everyone gasps, and Suzie asks: "SERIOUSLY?!" Invader Zim says: "It's CALLED Reverse Stockholm Syndrome! It's a REAL thing, look it up!" Stimpy says: "Stinky?! Where are you?! I can't see!" Stinky says: "I'm still all right, but I'm feeling a little HEAVY!!!! Gerald screams: "Why do I have to be experiencing THIS?! I've only ever been uncool ONE time!" Suzie asks: "You haven't ALWAYS been cool?!" Gerald says: "Rhonda once put me into the Uncool People Category once I ran against her for student body vice president!" Stinky says: "All this is nice, but I still FEEL like I'm gaining mass, and I feel as though I'm going to divide in TWO!!!!" Haggis screams: "I'm LOYAL to Great Britain! I always HAVE been!" And everyone gives Haggis a weird look. Haggis says: "What? Just because I always DRESS as a Scotsman doesn't MEAN that I can't be loyal to the Commonwealth!" Lil asks: "Stimpy! It feels like you're growing a bushy tail! Are you growing a bushy tail?!" General Barracuda says: "If he is, it's DUE to the concoction I gave him!" (Confessional) Rocko says: "And THIS is what I like to call the house of cards effect, when it comes to dealing with lies. When you take away one lie from the foundation, it ALWAYS comes crashing down! I don't know what could POSSIBLY be more shocking than all of THIS!!!!" (End Confessional)


Pearl angrily says: "At least if I die, I'll die KNOWING that the man who KILLED my father DIES with me!" General Barracuda angrily says: "You should NEVER accuse ANYONE of something you don't KNOW!!!! We have MORE in common than you can possibly know! Join me, and together we can RULE the world!" Pearl defiantly says: "I'll NEVER join you!!!!" General Barracuda says: "You have the power to overthrow Master Coelaceanth, he has foreseen it. Don't make me destroy you. Patrick might have TOLD you about what happened to your mother, but he NEVER told you what happened to your father." Pearl angrily says: "He told ME enough!!!! He told me YOU killed HIM!!!!" General Barracuda says: "No, Pearl. I AM YOUR FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


And this metaphor hits Pearl like a metaphorical ton of bricks as she says: "NO! That's NOT TRUE!!!! That's IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!" General Barracuda says: "Search your feelings, you KNOW it to be true!!!!" In horror, Pearl cries: "NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


(Confessional) Spongebob's eyes open wide up and he says: "OH...Dear, NEPTUNE!!!!" / Craig says: "I NEVER saw that COMING!!!!" / Larry says: "Actually, it DOES explain an AWFUL lot! Pearl's headstrong attitude, her stubbornness, her temperant, her anger of what happens if someone tries to do her wrong; I'm just saying that it explains a LOT of things!" (End Confessional) Marlene screams: "Why are you all bothering to reveal all this NOW?! We are STILL going to die!!!!" General Barracuda says: "Not YET we're not!" And General Barracuda picks up Gerald and General Barracuda says: "Gerald it's time for you to earn your Ranger powers, Black Ranger!!!!" Gerald protests: "But I'm NOT--" But General Barracuda doesn't wait to hear what Gerald has to say, as he SLAMS Gerald's head against the steel door FOUR times; until the door finally FALLS down, and the air can COMPLETELY clean out! Marlene asks: "Why didn't you do that BEFORE the room got all filled up with disgusting air?!" General Barracuda says: "I said I'd reveal EVERYTHING; you wouldn't want it to look like I was LYING, do you?!" (Confessional) Darwin says: "I am SO glad that I didn't have any dirty secrets to reveal!" (End Confessional) Sniz rushes in and says: "General Barracuda; what are you DOING here?! Didn't I tell you NOT to interfere with this challenge?!" Spongebob says: "Sniz; General Barracuda RESCUED us! He didn't have to, but he did!" Sniz asks: "Rescued; HIM?!" General Barracuda says: "Please note, did not have to, but did." Gerald woozily says: "And I thought they smelled bad, on the OUTSIDE!!!!" And Gerald faints from the pain. General Barracuda awkwardly says: "Although I DID kind of have to use Gerald's head in order to do it, you might want to have that looked at!" Sniz says: "Noted." Lil says: "Guys, look in HERE!!!!"


Sniz rushes in and says: "What is it Lil?! And STIMPY; when did you get a big, bushy tail?!" General Barracuda says: "I MIGHT have given him a concoction that produced that; sorry!" Lil says: "Forget about the tail, you might not believe your eyes when you see THIS!!!!" And wrapped in Lil's over-coat, are two little children, one looks like Stimpy, and the other looks like Ren!!!! Stimpy says: "Twins!" Sniz asks: "But how?!" General Barracuda says: "I used some of Ren's D.N.A. and some re-production genetics and mixed them into the concoction. I just never thought that it would react with Stimpy and Stinky in such a way like this!" Stimpy says: "Not Stinky anymore; Stimpy Jr.!" Lil says: "And Ricky!" Suzie asks: "Ricky?" Lil says: "Sure! He looks like a Ricky!" Stimpy says: "I didn't think it was possible; Ren and I truly CAN be together!" Lil says: "It's fine, I understand. When this season ends, I won't get in the way." Stimpy says: "I love you, I'll always love you, I want to be with you. But truth be told, Ren doesn't function well without me. I'm the rock that keeps him stable, and I keep him calm. And I need him to; without him, I'm basically a Vanilla." Lil says: "And Ren is the Caramel, and I'm the Chocolate, and together, we make one, big, delicious sundae!" Stimpy says: "I never thought about it that way!" Lil says: "I don't care about conventions, I want to be with you to!" Stimpy hugs Lil and his children and says: "I'm so GLAD! All I have to do is tell my parents, and we'll be all set. My parents would never turn their back on their grandchildren." Sniz says: "Be that as it may, I'm afraid that the arrangement concerning Stinky ends here." Stimpy asks: "Why is that?" Sniz says: "The arrangement was that only STINKY could be a contestant with you; your children can stay here, they just can't compete with you anymore. You'll have to continue the rest of the game as a solo contestant." Stimpy sighs, and says: "I understand."


General Barracuda asks: "Where's Master Coelaceanth? What happened to him?!" Sniz answers: "He fled as soon as Fondue and I finally broke out of our cabins! He left behind a note though; he said that even if you escape today, this is NOT the last you'll see of me. I've broken your trust in each other, now you're easy prey for me! Signed from Master B. Coelaceanth!" Marlene asks: "I wonder what the B. stands for?" Zim asks: "What about me?! I was locked in an AWFUL supply closet, than forced to SUFFOCATE on air that even bothered MY Irken senses!" Sniz says: "Zim, we'll make it up to you. We'll make you a contestant on the Network Noobs team!" Larry says: "Yes! We've got ONE more member!" Sniz says: "Technically, you have ZERO more members!" Marlene asks: "Why is that? Is this a reward challenge, or an elimination challenge?" Sniz says: "It is a reward AND an elimination challenge; with a TWIST!!!!" Otto asks: "A twist?" Sniz says: "The twist, being that whoever the Network Noobs choose to eliminate TONIGHT, will end up on the Boom Vets team!" And the Network Noobs all give Angelica a dirty look, and she asks: "Why is everybody looking at me like that?" Sniz says: "Although, you probably ALL want to take a shower before tonight's ceremony though." / The "Silver Sniz" Theme triumphantly plays, and Sniz triumphantly walks on stage, waving his hands! Sniz says: "First off, I'd like to thank General Barracuda for going above and beyond the call of duty in saving everyone, and all he had to do was USE Gerald's head! Speaking of, Gerald?!" Gerald is seen, now wearing a face-brace like Norbert and Treeflower once had to, says in a muffled voice: "Yes, Sniz?" Sniz says: "This is the deal. We're going to let you stay and PLAY as a contestant on this show, if you PROMISE not to sue us!" Gerald, muffled, says: "I promise!" Sniz asks: "Promise, PROMISE? Not a fake promise; your fingers aren't CROSSED, are they?"


And Gerald shows his crossed-free hands. Sniz says: "Network Noobs, you've ALL been through this routine before! Tonight as always, you'll be using the voting devices to vote someone off. But NOT like always; your eliminated contestant will end up going to the Boom Vets! So choose WISELY; because your best ally TONIGHT could end up being your WORST enemy tomorrow!" Even with this warning, the Network Noobs ALL quickly choose their candidate anyways! Sniz grabs a tray-full of Silver Sniz's away from Fondue, who's once again forced to dress as Vanna White. Sniz says: "Be prepared to catch a Silver Sniz once I call your name. Larry! Pearl, Craig, Darwin, Dog!" Gerald and Angelica both look nervously, as it all comes down between them! Sniz says: "This is the LAST Silver Sniz! One of you has spent your LAST night on the Network Noobs team! The Final Silver Sniz Award, goes to..." And the anticipation builds up, as Angelica sweats and REALLY looks nervous, while Gerald also looks tense, even though his face can't move much; and Sniz finally says: "Gerald!" Angelica shouts: "WHAT?! You're voting ME off?!" Larry says: "I don't NEED you anymore Angelica; I'm not going to be nefarious anymore! Besides, you're nothing but dead weight on our team!" Craig says: "Besides, we ALL already KNOW we can't TRUST you!" Angelica asks: "Like you can trust PEARL; who's been HELPED by Mr. Krabs who engineered all the challenges to be RIGGED in Pearl's favor?!" Sniz says: "That's in the past! I told Mr. Krabs the deal is OFF! If Pearl wants to get the prize money, she can win it on her OWN!" Pearl says: "Good! That's how I wanted to win it in the FIRST place, anyways!" Angelica says: "Fine! I can take a hint and tell when I'M not wanted!" Sniz says: "Invader Zim, you're now on the Network Noobs team!"


Invader Zim pumps his fist and says: "Yes! Invader Zim shall RULE again!" Sniz says: "Boom Vets, Angelica Pickles is now on YOUR team! Now, if there are no further outbursts..." Marlene screams: "WHAT?!!!" Suzie asks: "Are you SERIOUS?!!!" Otto says: "You've got to be KIDDING me!!!!" Sniz says: "I didn't THINK so!" Angelica says: "Don't worry, Otto, I'll make sure that you WON'T regret this!" Otto rolls his eyes, and angrily says: "I already AM regretting it!" Sniz says: "And thusly ends another dramatic episode of Total Cartoon Action!" Gerald is holding a jar of peanut butter, and his Silver Sniz chocolate statue, puts the peanut butter into a blender with the chocolate statue, and  says: "Hey! You've got peanut butter in my chocolate! Hey! You've got chocolate in my peanut butter!" He blends the two together, and he drinks the results through a straw. Sniz looks at this awkwardly, and says: "It's probably the pain meds talking." / Episode Notes: First personal appearance of Master Coelaceanth, and it WON'T be the last! Featured song in this episode, The Thompson Twins 1984 hit song, "Lies, Lies, Lies," which is ALSO the alternate title of this episode! The episode's title is a reference to BOTH the 1987 hit movie "Predator" AND the 1986 hit movie "Aliens," while the plot of the episode is heavily inspired by the 1986 hit movie, "Aliens." Invader Zim is introduced in this episode, and joins the Network Noobs. Angelica is OUSTED from the Network Noobs, and given to the Boom Vets as a reward! Reggie's spa hotel fake-crying lie is revealed, as is the fact that General Barracuda is Pearl's biological father, and many other lies are revealed in this episode as well. Due to a concoction that General Barracuda gives Stimpy, he grows a bushy tail, and Stinky becomes two real children; Stimpy Jr. and Ricky! Unfortunately, this means that Stimpy now has to continue through the rest of the game as a solo contestant.


Personal Notes: In introducing Master Coelaceanth in this episode, I had to ask myself, if people wouldn't want to mess around with Mr. T as General Barracuda, who would they want to mess around with even less? Than the answer hit me, Ted Levine's performance as Buffalo Bill in "Silence of the Lambs!" And thus, was born the most sinister, creepy, evilest villain I have ever come up with it! He's also FAR more deadly and competant than General Barracuda! In Master Coelaceanth's one appearance alone so far, he got FAR closer in almost succeeding to kill Spongebob and his friends than General Barracuda EVER did! Today's episode was based all around irony. Just whenever everybody thinks that everything is fine and going their way, that's when EVERYTHING goes HORRIBLY wrong! And the fact that when lies get exposed, they tend to get exposed ALL at the same time! The only contestants I decided to spare from this fate where Craig, Darwin, Marlene, and Spongebob. Also, the whole Ricky thing is another thing (and probably the last thing) I decided to borrow from the "Adult Party Cartoon" version of "Ren and Stimpy," only in this case, Ricky is an actual child. / That's it for "Total Cartoon Action" THIS time; I'll see you next time! / Enough said, true believers!

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Adding Invader Zim to the season was an unexpected creative choice. I personally prefer GIR.


General Barracuda being Pearl's father threw me off, but in retrospect made sense.


I'm glad that a reward episode was able to expand so many plots, my only hope is that you didn't just use up too much drama in one episode.


Would you mind posting the new team line-ups as they are now?

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Adding Invader Zim to the season was an unexpected creative choice. I personally prefer GIR.


General Barracuda being Pearl's father threw me off, but in retrospect made sense.


I'm glad that a reward episode was able to expand so many plots, my only hope is that you didn't just use up too much drama in one episode.


Would you mind posting the new team line-ups as they are now?


Well, Gir WAS in there last episode, as a brief cameo appearance. The problem is, Gir is TOO chaotic to have as a contestant! He makes Lil Deville look TAME by comparison! Zim may be insane, but at least you know what to expect from him! And the whole reason I came up with that General Barracuda bit, is for one major reason. I wanted to do a tribute to the original "Star Wars" trilogy story line; and I decided that I needed to go ALL the way with it; that's why I made General Barracuda's attitude be reflective of Pearl's attitude; General Barracuda is the Darth Vader in this situation, and Pearl is Luke Skywalker, with Master Coelaceanth as Emperor Palpatine. (Don't worry, neither Spongebob or Patrick turn out to be Pearl's twin brother.) I needed to make this reward episode be as dramatic as possible; since nobody got eliminated, there had to be a REASON to read it; that's why the status quo got shook UP so much! Nearly everyone's expectations of everyone else got SHATTERED in that last episode, and now they'll have to scramble and pick up the pieces before Master Coelaceanth STRIKES again! Finally, here's the team line-up as it stands now.


The Boom Vets:


Angelica (Transferred from Network Noobs)

Haggis McHaggis (Transferred from Network Noobs)

Lil Deville (Eliminated, then came back)

Marlene (Transferred from Network Noobs)

Otto Rocket

Reggie Rocket

Rocko Wallaby


Stimpy (Now a solo contestant)

Suzie Carmichael


The Network Noobs:


Craig Mammalton

Darwin (Late Game Arrival)


Gerald (Currently injured)

Invader Zim (Late Game Arrival)


Pearl Krabs Barracuda


Unofficial Contestant; General Horatio Barracuda.




Blue Arrow (Fan-character, Network Noobs)

Judy Funny (Network Noobs)

Norbert McHandsome (Via Med Evac, Boom Vets)

Rhonda Lloyd Wellington III (Network Noobs)

Ren Hoek (transferred from Boom Vets to Network Noobs, broke the rules)

Rancid Rabbit (Quit, Network Noobs)

Sandy Cheeks (Voted self off, Boom Vets)

Skipper (Network Noobs, broke the rules)

Treeflower (Boom Vets)

Patrick Star (transferred from Boom Vets to Network Noobs, quit).


That's the standings as of right now. Enough said! ;)

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Here's the next episode of "Total Cartoon Action"! / Sniz is in the monitor room and says: "Last time on Total Cartoon Action, chaos and mayham REIGNED supreme! Not only did ALL the lies the contestants made by our contestants get revealed to each other, but Master Coelaceanth made his debut appearance with that creepy voice of his! Who should step up and save our contestants except for General Barracuda?! In a weird twist, during an alien movie challenge, when our contestants got trapped in a room full of bad gas, General Barracuda LITERALLY used Gerald's head to rescue everyone! Sorry for the inconvenience Gerald! Invader Zim became a contestant for the Network Noobs, while the Network Noobs voted another contestant off. However, because it was a REWARD challenge, the eliminated contestant ended up going to the Boom Vets, and that contestant was Angelica Pickles! For once, I'm pretty sure that was ONE reward challenge the Boom Vets WISH they didn't win! And if you thought the last episode was cool, this episode will be EVEN cooler, because we're paying tribute to one of the GREATEST superhero groups of ALL time; the Power Rangers! Can our contestants Ranger up in order to save the day? Find out today on Total Cartoon Action!"


"Power Rangers Lost Galaxy: Meet the New Queen (Same as the Old Queen!)" Instead of the normal show open, the show opens up as a tribute to the opening of "Power Rangers Lost Galaxy," with the contestants taking the place of the Rangers. "Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, far, far away, deep in space, to a galaxy you'll go. Power Rangers, go Power Rangers, go Power Rangers, go, go, go, go. There lies a key to the answers and the powers you will know. Power Rangers, go Power Rangers, go Power Rangers, go, go, go, go! Ahhh, ahhh, ah. Rangers turn on the POWER!!!! Power Rangers (Lost, lost) Lost Galaxy, turn on the POWER!!!! Power Rangers (Lost, lost) Lost Galxy, turn on the POWER!!!! Power Rangers (Lost, lost) Lost Galaxy, GO!! Power Rangers Lost Galaxy!!!!" / After the show open, Lil and Stimpy are laying on their beds, looking pretty tired. Stimpy sighs and says: "Eleven times I had to get up and take care of the kids." Lil sighs and says: "Seventeen times for me. Were we really ready for this?" Stimpy says: "From what I know, nobody really knows when they're ready for kids, it often just happens. I didn't ASK General Barracuda to give me that concoction, but I'm making the best out of the situation." Lil says: "Not to mention your bushy new tail." Stimpy says: "I think I'm going to keep it, makes me look more like a real cat." Lil says: "The kids seem to love it, to!" And she points to Ricky and Stimpy Jr. Wanda poofs into the room and says: "Stimpy! I've got a letter from your parents!" Stimpy gets up and takes the letter, and he says: "This is what I've been waiting for!" Lil says: "You've been waiting for an ACTUAL letter?" Wanda says: "Apparently, real letters are STILL a thing!" Lil asks: "What does the letter say, Stimpy?"


Stimpy says: "I'll open it and tell you." Stimpy opens the letter and reads: "Dear Stimpy, in response to the correspondence that you sent us, this is to inform you that we are both surprised and delighted, by the revelation of your relationship with Ren and Lil! We always had a feeling that you were fond of Ren, but seeing as how we're now grandparents thanks to him, we see no reason not to support you. Therefore, this letter is to inform you that Stimpy J. Cat, now and forever, will be entitled to the family fortune for help and support, and this goes the same for Lil, Ren, Ricky, and Stimpy Jr! Best love and wishes, Mom and Dad!" Lil says: "That's amazing!" Stimpy says: "I know it! My parents aren't upset, they're thrilled! Happy, happy, joy, joy! Hard to believe that for so long, I've been afraid; I let my fear get the best of me, and for so long, I thought there was something wrong with me. But now, I know that there was never anything wrong with me, or the way I felt. My parents love me no matter who I love; I just wish I had realized that sooner." Lil says: "So much trouble could've been avoided if you had just told the truth sooner." Stimpy says: "I wish I knew then what I know now, but there's no point on dwelling on what could've been. The point is, the three of us can now make a brand new start with the kids!" Lil says: "You've got that right!" Stimpy says: "And best of all, we'll never have to lie or hide secrets from each other EVER again!" Lil hugs Stimpy and she says: "You've got that right!" Fondue knocks on the door and says: "Exscuse me, I need to come in." Lil says: "All right, the door's open." Fondue comes in and says: "Lil and Stimpy, you need to get into the cafeteria and eat your breakfast; you've got to prepare for the challenge today!" Stimpy moans and says: "A challenge on TOP of only four hours of SLEEP?!" Lil says: "Only THREE hours for me!" Stimpy says: "It's not like we NEED the money!" Lil says: "But it would be nice to win some for charity." Stimpy says: "But we need SOMEONE to look after the kids!" And they both look at Fondue.


Fondue asks: "Are you looking at me for some reason?" Lil says: "Yes, are you good with kids?" Fondue says: "I'm good with PLENTY of kids!" Stimpy says: "Good! Because we've got some kids right here that need your help!" Fondue asks: "REALLY?!!!" And when Stimpy motions to Ricky and Stimpy Jr., Fondue's face instantly turns into one of disgust! Fondue shakes from feelings of ickyness, and he says: "Ohhh, no!!!! Don't even...NO!!!!" And both Stimpy AND Lil give Fondue a dirty look! Fondue says: "Don't look at ME like that; you're getting NO from me! Honestly; NO!!!! I will not EVER babysit your kids!!!!" / The scene wipes to show Fondue STUCK watching Ricky and Stimpy Jr., and Fondue says: "AWWW, NUTS!!!! I've got to learn to be more assertive; no, means no, MEANS no! Ricky, my left ear is NOT a plaything!!!!" / Otto and Suzie are together in the cafeteria, and are about to get breakfast, only to get UNCOMFORTABLE by the presence of their NEW team-mate and uncomfortable acquaintance, Angelica Pickles! Angelica says: "Good morning; boyfriend! Hello, Ms. Batting out of your LEAGUE!!!!" Otto asks: "Suzie, did you hear something? I could've sworn that was the GHOST of a person I USED to care for!!!!" Angelica says: "Exscuse me; what's going on?!" Suzie answers: "Otto's blanking you out; he's currently acting like you DON'T exist in the hopes that you'll IGNORE him and go away!" Angelica says: "In your DREAMS!!!! Otto could NEVER blank ME out!!!! Not after I flash my pretty eyes at him, which I don't do for just ANYBODY!!!!" Otto asks: "Did a breeze suddenly pick up? It feels slightly more windy." Angelica asks: "Really? NOTHING?!!! When was your last EYE EXAM?!!!"


Otto rubs his ears and says: "SHEESH!!!! Scream a little LOUDER into my eardrums and make me DEAF?!!! See if THAT helps get you a positive response!" Angelica asks: "What took you so long?" Otto says: "I'm merely giving you a taste of your own medicine." Angelica says: "My OWN medicine?!" Otto says: "You seemed to be so FOND of blanking ME out last season, let's see how YOU like it when I do the same right BACK to you!" Angelica protests: "But that's all in the past! Can't we just live and let live?" Otto asks: "Suzie, tell Angelica that I do not wish to speak to her. Even though YOU lied to me, the difference is, you only told me ONE lie whereas Angelica told me DOZENS, and that's only the ones I KNOW about!" Suzie says: "Angelica, Otto tells you that he does not--." Angelica shouts: "I'm right HERE!!!! I can hear EVERY word he is SAYING!!!!" Otto says: "Than I don't have to repeat myself, because there's no one else here!" Marlene says: "Haggis! Are you hearing what I'm hearing?! It's the sound of..." (Confessional) Marlene says: "Tension!!!! And for once, it has NOTHING to do with me; I have NEVER felt so safe!" / Otto says: "You know what THAT sound is, Angelica? It's the sound of payback!" / Suzie says: "Well, it seems like I've lucked out in the Otto department, he STILL wants to remain loyal to me! I've got the LAST ticket to Rocket Town, and Angelica is a day late and a dollar short!" / Angelica says: "I can't believe Otto is FREEZING me OUT!!!! After ALL the nice things I DID for him!!!!" Than she thinks about it, and says: "Okay, technically, I didn't DO any nice things for him; unless you count going on that forced DATE with him a nice thing, which I don't! Why do I have to be attracted to somebody SO stubborn?! Do I love him because he reminds me so much of me?!!! Or is just because I'm SO desperate to have an alliance partner, or could it possibly be both?!" (End Confessional) Rocko and Reggie are sitting together, but still un-easy over the last episode's events. Rocko says: "Reggie, I think you need to make amends."


Reggie sighs and says: "All right, I'm sorry I forced you to LIE on my behalf!" Rocko says: "That's nice, but that's not what I meant; I mean, you have to apologize to the rest of the team." Reggie asks: "What for? I didn't do anything wrong! I only claimed what was rightfully mine to begin with!" Rocko says: "But the way you DID it wasn't the right way! You didn't HAVE to play on Otto's emotions like that! He has feelings TOO, you know!" Reggie scoffs and says: "Yeah, right! Mr. I'm SO obsessed with winning, I'm going to pretend one of my own team-mates doesn't even exist is the BEACON of having feelings!" But Otto over-hears this, and it DOES hurt his feelings! Rocko says: "I'm not saying Otto is perfect, but that's the thing, nobody IS!!!! Surely, you must realize you made a mistake; and the sooner you make amends, the sooner our team can heal!" Reggie asks: "Why should I apologize for something that was Angelica's FAULT?!!! If she wasn't so MEAN and bossy to everyone all the time; Otto and Suzie COULD'VE gone on that spa trip for all I care, and nobody would've cared about Angelica's feelings in the process!" But Angelica over-hears this, and it DOES hurt her feelings!


Rocko says: "Reggie, you can't place the blame on somebody else, not even Master Coelaceanth. Nobody FORCED you to reveal anything. You made a choice to say that you NEVER cried; did you think Otto wouldn't NOTICE that contradicted an action you did earlier? You got yourself into a mess, Reggie, now you have to decide whether or not you want to get out of it! And if you want to get out of it, you REALLY ought to apologize to Otto and Angelica!" Reggie says: "Apologizing to Otto and Angelica is the LAST thing I want to do! Did Otto ever APOLOGIZE when he tried to catch a HUGE gigantic fish, and stranded us MILES from shore, forcing us to paddle for HOURS until we got back?! Did Otto APOLOGIZE when we both got SUSPENDED from our favorite ski resort when we went off-limits?! Did Otto APOLOGIZE when he CHEATED to win a trophy that was Twister's to begin with?! HARDLY!!!!" Rocko says: "Reggie, I'm trying to help you, but you're making it very hard for me to do so. Even if you don't THINK what you did was wrong, some other team-mates are still going to resent you for it, and that's NOT a good thing! Most of our other team-mates trust in each other is FRACTURED enough as it is! If you don't HELP to repair that fractured trust, you're contributing to the problem; and it's only going to get WORSE until you FIX it!" Reggie says: "Maybe I don't WANT to fix it! Maybe I WANT our team to stay fractured so that when we LOSE this challenge, we can boot off that AWFUL Angelica Pickles and go BACK to our normal lives!!!!" Rocko whispers: "Quiet! Angelica will HEAR you!" Reggie says: "So? Let her HEAR me! She's NOT supposed to be in the game ANYWAYS!!!! With Angelica gone, all the relationships can go back to normal!" Rocko sighs, shakes his head, and sternly says: "Reggie, I look around this room, and I only see ONE problem with our team, and that problem is NOT Angelica, it happens to be YOU!"


Reggie, shocked, asks: "ME?!!! The problem CAN'T be me!!!!" Otto walks up to her and says: "Quite frankly, I think it is! I heard what you said about me, and I'm DISGUSTED!!!! I had a feeling that you might think that way about me; but I NEVER thought you had the NERVE to say it out LOUD!!!! And quite frankly, it DOES hurt my feelings!!!! Newsflash, Reggie Rocket! You can ACT like it, but you're NOT the most perfect person in the entire UNIVERSE!!!!" (Confessional) Otto Rocket sighs in relief and says: "You don't know how LONG I've been WANTING to SAY that, and NOT come off looking like the bad guy!!!!" / Reggie asks: "Why is Rocko suddenly not on MY side?!!! Is it all because of that one TINY lie?! Whatever happened to chivalry and loyalty?!" / Rocko says: "I consider myself PLENTY chivalrous and loyal, as long as I don't think that someone else has violated another person's trust! But that's the problem; Reggie violated nearly EVERYONE'S trust! I really love her, so I WANT to help her; but I can't and I won't force her to change her nature; she has to want to do it for herself. I really hope that she does it sooner. We need ALL the team-work and trust we can get the next time Master Coelaceanth inevitably decides to interfere with another challenge!" (End Confessional) Larry pulls the remaining Network Noobs (minus Zim, who isn't there yet) over to a table to discuss plans. Larry says: "I think we've got a pretty good team-work game going on. Angelica, was our weakest link, but now she's the Boom Vets' problem!" Craig says: "It sure is nice not to hear HER bickering all the time!" Larry says: "But one thing she said yesterday IS true; we're down a member in our alliance ever since Patrick quit! We could use another member to bolster our defenses!" Gerald shakes his head, and still wearing a face brace, says in a muffled voice: "Don't look at me, I'm still not that interested in being in an alliance, even if you ARE good now!"


Larry says: "Gerald, you are in NO condition to be in an alliance until your face gets better!" Darwin says: "But who else could we possibly get?!" Invader Zim walks in and says: "Waffles! I don't know what kind of food you serve in here, but waffles are one Earth thing that I CRAVE!!!!" Pearl rolls her eyes and says: "Anyone but HIM!!!!" Larry says: "We don't have any OTHER options! So, you're Invader Zim, right?" Zim blinks his red eyes and says: "Do you see any OTHER Irken here?!" Dog says: "No, and that's why we want to extend an invitation to you, to be part of an alliance!" Invader Zim stares and asks: "Really?! And just what KIND of dog are you anyways?!" Dog says: "I'm glad you asked; I'm 50% pointer--there it is, there it is, there it is, there it is--50% watchdog--" and he shows a bunch of watches, and continues, ..."50% Spitz--" and he discreetly spits, and says, "...and I'm 50% boxer! Whoosh, wham, POW!!!!" But at that moment, he accidentally PUNCHES Angelica Pickles square in the face, and it knocks one of her upper teeth OUT!!!! Dog says: "OOPS!!!!" Angelica screams: "AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dog nervously says: "Oh for the love of beefy beef burgers, I totally didn't mean to do that, it was an accident! Are you hurt bad? I'm just...oh, I'm SORRY! I'm REALLY so sorry!!!!" Sniz says: "Hold it, let me check it out." Sniz picks up the tooth that Angelica lost, and he says: "It was one of your last baby teeth, you'll get a new tooth in no time, you should consider yourself lucky." Angelica (now lisping because she has lost a tooth) says: "Lucky?! Are you thrinkwrapped?! I am MITHING one of my teese!" Than she covers her mouth, realizing how UTTERLY embarrassing she SOUNDS now! Angelica cries, muffled: "Thith can NOT be happening to me!" (Confessional)


Angelica, crying and lisping, says: "I haf NEVER been tho humilated in my entire life! I HAD to pull on rethervth of thrength I never knew I had! Phoeve, if you're wathing thith, I am THO thorry I treated you tho HORRBILY during you thtay latht theathon. And Patty, you were by FAR tha motht fathionable girl in the competition, bar none! Pleathe forgive me!" / Rocko shudders and says: "OH; even ANGELICA totally did not deserve THAT! I mean, losing a tooth, that's just cruel punishment! I think she's suffered enough already! Reggie totally HAS to forgive Angelica now!" / Reggie says: "I don't see how Angelica losing a tooth should affect MY way of thinking! For all I know, Angelica could've PLANNED on getting hit, just so Otto would pay attention to her! Well, I'm not buying THAT stunt, and I KNOW Otto feels the same!" / Otto has a guilty look on his face and says: "Oh, MAN!! I always WISHED someone would punch her in the face so that it would make me FEEL better, but now I feel SO terrible about it! I may not love her anymore, but she's STILL a human! She needs support right now!" (End Confessional) Otto turns to Suzie, and he says: "Suzie, you know how much I love you, but I can't stand to see Angelica in so much pain, I have to help her." Suzie nods her head and says: "So do I. A hurt AND embarrassed Angelica Pickles is NOT a pretty sight, no matter WHO you are!" Otto and Suzie both go up to Angelica to comfort her, and Suzie says: "Angelica, it's going to be all right. We're going to be here for you." Angelica, through her tears, asks: "How ith you being here going to make things all right?" Otto says: "We're saying that it's going to BE all right! We know you, and you've been through a whole lot WORSE situations than this...admittedly, I can't think of any right now." Rocko says: "Reggie, won't you DROP your hatred of Angelica? She's CRYING; and not crocodile tears or tears of joy, either! Those are REAL, human tears, made by a REAL human being! There's no WAY you can fake THAT kind of crying!"


Reggie says: "Well, maybe she's crying because she NOW looks as UGLY on the outside as she does on the INSIDE, and she realizes how HORRIBLE she is!" Rocko shouts: "REGGIE!!!! Enough is enough, apologize to her!" Reggie incredulously asks: "Are you shouting at ME?!!!" Rocko yells: "Apparently, I am! I think given the circumstances, I have been EXTREMELY patient and understanding of your point of view up until now, but now you're being completely unreasonable!" Reggie asks: "How am I being unreasonable?! I didn't even punch her!" Rocko says: "But you THOUGHT about doing it, DIDN'T you?! That's why you're so HAPPY at Angelica's misfortune!" Reggie is STUNNED and asks: "How did YOU figure that out so fast?!" Rocko says: "Because you just confirmed it FOR me, that's HOW! Reggie, before you go accusing others of being something horrible, I suggest YOU take a good look in the mirror yourself! You might be by FAR the prettiest girl on this show, but from where I stand, the person I see inside is NOT the pretty Reggie I fell in LOVE with! And I'm HELPING Angelica WITH or without your support or consent!" And Rocko goes to join Otto and Suzie, leaving Reggie completely SPEECHLESS!! (Confessional) Reggie is SHOCKED and asks: "This can't be HAPPENING; karma FINALLY kicks in on Angelica's ROTTEN behavior, hits her like she's SUPPOSED to BE hit, and everybody's taking HER side?! Did I miss the memo of OPPOSITE day?! Because NEWSFLASH, it doesn't exist!" / Rocko shakes his head and he asks: "Is Reggie STILL upset over what Angelica DID to her last season?! Reggie, you've got to let this GO! Revenge is NOT the answer! It's not going to change anything that's happened, and it WON'T make you feel any better! I once thought revenge would be my answer against my child-hood bully, Dingo, but it TRULY didn't make me feel any better! Revenge is a TERRIBLE idea, and it doesn't matter who or why. Revenge corrupts ANYBODY; even someone as pure as Reggie." (End Confessional)


Invader Zim looks on at the confusion and says: "WOW! They're a MESS!! Beating THOSE guys won't be hard if you can make them go off the rails THAT easily! I'm in!" Larry says: "Great! We're a complete alliance again!" (Confessional) Gerald, muffled, says: "Great! Here I thought, Zim's insanity would prevent him from making any friends, and then he goes and joins Larry's alliance, leaving me all alone AGAIN! I just hope my team can win challenges until I get all healed again!" / Zim says: "Why am I joining these Earthlings? Merely for convenience, they don't know me like Dib knows me. Just because I've grown fond of him, doesn't meant that I still DON'T want to conquer Earth; although it DOES infuriate me as to WHY the rest of the Armada hasn't come to HELP me! If I HAD the Armada's help, Earth would've been conquered in five minutes FLAT! Whose power can compare to the Irken's?!" / General Barracuda says: "Who has power that can compare to the Irkens?! If only Zim knew who Master Coelaceanth has contacts with! Now that's he's written ME off as an ally, he's going to be looking for somebody to replace me, and I know of one villain he's ALWAYS been interested in recruiting; Trakeena from Power Ranger's Lost Galaxy! And believe me, she is DANGEROUS! She LITERALLY threatened the lives of THOUSANDS on Terra Venture alone! If Master Coelaceanth recruits Trakeena, there's no telling WHAT kind of damage SHE can cause with HIS help! If there's one who can help me with this threat, it's the only one who has a TRUE connection to me; my daughter!" (End Confessional) General Barracuda enters the cafeteria and shouts: "Are you guys having a private party, or can I join?" Pearl angrily says: "I do NOT want to speak to you!"


General Barracuda protests: "HEY!!!! I saved everybody's LIFE last episode! Don't I deserve a little more consideration than THAT?!" Craig says: "I'm sorry you FEEL that way, but Pearl is STILL on the part where you not only ABANDONED your own daughter for 16 years, you didn't even TRY to contact HER to let her know who her real parents were, and let her get raised by some stranger for who all YOU knew, could've been HURTING her physically EVERY day!" General Barracuda shouts: "I DO care about my daughter! It's BECAUSE I care that I couldn't RISK contacting her!" Larry asks: "Why is that?!" General Barracuda says: "Larry, you were right. I do listen in on your confessionals, and Craig is right, evil villains are hardly EVER born, they're made! I think it's finally time you heard MY side of the story, before deciding where my loyalties truly lie!" (Flashback)


General Barracuda narrates, and says: "I was born in the summer of 1966, the youth of America were hopeful, and I was to be the shining star of the age of Aquarius. But that was not to be. It's not that I had physically abusive parents; but because they were SO into the hippy love movement, they were never around. I had no structures, I had no goals, I had to make myself into a man on my own. I needed discipline in my life. Eventually, I found it. In 1984, I enlisted in Master Coelaceanth's Master Guard, only the most elite of soldiers were picked to serve the greatest military master in the entire sea! All my life, I wanted a challenge greater than any I had ever faced, and Master Coelaceanth did NOT disappoint! The trials were BRUTAL!!!! 666 entered that summer, only 45 came out; 44 sharks of the Pacific, and ME!!!! Master Coelaceanth by how superior my command abilities and take charge attitude WERE compared to the rest of the recruits! And so, I was made into a General, leader of Master Coelaceanth's most ELITE forces! It was only after that happened did I discover that this position was to be a life-long gig. Over the years, I proved myself time and again to Master Coelaceanth. Whenever there was a mission no other agent dared to touch, I would go on those missions! For the majority of those missions, I was paid HANDSOMELY to take care of Master Coelaceanth's rivals! No fish was allowed to rise anywhere NEAR his level of power, and I made sure to it that they didn't! If things had continued down that path, I would SURELY be as heartless as Master Coelaceanth is NOW! But it didn't turn out that way; because one day, Master Coelaceanth gave me a truly SURPRISING mission; hunt down and KILL Ambrosia Sweetwater, the multi-million heiress of cruise lines for animals. I had NEVER been asked to hunt down a woman before, but I thought, if she poses a threat to Master Coelaceanth, who am I not to follow his orders? But when I saw her, it HAPPENED; I did the ONE thing a General is NEVER allowed to do; I fell in love." (End flashback)


Zim asks: "Why didn't you go THROUGH with it? The mission should've been so easy!" General Barracuda says: "She was DIFFERENT from the other targets; I just felt it in my heart and in my soul. I had never really felt love before; I decided I needed more personal intel on Ambrosia before I did anything. I introduced myself as a General, told her she was looking at the finest warrior in the ocean! But violence and strength didn't impress her, she wanted someone who could think with their minds as well as their muscles. Eventually, I realized that my hands on approach wasn't going to work. If I was going to be successful, I needed her to show me the way. I opened myself to her, and she did to me. She made me see the world as I had never seen it before. My mind was open, and my feelings of rage and violence vanished. I had found a woman I truly fell in love with; soon, even the thought of it being a mission left my mind. I decided to take the plunge. To my delight, she took my hand, this time in marriage! In 1997, we married. But to be on the safe side, I knew I couldn't live a life of privacy if Master Coelaceanth thought I was alive. That's why I had to fake my death. A giant anchor was the pefect tool. One dummy facsimile of me later, and CRUSH! General Barracuda was no more, or that was what Master Coelaceanth was going to believe. And do you know who ended up LIVING in that anchor?" Pearl asked: "Who?" General Barracuda answers: "Mr. Krabs, of course!" Craig says: "How did you and Pearl get separated?" General Barracuda sighs and says: "That part involves YOU as a matter of fact!" Craig Mammalton asks: "How can it involve me?" General Barracuda says: "Pearl wasn't the only one I had to be concerned with protecting. I also had to protect her twin brother." Pearl says: "But I HAVE no brother."


General Barracuda says: "When I discovered Master Coelaceanth was on to us, I was dealt with a terrible choice! I would go and leave my son with his aunt and uncle, I knew they'd take care of him. I also entrusted an old navy friend of mine, to lead Pearl and Ambrosia to safety. His name was DENNIS, and he proved to be untrustworthy! Dennis BETRAYED Ambrosia to the 44 Sharks of the Pacific; they chased after her and Pearl! But I NEVER anticipated a javelin whaling hook, would be what DID Ambrosia in! Satisfied with Ambrosia's death, Dennis fled the scene and left Pearl for dead. When I found what remained of Ambrosia's body, I was crushed! But to see no sign of Pearl, I thought my daughter was LOST forever! At that moment, I would've traded ANYTHING to get your mother back! And that was a proposition, Master Coelaceanth found MOST intriguing! He offered me a fresh start as a General; he said that with his brains and my power, I would hunt down and STRIKE back at the fiends who CAUSED the death of Ambrosia! For four years, I was consumed with nothing but REVENGE on my mind; until one day, it happened! I was traveling near a park, when who should I see playing there except for my son, and PEARL?! It was there I realized that Mr. Krabs was the one who had SAVED her, and gave her a home. I couldn't BEAR the thought of barging in and demanding her back! What kind of man would tear a four year old away from the only home they had ever known?! Besides, I knew that if Master Coelaceanth ever knew that I had a son and daughter, and that they were alive, he would never REST until the two of them had been brought down. That's why your brother remains SAFELY anonymous!" Pearl gasps: "Craig MAMMALTON!!!! You are my brother!" Craig gets up and says: "I know. Somehow, I've always known." General Barracuda says: "Your insights serve you well, but you need to bury your feelings deep down. They do you both credit, but if Master Coelaceanth doesn't kill you, he will TRY to get you to SERVE him!"


Craig gasps and says: "But I don't want that!" General Barracuda says: "That's why you need my help; I will NOT allow my children to make the same mistakes I made! I've told you the truth, now it's up to you to decide what to do with it." Larry says: "Pearl, Craig, don't forget, he IS the man who has tried to KILL us on a dozen occasions, not to mention his grudge against Spongebob and Mr. Krabs! He has shown us that he is NOT a beacon of trust!" Craig says: "There IS still good in him! That's why he was never ABLE to bring himself to kill Pearl, and I don't believe he's going to stop now!" General Barracuda says: "As for me killing Pearl, that's not going to happen. As far as Master Coelaceanth is concerned, I'm dead to him, so there's no point in me trying to kill ANY of you anymore! Instead, I'm going to hunt Master Coelaceanth down, and END the reign of terror he's put me through!" Pearl says: "He's NOT going to leave himself open to you; he must have already realized that you have him marked down as a target!" General Barracuda says: "Which is why we must prepare ourselves for whatever Master Coelaceanth throws our way! We'll show him that you can't get rid of General Barracuda THAT easily! We'll cause ANY replacement villain he finds to FAIL in their mission! Eventually, Master Coelaceanth will have no choice but to attack personally! That is when we can make our move! For once, I'm not doing something for me; I'm going to do it for my children!" (Confessional) Pearl says: "I'm still not that thrilled with General Barracuda being my biological father, but he's STILL miles better than Master Coelaceanth! If that evil tyrant wants my birth father, he's going to have to deal with ME, and my brother!" / Craig says: "I always had a feeling that I had a sister, but I just never knew who. I'm just amazed Pearl is related to me! We have SO many birthday celebrations to catch up on!" (End Confessional)


In the cafeteria, Sniz says: "I know you've all been having a LOT of interesting conversations, but now it's time for you to deal with something serious. Today, you're going to be doing; the costumed HERO movie! Specifically, Power Rangers Lost Galaxy!" Haggis says: "But THAT season never even HAD a big budget movie!" Sniz says: "Until now! Network Noobs, you will be playing the part of the Lost Galaxy Rangers!" Gerald, muffled says: "There is NO way I am being the Black Ranger!" Sniz says: "You're too injured to be a Ranger for this challenge. But you STILL have a vital role; you will be analyzing your team's status, and help them out with whatever the situation calls for! Larry, you're the red ranger, Pearl, you're the pink ranger, Zim, you're the green ranger, Darwin, you're the blue ranger, Dog, you're the yellow ranger!" Dog says: "But the yellow ranger is a GIRL!!!!" Sniz says: "Not in the original Japanese version! Therefore, your argument is invalid! And General Barracuda, you need to help these guys out as the Magna Defender! Perhaps this will be your chance to earn some redemption! As for the Boom Vets, you'll be playing different Rangers; the previously obscure Dai Rangers; who were originally PLANNED to be used in season 7, but circumstances came up! Stimpy, you're the red ranger, Lil, you're the pink ranger, Marlene, you're the yellow ranger, Otto, you're the green ranger, Haggis, you're the blue ranger, Rocko, you're the white ranger, and Suzie will be the previously unseen Gold Ranger from Space Patrol Delta!" Reggie asks: "What about me and Angelica?!" Sniz says: "You're parts will be revealed soon enough. As for the challenge, your task will be to guide Terra Venture 2 from the Irken homeworld, to the planet of Mirinoi. But it will be no easy task, because Trakeena has been brought back to life as a cyborg; more powerful and more evil than she was before! And Trakeena has a general, Vexus from My Life As a Teenage Robot! And if that wasn't enough, they are now piloting the SUPER Death Sun!"


General Barracuda protests: "WHAT?! Master Coelaceanth is SO desperate for a plan, he just REBUILDS one of my OWN plans and tries to make it STRONGER? Really ORIGINAL on his part!" Sniz says: "Don't hate the player, hate the game! Whichever team does a better job of getting Terra Venture 2 all the way to Mirinoi, will win immunity and a reward!" Dog says: "Awesome! Our team unity can't be beat!" Sniz says: "Let's hope so! You'll need all the team unity you can GET in order to make it through THIS challenge! It all starts right after these important messages!" (Commercial Break) I'll break here for now, and finish later. Enough said, for now! ;)

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It's time for the second part of my latest "Total Cartoon Action" episode, "Power Rangers Lost Galaxy: Meet the New Queen (Same as the Old Queen!") / After the commercials end, the contestants now find themselves in one of the many command rooms of Terra Venture 2. Marlene says: "This is incredible! I never knew that there was a Power Rangers season that had such a high budget!" Spongebob says: "Only the highest; adjusted for inflation, Power Rangers Lost Galaxy is still by FAR; the most expensive Power Rangers season ever made!" Haggis asks: "How do you know that?" Spongebob answers: "It was made in 1999; I've got to keep tabs on all the shows that were made and/or were on the air the same year that my show debuted!" (Confessional) Spongebob says: "I keep tabs on other shows for Mr. Krabs sake. You see, he's keeping a running tally of all the shows that have been around since 1999, and the longer MY show stays on the air, the more money he's going to get by the time my show DOES end! So it helps to know where my show stands!" (End Confessional) Invader Zim asks: "The only question I have is; why are you taking people from the Irken Planet to Mirinoi? In the actual show; they took people from Earth to Mirinoi!" From off-screen, Sniz says: "You'll find out the reason, if you DARE venture to the Super Death Sun!"


Invader Zim cries: "Thanks for the advice, stupid Earth THING!!!!" And before the other Network Noobs can blink, Zim gets into a one-man space-craft and says: "Later, SUCKERS!!!!" And Zim blasts off! (Confessional) Dog cries: "What was THAT?!!!" / Gerald, muffled, says: "I could've TOLD Larry that Zim was off-kilter, with no real loyalties to him, but NOPE! Nobody EVER listens to the COOL guy!" / Larry says: "In retrospect, I probably should've been able to SEE that one coming!" (End Confessional) In his personal spacecraft, Zim says: "Imagine how surprised my team-mates will be when I INVADE the Super Death Sun, and win this challenge all on my OWN!" And without any hesitation, he CRASH lands his spacecraft INTO the Super Death Sun! Fortunately, the cockpit part is inside the Super Death Sun, so Zim is able to jump out without any problem! Zim grabs out his laser and asks: "Who is in CHARGE of this trash HEAP?!!!"


A creepy, FAMILIAR alien female voice, says: "What little INSECT DARES poke his nose into MY supreme WEAPON?!!!" Zim drops his laser in fear, gasps, and says: "NO!!!! You CAN'T still be alive!!!!" And to his horror, he sees the full, slightly damaged (but still beautiful despite her evilness) and now kind of robtized, Trakeena! Trakeena says: "Well, you're right about ONE thing; by all rights, I SHOULD be dead, that stupid Leo took me down HARD in our last fight on planet Mirinoi! Even I thought I was finished; but Master Coelacanth gave me a second chance! Thankfully, he knew a villain from Power Rangers Time Force, who was familiar with cyborg technology; I believe his name was Ransik. So Master Coelacanth was able to restore most of my beauty, and rebuilt me from the ground up, new and improved, you might say. I'd BOTHER to tell you MORE details but you WON'T live long enough to care; and quite frankly, neither will the REST of your Irken CLAN!!!!" Zim cries: "You are FOOLISH!! Do you not KNOW how powerful and MIGHTY the Irken Empire is?! With our technology, we can take out this tin can easy!" A Robotic Insect-like Wasp flies in, and it is VEXUS, from "My Life as a Teenage Robot!" Vexus says: "That's why Trakeena needed help from me and the Cluster, in order to keep the Irkens in the dark!" Zim asks: "In the dark about what?"


Trakeena snidely says: "You know, if I had any idea of what it was like to have what you and HUMANS call a heart; I might be open to what YOU call; 'feelings.' Thankfully for me, that's not the case, so I SNEER at your oblivious naiveté! You are SUCH a STUPID little fool! You've been living a lie for six years; you're STILL under the impression, that you're on a vital important mission, and that the Irken Armada is going to come and help you!" Zim says: "That's because they ARE!!!!" Trakeena rolls her eyes and says: "Get SERIOUS!!!! They only sent you to Earth in order to get RID of you; did you actually think they would trust YOU with a vital mission?! You couldn't even get rid of one silly little Earth boy, and the main weapons HE had were his conspiracy theories!" Zim says: "I came CLOSE multiple times!" Trakeena says: "And you FAILED multiple times; what does that tell you about your competence level? Even your own Robot is a JOKE; most dysfunctional piece of scrap metal in the entire universe! But you know what the greatest beauty on this weapon IS? It's not ME, for a change!" Zim asks: "What do you mean?"


Trakeena files her long insect nails and says: "Unlike the original Death Sun, which could ONLY destroy simulated cities; this is a fully ARMED and operational SPACE station! I know you have hopes and dreams of the Irken Armada one day coming to help you; but that's ALL they ever were, hopes and DREAMS!!!! And the ENTIRE Irken population besides you is currently ON that planet; even that evil Tak girl! So..." And Trakeena gives a big thumb down, and Vexus pulls a lever, and the Super Death Sun begins to emit an EERIE, evil glow! And Trakeena cries: "GOODBYE HOPES; GOODBYE DREAMS!!!!" And Zim watches in SHOCK as the powerful laser first HITS the Irken planet, than GASPS in horror when the ENTIRE planet EXPLODES!!!! Zim gasps in horror, realizing the rest of his species has been wiped OUT!!!! Zim drops in UTTER despair; seeing all his dreams and hopes DESTROYED in one fell swoop! Zim, in a hollow voice, says: "That was my birth planet, my home planet; even though I was always ridiculed for my height, my lack of it, I always knew that was the one place I could go to if the chips ever came down; it was the one place I was always safe." Than Zim gets angry, with anger even HE never experienced before, as he bitterly says: "And YOU destroyed it! YOU DESTROYED MY PEOPLE!!!! DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


And without warning; Zim fires his laser at FULL power directly at Trakeena! Zim chuckles at his precise shooting, than gasps in HORROR that Trakeena doesn't even have so much as a SCRATCH!!!! Trakeena, bored says: "What part of, 'new and improved did you have difficulty comprehending? Still, I AM slightly impressed. If you had been a REAL Irken Warrior, you might have ACTUALLY hurt me! But you FAILED in that mission as well, and now you shall pay the price for your lack of vision! Vexus! Take Zim to the outlaw planet of Onyx! I think there will be a high BOUNTY to the warrior who gets to finish off the LAST of the Irkens!" Vexus puts laser handcuffs around Zim, and she says: "It will be my pleasure, QUEEN!" Trakeena says: "And Zim, if those foolish Earth creatures DO try to save you; tell them they can meet the NEW Queen!" Zim sarcastically says: "Same as the OLD Queen!" And Vexus takes Zim away! / From the monitor room aboard Terra Venture 2, everyone is still reeling about what just happened! Haggis says: "That blast came from the Super Death Star; that thing is operational!" Marlene says: "Only this time, the damage was NOT simulated!" Spongebob says: "We've got to get Terra Venture 2 to planet Mirinoi, and FAST!!!!" Rocko says: "But Zim's life is in danger!" Reggie scoffs and says: "That's HIS problem! He CHOSE to go off on his own!"


Otto says: "Look, Reggie; Zim isn't exactly in my top five friends list either; but he just lost his home world and the rest of his species! We NEED to help him!" Reggie asks: "What about Terra Venture 2? Who will help THEM?!" Rocko's EYES light up and he says: "Reggie; I think you JUST provided me with an answer!" (Confessional) Rocko says: "It's been quite a bit since I made a strategically, game-changing move, but now's the perfect time to make one! This is the PERFECT opportunity to get Angelica and Reggie to WORK together; and since this is from me; Reggie can't possibly REFUSE!!!!" (End Confessional) Rocko says: "Reggie, since you and Angelica weren't given Ranger powers; you'll stay here on Terra Venture 2 and guide these people to safety! Gerald can keep track of us on the monitors and help us out in case there's danger that we're not aware of! The rest of us can go save Zim!" Reggie protests: "But this is ANGELICA we're talking about!!!! Don't make me WORK with HER!!!!"


Angelica, lisping, says: "Thath maketh two of ush. Theth being MEAN to me!" Rocko asks: "Reggie, what's more important?! Is it your STUPID grudge, or winning up to $1.5 million in cash?!" Reggie, unsure, says: "Well..." Rocko says: "It's not EXACTLY a trick QUESTION; Reggie!" Reggie throws her hands up and says: "All right, ALL RIGHT!! I'll TRY to work together with Angelica!" Rocko pats Reggie on the back and says: "That's the girl I love! Now, was that so HARD for you to say?" (Confessional) Reggie is retching, throwing up OFF screen as she says: "AHHH!!!! Phooey, phooey, phooey! I have never felt so SICKENED in my whole entire LIFE!!!! To think that the lives of thousands of people hang in the balance, and it ALL depends on my ability to work together with Angelica Pickles! Now I KNOW why Sniz didn't give the two of us Ranger powers! If I HAD any, I'd use them to KNOCK Angelica into Kingdom Come!" / Angelica, lisping, says: "I am currently in no pothithion or thtate of mind to try anything funny with Reggie, becauf if I wath, I would. Bethides, it thertainly not the wortht thing I've done in trying to get a lot of cath, I've tried LOTH worth! Admittedly, I can't think of any inthanthes right now!" (End Confessional) Stimpy and Larry simultaneously say: "Get ready guys!" And they both look at each other, and Stimpy says: "That's right, we're BOTH Red Rangers!"


Larry asks: "How are we going to do this?" Stimpy says: "Let's just do it together!" Larry and Stimpy both simultaneously say: "It's MORPHING time!!!!!" (An elaborate morphing sequence begins, showing all of the available contestants morphing into a ranger power.) Stimpy says: "Red Dai Ranger One, Lightning Dragon!" Marlene says: "Yellow Dai Ranger Two, Electric Griffin!" Haggis says: "Blue Dai Ranger Three, Rock Karin!" Otto says: "Green Dai Ranger Four, Earth Lion!" Lil says: "Pink Dai Ranger Five, Fire Phoenix!" Rocko says: "I call upon the power of the Tigerzord!!!!" Suzie says: "Gold Ranger Power; S.P.D. Emergency!" Larry says: "Go Galactic! Red Lion!" Pearl says: "Pink Wildcat!" Darwin says: "Blue Jaguar!" Dog says: "Yellow Cheetah!" General Barracuda says: "Magna Defender, activate!" / And the now, powered-up contestants hop on their jet jammers, and zoom to the planet Onyx, in the hopes of being able to save Zim in time! /


Meanwhile, Zim, in addition to getting emotionally, mentally, and physically injured, has now been stripped of his clothes, and tied up to a pole in the middle of an arena. And surrounding him, it's a who's who of Nickelodeon villains! Waffle Woman from "Ren and Stimpy;" Mr. Smitty from "Rocko's Modern Life;" Mr. Fiend from "Rugrats;" Gronkle from "Ahhh! Real Monsters;" the two evil scientists from "The Angry Beavers;" the Greasers from "Catdog;" the Yolkians from "Jimmy Neutron;" Eustace Strych from "Jimmy Neutron;" the Nano-bots from Jimmy Neutron; Killgore from "My Life As a Teenage Robot;" Azula from "Avatar: the Last Airbender;" the EVIL Kraken from "Catscratch;" Mrs. Beady from "Back At the Barnyard;" Noodman from "Sanjay and Craig;" Oonski the Great from "Breadwinners;" Kyle from "Fanboy and Chum Chum;" Boog from "Fanboy and Chum Chum;" Gart Default from "Robot and Monster;" the Tattletale Strangler from "Spongebob Squarepants;" the Dirty Bubble from "Spongebob Squarepants;" Bird Brain from "TUFF Puppy;" and Princess from "Harvey Beaks!" Vexus says: "Fellow villains of Nickelodeon; you KNOW why I've gathered you all here! For a long time; this little Irken has had delusions of grandeur that HE'S one of us!"


And numerous jeers from the other villains pour down into the arena. Vexus says: "We do not tolerate POSERS in the ranks of Nicktoons Villains! Perhaps he will be inspired to be more competent when saving his LIFE becomes his JOB!!!!" And numerous cheers from the other villains pour down into the arena! Vexus says: "As punishment for his numerous failures, Zim shall be sentenced to FIGHT to the death! And a very special GUEST will be joining him!" And to his surprise, members of the Cluster carry forward a slightly damaged, but fully clothed Dib, who is handcuffed, and then tied to the pole WITH Zim! Zim cries: "DIB!!!! What are YOU doing here?!" Dib sarcastically says: "What am I doing HERE?! I'm watching George Meilles 1902 short film A Trip to the Moon--what does it LOOK like I'm doing HERE?! These creepy robots barge in on me yesterday; and they trap me in some LAZER prison and tried to get me to spill Earth secrets! Needless to say, they didn't GET any from me!" Zim says: "I underestimated you. A lesser of an Earthling would've TALKED under all that torture!" Dib says: "How did I wind up in this situation with you, and you being naked?!" Zim says: "Well it's not the FIRST time you've seen me naked! Goodness knows HOW many times you set up secret photo traps in order to catch me in full alien mode!"


Dib says: "And you would THINK that with the help of the Internet, the truth would've exploded." Zim sighs and says: "It seems like it has ALWAYS been destiny's plan to draw us together." Dib asks: "What are you talking about? I never wanted anything to do with you!" Zim says: "Neither did I, before I met you. And yet, despite your small size, you never let THAT stop you from trying to achieve something! We're on opposite sides of the same coin; you and me. The people in charge look DOWN on you for being small; so you do whatever you can to get yourself noticed! Maybe that's why I was never able to succeed. It's not that I didn't try hard enough, maybe I was just trying too hard. Size is EVERYTHING to an Irken...or at least, it WAS!" Dib asks: "What do you mean, WAS?!" And to Dib's surprise, Zim cries TEARS; tears made of liquid carbon; but tears all the same! Zim cries and says: "My birth planet, my home planet, all of my fellow Irkens, they were DESTROYED!!!! By a weapon called the Super Death Sun! And if Trakeena has HER way, the planet of Mirinoi and Earth could suffer the same fate, to!" Dib shouts: "Impossible! What about the Armada? The Army; you said they would come someday!" Zim says: "I lived a fool's dream. The Armada never cared about my mission; I was just sent to Earth just so they wouldn't have to deal with ME anymore!"


Dib says: "In other words, you were technically banished." Zim says: "I guess. And all this time, I thought I was someday going to get to go back home, and be hailed as a hero; I guess I'm a fool for thinking that to." Dib says: "For what it's worth; I never thought of you as a fool." Zim asks: "You DIDN'T?!" Dib clarifies: "Crazy? Yes! Insane? More than likely. But foolish? That was never a quality I associated with you. On paper, some of your ideas were actually clever, sometimes even brilliant! If you had received proper training; you might have done the impossible all by yourself!" Zim says: "And that training, I never got, all because of my stupid size!" Dib says: "It doesn't have to BE that way; you don't HAVE to let your size hold you back!" Zim says: "Does it matter? I don't even have my species or my HOME anymore!" Dib says: "Wrong! You DO have a home; you have one on Earth; and despite ALL the things you DID or TRIED to do; we managed to get along pretty well in SPITE of all that! And Zim, I actually have to thank you for something." Zim asks: "What is that?" Dib says: "If you had never come to Earth, I probably never would've BEEN inspired to make something of my life. I learned what my true potential could be; and I gained a reason to work hard in life; not just for myself, but for the benefit of others!" Zim says: "I guess you DID learn something from me!"


Dib says: "More than that; I know that you have something WORTH fighting for! The memories of all the Irkens that died, the world you lost; you can USE that fury and turn it into something GOOD! You may have lost ONE planet, but you're NOT going to lose ANOTHER! Zim, you WILL be an Invader, and you will be an Invader for the side of good!" Zim says: "Is this what you humans call LOVE? Because if it is, I kind of like it." Dib asks: "What do you mean?" Zim says: "Technically, my species IS bi-gender; and with the technology that still remains at my disposal, I could assimilate my genes with those from another, even if it is from another species." Dib says: "Why are you telling me this?" Zim says: "As the last Irken, I have a very long life. For every ten of your Earth years, I only grow one year older in MY life! By my calculations, you and I are now BOTH the same age! And I don't want to stay young while you grow old. I could fix it to extend your life; your aging rate would be the same as mine, and we can grow old together." Dib asks: "Why are you telling me this?"


Zim says: "For too long, my fellow Irkens used our technology for vain, greedy, and selfish ends, and look what it CAUSED them! I don't want the same thing to happen to Earth! I want to USE my technology to help you! Think of all the benefits that can be made! The Irkens may be gone, but perhaps what they lost, the Earth can benefit from! But none of that would be worth it without someone to share it with. You're the only human I deem worthy of helping me with this. And to be quite honest, I've grown fond of you, I don't want to lose you. In all honesty, you're my best friend, and you're the only one I've got." Dib, stunned, says: "Zim, you may have been a mess as an Irken; but on Earth, I think we'll find a way to fit you in JUST fine!" Zim says: "That's great! Oh, and FYI, when we make kids; don't worry, they'll look like humans so they'll TOTALLY blend in!" Dib shouts: "WHAT?!" Zim says: "Okay, probably a LITTLE too soon to put that out there, but you'll warm up to it!" Dib says: "If we don't DIE first!" Larry and the other Rangers zoom in, and Larry says: "That's NOT going to happen today!" And they aim their lasers carefully, only shooting off the handcuffs holding Zim and Dib to the post! Zim says: "Luck is finally starting to turn MY way! It's Morphing TIME!!!! Green Tiger!!!!" Dib asks: "You're a Power Ranger now?" Zim says: "Technically, it's a loaner, but right now, yes!"


Vexus cries: "Villains; ATTACK!!!!" And all the Nickelodeon villains start SWARMING around, and try to attack all at once! Stimpy says: "Hang on guys; it's going to be a bumpy ride! Keep Dib protected in the middle of a circle, and whatever you do, HOLD that LINE!!!!" And the Rangers start beating off the Bad Guys! / Meanwhile, Trakeena is watching this action on her crystal ball, and then from a monitor, comes the image and creepy voice of Master Coelacanth! Master Coelacanth creepily asks: "How is Vexus dealing with that snotty Irken on the planet Onyx?" Trakeena angrily says: "Well for one thing; you weren't kidding about the RESOURCEFULNESS of these characters; they have RANGER powers, and SIX of them have Powers I have never SEEN before!!!!" Master Coelacanth screams: "WHAT?!!! That traitor General Barracuda must have hacked into my files and decided to give them a challenge opportunity to help them even the odds!" Trakeena calmly says: "Don't burst a blood vessel. Vexus is going to make absolutely sure that either all those Nicktoon villains or herself, will be RESPONSIBLE for the downfall of those fools! And IF on the off-chance she fails; I'll handle the matter personally! I have a SCORE to settle with Rangers myself! They'll RUE the day, that they EVER crossed the path of QUEEN Trakeena!!!!" (Commercial Break) /


I'll break here and finish up next time. / Enough said, for now! ;)

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ZimxDib? lol gross

At least I didn't feature them kissing or anything WORSE like 10,000 OTHER websites with pictures of them do! That's their own private business. Besides, when you suddenly become the LAST of your kind, you become DESPERATE to find a relationship with anybody! Anyways, time for the third and final part of my latest "Total Cartoon Action," called "Power Rangers Lost Galaxy: Meet the New Queen (Same as the Old Queen!") /


The costumed contestants battle it off against multiple Nicktoons villains from the many Nicktoons cartoons series. Stimpy says: "Fire HAIRBALL!" And from his mouth, he shoots a POWERFUL burst of power at Waffle Woman from "Ren and Stimpy," which destroys her! Rocko says: "I'll teach YOU not to give ME paid overtime!" And he blasts Mr. Smitty from "Rocko's Modern Life," with Saba, and he gets flung FAR away from the battle! Lil says: "I'll teach you to PLAGUE me and my friends with nightmares! It's time for MAD DOG HOEK!!!!" Stimpy asks: "ANOTHER one of Ren's alter-egos?!" Lil says: "Sure!" Than switching to a Spanish accent, Lil says: "Mad Dog Hoek is loco for BOOM-BOOM!!!!" And pushing a button on her wrist, she triggers a HUGE explosion which destroys Mr. Fiend from "Rugrats." Zim says: "I'll take care of YOU only because there are no villains from my series to fight against! Lights of Orion, activate!" And Zim gets golden armor and weapons, and he uses them to powerfully EXPEL Gronkle from "Ahhh! Real Monsters," away from the fight! General Barracuda says: "The might of the Magna Defender will NOT be denied! Tor Zord!!!!" And he summons a HUGE bull-shaped machine, which head-butts the two evil scientists from "The Angry Beavers," and Eustace Strych from "Jimmy Neutron" away from the fight!


Dog says: "This is for ALWAYS making my brother's life MISERABLE! Lights of Orion, ACTIVATE!" And Dog gets golden armor and weapons, which he uses to magically blast the Greasers from "Catdog," away from the fight! Otto says: "Don't mess with the man in Green!" And with super speed, he zooms around and whips up a tornado, which sucks a good number of villains in! Than when Otto claps his hands, the tornado EXPLODES; destroying the Yolkians from "Jimmy Neutron," the Nano-bots from Jimmy Neutron, Killgore from "My Life As a Teenage Robot," and the Dirty Bubble from "Spongebob Squarepants!" Spongebob says: "It's okay, I already destroyed the Dirty Bubble once." Azula from "Avatar: the Last Airbender," laughs cruelly and says: "Try and take ME down; you girls are DESTINED to fail!" Suzie and Lil both say: "Don't BET on it!" And using powerful lazer guns; they shoot at Azula, sending her FAR away from the fight! Marlene says: "It's time to ROCK my Ranger powers; Electric Griffin; go!" And Marlene summons a yellow, Griffin machine, which BLASTS the EVIL Kraken from "Catscratch," and destroys him! Mrs. Beady from "Back At the Barnyard," Noodman from "Sanjay and Craig," Boog from "Fanboy and Chum Chum," look at each other nervously. Mrs. Beady says: "I only came to WATCH, not to fight!" Noodman says: "I only fight snakes, this is too much!"


Boog says: "Let's run for our LIVES!!!!" And they FLEE the battlefield! Kyle from "Fanboy and Chum Chum" says: "Get back here!" Vexus from "My Life as a Teenage Robot" says: "Forget THEM! We don't need THEM!" Haggis says: "Don't make any bets yet!" Oonski the Great from "Breadwinners," says: "I'm Oonski the--", but he gets EPIC punched by Marlene and Larry, who send him flying far away! Marlene says: "My advice? Find a shorter catch phrase!" Kyle says: "Just try and take ME down; DOLL!!!!" Suzie says: "You did SO not just call ME that!!!!" And Kyle shoots his wand at Suzie, but she grabs out a mirror, and reflects the spell BACK at him, teleporting him away! Suzie says: "Don't EVER call ME a doll!" Otto says: "You don't have to worry about that!" Lil, speakin with a Spanish accent again, says: "It's time for another EXPLOSIVE taste of the Mad Dog Hoek!!!! One, two, BOOM-BOOM!!!!" She pushes a button on her wrist, but nothing happens! Sniz says: "Well folks, it seems as though we're experiencing some technical difficul--", (BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) And a GIGANTIC explosion DESTROUS Gart Default from "Robot and Monster," and ROCKETS the Tattletale Strangler from "Spongebob Squarepants," Bird Brain from "TUFF Puppy," and Princess from "Harvey Beaks," FAR away from the fight!


Fondue however, has been AFFECTED by the blast, and he's now COMPLETELY naked! Fondue says: "Oh, GREAT!!!! There go MY clothes!!!!" Spongebob says: "I think we got them all!" Vexus says: "Not YET, you haven't! You might have beaten all those OTHER low-lifes, but I won't get taken out so EASILY!!!! Cluster, ATTACK!!!!" And a BIG swarm of robotic wasp insects starts to swarm around them! Larry says: "Hit them with everything you GOT!!!!" And in a sequence of what APPEARS to be an expertly choreographed sequence of movements, the various costumed heroes expertly and efficiently, manage to take out the attacking Cluster robots down, until they ALL disintergrate from the damage! Vexus shouts: "NOOO!!!! That was my ENTIRE army!" Pearl asks: "So; do you give UP?!" Vexus angrily screams: "Give up? GIVE UP?!!! You don't know VEXUS!!!! I've held this BACK for a special occasion; but now it's time to reveal my TRUE form!!!!" Darwin asks: "She has a TRUE form?!" Zim answers: "Apparently." And undergoing what APPEARS to be a form of metamorphisis; Vexus turns from a somewhat PRETTY looking insect wasp queen; into a GIGANTIC, UGLY giant wasp of PURE terror! Vexus says: "Franz Kafka, eat your heart out!" Marlene says: "WHOA!!!! Somebody call an exterminator!" Rocko says: "That exterminator is us! We need Thunderzord power, NOW!"


And after a bolt of lightning strikes, a Zord summoning sequence is seen! Otto says: "Green Earth Lion Thunderzord power!" Lil says: "Pink Fire Phoenix Thunderzord power!" Haggis says: "Blue Rock Karin Thunderzord power!" Marlene says: "Yellow Electric Griffin Thunderzord power!" Stimpy says: "Red Lightning Dragon Thunderzord power!" Rocko says: "I call upon the power of the Tigerzord!" Rocko jumps up onto the familiar Tigerzord and says: "Thank you for INSPIRING this, Jason David Frank!" And the Tigerzord converts from Tiger mode, to Warrior mode; joining the already combined Thunder Megazord! Stimpy says: "This is AWESOME! We're piloting the ACTUAL Thunder Megazord!" Marlene says: "And it's the ORIGINAL Japanese interior decoration! You can't BUY this in America!" Otto says: "Let's save the comments for when we DEAL with this creep!" And as the two warrior zords get ready to face off against the mutated Vexus; Larry asks: "I wonder how Gerald and the others are doing with Terra Venture 2?" / Onboard, Gerald is running statistics on Terra Venture 2, but the results aren't looking too good.


Muffled, Gerald says: "I'm afraid this space station just CAN'T go any faster than it already is!" Reggie says: "That is SO BAD! If only we had more TIME to get away from the Super Death Sun!" Angelica, lisping, says: "In thith cathe, time ith the one thing we don't haf!" Gerald, muffled, says: "Angelica is right! It takes 66.6 minutes for the Super Death Sun to recharge; in just 6.66 minutes, it will finish recharging; and that's the END for Terra Venture 2!" Reggie says: "But we've got to get this space station to Mirinoi somehow!" Angelica looks around; spots something, and lisping, says: "Look! A wormhole!!!!" Reggie looks at this suspiciously and asks: "We're not actually going to take this thing THROUGH a wormhole?!" Gerald, muffled, says: "It WORKED on the ACTUAL Power Rangers Lost Galaxy!" Angelica, lisping, says: "And unleth you want to tetht this thpath thtations defenthes againtht the Thuper Death Thun; we haf to take the rithk! Do you trutht me?! Do you TRUTHT me?!" Reggie, unsure, uneasily says: "Somehow, I do!" Angelica lisps and says: "Then leth go!" Trakeena looks at Terra Venture 2 and says: "Excellent, they're almost in my sights! And the Super Death Sun is just about finishing re-charging!" Master Coelaceanth, on a monitor, says: "Excellent! Fire when ready, than we'll be RID of three annoying pests and a THOUSAND worthless lives!!!!"


Trakeena, with a deliciously evil smile, pulls down a lever, and says: "It will be MY pleasure!!!!" And just as a beam from the Super Death Sun gets ready to FIRE at Terra Venture 2; the Space Station gets SUCKED through a wormhole and the beam MISSES it's target ENTIRELY; instead only taking out a BUNCH of uninhabited asteroids! Trakeena screams: "WHAT?!!! How could this weapon POSSIBLY MISS a FREAKING space station that's five miles WIDE and five miles LONG?! Not to mention all the space inside it!" Master Coelaceanth says: "What just happened?!" Trakeena says: "There seems to be no END to their STUPID luck; they seemed to have found a wormhole and gone through it! And even worse; that wormhole leads them almost DIRECTLY to Mirinoi!" Master Coelaceanth slams his fists down and angrily says: "This is UNACCEPTABLE!!!! I will NOT tolerate FAILURE, my apprentice; you will find them; you will BREAK them; you will FIGHT them; and you WILL win!!!!" Trakeena angrily says: "That's PRECISELY what I plan to do! My space station WILL get into ORBIT around Mirinoi and be WAITING for them! NOTHING will STOP me THIS time; NOTHING!!!!" / As the Thunder Megazord and the Tigerzord continue to do battle against Vexus, Dog is checking his wrist communicator for a response from Gerald. Dog says: "Gerald, come in! What's going on?"


Darwin shakes his head and says: "It's no use! Their signal disappeared five minutes ago, they should've answered us by now!" Dog says: "Well, we know they're not DEAD! Otherwise, Trakeena would be ARRIVING here gloating about it right now!" Larry says: "My guess is they must have found a wormhole!" Craig asks: "Do you really think so?" Larry says: "I do. If there's one thing that can get Terra Venture 2 away from the Super Death Sun and to the safety of Mirinoi, a wormhole has the ability to do that!" Dib says: "They've just GOT to be safe! I don't know what I would do if someone I cared for got HURT on that space station!" Zim says: "No other living thing is going to be hurt by THESE creeps; not while I have anything to say about it!" Pearl asks: "Just one question; have you ALWAYS been this good a fighter?" Dib says: "I think so, but I make him mad; it throws him off." Zim shouts: "Just announce my biggest secret weakness to the entire UNIVERSE why don't you?!" Dib apathetically retorts: "It's not exactly a big, secret weakness when everybody and their GRANDMOTHER knows about it!" In the Thunder Megazord, Haggis says: "Enough fooling around; it's time to END this! Thunder Sabre, NOW!!!!" And the Megazord, grabs a big blade from it's scabbard covering, and Vexus nervously asks: "What are you going to DO with that?!" Marlene answers: "The last thing you'll EVER see!"


And with one powerful SWIPE; the blade EXPLOSIVELY makes contact with Vexus, and destroys her! Rocko says: "Dai Rangers, that was a dynamic win!" The costumed heroes exit their Zords, and Larry says: "Spongebob; I'm impressed! You're actually pretty handy with a zord when you set your mind to it!" Spongebob says: "Well, I always figured that one day, my expanded knowledge of Power Rangers would someday pay off; I just figured that it would end up being on Jeopardy!" Stimpy says: "We only took down a General, the Queen of Evil is STILL out there, and she still HAS the Super Death Sun!" Larry says: "Well, we know where she's GOING; she's going to Mirinoi, and she's going to try to intercept Terra Venture 2!" Dib says: "We can't let her DO that! There are thousand's of innocent lives on that space station!" Craig says: "But Mirinoi is 40 clicks away; we'll NEVER get there on our Jet Jammers in time!" General Barracuda says: "Which is why we'll need to take the Tor Zord!" Pearl asks: "Are you sure it has the amount of power to DO the job?" General Barracuda says: "I've spent most of my life serving evil; even if it's just once, I want to serve the needs of my children instead!" Craig looks at Pearl and says: "He sounds like a father to me!"


(Confessional) Pearl says: "Personally, I'm still not ready to nominate Horatio for the Father of the Year Award; but he does seem genuine about wanting to stick it to Master Coelaceanth! And after what THAT evil fish did to us in the last episode, I'm all for it!" / Craig says: "I always thought that if I ever found out I had a father and a sister that I previously didn't know that I actually had; I always thought the first thing we would do is go to the Grand Canyon; not go and blow up some evil space station. Just goes to show you that life can be stranger than fiction!" / Spongebob says: "I'm still not keen on trusting General Barracuda! Still, we do know a LOT more about HIM than we do about Trakeena and Master Coelaceanth! As Mr. Krabs once said, better the devil you KNOW than the devil you DON'T!" / General Barracuda says: "After spending SO much time; wasting my life pursuing SELFISH ends; I finally have something worth fighting for; the protection of my son and daughter. I've spent SO much time separated from them; and I'm NOT going to let Master Coelaceanth tear me AWAY from them again! I'll show him that you can't break up a Barracuda family and NOT think that I won't take it personally! This mission is PERSONAL!!!!" (End Confessional)


The contestants, Dib, and General Barracuda, all crowd into the Tor Zord! General Barracuda says: "Hang on to your belt buckles, it will be a BUMPY ride!" Craig says: "We're go in at FULL throttle!" Pearl says: "That ought to throw Trakeena off!" Haggis asks: "But what about Trakeena's Stinger drones?" Larry says: "You worry about figuring out a way to bring down the Super Death Sun, I'll worry about the Stinger drones!" Rocko prays, and says: "Reggie, I hope you're safe!" / Meanwhile, in the wormhole, Terra Venture 2 is suffering from the many trials of what is called the Lost Galaxy, as they're being chased by Ghost Pirates; namely, Divatox and her bunch of fallen cronies! Reggie says: "Sheesh! This is the VILLAINESS that managed to DEFEAT the Power Rangers in a combative fight?!" Gerald, muffled, says: "Well, to be fair, the Turbo Rangers DID have Justin on the team when it happened, it's hard to get any WORSE than that!" Angelica, lisping, says: "And yet thurprithingly, Power Rangers RPM managed to do the impothible and come up with a WHOLE team of Rangers WORTHE than Juthtin!" Reggie looks seriously at Angelica and says: "Do us both a favor; NEVER mention Power Rangers RPM OR Justin in casual conversation again; EVER!!!!" Gerald, muffled, says: "You said it!" Angelica lisps, and says: "Ith not like I like Juthtin either!"


Than Gerald spots something on a radar in Terra Venture 2 and says: "Guys! I think I found us the exit from this Wormhole!" Reggie eagerly says: "Than lets blow that pirate ship back to Kingdom Come and lets go home!" And Gerald charges the weapons system on Terra Venture 2, aims it toward Divatox, and muffled, Gerald says: "And do us a BIG favor, Divatox! This time, don't come BACK!!!!" And he fires a powerful lazer BACKWARDS at the pirate ship, which destroys it once again! But soon, Terra Venture 2 starts to rumble from the effects of exiting the wormhole! Reggie, vibrating, shakingly says: "This is BUMPIER than the time I experienced that 6.5 earthquake from San Simeon in California!"


Angelica, lisping, asks: "You were traveling THERE when that happened?" Reggie answers: "I was in the Junior Surf Champion play-offs; I won my first Grand Champion Trophy Award there!" Angelica gasps, and manages to clearly say: "No way! I was THERE!!!! I saw you beat the PANTS off those GUYS that competed against you! That was the most impressive thing I ever SAW as a four year old! When I saw how well you did as a surfer, it inspired ME to excel in the things I was good at in life! I guess maybe that's why I sabotaged your surfboard last season; not out of spite, but because I was jealous. I was jealous that you were so much better at surfing than me. I thought that if I sabotaged you and got revenge against Otto for making my life miserable, it would make me feel better about myself. But when Sandy Cheeks wished my hair away, I felt so much worse! But with the loss of one of my teeth, it's like all the terrible things I've done just finally felt not worth it to me. Reggie, I am SO sorry I put you through all that trouble last season. If only I realized that I was sabotaging the very idol who inspired my greatness, I never would've done it!" Reggie, shocked, asks: "You mean, all this time, we could've been FRIENDS?!" Gerald shouts: "IRONY!!!!" Than whimpers, and muffled, Gerald says: "REALLY shouldn't try to yell when I have a face brace on!" (Confessional)


Reggie, looks really red in the face, from being ashamed, and she says: "Well THIS is a fine kettle of fish! And I'm all out of tartar sauce! Why did Rocko have to be RIGHT about this THING?!!! All I wanted was to get even against Angelica for that ONE incident; just one! And now I'm feeling guilty about it because she didn't do it out of hate and malice; but merely out of JEALOUSLY?! Man, I REALLY feel like a heel now; which I didn't even think it would be POSSIBLE to feel when it concerns Angelica!" / Covering up her missing tooth with a finger, Angelica clearly says: "I didn't know the name of that young girl who won in those Junior Surf Champ Play-Offs, but I did know I was impressed by her. I just never expected that the very same girl would grow up to become KNOWN as the champion she is today! If I'm lucky, maybe I'll finally get some good karma coming my way!" (End Confessional) Gerald, muffled says: "Hold on everybody! Here it COMES!!!!" And Terra Venture 2 bursts OUT of the Wormhole, and only 500,000 miles from Mirinoi! Reggie says: "Awesome! We're almost there!" Gerald gasps, and muffled says: "And Trakeena and her evil space station is right behind us!" Trakeena says: "Where is your box full of miracles NOW; brats?! You have no wormholes around to save you THIS time! And this time, you're going to be SPACE Dust!!!!"


Than a lazer FIRES, toward the Super Death Sun, and knocks the firing mechanism OFF kilter, instead blowing UP a section of the Super Death Star, making it look like only three-quarters of a sun! General Barracuda says: "Didn't your mother ever tell you it's not NICE to play with lazers?! You might have actually HURT someone!" Trakeena screams: "You're in for a WORLD of hurt when my STINGERS get through with you!" General Barracuda says: "I'm NOT going to allow that to happen! Everybody, use your jet jammers and get out!" Dib says: "But I don't have a Ranger costume to protect me in space!" Zim says: "Dib, use my Irken life-pack!" Dib says: "But, you NEED your Irken life-pack, to stay alive! What will you do without it?" Zim says: "Dib, I'm not going back to live on Earth if you're not there living on it! Your life is more important than mine; you must survive!" Dib takes Zim's Irken life-pack, even though the removal of it already STARTS affecting Zim! As a protective field forms around Dib, everyone gets on a jet jammer, and Dib says: "I'll never forget this, Zim!" And everyone blasts off, with Zim BARELY having the energy to blast off last, as he feels his life-force draining away. General Barracuda closes the Zord door and says: "Okay, Trakeena! It's now just you and me! You want to mess with the Barracuda? You're going to get the teeth!"


Trakeena screams: "You don't have the GUTS! You're not SACRIFICING yourself! You are NOT that kind of man!" General Barracuda angrily says: "You don't know what kind of man I am; but I'll SHOW you what kind of man I am; I am NOT the kind of man who lets bullies from outer space threaten the lives of his son AND his daughter!!!!" And putting Tor Zord on MAXIMUM over-load, General Barracuda charges FULL steam ahead and shouts: "TRAKEENA!!!! You LOSE again!!!!" And to Trakeena's horror, General Barracuda DOES go all the way! The force of the Tor Zord at ALL it's explosive power, causes a chain reaction in what remains of the Super Death Sun! Watching the damage, Pearl can only scream: "NOOO!!!! My biological father!" Craig cries and says: "I know! He was mine to!" Spongebob says: "Now THAT'S irony! Last episode, Pearl wanted to KILL him, now she doesn't want him to die!" Marlene says: "Thank you, Captain Obvious!" Trakeena angrily CRIES: "NOOO!!!! My Super Death Sun!!!! MY DESTINY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And the Super Death Sun EXPLODES, taking out Trakeena's Stingers, and Trakeena with it! Larry is shocked, and says: "He did it, he ACTUALLY did it!"


Haggis asks: "But is he actually gone?" Suzie points and says: "Look! I see SOMETHING moving in the debris field!" And sure enough, the contestants see General Barracuda, wearing a makeshift PINK helmet, protected against the elements of space! Pearl cheers: "All right! My father IS alive!" Craig breathes a sigh of relief and says: "Thank goodness! My trip to the Grand Canyon was almost jeopardized for a minute there!" Lil says: "My Fire Phoenix Zord can pick him up and bring him down to Mirinoi!" / Finally, on the ground of Mirinoi, Sniz has gathered all of the surviving heroes around to cheer their heroics! Sniz claps and says: "That was spectacular! Well-done! I am impressed by all your heroic efforts! I bet even the REAL Power Rangers might consider letting some of you join them in a team-up someday!" Marlene says: "That would be cool!" Sniz says: "And General Barracuda, you REALLY redeemed yourself; you were willing to sacrifice your own life to save the life of your son, your daughter, their friends, and the lives of thousands of innocents onboard Terra Venture 2."


General Barracuda says: "Well, it's definitely a start." Sniz says: "Which makes it all the harder for me to say this, but a challenge is still a challenge. You both did exceptionally well, but only one team can win the challenge. Our panel of unbiased Fairy Godparents watched this challenge very closely, and they have determined that the Network Noobs did a better job of getting Terra Venture 2 safely to Mirinoi. Boom Vets, you lost some points due to Reggie's initial stubbornness to work together with Angelica Pickles!" Reggie goes to Rocko and says: "Rocko, I am SO sorry, to both you AND Angelica! I wouldn't be surprised if you voted off me!" Sniz says: "That's the thing; Rocko WON'T be voting for you, it's part of the reward the Network Noobs are winning! Tonight for a change, the Network Noobs get to vote SOMEONE from the Boom Vets team off!" Fondue angrily says: "I have had ENOUGH!!!!" And Fondue angrily walks in, still naked, and still bruised and battered from everything Ricky and Stimpy Jr. have put him through! Fondue says: "I am DONE babysitting your kids, Stimpy and Lil! If you want them to be taken care of, you can DO it yourselves!!!!" Sniz looks at Fondue awkwardly and says: "Be that as it may, we'll see BOTH teams--." Lil shouts: "No you WON'T!!!!" Everyone gets a shocked look, and Stimpy asks: "What do you MEAN, Lil?!"


Lil sighs and says: "I'm saying that my time in the game is over, AGAIN, because this time, I quit!" Stimpy fights back his tears and asks: "But Lil, why?" Lil sighs and says: "Because, I'd rather not sit by and watch the Network Noobs potentially vote you or one of my dear friends off. You're all much better contestants than me; and you still deserve a chance to win the money! As for me, I can take Ricky and Stimpy Jr. with me. Ren and I will take good care of them for you. That way, you can keep your mind focused on the competition, and I can keep my mind focused on taking care of your kids!" Stimpy, now with tears of joy, runs toward Lil and hugs her! Stimpy says: "Thank you, Lil! I'm so glad we made this relationship work! Someday, I hope I can repay the favor!" Lil says: "Just keep being your nice, friendly self. It works for me, and your friends seem to like it to!" Stimpy says: "Don't worry, I will!" Lil picks up Ricky and Stimpy Jr. and says: "This way, this time you get to say good-bye to me!" Stimpy says: "Good-bye Lil, and good luck!" Lil says: "Ricky, Stimpy Jr., Ren, and I will be cheering for you!" And inside the Limosuine of Losers, it drives away with Lil, Ricky, and Stimpy Jr. all inside it!


Sniz says: "Man, I HATE it when that happens! Luckily, I had a BACKUP reward planned in case this happened! I know it's not much Network Noobs, but help yourselves to some chips and pop, there's plenty of it to go around." Pearl says: "Thank you, Sniz. A secondary prize is an appreciated prize, especially now that my brother and I have a father to share it with!" General Barracuda says: "I think being a good guy is starting to grow on me! And someday, I'll find a way to TRULY earn your respect, and become the man I was when Ambrosia fell in love with me. Ambrosia, I won't let your death be in vain!" / Master Coelaceanth is in his lair, and he angrily says: "Impossible! A league of Nicktoons Villains, the Cluster, Vexus, the Stingers, the Super Death Sun, even a cyborg Trakeena; all GONE?!!!" A mysterious male voice says: "I told you that throwing conventional weapons against them was NOT going to work. No mere VILLAIN can POSSIBLY take them down!" Master Coelaceanth says: "You wouldn't KNOW; you're NOT a VILLAIN, you KNOW?!!!" The mysterious male voice YELLS: "QUIET!!!! BAIT Coelaceanth; or face the wrath of my unrivaled powers!" Master Coelaceanth says: "APPRENTICE; you DARE address me by MY first name?!" The mysterious male voice says: "I'll DO what I WANT!!!! I'm the one who's going to take those Nicktoons down FOR you!!!!"


Master Coelaceanth asks: "And why would you do that? What have THEY ever done to you?!" The eyes, and ONLY the eyes, of the Mysterious male appears, but they have a DELICIOUSLY EVIL look to them! The Mysterious Male voice says: "They HUMILIATED me, they LAUGHED at me, they thought it would be FUNNY to turn me into a joke! Well, when I get through with them, there will be SO many broken bones in ALL their bodies, they won't even be ABLE to laugh!!!!" Master Coelaceanth says: "You have a FIERY passion, and a POWER to match!!!! They'll NEVER suspect YOU of wanting to hurt them!!!!" The mysterious male voice says: "All the better to put my plan into action; everyone in the WORLD is going to PAY, and they're GOING to pay the price!!!! They'll learn what happens when they make fun of me; and TRY to destroy my FAME!!!!" Master Coelaceanth creepily says: "Your revenge will be WELL justified, you'll have EVERYTHING you want and more!!!!" The Mysterious Male voice says: "I'll CRUSH them at your PLEASURE, MASTER!!!!" /


Sniz is watching this on the T.V. monitors and says: "What fresh development is this?! An evil we don't even KNOW about; trying to make HIS way onto our show?! Well, he'd have to get past our legal department first, and that's not going to happen! This is AMERICA! Fondue and I are going to get a fair trial, like everyone else! Lil may be gone, but the Drama is FAR from over! Tune in next time to what I'm sure will be ANOTHER exciting episode, while Fondue and I go off to mount our LEGAL defense!!!! Sniz is out!" / Episode Notes: Dib, Vexus, Trakeena, and a bunch of OTHER Nicktoons Villains, make a cameo appearance in this episode, with a lot of them getting destroyed! Lil quits this episode, in order to keep the Network Noobs from voting one of her friends off. She takes Ricky and Stimpy Jr. with her, so Stimpy can focus on the competition. Reggie FINALLY apologizes to Rocko, Angelica, and everyone else for her previous behavior. Zim loses his Irken planet and the rest of his Irken race when the Super Death Sun blows it up. It is FINALLY revealed that Master Coelaceanth has a MYSTERIOUS, new male apprentice who wants REVENGE!!!! The question is; WHO is it?! /


Personal Notes: I always WANTED to do a challenge revolving around the "Power Rangers," this was the perfect opportunity to do so! It was also the perfect opportunity to start General Barracuda, Angelica, and Reggie on their redemption stories, which is why their behaviors start changing here. Unlike the "Total Drama" series, where Izzy and Owen broke up, Lil and Stimpy will stay together. But because Lil finally re-established her relationship with Stimpy, there was no more story for Lil to take part in. So in continuing with the fact that "Power Rangers Lost Galaxy" actually HAD some Rangers who either NEARLY or temporarily sacrificed themselves for the greater good, I thought the best way for Lil to leave (her second time this season) would be on her own terms, in order to serve the needs of her friends, who she grown to care for. And as for the mysterious male apprentice villain? Let's just say, his identity has actually ALREADY been revealed; and he has a GIGANTIC chip on his shoulder! He will spell BIG problems for the remaining contestants, very soon! / That's it for my episode idea today! Enough said, true believers!

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"Performance Review 2: Deville Inside" A special intro is played, as the words, "Total Cartoon Action" appear, followed by the words, "Performance Review." A bunch of clips from the past six episodes are shown. Fondue says: "Dead Squirrel walking!" Skipper says: "Marlene, I'm SO sorry!" Angelica says: "Nobody EVER expects the Spanish Inquisition!" Treeflower loudly screams: "WHAT?!!!!!!!" Sniz says: "And the contestant you ALL voted off is...General Barracuda?" General Barracuda says: "No Pearl, I AM your FATHER!!!!" Pearl screams: "NOOO!!!!!!!!" Lil, with a Spanish accent, says: "Mad Dog Hoek is loco for BOOM-BOOM!!!!" She pushes a button, but nothing happens! Sniz says: "Well folks, it seems as though we're experiencing some technical difficul--." (BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) The clips ends, and the C.G.I. words of both "Total Cartoon Action" and "Performance Review," make a fancy exit off-screen. / Starting with this episode, the show open plays, but has some NEW key differences, which are highlighted in all caps! /


Theme song is played to the tune of all the cartoon characters theme songs. Sniz is shown driving a limousine, Otto is seen running up a prop hill while dodging various moving set scenes, and Ren is at the top of the prop hill and jumps into a tub of water. Stimpy is shown swimming in the water, and Rancid Rabbit tries to tackle him until he gets STOPPED by RICKY and STIMPY JR.; making Rancid lose his concentration. The camera pans up to show Reggie Rocket and Rocko trying to keep their balance on a moving surfboard until they get knocked out by Skipper who is shot at them. Norbert laughs at the situation, until Treeflower gives him a romantic kiss. The camera pans behind them to show Dog chasing after a plate of haggis being carried by Haggis McHaggis. The camera then comes to a beach scene where Rhonda, Pearl, and Gerald are busy enjoying the sun. The camera pans to the right to show Craig Mammalton making Larry the Lobster look pretty until Craig accidentally sprays cologne into Larry's eyes. The camera pans further to the right to show DARWIN climbing up a rope while ZIM, wearing a jetpack, tries to shoot at him with a lazer; and while this is happening, Susie Carmichael and Angelica Pickles fighting each other with balloon batons until Susie knocks Angelica's yellow wig off her head. The wig falls into a pot that is being heated up by General Barracuda. General Barracuda gives the pot to Patrick who throws some special spice on it, making the dish taste good. The camera pans out to show Marlene looking at the scene, she switches the camera to show a different scene outside a convention center, but Marlene accidentally pushes a button that causes something to explode. MASTER COELACEANTH is standing at the center of the explosion looking confused, while Lil Deville runs past him waving hi. MASTER COELACEANTH BARES his fang teeth at Li,l but she growls right back, and she actually chases MASTER COELACEANTH past a spaceship, while AANG THE AVATAR flies overhead. Sandy Cheeks and Spongebob Squarepants are riding inside this space ship. The camera then pans forward to show a bunch of cameras flashing as they are taking pictures. Sniz opens up an envelope, only to be interrupted and disturbed by his brother Fondue who is dressed like Vanna White. The camera pans out to reveal that they're on a TV screen and the camera pans down to NORBERT and TREEFLOWER who are about to kiss each other until they notice that the stage audience is watching them. The camera then pans out to show the Season 1 Vets on the left side of the screen, the Season 2 contestants on the right side of the screen, and the TV above NORBERT and TREEFLOWER changes to read Total Cartoon Action created and developed by Jason Cantu. /


After the revised show open, the special "Performance Review" music plays again, as the show opens back up on the talk show room setting, with Norbert and Daggett once again sitting on green couches! Norbert says: "Welcome back to another installment of the Performance Review!" Daggett says: "Check it out! We're more than 33% of the way through the second season!" Norbert says: "And we've got a LOT to get you caught up on! As always, I'm your HANDSOME main host Norbert McHANDSOME!!!!" Daggett says: "And I am the EQUALLY important, just as vital SECOND Host!" Norbert says: "THIRD host!" Daggett asks: "What do you mean?!" Norbert says: "I'm glad you asked! Let me roll the footage!"


And Norbert plays a video, which shows Treeflower, still HEAVILY bandaged after her incident in the Spanish Movie Challenge, in the same room with Aang. Treeflower yells: "LOOK AANG; I just got eliminated thanks to the efforts of that AWFUL Marlene; and I'm GOING to be compensated for my time in these Performance Reviews!" Aang rolls his eyes and says: "That's totally NOT in my department, Treeflower. You'd have to talk to Sniz and Fondue about that." Treeflower yells: "I DON'T care if you have to BREAK somebody's HEAD over it!!!! If they DON'T pay me; I'll SCREAM!!!! AHHH!!!!!!!! AHHH!!!!!!!!!" Aang yells: "Enough; ENOUGH ALREADY!!!! We'll GET you a PAID job!!!!" And the footage ends! Daggett rolls his eyes and says: "Sheesh!!!! I had to finagle and hassle my BUTT off for THREE episodes just to get paid HALF of what Norbert is getting paid!!!!" Treeflower says: "And half of what I am getting PAID!!!!" Treeflower walks in, looking all healthy, normal, and completely fixed up, as she walks in all smug and snooty like! Daggett says: "So what? You think you can just WALTZ right in here and take over MY job?!"


Treeflower says: "For your information; I'm not taking over YOUR job; I got myself a BETTER one; hosting it alongside my ONE true love!!!!" Daggett says: "Only because he's YOUR boyfriend!" Treeflower says: "Your HIS brother!" Daggett says: "Irrelevant!!!!" Treeflower says: "Same to YOU, sissy!!!!" Daggett says: "Wait! Did she just call ME a sissy?!" Aang sarcastically says: "GEE; where did you get THAT completely correct idea?!" Treeflower says: "And THANK you Aang, for convincing Sniz and Fondue to give ME a paid job!" Aang apathetically says: "I didn't DO it for YOU; I did it for ME!!!!" Norbert asks: "Why? What are YOU getting out of it?" Aang says: "Well for starters, in case you weren't paying attention, I got added to the SHOW open, along with all the OTHER characters who made their debuts late in the game!!!!" Jimmy Neutron asks: "Are you KIDDING me?!!!" Helga asks: "Are you SERIOUS?!!!" Roger says: "You're technically not even IN this season!!!!" Aang gets a DELICIOUSLY evil look and says: "Not YET; I'm not!" Norbert asks: "What is THAT supposed to mean?" Aang says: "Treeflower wants to get sweet, SWEET revenge on Marlene for ORCHESTRATING her elimination, and I am all to glad to help her! You see, as we speak, I right now have a LAWSUIT pending against Sniz and Fondue right now; a lawsuit of which they will LOSE!!!!"


Chuckie asks: "How do you know THAT?!!!" Aang says: "For starters, the court is all PACKED with jurors on MY side, and I hired the BEST lawyer known to Nicktoons; JOHNATHAN!!!!" Chuckie shivers and shouts: "NOT Johnathan?!!!" Patty asks: "Who's Johnathan?!!!" Chuckie answers: "Only the most ruthless, brilliant, scheming, self-serving, wicked, and tricky lawyer to EVER exist! He is Angelica's PERSONAL lawyer! Or at least, last I heard! How did you ever manage to get Johnathan away from HER?!!!" Aang says: "Simple; I promised Johnathan the one thing Angelica would NEVER give him; a part in one of MY movies!!!!" Rhonda says: "But that's NOT going to happen, seeing as how YOUR live-action movie TANKED--" Aang gets a fiery look in his eyes, and PRACTICALLY explodes: "SAY THAT AGAIN PUNK AND THEN WE'LL SEE WHO GETS RUN OVER BY A TANK!!!!!!!!" Rhonda HIDES under the bleachers under Chuckie, and Chuckie says: "SHEESH! And I though I was afraid of things!" Rhonda whimpers: "HE scares ME!!!!" Norbert firmly says: "Aang, I'm going to CALMLY ask you to SIT your BUTT down!!!!" Aang begrudingly does what he is told, and says: "Oh, I'll be sitting DOWN; but not for long!" Daggett asks: "What's his PROBLEM?!!!" Treeflower snootily answers: "How could HE have a problem? He only wants to get REVENGE, like I do!!!!"


Norbert is SHOCKED and says: "TREEFLOWER!!!! That's not a nice thing to think about!" Treeflower yells: "Was it NICE for Marlene to PRETEND flirt with you?! Was it NICE for Marlene to ABANDON me while Skipper SCARED me SENSELESS?! Was it NICE for Marlene to orchestrate MY elimination?!!!" Daggett angrily says: "You did THAT yourself!!!!" Treeflower angrily yells: "TAKE IT BACK!!!!!!!!" Daggett defiantly says: "Too BAD!!!! I'm not TAKING it BACK!!!! Someone here has to stand up to your WHINING and COMPLAINING; you HYPOCRITE!!!!" Treeflower yells: "WHAT?!!!" Dagget sarcastically says: "Oh, I'm sorry; does the truth HURT?!!! Good! I WANT it to hurt!!!! It's high time you realized how many people are VIEWING you; and NEWSFLASH; they are NOT saying positive THINGS about you!!!! Just ask a random sample of our panel!" Roger Plotz says: "If everyone KNEW of your nature WAY back in the beginning of Total Cartoon Island like they do now; you would've been the FIRST contestant voted off!!!!" Helga says: "There's this new thing called Anger Management and Therapy, you might want to TRY it sometime!" Chuckie says: "Honestly, your popularity was in the TOILET when you got eliminated!" And Doug Funny claps in approval! Chuckie says: "See? Even Mr. I-Only-Have-One-Line-This-Season agrees with me!"


Phoebe says: "Surely! The amount of anger you have displayed against Marlene is NOT fairly proportional to the amount of any actual 'harm,' IF any, Marlene put upon you." Bunny says: "I just don't know why you can't just let it go." Jimmy Neutron says: "I wasn't even THERE this time! Nobody RIGGED you off, Treeflower!" Patty says: "All the Boom Vets wanted you off!" Norbert admits: "That IS pretty true, I HAVE seen all the episodes, they WERE pretty mad at you...but of course, I'm not upset! You didn't make ME mad at you!" Daggett says: "Suck-up!" Treeflower yells: "DAGGETT!!!!" Daggett protests: "Well, he IS!!!!" Rancid says: "That's the first time I've EVER seen Daggett be right about anything!" Rhonda says: "Statistically speaking; he HAD to be right about something SOMEDAY!!!!" Treeflower yells: "WHY, I OUGHT to--!" Norbert puts her fist down and says: "Let her go! She is SO not worth it!" Treeflower calms down, and calmly says: "Oh, all right." Norbert says: "And now that we've got THAT out of the way; it's time to reveal the subjects of this edition of the Performance Review!" And above them; a TV monitor shows profile pictures of the contestants who have been eliminated in the past six episodes! Norbert says: "Sandy Cheeks!"


Treeflower says: "My PERSONAL favorite; Skipper!" Daggett says: "My PERSONAL favorite; Treeflower!" Treeflower yells: "I'm not GETTING interviewed!" Daggett says: "Except by a therapist for your impending lobotomy!!!!" Treeflower yells: "WHAT?!!!" Daggett says: "You'll NEED a lobotomy just to remove the BRAIN tumor growing INSIDE you due to all your HATE!!!!" Treeflower SCREAMS: "I do NOT have A--OWWW!!!!!!!!" And Treeflower falls on the ground, whimpering in PAIN!!!!!!!! Norbert screams: "WANDA!!!!!!!!" Wanda poofs in and says: "What is it?!" Norbert says: "We have an EMERGENCY, STAT!!!! What is WRONG with her?!!!" Wanda says: "Hold on, let me see!" And Wanda poofs an X-ray over her, and looking at her brain, she says: "EWWW!!!!" Norbert asks: "What is it?! She has a BRAIN tumor the size of a GRAPEFRUIT; caused by EXCESS, unhealthy, unwarranted, misplaced HATE!!!!" Daggett says: "CALLED IT!!!!" Wanda screams: "DAGGETT!!!! Brain tumors are NOT funny!!!!" Daggett says: "Sorry!" Norbert says: "Wanda, take her to the hospital for a tumor removal, NOW!!!!" Daggett says: "And maybe a personality overload while you're at it!" Norbert shouts: "DAGGETT!!!!" Daggett protests: "WHAT?! I'm just SAYING!!!!" Treeflower weakly asks: "I'm still going to get paid; right?" Norbert sweetly says: "Every penny!" Treeflower says: "Good!"


And Wanda poofs Treeflower away! Rhonda asks: "Is it just me, or did it just get a LOT quieter in here?" Norbert mourns: "Oh, TREEFLOWER!!!! Why did this HAVE to happen?! No sooner do we get back together, than fate decides to take you away from me!" Daggett says: "She was BEING super rude and ANNOYING to everybody! Doesn't that mean ANYTHING to you?!" Norbert says: "Only if it affects ME in a negative way, but it hasn't! So I suggest sticking to your job!" Daggett says: "You mean we're GOING to stay here?!" Norbert sighs and says: "We HAVE to; we agreed to it in our contracts." Daggett pouts and says: "Stupid, spooty, contracts!" Norbert asks: "Now where were we? Oh, yes! Patrick Star!" Daggett says: "And last but not least, the STAR interviewer of this edition of Performance Review; Lil Deville!" Norbert says: "In a special segment of which we have decided to call, Deville Inside!!!!" Daggett says: "First off, we just want to update that Cosmo and Wanda have STILL not found Blue Arrow and Judy Funny!" Cosmo says: "I'm calling it off! If we can't find them by now; they don't WANT to be found!" Norbert says: "Fine! Just replace them with ME and Treeflower in the Show Open instead! It will justify Treeflower's star status more!" Daggett shouts: "Norbert!!!!" Norbert protests: "Well, it WILL!" Daggett says: "So, our first interviewer will be someone else."


Norbert says: "Namely, Sandy Cheeks from Spongebob Squarepants!!!!" And the audience cheers and claps as clips from Sandy's performance is seen! Norbert says: "Coming in hot after a 2nd place showing last season, Sandy was determined to put in ANOTHER solid season of dominating challenges!" Daggett says: "But that was not to be!" Norbert says: "Mainly, because a lobster named Larry had OTHER ideas!" Daggett says: "I was surprised to find out that SANDY was actually in the wrong; when it was revealed that SHE was the one who actually HURT Larry's feelings; not the other way around!" Norbert says: "So was I; and when Larry revealed this fact to Sandy, he also revealed he KNEW of why Ren was throwing challenges; all because of Stimpy." Daggett says: "In order to keep Stimpy and Spongebob safe, Sandy decided to take the fall on their behalf." Norbert says: "A good move, karma wise, but not a good move, game wise." Daggett says: "Shortly after our last Performance Review, Larry CASHED in Sandy's favor!" Norbert says: "In order for Larry to keep his end of the bargain, Sandy had to keep HER end of the bargain, by THROWING a challenge and making the Boom Vets lose!" Daggett says: "Because the other Boom Vets thought that Sandy had lost HER game; they decided to lose her, as the majority of them voted her OFF of the game!"


And the clips of Sandy's performance ends. Norbert says: "And now, she may be a squirrel, but she's found a home living underwater! Fresh from the movie Sponge Out of Water; here's Sandy Cheeks!" And the audience claps and cheers as Sandy makes her way onto the set. Sandy sits down and says: "That thing with Treeflower? That was NUTS!!!! I don't think I've EVER heard an incident of someone getting a brain tumor just because they hated someone!" Norbert sighs and says: "I did WARN Treeflower that excess hate was NEVER good for a good, long, healthy life! But it's sometimes HARD to stop hate, especially if that hate concerns Treeflower vs. Marlene." Sandy says: "Well, from what I know, my vote-off wasn't unanimous. At least SOMEBODY threw a vote Treeflower's way; even then, there was dissent rising against her." Daggett says: "See Norbert? Sandy agrees with me!" Norbert says: "Stating a fact doesn't mean she agrees with anybody!" Sandy says: "Look, Treeflower wasn't the nicest girl on our team, but NOBODY wished she would get a BRAIN tumor; unless you count Angelica Pickles, she might have!" Chuckie says: "Actually, I'm not too sure about that." Sandy asks: "Why is that?" Chuckie says: "We've watched the episodes that came after YOU got eliminated, and in the most recent ones, Angelica actually seemed, almost human!"


Sandy gasps: "You're kidding!" Norbert says: "Actually Sandy, he is not. And we have an interviewer who can testify to that fact; Lil Deville!" Sandy asks: "She got eliminated AGAIN?!" Daggett says: "Technically, she quit THIS time. She didn't want to see Stimpy get voted off." Sandy says: "Than I don't blame her for that." Norbert says: "But you'll never BELIEVE the development that happened between Stimpy, Ren, and Lil!" Sandy asks: "What do you mean?" Ren says: "I can tell her! In the sci-fi action movie challenge, Stimpy told me that he loved me!" Sandy gasps: "Wow! He admitted it?!" Jimmy says: "We all heard him, everyone heard him!" Norbert says: "But he loves Lil to!" Daggett says: "And amazingly, Stimpy's parents APPROVE of this love relationship, and for good reason!" Sandy asks: "Why is that?" Norbert says: "We don't want to spoil TOO many surprises! Can we finish up this interview first?" Sandy answers: "Sure. What else did you want to ask of me?" Norbert says: "Well, you THREW a challenge for Larry on the behalf of the safety of Stimpy and Spongebob. Now, nobody technically FORCED you to do it, so why did you do it?" Sandy answers: "It was the right thing to do. I messed up Ren's game by telling him to focus on Stimpy. Sorry, REN!!!! I didn't know you took things literally!" Ren says: "It's all right! I forgive you!"


Norbert says: "You're not the ONLY contestant representing Spongebob Squarepants to be eliminated; Patrick is here to!" Sandy asks: "Really?! How BADLY did HE blow it?!" Daggett answers: "Surprisingly, he didn't!" Norbert says: "I don't think you knew this before, but your old nemesis, General Barracuda, was actually working behind the SCENES of this season!!!!" Sandy gasps: "So Patrick WAS right! I should've known that HE was the reason Angelica got back in the game! He was probably ALSO the reason Lil found and exploited that loophole in order to get back in the game!" Norbert says: "But she'll confirm it later! But Sandy, General Barracuda put BRAIN coral on Patrick; it made him all smart and smug!!!!" Sandy says: "So Larry WAS telling the truth about THAT, as well!" Norbert says: "Thankfully, Larry, Pearl, and Craig managed to get Patrick OUT of working for General Barracuda, long story short!" Sandy says: "But the brain coral should've HELPED Patrick win challenges, not eliminate him!" Daggett says: "Statistically speaking, you'd think so." Norbert says: "But that's NOT what actually happened!" Sandy asks: "Well, what DID happen?!" Norbert says: "I'm afraid we can't answer that right now; it shall be revealed at the PROPER time!"


Sandy sighs and says: "Oh, all right." Daggett says: "So will you kindly take a seat? We need to get to our next interviewer." Norbert shouts: "Daggett!!!!" Daggett yells: "Well, we DO!!!!" And Sandy decides to take a seat with the rest of the voted off season two contestants, and clips of Skipper's performance starts playing! Norbert says: "He was an International Penguin of spy tricks and master combat skills!" Daggett says: "He's traveled the globe; been on espionage missions; and tangled with the nefarious Dr. Blowhole!" Norbert says: "To Skipper, winning Total Cartoon Action would be just another penguin feather in his cap!" Daggett says: "Unfortunately, Skipper learned that the tricks of the spy trade do NOT neccessarily translate to game show challenges!" Norbert says: "In the Alfred Hitchcock movie challenge; Skipper's instinct to sabotage the enemy, is what ultimately did him in!" Daggett says: "Without realizing it, Skipper BROKE the rules!" Norbert says: "And earned himself a one way ticket to elimination town!" And the performance clips of Skipper end. Norbert says: "And now, the head penguin leader of an elite command force of penguins!" Daggett says: "And the star of The Penguins of Madagascar!" Norbert says: "Here's Skipper!!" And Skipper comes walking in and waving his penguin flippers, to loud cheers from the audience.


Skipper says: "Thank you, thank you so much! I'll be here all day! Literally! I have to be here all day! It's in my contract!" Norbert says: "Skipper! It's really COOL to talk with you!" Skipper says: "I imagine so!" Daggett says: "So, you consider yourself a cool, expert spy master, do you not?" Skipper says: "I certainly know my way through a booby-trapped maze if that's what your asking!" Norbert says: "Than you won't mind answering a few questions!" Daggett says: "Hold IT!!!! JUST answer some questions?!" Norbert asks: "What's WRONG, Daggett?" Daggett says: "People AREN'T going to PAY just to see former contestants ANSWER questions; we need to spice it UP!!!!" Norbert asks: "So, what do you want ME to do about it?" Daggett says: "You don't have to do anything! I've come up with a brand new segment I like to call, Truth or HAMMER!!!!" And a sequence of the Statue Of Justice appears, but it gets SMASHED by a wooden hammer! Norbert seriously asks: "You SERIOUSLY came up with your OWN segment?!" Daggett defiantly says: "Okay, I BORROWED it, Mr. Nosy!!!! But tell me; your idea for spicing things up is WHERE?!!!" Norbert says: "Well, if I HAD Treeflower WITH me..." Daggett says: "Well, the fact is, you don't! So until you come up with a better idea, I suggest you leave the spicing up of things to me!"


Skipper says: "It's okay, Norbert! I'm game!" Norbert sighs and says: "All right. As long as YOU are all right with it, I suppose it's okay!" Daggett says: "Here's how the game works; we'll ask you questions, and it's your job to tell the truth! Be careful though, cause if you lie; a giant wooden hammer will SWOOP down from out of nowhere and knock you CLEAR to Winnemucca, Nevada!" Bunny says: "That's like, out in the middle of nowhere!" Norbert says: "At least it's somewhere!" Aang sarcastically says: "Yeah, like a truck stop for hungry, TIRED truckers who have dreams about their past lives!!!!" Phoebe says: "Interesting, and where did YOU get this information?" Aang says: "I know a guy who knows a guy who talked about people staying the night at Winnemucca, Nevada. Apparently, it's a hot spot for people to have visions of their past lives, there." Norbert says: "Getting back on subject, I'd advise you to tell the truth." Skipper says: "Well, if Dr. Blowhole couldn't get me, I doubt the hammer can!" Daggett asks: "Question one; where did the game ALL go wrong for you?" Skipper answers: "Probably about the time I REFUSED General Barracuda's offer to join up in an illegal alliance with him!" Daggett EXPECTS the hammer, but nothing happens! Daggett asks: "WHAT?! Seriously?!!!" Wanda suddenly poofs back in the room and says: "I'm back!"


Norbert asks: "Where is she?! My Treeflower; how is she doing?!" Wanda answers: "She's at UCLA in Los Angeles, and the doctors say the brain tumor removal is a complete success, but she'll need to stay at the hospital for two weeks in order to recover!" Norbert sighs and says: "Two weeks without my BELOVED?!!! I don't know if I can make it!" Wanda says: "Also, Cosmo and I just recently found previously UNSEEN footage of General Barracuda trying to make an illegal alliance with Skipper BEFORE he tried to make an illegal alliance with Patrick!" Norbert excitedly says: "All right, play it!!!!" And Wanda plays the clip! On the clip, General Barracuda says: "Listen up, Skipper. I've got an offer you CAN'T refuse! I'll help you man up and win this thing, and YOU split the prize money with me, 50-50! What do you SAY, partner?!" Skipper immediately GRABS General Barracuda's fin, and HURLS him with tremendous force towards a wall covered by FILLED garbage bags! And one of the show interns, Sven Hoek, SEES this, and looks GREATLY concerned!!!! Skipper says: "Oh, NO!!!! General Barracuda, I don't THINK so!!!!" And the clip ends!!!! Norbert says: "Wow!!!! Talk about your scheming, sneaky, masterminds!" Daggett says: "And did you SEE the look on Sven Hoek's FACE?!!! He looks TOTALLY freaked out, like Skipper will attack HIM next!!!!"


Skipper says: "Don't WORRY about it; I would NEVER hurt that guy!!!!" Than Skipper has to QUICKLY dodge out of the way as the giant hammer tries to swing at him and hit him, but it misses him! Skipper says: "Okay, maybe I'd hurt him a LITTLE if I had good reason to!" And Sven Hoek HAPPENS to be onstage, and he once again looks WORRIED by this admission! Norbert says: "We have to take a break for some commercial messages!" Daggett says: "But don't change that channel! When we come back; we have an interview with Patrick Star; and our STAR interviewer of the day, Lil Deville!" Norbert says: "Stay tuned for all the EXCITING drama, coming up!!!!" (Commercial Break) / I'll break here and stop the episode for now. I'll finish up this episode next time. Enough said, for now! ;)

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I feel as though you're writing Aang out of character however.

There's a REASON why I'm writing Aang out of character; he's VERY bitter about the FAILURE of his live-action movie, and how Nickelodeon LIED to him about it GOING to be a GIGANTIC, HUGE, MASSIVE success, and Aang thinks that they lied to him about it on PURPOSE; in a BIG, elaborate joke at HIS expense; and you're going to see, that you can't make fun of Aang the Avatar and NOT expect him to take it personally! Anyways, back to the episode! "Performance Review 2: Deville Inside." /


After the commercial break, the show opens back up on Norbert and Daggett! Norbert says: "Welcome back to the Performance Review! I'm still Norbert!" Daggett says: "And obviously, I'm still Daggett!" Norbert says: "Unfortunately, Treeflower can't be HERE with us, as she's recovering in the hospital from her recent brain tumor operation." And the in-house audience goes: "AHHH!" Daggett asks: "Why are you, 'ahhhing?' All Treeflower would've done is spend six HOURS moaning and complaining over how Marlene WRONGFULLY eliminated her; when we all KNOW it was Treeflower's own fault! Maybe some time in the hospital will put Treeflower's personality into a little perspective!" Norbert sternly says: "Daggett! That is TOTALLY not a cool, nice thing to say!" Daggett says: "I don't care, it's the truth!" Aang cheers: "YES!!!! Go for the TRUTH!!!! The TRUTH on how SORRY people are going to feel as I make MY triumphant come-back!!!!" Sandy asks: "Should WE be worried about this?" Norbert says: "Only if he suddenly sprouts a THIRD dimension to him; which I highly doubt!" Aang yells: "Was that a CRACK at that actor KNOCK-OFF?! I was TOLD he would CAPTURE my essence PERFECTLY!" Norbert says: "MAYBE we should worry a little." Daggett sarcastically asks: "You THINK?!!!!" And Aang ANGRILY fires some fire-bending FLAMES at Daggett, which Daggett narrowly avoids!


Norbert shouts: "Aang, you COME down and CALM down right now!!!!" Aang angrily says: "NO!!!! You do not COMMAND me; NOBODY COMMANDS ME!!!! I am the all-powerful, all-important Avatar, and NOBODY MAKES fun of ME!!!! You thought it would be funny to make FUN of me as a hero?!!! How would you like to cower in TERROR running from a VILLAIN?!!!" Norbert asks: "Are you talking about Master Coelaceanth?" Aang unexpectedly powers down, calms down, and slyly says: "Of course, why do you ask?" Norbert says: "Only because his presence seems to bring out the worst in people." Aang shrugs and says: "Than I GUESS he must be hiding nearby. As you all know, I have absolutely NOTHING to hide! I AM the Avatar after all; I only use my power for good and HELPFUL ends!" Daggett says: "Let's hope so!" Norbert says: "Now, like I was SAYING before I was so RUDELY interrupted by MY brother--." Daggett protests: "I didn't interrupt you; AANG did!" Norbert says: "Don't correct me!" But Norbert slyly whispers: "And don't tick off AANG any further! He nearly went BALLISTIC against Fire Lord Ozai in that last episode of his, and Ozai didn't even MAKE fun of him! Better to keep your head down than get it BLOWN off!" Daggett says: "I see your point." Norbert says: "In any case, our next contestant is Patrick Star!!!!"


And the audience cheers as a bunch of clips of Patrick's performance from this season is played on the T.V. monitor. Norbert says: "I'd say that one of the most IMPROVED contestants returning from season one playing in season two would have to be Patrick Star!" Daggett says: "He certainly improved his game a lot!" Norbert says: "Wowing with unseen athletic abilities, Patrick was certainly going to do well this season!" Daggett says: "But unfortunately for him; a deranged Barracuda got in the way of that!" Norbert says: "It wasn't until recently we found out that General Barracuda was all doing this in an ELABORATE plan to protect his son and daughter!!!!" Sandy gasps and asks: "He has a SON and DAUGHTER?!!!" Daggett answers: "Wait until you hear the shocker of who they are!" Norbert says: "They are Craig Mammalton and Pearl!!!!" Everyone gasps: "WHAT????!!!!"


Norbert laughs and says: "I tell you, that gasp revealing NEVER gets old!" Daggett says: "Although to be fair, Patrick didn't know that when General Barracuda forced him into an illegal alliance!" Norbert says: "And even WHEN Patrick was a part of said alliance, he STILL fought off against General Barracuda's orders!" Daggett says: "Eventually, Patrick FORCED General Barracuda's hands, into placing brain coral on him!" Norbert says: "With the brain coral, General Barracuda figured he would be able to control Patrick more effectively, and that he would be more useful!" Daggett says: "But Larry proved to be the start of General Barracuda's undoing!!" Norbert says: "Larry roped in Patrick and Pearl into his alliance, once he saved them from General Barracuda, and revealed to Horatio that Larry had proof of Horatio's evil deeds!" Daggett says: "Once Larry did that, Horatio had no choice but to relinquish his control of Patrick!" Norbert says: "But General Barracuda was NOT one to give up so easily!!" Daggett says: "When Patrick over-heard a plan of how General Barracuda PLANNED to take Spongebob and his friends down, Patrick KNEW that he had to STOP Horatio!!!!" Norbert says: "After inexplicably hit by lightning, thanks to a WISH from Angelica, Patrick not only regained control of his attitude, but figured out HOW to stop General Barracuda!"


Daggett says: "Patrick cut the power, than while the lights were out; reprogrammed all the voting devices to vote off General Barracuda!" Norbert says: "And with General Barracuda exposed to everyone; Patrick decided to quit the game, in order to better protect Pearl and his friends from any remaining plans that General Barracuda might have had!" And the clips showing Patrick's performance ends. Norbert says: "And coming out of Bikini Bottom, he may live under a rock, but you won't hear any complaints about that!" Daggett says: "His intelligence and emotional range can vary, but with the exception of some VERY badly written, what I can only ASSUME are non-canon episodes, Patrick's loyalty to his friends has never wavered or faded!" Norbert says: "From Spongebob Squarepants and Sponge Out of Water, here is Patrick Star!" And everyone claps and cheers as Patrick comes on stage! Norbert says: "Welcome to the Performance Review!" Patrick says: "I'm very glad to be here!" Norbert says: "I have to ask you a question; is General Barracuda really AS strong as he says he is?" Patrick says: "No question about it; General Barracuda is about as tough as they come! The only two I know of who have managed to physically over-power him are Sandy and Larry!" Daggett says: "Speaking of, I'm surprised that Larry is actually still IN the game!"


Norbert says: "And not only that, but he seems to have undergone a character transformation; and not an overnight one, either!" Patrick asks: "Really?" Norbert answers: "Yes, but we'll get to that later." Daggett says: "It must have been HARD to commit evil acts under General Barracuda's order; even if you were doing it to protect your friends." Patrick sighs and says: "No question about it. But by far, the worst thing I did, was trying to set it up so that Ren and Stimpy would get broken apart!" Ren gasps in shock. Patrick says: "I'm sorry, Ren; I know what I did was WRONG!!!!" Daggett apathetically says: "And yet you did it anyways! I think that's pretty jerky!" Norbert angrily says: "I think some people would consider YOU a jerk for saying such a thing! That's just an opinion, not a fact!" Daggett snidely says: "Well then, why don't we distinguish the facts FROM the opinions? With a little new game segment that I like to CALL; Truth or Anvil!!!!" And a sequence of the statue of justice is seen, until it gets SMASHED with an Anvil! Worringly, Norbert asks: "DAGGETT; it's supposed to be Truth or Hammer, what happened to the Hammer?!" Daggett says: "I got a call from Fondue! He LOVED the Hammer, but he said that it was not enough; he wanted MORE!!!!" Norbert disgustedly says: "Quite frankly, I am APALLED by your lack of decency and feelings for others!"


Daggett excitedly says: "Who cares?! This equals ratings gold!" Patrick suddenly notices a giant ANVIL hanging over him and says: "Why is that hanging over me?!" Norbert sighs and bored, says: "I can only guess that you'll have to play a STUPID game where Daggett will ask you STUPID questions, all of which you'll HAVE to answer truthfully, or possibly get hit by that anvil if you lie; which quite frankly, I don't find amusing!" Daggett says: "How can you NOT find it amusing?! One wrong answer, and Pearl's boyfriend goes SPLAT!!!! You have to admit; that makes for AWESOME television!" Norbert sternly says: "Daggett; I FORBID for this game show to go on as you WANT!!!!" Wanda appears and says: "Norbert! Your contract!!!!" Norbert looks at it, sighs and says: "But I am forcibly BOUND to watch this spectacle take place. I'll watch it, but I won't like it!" Daggett says: "Awesome! Patrick, did you think you were being a rude, mean, EVIL jerk when you sabotaged the Boom Vets car AND Ren Hoek's dance routine?!" Norbert says: "Patrick, don't answer that!" Sandy asks: "That was YOU?!" Patrick says: "I'm surprised that nobody noticed me!" Daggett, impatient, says: "Answer the question!" Norbert sternly says: "Don't answer it!"


Daggett angrily says: "Norbert, stay out of this!" Norbert angrily says: "MAKE me!" Patrick says: "I wasn't feeling evil OR jerky doing those things! I was just feeling GUILTY that I was being FORCED to do acts against my will because of General Barracuda!" Daggett looks up at the anvil, but it doesn't drop. Daggett turns to Norbert, and Daggett says: "SEE?!" Norbert angrily, and sarcastically says: "Just keep pushing your luck, brother! That will get you far!" Daggett says: "It will in show business!" Norbert says: "Which you seem to have grown too fond OF!!!!" Daggett asks: "What's that supposed to mean?!" Norbert says: "Only that I think that all this fame has gone to your head! You've become Captain Hollywood!" Daggett scoffs and says: "PLEASE!!!! Treeflower is TWICE the Captain Hollywood I could EVER be!" Rhonda claps her hands and says: "You said it! Compared to her, I look like a saint!" Patrick says: "I really thought it was over for me when General Barracuda FORCED the Brain Coral onto my head; but Larry came and helped me. Admittedly, he did it so Pearl and I would be in an alliance. But after he made that deal with Sandy, I think he actually began to change. And it felt really GOOD to me not to have to lie to Pearl anymore!" And the audience goes: "AHHH!!!!" at that statement. Daggett says: "SEE?! I can generate 'ahhhs' to!"


Norbert says: "Only due to the situation of the question!" Daggett says: "Irrelevant!" Patrick says: "So, am I done now?" Daggett says: "Not yet! I have a SURPRISE for Patrick!" Norbert asks: "A surprise?!" Daggett answers: "That's right! One of Patrick's idols and long-time heroes, he has the power of sulfur vision and rides in an Invisible Boat-mobile! From Bikini Bottom, it's BARNACLE BOY!!!!" And Barnacle Boy walks onstage and says: "Hey everyone, how's it going?!" Patrick asks: "Hey!!!! Where's Mermaid Man?" Barnacle Boy answers: "Mermaid Man said he found the location of the Fountain of Youth! He's going to go find it, and when he comes back, he's going to sound like Adam West! You know, like he did when he was young?" Aang says: "Unneccessary PLOT convenience!!!!" Norbert says: "We weren't even TALKING to you! And why is Barnacle Boy here, anyways?!" Daggett slyly says: "I want to SEE his reaction when I play this NEVER before seen confession of Patrick, confessing how he REALLY feels about the people on his team!" Norbert asks: "What are you talking about?" Daggett excitedly says: "You'll see!" (Confessional) Patrick says: "Do I feel like I need friends? Like friends are useful to me? That friends are anything more than just a tool I can use to help get to the top? Heck, no!!!!" (End Confessional)


Barnacle Boy is suddenly seen holding a tomato, and he looks VERY unhappy! Daggett asks: "So, why did you SAY that Patrick? Is it because you really ARE a jerk? Because you are really MEAN?! Why else would you say such things about your friends?!" Norbert angrily shouts: "THAT'S ENOUGH! Daggett, I FORBID you to ask any more questions on Patrick's character!" Wanda appears and says: "STOP!!!! Roll the REST of the clip!" And everyone gives Daggett a dirty look! Daggett tries to look unsure and asks: "Rest of the clip what? I'm sure I have NO idea..." And Barnacle Boy THROWS a tomato at Daggett, hitting him RIGHT in the pie hole! Barnacle Boy says: "And there's more tomatoes where THAT came from, Daggett!!!!" Daggett nervously says: "All right, all RIGHT!!!! Roll the rest of the clip! Sheesh! It's going to take FOREVER to get this juice out of my fur!" (Confessional) General Barracuda is SEEN angrily looking at Patrick, as Patrick asks: "Do I REALLY need to say; do I feel like I need friends? Like friends are useful to me? Like friends are more than just a tool I can use to help get to the top? And do I really NEED to say Heck no?!!!" And General Barracuda GROWLS at him angrily, indicating his answer! (End Confessional)


Norbert ANGRILY looks at Dagget, who's getting brushed up and prettied by the Fairy Godparents. Daggett says: "You Fairies SURE come in handy when I have a BEAUTY emergency!!!!" Than he notices Norbert's dirty look, and asks: "WHAT?!!!" Norbert angrily says: "Don't 'what' ME; mister! That wasn't NICE, what you did to Patrick, you know!" Daggett asks: "But did you see the LOOK on everyone's face when they thought Patrick was a BIG, FAT, MEANIE?! Talk about IRONY!! You know, because Patrick called Mrs. Puff a Big, Fat, Meanie, one time?!" Norbert disgustedly says: "You're being a Machiavellian!" Daggett says: "THANK YOU!!!!" Norbert says: "That WASN'T a compliment!" Aang says: "I bet to some people, they think it is!" Norbert says: "If I WANT your opinion, I'll ask it!" Aang bored says: "I'd blast you right now, but you're not worth the effort it would take to lift my fingers. Besides, I DO have an image to maintain!" Norbert decides to ignore him, and asks: "Because of General Barracuda's interference, you HAD to quit the game. Are there any regrets you have as to not being in the game anymore?" Patrick says: "Well, I WAS working on my cooking skills. If I had stayed in the game, I could've wowed everyone with my delicious home-made sandwiches. I even made some for everyone! Wanda, bring them out!!!!"


And Wanda poofs up a healthy amount of Patrick's pre-made, delicious sea-chicken sandwiches! Aang looks at it and says: "I'm NOT going to eat that!!" Jimmy says: "Why not?! It's nutritionally sound and has basic vitamins and minerals!" Aang says: "As the ALL-powerful, all important Avatar, I have a STRICT diet regiment, and I must--." Helga says: "Oh, shut up and eat a sandwich!!!!" And she shoves a sandwich into Aang's mouth, and he PROMPTLY spits it out!!!! Ren says: "Come ON, Aang! It's JUST mayonnaisse!" Patty says: "Hey! That's also my LAST name!" Aang angrily says: "JUST mayonnaise?!!! I GAINED ten ounces JUST by touching it!!!!" Then Aang smells something and says: "WAIT!!!! Is that celery, with bacon bits, and sweet sauce, and lettuce folded into the shape of A's just the way I like THEM?!!!" And Aang GREEDILY dives into the sandwiches! (Confessional) Aang is stuffing his mouth with Patrick's sandwichs and says: "Wonderful, glorious, DELICIOUS, sandwiches, where have you BEEN all my life?!!!" (End Confessional) Norbert says: "They are delicious, but it feels like there's ANOTHER ingredient! Tell me, what's the secret to the success?" Patrick says: "Come on!!!! I don't have any--" But Patrick notices the rope HOLDING the anvil is coming loose, and he jumps out of the way JUST in time to avoid it! Daggett chuckles: "AWESOME!!!!"


Patrick says: "Paprika!! The secret ingredient is paprika!" And even Barnacle Boy is enjoying the sandwiches! Norbert says: "These are REALLY delicious, Daggett! You ought to try some!" Daggett says: "None for me, please! You know what they say about sandwiches; a moment on the lips but a LIFETIME on the hips!!!!" Norbert angrily looks at Daggett, and Daggett SUDDENLY realizes he just said the VERY wrong thing!!!! Norbert angrily says: "THAT DOES IT!!!!" And Norbert starts wrestling with Daggett, and tries to put a sandwich into his mouth! Norbert says: "Are you calling ME fat?!!! You are GOING to eat a sandwich and YOU are going to like it!!!!" Wanda nervously says: "Quickly, let's check in on Treeflower's progress and when we come back, the fight will be over!" Wanda poofs out of there, and poofs into a recuperative room at UCLA, where Treeflower is bandaged around her head, and currently in bed. Wanda says: "Treeflower?" Treeflower weakly says: "Yes?" Wanda asks: "Are you feeling better?" Treeflower says: "Well, you know what they say; any day that you wake up and you're still alive, is probably a good one. And Wanda?" Wanda asks: "Yes?" Treeflower weakly says: "If you see Marlene, tell her that I'm sorry; I over-reacted against her. I have a hard time controlling my temper. I'll work on it as soon as I get better."


Wanda says: "That's good to know! I've got to get BACK to the studio!" And Wanda poofs OUT of UCLA, and back to the Studio! Norbert says: "Come on, DAGGETT!!!! Get it IN there!!!!" Norbert FINALLY gets the sandwich into Daggett's mouth, and Daggett swallows it! Daggett cries: "Oh, my glorious SVELTE body!!!! Now I'll NEVER get on the cover of Time! I...oh, sweet NUTS!!!! Those ARE delicious!!!! Give me!!!!" And Daggett starts to greedily scarf down on sandwiches. Norbert says: "While my BROTHER continues acting more like a PIG than a Beaver, I'm going to continue, and introduce our star interviewer for the day, Lil Deville!" Barnacle Boy asks: "Do you need me to throw another tomato?" Norbert looks at Daggett and says: "Possibly, but I'll let you know if I do." Norbert continues and says: "She may have gotten eliminated once, but that didn't stop her from coming back!" Daggett finally finishes and says: "Oh, that WAS nuts!!!!" Norbert sarcastically says: "Don't you want to go back for seconds?!" Daggett, missing the sarcasm, says: "Nope! BURP!!!! Couldn't eat another bite!" Disgusted, but unwilling to take it any further, clips of Lil Deville begin playing. Norbert says: "Everyone knows that a time spent with Lil is a time filled with THRILLS and CHILLS!" Daggett says: "And sometimes, SPILLS!!!!"


Norbert says: "She was Stimpy's main love interest, and always kept things interesting." Daggett says: "In more ways than one!" Norbert says: "She has proved versatile in accents, and able to adapt to many situations!" Daggett says: "But when she got transferred to the Network Noobs, it looked like she wouldn't last long. Norbert says: "Lil's acting performance SOURED with the Network Noobs, and she got voted off." Daggett says: "But by exploiting a loophole, she was able to come BACK!" Norbert says: "Because MARLON Hoek got eliminated from the game, it allowed Lil Deville to come back on the game as a Boom Vet!" Daggett says: "Unfortunately, Lil's return caused friction between Ren and Stimpy!" Norbert says: "In Lil's defense, she was unaware of the fact that General Barracuda was USING her as a wedge to try to break up Ren and Stimpy!" Ren gasps and says: "That's DESPICABLE!!!!" Aang says: "Tell me about it! Tricking Stimpy to kiss someone else would've been MUCH simpler!!!!" Norbert shouts: "AANG!!!!" Aang protests: "Well, it WOULD have!" Daggett slyly says: "Listen to Aang! It's too bad he's NOT on the show! With that MIND of his; AND his incredible powers, he could SURELY combine them, and become an UNSTOPPABLE force of pure, unadulterated REVENGE against EVERYONE who made fun of his live-action movie!!!!"


Norbert shouts: "Daggett; I'll THANK you to STOP putting ideas into Aang's head!!!!" Aang asks: "What ideas? Like I said, I have ABSOLUTELY nothing to hide. Judge me for ALL the things I've done to PROTECT the world! Or are you going to blame me for a crime that doesn't even exist?" Norbert says: "Go ahead and talk in riddles; we're focusing on ACTUAL contestants in this season!" Aang whispers: "And who said you weren't DEALING with one?!" Norbert says: "In any case, what could've been a tradegy, instead evolved into something else." Daggett says: "Stimpy's love knew no bounds. He loved BOTH Ren and Lil Deville equally and importantly!" Norbert says: "Because of that love, Stimpy, with the help of General Barracuda's concoction, produced for Stimpy, both a brand new bushy tail; and TWO real children; Ricky and Stimpy Jr.!!!!" And the T.V. Monitor shows Lil back-stage, tending to the two kids. Norbert asks: "Lil Deville?" Lil says: "Yes?" Norbert says: "We want to talk with you about your time on Total Cartoon Action! Would you come out with the kids? We want to take a look at them!" Lil says: "Sure! I'll be out in a minute!" And the TV monitor goes blank. Norbert says: "And now, from the world of All Grown Up, she is one half of the Deville twins!" Daggett says: "And a very important part of the sundae that is Ren, Stimpy, and Lil!"


Norbert says: "Our star interviewer, Lil Deville!!!!" And everyone claps and cheers as Lil comes on stage, holding Ricky and Stimpy Jr., and everyone goes: "AHHH!!!!" at how cute they look. Rancid says: "I got to admit, even I like them, and I don't even care about the circumstances!" Lil says: "Ren, would you take care of these two while I take care of this interview?" Ren says: "Why are you asking me? I don't think I could POSSIBLY do a good job with children! I've never--." Lil says: "Nonsense, you'll do great!!!!" She puts them into Ren's arms, and everybody else FLINCHES as they expect the children to start bawling loudly!!!! But instead, they're happy and look peaceful! Jimmy Neutron says: "I don't believe it! They actually LOVE it that Ren is holding them!" Phoebe says: "They're not crying and bawling!" Sandy says: "They seem to love and accept Ren for who he really is!" Roger Plotz cries and says: "If babies can accept Ren for who he is, maybe we should ALL accept Ren for who he really is!" And nearly everyone else nods in agreement, but Aang picks up his cell phone and CALLS someone! Aang says: "Change of plans! No revenge on Treeflower's behalf! Now it's just PERSONAL!!!!" And Aang hangs up! Lil says: "So, what kind of fun do you have planned for ME tonight?!" Norbert sighs and says: "Well, if you call maybe being potentially CRUSHED by an anvil fun..."


Daggett protests: "Don't TELL her!!!! You're no fun!" Norbert says: "And YOU'RE not being good! Lil, it's a game called Truth or Anvil. You need to answer truthfully, or an anvil will drop on you!" Lil says: "Well, I fancy myself a straight shooter, fire away!" Daggett asks: "Do you honestly consider yourself one of the primary reasons people watch this show?" Lil answers: "Well, it's hard to say. I know I have a pretty well built fan base, but I'm only one contestant! I don't consider myself any more important than anybody else!" Daggett expects the anvil to drop, but it doesn't! Daggett asks: "Seriously; no anvil?!" Norbert asks: "But you definitely brought an element of crazy to the show. Do you think the fans are going to miss you?" Lil answers: "Probably not TOO terribly! If they loved MY brand of crazyness, they can check out Invader Zim for their daily dose of crazy! I'm sure he can pick up the slack in my absence!!!!" Daggett once AGAIN expects the anvil to drop, but it doesn't! Daggett says: "COME ON!!!! Drop ALREADY!!!!" Norbert angrily says: "I've had just about enough that I can STAND of this!"


Lil asks: "Say; did I show any of you this cool thing I can do with my eyelids?!" Daggett imitates a buzzer and says: "OOH!!! It looks like we ran out of time for interesting answers from you; and JUST when you were getting REALLY interesting to! Instead, let's take a look, at Ren's CRAZY amount of fan-mail he's received, since he's gotten kicked off the show!" And the two gorillas from "The Penguins of Madagascar," Bada and Bing; come wheeling in with an INSANE amount of fan-mail for Ren!!!! Helga asks: "WOW!!!! Where did Stimpy find the time to write all of THOSE?!!!" Ren says: "But he DIDN'T write them! Not ALL of them, anyways!" Daggett says: "But we've got time to answer ONE e-mail question! This one comes from GoGoBeaver1985. Here's what he asks; Dear Daggett; My Brother is being an UNUSUALLY annoying pain in the butt...blah, blah, blah, filler, filler, mindless filler, irritatitng, irritating, IRRITATING Captain Hollywood wannabe! He's frustrating me, and just generally being difficult. What should I do?" Lil says: "Well, NORBERT, if I were him..." Norbert asks: "What are you talking about?" Lil says: "I would tell GoGoBeaver that he needs to stand UP to his brother, tell him to STOP with his pushy, arrogant attitude; and then--!" Daggett says: "Now Lil, I'm sure my BROTHER wouldn't advocate VIOLENCE against anyone--."


Norbert says: "I already said it WASN'T me!!!!" And both Lil and Norbert NARROWLY jumps out of the way as the Anvil drops, but Norbert jumps right INTO Daggett's arms! Although the audience cheers, Norbert is CLEARLY not amused! Daggett says: "Awesome! That anvil TOTALLY aimed right for Lil!" Lil says: "Actually, I'm PRETTY sure the anvil was meant for Norbert!" Daggett says: "Unfortunately, we are out of time and don't HAVE time to do a full review. But right now, it looks like Stimpy is in 4th place, Haggis is in 3rd place, Rocko is in 2nd place, and Marlene is in 1st place. Tune in next time for another dramatic episode of Total Cartoon Action!!!!" And the audience loudly cheers, but when the lights dim, Norbert gets a STERN look and with no-nonsense, Norbert FIRMLY says: "Daggett, we NEED to HAVE a TALK; NOW!!!!" And he GRABS Daggett by his left ear and starts to drag him away, as Daggett says: "Ow, my ear! Ow, my ear! OW!!!! MY EAR!!!!" / The scene shifts back to Master Coelaceanth and he creepily says: "Looks like the plans my new apprentice put in is coming to fruition! Excellent! And to think that Aang is the one who made it all possible! Poor fool, you have NO idea what you're doing; and you have NO idea that once YOUR part in the story is done; I'm going to kill YOU anyways! I'm not letting you bask in your glory!"


Master Coelaceanth creepily says: "Yes, I owe it ALL to you, my little LAMB!!!!" And he begins to laugh cruelly and creepily, at heaven knows only WHAT his secret apprentice is planning! / Episode Notes: No sooner does Treeflower become a co-host with Norbert, than she gets sidelined by a brain tumor! The brain tumor is removed, but she must recuperate for two weeks! Thankfully, she tells Wanda that she is apologizing to Marlene. Daggett has seemed to have gotten a new Captain Hollywood persona, much to his brother's dismay. Tim Conway makes a guest appearance as Barnacle Boy, without Mermaid Man. The latter's absence is explained by an explanation in the episode. Aang has a lawsuit against Sniz and Fondue, which he is CONFIDANT he WILL win. In the last episode, Sniz and Fondue said that the secret apprentice would HAVE to get past their legal defense in order to get on the show! Could there be a connection? This marks the first time ANYONE has actively USED the Confessional during a Performance Review. Personal Notes: No personal notes for this episode, and no hints! You'll have to continue watching and discover for yourself! / That's my episode idea for today! Enough said, true believers! ;)

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It's time for the most EARTH-shaking, shattering, EXCITING episode of "Total Cartoon Action" YET!! It may LITERALLY blow your MIND!!!! / Sniz is in the T.V. monitor room and says: "Last time on Total Cartoon Action, we paid tribute to one of the greatest superhero forces of all time, the Power Rangers! The mission was simple; simply make sure that Terra Venture 2 got all the way to Planet Mirinoi. Easier said than done! A familiar evil wanted to thwart that goal, and her name was Trakeena! Thankfully, General Barracuda, now wanting to protect his son and daughter, decided to SHOW Trakeena, just how FAR he was willing to go in order to protect them! One minute, the Super Death Sun was threatening everybody, and then BOOM!!!! Both Trakeena and the Super Death Sun were no more! The Boom Vets lost the challenge, but before the Network Noobs could vote ONE of them off, Lil Deville made the VERY surprising announcement, that she was quiting the game, in order to save her friends. And thus, we said goodbye to her, and to Stimpy's children, Ricky and Stimpy Jr. as well. That was quite the dramatic episode last time."


The scene shifts to outside, and Sniz is in a fancy car. Sniz says: "And if you thought the LAST episode was dramatic; get ready, because this episode promises to be MORE dramatic than ANYTHING you have seen so far! The contestants are about to get all CHAINED up in what may be the most THRILLING plot development yet! It all happens right here on Total Cartoon Action!" Sniz puts the car into reverse, but it accidentally hits a LIGHT post! Sniz says: "AHHH, FRUITS!!!!" / "Back on the Chain g-AANG!!!!" / Rocko gets up from his sleep, and he goes to check on Stimpy, who is also just getting up. Rocko says: "Stimpy, are you still missing Lil and your kids?" Stimpy says: "Of course I am. I spent a good portion of my season with Lil. I wish my kids could still be here with me, but I know it wouldn't be fair of me to make them compete in challenges with me. It's not easy, but I know that Ren and Lil are taking good care of them." Rocko says: "Stimpy, we're kind of similar in the challenges we've been facing this season. First, I finally experienced my long-awaited growth spurt; and you, grew a bushy tail. And it looks fabulous!" Stimpy says: "Thank you!" Rocko says: "We've both also had our share of girl trouble. You were faced with the challenge of telling Lil the truth about who you loved, and I'm faced with my conflicting feelings about Reggie."


Stimpy asks: "Why are you conflicted about her?" Rocko says: "Well, I'm not exactly comfortable saying this, but I've got to tell somebody. Ever since that whole hotel spa lie thing; my mind has been trying to walk the line between being loyal to Reggie, and doing the right thing. My brain says not to be LOYAL to someone who has lied, but my heart tells me to support Reggie. It's a conflicting battle of the senses." Stimpy says: "Rocko, you've got to go with your heart." Rocko says: "Do you really think so?" Stimpy says: "You know Reggie would NEVER tell a malicious lie, and she certainly never meant to hurt you. Besides, showing you support her means you forgive her; that IS what good couples do for each other." Rocko says: "That's a very good point. I'm not saying I'd do anything wrong, because that would NEVER be my intention, but I would certainly like Reggie's support if things didn't go my way." Stimpy says: "As long as you go with your heart, you'll never be wrong in the end!" Rocko says: "That's some good advice, Stimpy." Stimpy sighs and says: "Better that SOMEBODY get some good use out of what I know before I'm eliminated." Rocko asks: "Why would you think you're in danger of getting eliminated?"


Stimpy says: "Statistics! I have had a CONSISTENTLY high profile around here! Every time I try to lay low, I somehow always managed to get involved in the bigger plot around here! Not only that, but my best friend, my girlfriend, and my two kids are now not with me anymore! The only person I have any real ties to is Haggis; but even he may not want to keep me around for much longer!" Rocko says: "But you're well liked." Stimpy says: "And I won the GAME last season! I tried to tell myself I had a chance, but the truth is evident. I'm certainly not going to last much longer; with the team merge inching ever closer, and my prospects of a relevant story being slim to none. Barring a RADICAL development, I'm probably the next target out of here!" (Confessional)


Stimpy says: "My list of reliable friends is very short, and I don't have much in the way of promises and offers that I can give anyone. I know Marlene is in my alliance, but she HAS a chance to win! I can't take that away from her! It would probably be easier just to let the game play out like it's supposed to; but Lil sacrificed herself for me! I have to at least TRY and stay for her! I'm just surprised that I've actually managed to stay relevant to the game for THIS long!" / Rocko says: "Stimpy's worried about being relevant. That's odd. Except for my involvement with Reggie, I haven't had much relevance to this season, either. Unless I'm being set up for a possible final three run. It certainly helps that I only made sixth place last season. I have a decent shot. But I'd sure hate to see Stimpy go. Nothing worse than the best of the best getting sent out of the game." (End Confessional) Angelica looks in the mirror, and is DELIGHTED to see that a new tooth has come in to replace the one she lost! Angelica says: "Emergency is over Otto; I have a new tooth! Now I won't be lisping a single thing that I say!" Otto rolls his eyes and says: "What MIRACLES never cease!" Angelica says: "I'd thought you'd be happy! I KNOW you still have feelings for me!" Otto says: "Well those feelings don't involve love, and I'm NOT exactly the Goodwill Charity Store. In other words, this shop is CLOSED!!!!"


(Confessional) Angelica says: "Otto's trying to close HIS shop to me?! Good luck with that! When it comes to boys, I know how to MAKE them want me; you just offer them whatever they want; and then not give it to them! I mean, I already LOST a tooth, so I've SUFFERED far too much already! How could anything POSSIBLY be worse?!" (End Confessional) Reggie is trying to open the door of the trailer, but it won't open! Reggie says: "Exscuse me?! Isn't our trailer door normally supposed to open?!" Haggis says: "Maybe it's still upset about the hotel spa lie you told everyone!" Reggie says: "Which I have already PROFUSELY apologized to everyone for, EVEN Angelica!!!!" Angelica apathetically retorts: "Not that I care about it; it's just nice that for once, someone ELSE was in the wrong!" Rocko sarcastically says: "Oh sure; make snarky comments to Reggie who I am PRETTY sure still holds a GRUDGE against you; that will get you far!" Angelica, missing the point, asks: "And that concerns me, WHY?!" Stimpy says: "All it takes is some muscle, let me!" And he runs up against the door, but it still won't budge, and Stimpy is knocked back against the floor! Stimpy says: "No good! Got any other ideas?!" / Pearl is trying to open her trailer, but it won't open either!


Pearl says: "Does anybody have ANY idea why our trailer suddenly won't open?" Darwin says: "I certainly don't; why?" Larry says: "For one thing, it's getting pretty close to breakfast, and we don't want to miss our chance to fuel up for today's challenge. Would YOU know anything about this Zim?!" Zim is busy putting his HUMAN guise on and says: "Why is it that whenever SOMETHING wrong goes around here; I'm always the first to get blamed?!" Dog asks: "Say, why are you putting on your human guise anyways?" Zim says: "As the LAST Irken, I kind of stick out like a sore thumb on Earth! Looking like a human will make Dib's father more accepting of me." Pearl rolls her eyes and says: "Oh, PLEASE!!!! Dib's Father doesn't even know you exist!" Zim says: "At least you HAVE a father! I don't even have THAT anymore!" Craig says: "Zim is right; he doesn't know what it's like to have a father the way we do." Pearl says: "Need I remind you that OUR father spent the last 15.5 years AWOL from our lives, while he was off playing shoot a deadly rival of Master Coelaceanth's?!" Craig says: "But he only did that to protect us! Besides, he's not WORKING for Master Coelaceanth anymore!" Pearl says: "But I bet ANYTHING that someone else is!" (Confessional)


Pearl says: "An evil criminal like Master Coelaceanth is not one to leave a void un-filled! He HAS a new apprentice! The biggest question is, who? We already dispatched most of the Nicktoons Villains, and I don't think that any of the 44 sharks of the Pacific got promoted. We're probably dealing with a complete unknown here!" / Craig says: "The only thing WORSE than something you don't know? It's KNOWING that you KNOW that there is something you don't know; if that even makes any sense! General Barracuda is a pretty tough guy! I should know, he IS my birth father! Master Coelaceanth would have to look PRETTY hard to find someone just as tough or even TOUGHER than that!" (End Confessional) Zim says: "You're going about this all wrong! I'll open the door with my superior technology; space gloves!!!!" Zim tries to open the door, fails, and Dog buzzes: "EHHH!!!!" Zim says: "Okay, my lazer!" Zim tries to blast OPEN the door, but the lazer bounces OFF, and reflects through a window, hitting FONDUE in the back! Fondue cries: "I'm okay!" Dog buzzes: "EHHH!!!!" Zim, unsure, says: "Using my belt as a tool of leverage?" Dog buzzes: "EHHH!!!!" Zim shouts: "Stop DOING that!!!!" / Reggie looks at Angelica as she appears to be picking at the lock, and Reggie asks: "A bobby pin?" Angelica says: "It works whenever I want to read my younger cousin's private diary!"


Reggie says: "You're pathetic!" Angelica says: "You're pathetic-er!" Otto shouts: "You're BOTH losers!!!!" (Confessional) Otto says: "I can't believe all these IDIOTS bumbling about trying to open a door, and they don't even THINK to ask for my help! I mean, have they forgotten I've broken like a DOZEN skateboards in my life-time? It was actually kind of pathetic, to be honest." (End Confessional) Surprisingly, the door SUDDENLY opens up; and both the Boom Vets AND the Network Noobs STUMBLE into the fresh air! Angelica retorts: "Told you it would work!" Sniz says: "Good morning, contestants! I hope you enjoyed the taste of the gulag!" Zim asks: "Gulag? Is that French or Italian for something?" Sniz answers: "No! It's a slang term for jail! Because today, you will be doing a prison escape MOVIE challenge! Awesome, huh?! And best of all, Otto Rocket has PLENTY of experience!" Otto asks: "What are you TALKING about? I've never DONE anything illegal!"


Sniz continues as though Otto didn't SAY anything, and Sniz says: "Here's how the movie challenge is going to work; you will organize a prison riot, and escape though the corridors of the prison. Next, rescue one of your friends from solitary confinement; than talk to the undercover agent to secure a train ticket to Mexico. Finally, board the train, escape with the loot, and get to home base! That's how the challenge will work!" Gerald, FINALLY healed and no longer wearing his face brace, clearly says: "But who's going to be in solitary confinement?" Sniz says: "Good question! By completely RANDOM selection; we have chosen YOU and REGGIE!!!!" And Fondue slaps handcuffs on them both as Reggie protests: "But, I'm innocent!" Sniz says: "That's what they all say! The winning team will enjoy immunity, and not only will the LOSING team have to vote someone off, the Winning team will HELP the Losing Team pick a LOSER; in order to make up for the LAST reward challenge not working out the way it was supposed to! Are we all clear?!" Zim says: "You still haven't made it CLEAR what a gulag is!" Sniz asks: "Didn't I? Let's move!" / The two contestants are now dressed in orange jumpsuits, and locked behind steel bars. Otto says: "I tell you, this is nowhere NEAR as swanky as the movies make it out to be! Craig says: "It smells like something actually DIED in here!"


Angelica says: "Probably my sense of smell; I'm getting dizzy for the fumes!" Spongebob says: "We have to get out of here if we want to save our senses AND our sanity!" Rocko says: "Not to mention our friends! Poor Reggie Rocket, locked in solitary confinement!" / Reggie is in a padded, plain, cushioned room. Reggie nervously asks: "Why am I being punished like this?! Is it because I lied?! Is it because I was MEAN to Angelica?! Is it because I didn't listen to Rocko when I should have?! Whatever it was, I'm SORRY already!!!!" / Gerald is in a padded, plain, cushioned room and says: "I don't care what they say on television, Orange is NOT the new Black, and black does not look good in orange! Not good for my image! I mean; RANDOM?!!! How is THIS random?!!!" / Sniz says: "Okay, Fondue! Whichever contestant's image you stick with a dart; will be chosen for solitary confinement!" Fondue is wearing a blind-fold, and he throws two darts! Sniz says: "Well done! Reggie, and Gerald!" / Gerald says: "Oh, GREAT! It WAS completely random!" / Haggis says: "We need to get out of here! Got any ideas?"


Stimpy nervously says: "I do, but you're not going to like it though. We'll have to LURE one of the guards down here, grab the keys from there, and then help these OTHER guys escape!" Otto says: "Are you crazy?! Most of these other GUYS are the Nicktoons Villains we DIDN'T destroy!" Stimpy says: "So they'll be more thankful that we're letting them go!" Angelica asks: "But why would a guard even COME down here in the first place?!" Stimpy cracks his knuckles and says: "Really shouldn't have ASKED that Angelica!!!!" And Stimpy EPIC punches Angelica in the left eye, and she screams: "AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Angelica says: "Not TWICE; right in my FACE!!!!" Zim asks: "Think you could've SCREAMED a little louder?!" Stimpy says: "That's the WHOLE point! A guard can't POSSIBLY ignore that!" And coming down the cell, it's Jenny from "My Life As a Teenage Robot!" Jenny asks: "What's the problem down here?!" Stimpy says: "Angelica ran face first against the wall! I think she's experiencing CELL shock!" Otto is STUNNED and seriously asks: "Seriously? THAT'S what you're going with?"


And Spongebob covers Otto's mouth, and Spongebob goes: "Shhh!!!!" Jenny says: "I'm going to open the door, but don't try anything stupid!" Than as Jenny gets her keys out, and goes for the cell door, Larry QUICKLY uses his lobster claws to grab AROUND Jenny's neck TIGHT; and shouts: "Darwin, get the keys!!!!" And Darwin grabs both set of keys, and throws one set to Otto! Otto and Darwin both unlock their cells at the same time, and Larry continues to hold Jenny, until all the other contestants are out of the cell! Than Larry DRAGS Jenny into the cell, and tosses her in there! Larry says: "It's not because you're a girl or a robot; just an obstacle to our goal!" And as the contestants go about RELEASING all the Nicktoon villains; Jenny produces a megaphone and shouts: "Red alert; RED ALERT!!!! Prisoners escaping! Prison riot! PRISON RIOT!!!!" Stimpy says: "We've got to get moving, RIGHT NOW!!!! / A musical sequence plays as the contestants make their way from the top of the prison towards the bottom, where the solitary confinement cell is, and the Nicktoon Villains fight all the attacking guards off. The song played during this chase is Jermaine Jackson's 1984 hit song, "Dynamite!" /


"I don't know too much, but I know love the way that I've been touched. It's your love that heats me up and there's no such thing, as too much. Cause I just don't any better, Cause I just don't know when it's time to stop! All night you give me what I like, intense, highly explosive dynamite! You're dynamite! All night you supply the spark I like, Intense heavy dose of dynamite! Pure dynamite! Wild things can't be tamed, under my skin it's just the same. Waiting to be ignited and there's no way I'll ever fight it. Cause I just don't know any better. No, I just don't know when it's time to stop! All night you give me what I like, intense, highly explosive dynamite! You're dynamite! All night you supply the spark I like. Intense, heavy dose of dynamite! Pure dynamite!


(Guitar solo) No, you know I don't want any other! No, I don't ever want this thing to stop! All night you give me the love I like.
Intense, highly explosive dynamite! You're dynamite! All night you supply the spark I like. Intense, heavy dose of dynamite! Pure dynamite! All night you give me the love I like. Intense, highly explosive dynamite! You're dynamite! All night you supply the spark I like. Intense, heavy dose of dynamite! Pure dynamite! All night you give me the love I like. Intense, highly explosive dynamite! You're dynamite! All night you supply the spark I like. Intense, heavy dose of dynamite! Pure dynamite! All night you give me the love I like. Intense, highly explosive dynamite! You're dynamite! All night you supply the spark I like. Intense, heavy dose of dynamite! Pure dynamite!" / After the song sequence ends, both teams arrive at the solitary confinement rooms holding Gerald and Reggie. Haggis says: "Awesome, we've made it!" Marlene says: "Do you know what's even more awesome? The fact that the last musical sequence used a hit song from Jermaine Jackson!!!!" And everybody stares at her blankly, and Marlene says: "Hello? JERMAINE JACKSON?! Kind of a celebrity; kind of a singer; he's ONLY Michael Jackson's older brother, from the Jackson 5?!" Otto says: "Not ALL of us are an encyclopedia of 1980's music TRIVIA facts, Toni Basil!"


(Confessional) Marlene sighs and says: "Unbelieveable! He KNOWS who Toni Basil is; but he doesn't know who Jermaine Jackson IS?! Someone's celebrity importance radar is broken!" / Otto says: "How do I know who Toni Basil is? She appeared in two great movies; Easy Rider, and American Graffitti. And she choreographed Bette Midler's movie, The Rose. Once you see someone like HER move, you don't forget about it easily!" (End Confessional) Spongebob says: "Interesting trivia facts aside, how are we going to get this door open? We don't exactly have any keys on us!" Otto sarcastically says: "And I PLUMB forgot my BAZOOKA at home!!!!" Marlene scolds: "Otto! That is not funny!" Otto says: "Maybe not in the context of this situation, it isn't!" Craig says: "Team-mates; I have an idea! Gerald hasn't had breakfast right?!" Darwin says: "Right." Craig says: "So Gerald must be getting pretty hungry. If we had some food on us, we could unleash the beast within Gerald, and he could tear that door off with his bare hands!" Larry says: "Well, that IS a good plan! But, we don't HAVE any food on us; real or otherwise!" Craig says: "Luckily, I have the next best thing! A gift from my girlfriend!" And out of his orange jumpsuit, Craig pulls out a cologne! Dog asks: "What is THAT?!" Craig answers: "Rhythm Nation; for When Love Will Never Do Without You!"


(Confessional) Craig says: "In addition to Girly's modeling career, she's also asked to try out new fragrance scents and test their appeal among people. I used it once on one of our dates, and it was KISS city from Girly Teengirl! When you find something that smells THIS good and works THAT well, you don't let it out of your sight!" (End Confessional) Craig sprays the cologne through the door crack. Gerald says: "You know, I don't think I've ever HAD black bean gumbo. I wonder, is it spicy?" Than he smells the cologne, and Gerald says: "The HUNGER!!!! The primal hunger!!!! Roast steak, ham, sausage, and biscuits?!!! Don't make me hungry; you wouldn't LIKE me when I am HUNGRY!!!!" And Gerald epic PUNCHES the door down, and manages to get out! Gerald says: "Where's the food?!" And oddly, Gerald becomes entranced, and with the help of the Fairy Godparents, we get to see what Gerald is HALLUCINATING!!!! Gerald says: "I never noticed how much Dog looks like a HOT DOG, or how PEPSI bottled Craig is, or how Darwin looks just like an OREO!!!!" Dog asks: "What is he talking about?" Larry says: "We got Gerald, now we can go see that undercover agent! We are SUCH good door crackers!" Gerald says: "Mmmm, crackers!!!!" Angelica sarcastically says: "That's just brilliant! Now they're in the lead!" Otto says: "I don't see YOU coming up with any bright ideas!"


Angelica says: "Oh, I have ONE! We're LEAVING!!!!" Stimpy says: "We're not leaving Reggie to rot!" Angelica says: "Stimpy! I have LOST a tooth, I lost my hair AND a wig, I have a black EYE thanks to you; give me one good reason to get Reggie out of there!" Suzie says: "I can think of 1.5 MILLION reasons why you should!" Angelica says: "Unless you can turn back time and UNDO Sandy's heinous WISHING away of my hair, I am NOT interested!" Angelica tries to walk away, but she walks into a VERY angry looking Rocko!!!! Rocko angrily says: "Now, listen HERE, you!!!! Reggie is the love of my life, I have done NOTHING but try to be NICE to you, even giving you a chance to work together with Reggie in an attempt to get good karma; and yet here you are trying to blow it off as if karma means NOTHING to you!!!! Well, listen right now!!!! I can be YOUR business end of karma; and I can determine whether YOUR karma ends up being nasty OR nice; and if YOU don't help us get Reggie out of there; I WILL DO SOMETHING NOT NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Angelica shakes nervously and says: "I-I-I-I v-v-vote for h-helping the Wallaby!" (Confessional) Angelica nervously says: "Somebody promise me to do a HUGE gigantic favor!!!! Remind me to NEVER make Rocko mad, like, EVER!!!!" / Rocko gasps and says: "NASTY!!!! That was quite an outburst that came out of me! It's been so long since the last time I did that, I almost forgot I had it in me. But that's the thing; that's NOT something that I toss around lightly; it's only something I save in a case of last resort; a VERY last resort! Because that's not the type of Wallaby that I like being!!!!" (End Confessional) The Boom Vets get all behind Rocko, as they all grab onto each other, as Rocko grabs hold of the door! Rocko says: "On the count of three, everybody PULL!!!! One, two, THREE!!!!" And everyone PULLS with ALL their might, and to their surprise, they manage to RIP the door off its hinges and FREE Reggie!!!! Reggie cries: "You saved me; you actually saved me! I thought you were going to leave me here because of what I did!" Rocko says: "Reggie; I would NEVER leave you! Besides, Angelica helped save you to!"


Reggie asks: "Really?!" Angelica groans and says: "Of COURSE I did! I'm just the LIVING embodiment of Rosa Parks or something!" Reggie says: "That's really cool! Angelica, this isn't easy for me to say, but I was wrong about you." And Reggie gives ANGELICA a gigantic hug!!!! (Confessional) General Barracuda says: "And what happened then? Well, on Total Cartoon Action, they say that Angelica's small heart, grew THREE sizes that day!" (End Confessional) Spongebob says: "Come on, guys! If we hurry, we can still get a TRAIN ticket from the agent!" / The scene changes to an interrogation room, with kiosks to separate the contestants from the undercover agent! Surprisingly, the Boom Vets arrive there first! Sniz says: "Congratulations on being the VERY first team to arrive here!" Otto asks: "How could we arrive here FIRST?! The Network Noobs were WAY ahead of us?!" / The scene changes to outside, where the team is looking at a very frazzled Gerald! Gerald is HALLUCINATING that his team-mates are movie snacks! Gerald says: "Larry, you TWIZZLER! Give my mouth some love! Zim, you GUMMY BEAR! I want some of your sweetness!" Larry says: "We've got to get some food in him, STAT!!!! All I have are these breath mints!"


And he pours all his breath mints into Gerald's mouth! Gerald says: "Minty!" Pearl says: "Well I've got some edible lip gloss that's apple flavor." And she gives it to Gerald. Gerald says: "Eating fruit is SO healthy!" Craig says: "My cologne IS safe for human consumption for ages 3 and up. If the SMELL of food worked on him, maybe the taste will, to!" And Craig pours some of his cologne into Gerald's mouth. Gerald gets up, looking all better. Gerald says: "I detect a taste of steak, bacon, sausage, and grilled fish! No offense, Craig, Pearl, and Larry!" Pearl oddly says: "Thank you?" / Otto walks up to what APPEARS to be a blond haired woman, and Otto says: "Wow! You've got some REALLY pretty hair, miss! But I would like to focus more on your hands, and see about us getting a TRAIN ticket to Mexico! How about it, beautiful?!" The person says, as they turn around: "Anything else I can do for you today--" and AANG takes off his wig and with a delicously EVIL smile, asks: "OTTO?!!!" Otto goes: "EEEH!!!!" And he FAINTS from the shock!!!! Sniz says: "WOW!!!! Talk about your shocking shocks! That's GOT to be one for the record books! Otto Rocket can clearly RUN...well, in this case, pass out. But he can't hide! More excitement awaits when we come back on Total Cartoon Action!" (Commercial Break) / I'll break here and finish up next time. Enough said, for now! ;)

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It's time for the second and final part of my most recent "Total Cartoon Action" episode, "Back On the Chain g-AANG!!!!" / After the commercials end, both teams are now in the interrogation room, and EVERYONE is surprised to see Aang; particularly Otto, who is still SHOCKED from the initial encounter! Sniz says: "Pay attention, everyone! Legal circumstances dictate that I MUST play this for you!!!!" And Sniz plays a pre-recorded clip of something on a TV monitor! /


In a courtroom, Sniz is forced to get up and read a prepared statement. Sniz BORINGLY says: "It is my most SINCERE, HAPPY, EXCITED, JOYOUS, and THRILLING news to announce, that due to Aang, the all-powerful, all-important, FOREVER famous Avatar, for having OVERWHELMINGLY won the case of the HEROIC AANG versus the JERKFACES of Nickelodeon for LYING about his live-action movie; Aang shall be awarded the $33.3 million he was ROBBED of, and in addition, shall be ADDED to the show open! Furthermore, to FURTHER humilate the JERKFACES of Nickelodeon, the prize money must NOW be upped as follows! First Prize is $7.7 million; Second Prize is $7 million; Third Prize is $4.4 million; Fourth Prize is $4 million, and Fifth Prize is $3.3 million! This will ensure that any PREVIOUS humiliation of said JERKFACES will seem IRRELEVANT! And effective immediately, Aang will become a POPULAR contestant on Total Cartoon Action; compete in challenges, and be able to use ANY of his Avatar powers whenever he sees FIT to do so, and be able to play to the FULLEST of his epic abilities! Like that?! I can't BELIEVE I had to say that STUPID C--" (Camera cuts) And Sniz says: "CUT!!!! That...didn't just happen!" Angelica protests: "But we all JUST saw--!" Sniz interrupts: "It DIDN'T happen!" Larry asks: "What's this nonsense all about, anyways?"


Aang answers: "Simple. An infraction of my FLAWLESS character was exercised when Nickelodeon RELEASED a NOT perfect movie of The Last Airbender without CONSULTING me first! Therefore, I sued Nickelodeon for a BUNCH of money, and my RIGHTFUL place on the show, and I won!" Angelica says: "Winning my FOOT! How dare he use MY private LAWYER?!!! Doesn't that GAUL you, Otto?!!!" Otto, still in shock, can only say: "I feel--I feel--I feel--I feel--." Pearl says: "But if you already HAVE $33.3 million; why do you want to be on here for only up to $7.7. million more?" Aang says: "I invested $41 million INTO that live-action movie! I couldn't GET all of it back with my lawsuit alone; so I need to play in order to pick the rest of it up!" Suzie rolls her eyes and says: "Sounds to me like SOME Aang is trying to get a lot of money for NOTHING!!!! Don't you agree, Otto?!" But Otto is STILL in shock, and can only say: "I feel--I feel--I feel--I feel--I feel--I feel--." Sniz says: "In ANY case, as the Undercover Agent, Aang gets to decide WHO gets the train tickets to Mexico!" Aang says: "Easy! It should be Otto! I mean, the Boom Vets! They got here first to talk to ME first! Here you go, Otto!" And as Aang hands Otto the train tickets, Otto can only hollowly say: "THANK YOU?!!!" Haggis says: "Personally, I've seen manlier men try ON women's shoes!"


Sniz says: "That means the Network Noobs get the SECOND place prize!" Craig asks: "Which is...?" Sniz announces: "AANG! For the REST of the game! Or, UNTIL he's eliminated! Whichever comes first!" (Confessional) Aang says: "Those Nickelodeon JERKFACES have the NERVE to make ME second place prize?!!! They are going to be hearing from MY lawyer...AGAIN!!!!" (End Confessional) Sniz says: "Both of you better run outside! Your trains to freedom wait you!" And the Boom Vets and the Network Noobs rush outside, only to find their trains in TOTAL dis-array! Reggie says: "Not to sound ungrateful, but are these our trains?" Sniz is driving a fancy car and says: "You'll find that some re-assembly of the train is required. Wouldn't be as challenging, otherwise!!!!" And he zooms off, and crashed into ANOTHER light-post! Sniz says: "Ahhh, FRUITS!!!!" Stimpy says: "Maybe Rome wasn't built in a day; but we've GOT to build this train in LESS than one; let's get working on the railroad!!!!" /


A building montage of the Boom Vets fixing up their train is seen, while a SLIGHTLY edited version of The Pretender's 1983 hit song, "Back On the Chain Gang," plays. "I found a picture of you, oh oh oh oh; what hijacked my world that night? To a place in the past we've been cast out of? Oh oh oh oh, now we're back in the fight; we're back on the train gang. (Ah, ooh.) Oh, back on the chain gang. A circumstance beyond our control, oh oh oh oh. The phone, the tv and the news of the world. Threw sand in our eyes and descended like flies. Put us back on the train, gang. (Ah, ooh.) Oh, back on the chain gang. The powers that be
that force us to live like we do bring me to my knees when I see what they've done to you. But I'll die as I stand here today knowing that deep in my heart, they'll fall to ruin one day for making us part! I found a picture of you, oh oh oh oh; those were the happiest days of my life. Like a break in the battle was your part, oh oh oh oh; In the wretched life of a lonely heart. Now we're back on the train, gang. Oh, back on the chain gang!" / Meanwhile, the Network Noobs are having an AWFUL time fixing up their train; mostly because Aang is the ONLY one seen who's even TRYING to fix it!!!!" Aang yells: "How does anyone HERE expect me to do ALL this work by myself?! Isn't anyone ELSE here interested in winning?!"


Larry says: "First off, I don't know WHY you're yelling. I don't KNOW where the rest of the team currently is!" Aang asks: "Could you at least TRY to make yourself useful, and make sure that the train engine will be functionable?!!!" Larry asks: "Uh, could I do something where I WON'T get greasy oil on my epidermis?" Aang seriously says: "Are you KIDDING me?!" Larry says: "Claw modeling IS one of the things that put me on the map!" Aang angrily says: "Obviously, that would be the map of USELESSVILLE TEXAS; population two BRAIN DEAD idiots!!!! You get three guesses as to who the OTHER brain dead idiot is; and the first two don't COUNT!!!! How did I EVER get stuck and SURROUNDED in SUCH a sucking TEAM?!!!" / Meanwhile, Craig, Darwin, Dog, Pearl, and Zim, are running away from Gerald, who's STILL hallucinating that his team-mates are giant, walking movie snacks! Gerald says: "Pepsi; Oreo; Hot dog; Popcorn; Gummi Bear; come to me!" Pearl asks: "What is he talking about?" Craig says: "I don't know, but I don't want to find out!" / Haggis says: "I think we've got the last of it!" Spongebob says: "Then we are all READY to go!!!!" Rocko gets in the conductor's seat, pulls the train whistle, and says: "EVERYONE on BOARD!!!!" And the Boom Vets all get on! Rocko says: "This is a non-stop express to Freedom Town!" And the Boom Vets in their train, pulls away.


Aang sees this, and he is IMMENSELY displeased! Aang shouts: "We NEED to be starting this challenge YESTERDAY!!!! Where our are WHEELS?! Where is our TEAM?!!!" Craig weakly says: "Here we are. We needed to use some of my friendship bracelets in order to wire Gerald's mouth back up; but that's actually the good news." Aang asks: "Well, what's the bad?" Pearl says: "Unfortunately, our wheels seem KIND of toast!" Gerald asks: "Toast?" And Zim slaps his face, and Gerald cries: "OUCH!" Aang grits his teeth, and DETERMINED, says: "No wheels does NOT mean its OVER for us! We will just have to improvise!!!!" / Aang, Larry, Craig, Pearl, Zim, Darwin, and Dog, are all holding up the train by its axles, and carrying Gerald, who is currently in no status to help out with the challenge! Aang says: "Come ON!!!! I can't do ALL the running and carrying MYSELF!!!! I want us to actually WIN this challenge! Now MUSH!!!!" Darwin says: "But we're NOT sled dogs!" Dog says: "Not ALL of us, anyways!" Aang says: "Of course NOT! If you WERE; THAT one would have EATEN you!!!!" And he points to Gerald as he says this!" / The Boom Vets are zooming along on the track! Marlene says: "Look! I see the finish line for home base up ahead!" Angelica says: "Awesome! We're going to be home FREE!!!!" But then suddenly, the train engine suddenly conks OUT!!!!


Reggie asks: "What just happened?!" Marlene says: "Don't TELL me this thing is out of GAS!!!!" Rocko looks at the fuel gauge and says: "It's not going to change the fact, that it IS out of gas!" Marlene says: "You could have at LEAST pretended that there was some gas left!" (Confessional) Marlene says: "This is SO not what we need right now! With that CRAZY pants Aang suddenly in the game, we can't AFFORD to have a loss on our side, not now, not when we're so close! We've GOT to win this thing!" (End Confessional) Stimpy says: "Team effort broke the door holding Reggie, maybe it can move our train forward to!" Haggis says: "It's not like I have any BETTER plans in mind!" / The Boom Vets all get BEHIND the train, and Rocko says: "On the count of three, we push! One, two, three, PUSH!!!! Push!!!! Push! PUSH!!!!" Sniz says: "The Boom Vets seem to be giving their train a shove as they try to cover the LAST few yards to freedom! But they better move fast!!!! Because the Network Noobs are coming up FAST!!!!" Craig says: "Look! The finish line to home base is just ahead!!!!" And as the Network Noobs pull ahead of the Boom Vets, Aang cheers: "YES!!!! NOTHING will stop me from winning first place NOW!!!!" But just then, the SHODDY craftsmanship done by the Network Noobs, all FALLS apart, just mere INCHES away from the finish line!


Aang yells: "I will NOT BE SECOND PLACE!!!!" And the Boom Vets FINALLY push their train over the finish line! Sniz says: "Want to BET?!!!" And Aang only growls ANGRILY in response! Sniz says: "Well, it was an unusual finish. Both teams decided to go green to get to the end! But ultimately, the Boom Vets had stronger team unity, and that's what got them through to the end!" Otto says: "And best of all, we have train tickets to MEXICO!!!!" Sniz says: "Actually, they're NOT train tickets as such!" Reggie asks: "What are they?" Sniz says: "They're tickets for redeeming frozen yogurts at a Yogurt Creations shop; buy one, get one free; redeemable ONLY at participating Yogurt Creations shops in California!" Spongebob says: "Man! You've got to go a LONG way to get the rewards you REALLY want!" / The "Silver Sniz Theme" triumphantly plays, as Sniz walks onstage, to grace the presence of BOTH the Boom Vets, AND the Network Noobs! Sniz says: "It's time once AGAIN for the Silver Sniz ceremony!"


And right then, the bracelets HOLDING Gerald's mouth close, suddenly BREAK, and one of the bracelets almost HITS Aang in the eye, as Aang cries: "OUCH!!!!" Sniz says: "Boom Vets, you're here to help the Network Noobs to vote someone off. Network Noobs, for the UMPTEENTH time, and as always, you will be voting one of your OWN off! But NOT like always; and this is IMPORTANT for EVERYONE to remember!!!! According to the legal department; THIS week, NONE of you are ALLOWED to BOOT off AANG!!!! Does everyone GOT that?! This show CAN'T afford any MORE lawsuits! My massage budget has been CUT in HALF!!!!" But the Boom Vets AND the Network Noobs all quickly VOTE for someone, some of them even ANGRILY saying: "Out of the contest!!!! Out, OUT, OUT!!!!" Sniz says: "You've all cast your votes; Silver Sniz Awards will go to the following contestants! Craig! Pearl, Darwin, Dog, Larry, Zim!!!!" Sniz looks at the VOTING results, and disgusted, holds up a paper showing SIXTEEN images of Aang's smiling face! Sniz says: "Um, why do I have SIXTEEN votes to boot OFF Aang when I SPECIFICALLY said you COULDN'T?!!!" Larry says: "We couldn't help it!" Pearl says: "No matter what, my flipper could ONLY push Aang's button!" Sniz sighs and says: "Well, that leaves us with ONE vote that counts!"


Aang smiles and says: "Gerald, you've been ELIMINATED!!!!" Gerald gets up to the stage, walks up to Sniz, and asks: "No Silver Sniz tonight?" Sniz answers: "Not even an ear; sorry dude." The Boom Vets all cry: "Speech, SPEECH!!!!" Aang says: "The guy just got ELIMINATED!!!! Don't we have more important--!" Sniz interrupts and asks: "Anything in your contract that PROHIBITS his speech?" Aang says: "No, but I--." Sniz interrupts and says: "Than Gerald, speech away!" And Gerald is now wearing a tuxedo, and Gerald says: "First of all, I'd like to thank the Academy for the opportunity to play here." Sniz says: "The Academy of the Silver Sniz Awards. Trademark patent pending, and all mine!" And Gerald is STILL hallucinating, as he speaks. Gerald says: "I'd like to thank Larry, the hot, BUTTERED lobster who was always there, steamed to perfection! Pearl, the POPCORN diva, saltened to awesomeness! Dog, for inspiring me with his HOT DOGness! Zim, where would I be without his GUMMY BEAR flavor? And Craig, who also inspires me, in a PEPSI soda kind of way? And Sniz, whose PEPPERONI looks DE--!" Than the "Silver Sniz Theme" plays again, indicating that they're playing Gerald off! Gerald says: "Wait! You can't play me off yet! To my mother, who let me quit piano lessons! To my younger sister, I'm sorry for swiping your Halloween candy!"


The Silver Sniz Award Winners all throw their awards to Gerald, and Sniz says: "Gerald, these awards are for you!" Gerald lies down, happy that he FINALLY got some food in his stomach! Gerald says: "I love this game!" Sniz says: "And thus, ends another dramatic episode! How will everyone fare with Aang in the game? Will the Network Noobs turn around their number disadvantage? And will our show EVER recover from its humiliating legal loss? All these questions and more, will be answered on the next exciting episode, of Total Cartoon Action!" /


Episode Notes: Featured songs in this episode; Jermaine Jackson's 1984 hit, "Dynamite," and The Pretender's 1983 hit, "Back On the Chain Gang;" in addition, the latter song is also featured as the title of this episode; albeit, as a pun. Aang becomes the fourth and FINAL contestant to join the game late, thanks to legal maneuvering. As a result, the prize money is upped even FURTHER!!!! 1st place gets $7.7 million, 2nd place gets $7 million, 3rd place gets $4.4 million, 4th place gets $4 million, and 5th place gets $3.3 million. Aang joins the Network Noobs. Despite NOBODY being able to boot off Aang, they all decide to anyways; making 15 votes the MOST any contestant has gotten at any one time, and it STILL doesn't over-ride his immunity! Aang boots off Gerald with ONE single vote! With Gerald's elimination, all the representing contestants from "Hey Arnold" have now been eliminated from this show. A running gag in this episode is that Gerald KEEPS seeing his team-mates as food! /


Personal Notes: While it was NEVER going to be a secret that Angelica was going to be featured in the game, I had to keep Aang's reappearance SO secret; he wasn't even FEATURED in the show open until the second Performance Review! Gerald was unfortunately, set up to be the FALL GUY of Aang's come-back episode. Eliminated not because of ANYTHING he did performance wise, but eliminated out of Aang's frustration of his performance, or lack thereof. Also, you better have enjoyed Aang's loss today; because it's going to be the LAST he's going to have for a LONG time! Aang's getting set to go on an Immunity streak, and it's going to be a HARD train to stop! / That's my episode idea for today! Enough said, true believers! ;)

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It's time for another ROCKING episode of "Total Cartoon Action!" / Sniz is in the control room and says: "Last time on Total Cartoon Action, our contestants were forced to flee for their lives, as they escaped the big house; AKA, jail! Both teams came up with clever ways for freeing their team-mate from solitary confinement; but no amount of cleverness could've prepared them for the BIGGEST and most SHOCKING plot twist ever: the return of AANG! That's right, the Avatar is back, and he's all set to dominate the competiton, and win a NOW greater first prize award, of $7.7 million! But before Aang could do that, he needed to get some DEAD weight out of the Network Noobs! And thusly, we said farewell to Gerald and his coolness! With Aang back in the game, will the Boom Vets finally get their old team unity spirit back? Will the Network Noobs be able to put up with Aang? And will Aang EVER stop calling the people of Nickelodeon JERKFACES?! All of these questions and more will be answered, on today's episode of Total Cartoon Action!" / "$7.7 Million B.C.C.A.a.C. (Before Chaos, Confusion, Aang, and Cartoons.")


In the Network Noobs trailer, the team (minus Aang, who is absent) are puzzling over how to handle the game now. Darwin says: "It already feels a LOT less cooler with Gerald gone! Without a human on our team, Pearl and I are now the most HIGHLY evolved creatures on this team, not COUNTING Aang!" Zim asks: "And am I CHOPPED LIVER?!" Darwin says: "Make that the most evolved creatures from EARTH!" Larry says: "I admit, it's not ideal. But let's face the facts; we're stuck with him for at LEAST three more days! So we might as well make the best of it and try to WIN a challenge! If we don't, Aang gets HIS pick of who to vote off next!" Dog says: "But what are we going to do? I don't think we can play on the WEAKNESS of the team unity of the Boom Vets anymore. It looks like they've recovered from that whole lie mess; and now they're going to be all ORGANIZED on trying to boot Aang off!" Larry says: "Agreed. We're faced up against some tough odds, not the least of which is a team-member none of us really like, and one who doesn't even want to JOIN in our alliance!" Craig says: "But we DO still have a chance, right?" Larry says: "Of course we do! Aang's return does NOT change our end game in the slightest! We're simply going to have to adapt our plans to fit him in! And the next time Aang is vulnerable, we dump him!"


Pearl asks: "Do you really think we can?" Larry says: "Not only CAN we, but we SHOULD! It just means more money for the rest of us!" Dog says: "And I can tell you, if I win that kind of money, think of how HAPPY it would make my brother Cat!" (Confessional) Dog says: "The only thing that really bothers me about this game, is how often our team seems to get STUCK with certain team-members we don't like! It seems like no sooner do we get rid of Angelica, that AANG has to but his way in! Well, Avatar or NO Avatar, we are NOT letting him interfere with our over-all game plan! Larry is STILL in charge, and he is taking all of US to the team merge, preferably WITHOUT Aang! Although, I do have to wonder what will happen when the team merge hits?" / Larry says: "Up until now, it was an unspoken agreement that I was the leader of my team. But with Aang around, I can't afford to take that chance anymore! Especially since HE is allowed to use any of his Avatar powers whenever he wants; it's not safe for ANY of us to assume that we can get an advantage over him! So right now, we have to keep our Aang hating profiles on the down low. Hopefully, we won't have to wait for long before we can jettison Aang off the team!" (End Confessional)


In the Boom Vets trailer, all of the contestants are waking up to a fine day! Stimpy says: "It sure feels good to be playing on this show!" Rocko says: "Somebody's in a better mood today!" Stimpy says: "Why shouldn't I be? Thanks to Aang re-appearing on this show, I'm no longer the biggest target in the game! I'm feeling optimistic about my chances again!" Haggis says: "That's good! We need all the optimism we can GET when we face up against Aang and his Avatar powers!" Otto says: "Not to mention an INSANE amount of luck! Angelica, you got rid of Aang LAST time; what are his BIGGEST weaknesses?" Angelica answers: "Obviously, his temper, his vanity, his sense of being OVERLY important, his fame, his appearance, and people trying to mess him up! In other words, it will be his SHEER dedication of trying to be perfect that will be his downfall!" Suzie says: "And luckily for us, you're the QUEEN of sabotage!" Angelica says: "One problem with that; I don't think playing the song Barbie Girl is going to WORK on Aang again!" Spongebob says: "Than we just use another SONG that he finds equally bad!" Reggie says: "We can use a Justin Bieber song; that will make ANYBODY mad!!!!" Marlene seriously says: "Don't EVEN kid about something like that!" Reggie says: "It's a suggestion!" Marlene says: "Well, with OUR luck, Aang would probably actually LIKE Justin Bieber!"


(Confessional) Marlene says: "It's simple logic; bad people like BAD singers! There are three things that both ME and Skipper can not stand; Nefarious plots by Dr. Blowhole, Treeflower, and ANYTHING concerning Justin Bieber, not neccessarily in that order!" / Spongebob says: "In terms of power, Aang probably has the most. But does he have a wide support of loyal friends and team-mates he can rely on when times get tough? That's what most of us have! Our team unity couldn't be any stronger! Using the power of team-work and cooperation, we'll overcome ANYTHING that Aang throws at us!" (End Confessional) Suddenly, everyone hears someone blowing a HORN; only, not a horn that they have EVER heard before! Suzie says: "That is the weirdest noise I have ever heard!" Otto says: "At least it's not something SUPER annoying like the things Sniz USUALLY wakes us up with!" / The contestants gather up outside, to see Sniz and Fondue dressed up in prehistoric furs! Sniz says: "Welcome to Jurassic Park! Just kidding! This is actually 7.7 million years ago, the dawn of mankind! Or at least, that's the date WE'RE going with! Before mankind could dominate Earth and develop civilization, they had to develop rudimentary skills first! That's why today, we are doing the pre-historic movie challenge!" Angelica says: "Finally! A challenge SUITABLE for Otto's mind!"


Otto sarcastically says: "I could say the same thing about YOUR'S, Neanderthal!" Spongebob says: "Actually, it's very possible that Angelica HAS Neanderthal blood in her! Scientists have recently determined that modern humans are actually a mix of Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon descendants from 500,000 years ago; at least in terms of their blood D.N.A. is concerned!" Otto says: "Totally NOT the point I was trying to make, Spongebob!" Spongebob says: "Understood!" (Confessional) Spongebob says: "Yep! Still have DEFINITELY got to work on my Comprehension Skills! / Angelica says: "Otto calling ME a Neanderthal?! That's a laugh! If I have Neanderthal blood IN me, then I hope HAGGIS gets struck by LIGHTNING!" / Haggis says: "That's weird! All of the sudden, I just had the strangest feeling that SOMEONE wished for me to be struck by lightning if it turned out that the certain person who WISHED it, had Neanderthal BLOOD inside of them!" (End Confessional) Stimpy says: "Just one question; where's the AVATAR? Or is he too important to even show UP for this challenge?!" Aang walks onto the set and says: "Don't worry, I may be TOO important to sleep with the LITTLE people, but I'm still generous enough to GRACE you with my presence! Even though I'm WAY out of your league; if you're lucky, I might SOMEHOW give you the time of day!!!!"


Angelica makes a gagging noise and says: "BLEAH!!!!" Aang yells: "WHAT WAS THAT?!!!" Angelica nervously says: "Just clearing my throat, Aang! No need to get nasty!" (Confessional) Angelica says: "STUPID Avatar and his Avatar powers!" / Aang says: "Am I using my powers to intimidate those who DARE to make fun of me? Maybe! But only because they deserve it for making fun of my MOVIE!!!! I asked for their support, but did I get IT?!!! NO!!!! So if they think it's FUN to humilate ME; let's see how much FUN they find it when I'm the one HUMILIATING them!!!! And I think I'll start off by ELIMINATING the Boom Vets, one by ONE!!!! It will be just like shooting fish in a barrel!" (End Confessional) Sniz says: "Before I tell you what the challenge is about, our legal defense asked me to run something by you!"


And picking up a prepared statement, Sniz reads: "Johnathan, the representing lawyer of Aang, the all-powerful Avatar, would like to once again thank the Nickelodeon JERKFACES for their cooperation in this legal matter! In addition to Aang being able to use any and ALL of his Avatar powers, Aang shall be fed ANYTHING his heart desires the moment he demands it, unlimited massages and foot rubs, unrestricted access to Sniz and Fondue's PRIVATE hot tub, free trips to the Chocolate Fountain and Candy Store, a full fridge supply of Pepsi, and a fully, air-conditioned private trailer!" Pearl shouts: "WHAT?! He can't be ALLOWED to have all THAT?!" Sniz says: "All that, AND a water-bed, that will never, EVER break!" Craig says: "I can understand a grudge, but that's just being SELFISH for one's all selfish wants and needs!" Aang says: "I deserve the absolute BEST from this network, and THAT'S what I'm going to GET! And unless any of YOU has the type of money or influence that can hire the kind of lawyer I have to get what you want, I think you're in no position to COMPLAIN about it!" (Confessional)


Otto says: "OH; this goes far BEYOND complaining, this skips right to being FURIOUS!!!!" / Reggie says: "Forget trying to get RID of Angelica! Aang is now my number one target!" / Stimpy says: "I'm just glad that I'm NOT the number one target anymore!" / Haggis says: "You want to make a mockery of ME? FINE! But when you make a mockery of game shows and what they're supposed to be about, that's when I get MAD!!!! You're about to see what kind of fire-power you're dealing with! And my experience, is going to TRUMP your COCKY attitude! Get ready; I'm coming for YOU!" (End Confessional) Fondue says: "Enough with the legalities! It's time to get on with the challenge!" Angelica asks: "Question; will I be able to get a new wig today? This Pearl look-alike rug isn't doing it for me, anymore." Sniz says: "Sure! But we've only got ONE in stock; the Adult Pebbles Flintstone!" Angelica says: "I was HOPING for an Angelina Jolie!" Sniz says: "Do you not want it?" Angelica nervously says: "I'll take it!" (Confessional) Angelica puts her NEW wig on and says: "The advantage of THIS wig, is that it makes me look like I have more hair!" (End Confessional) Angelica comes back out, wearing her red wig, and Otto laughs! Angelica asks: "What's so FUNNY?!" Otto says: "Nothing! I think you look BETTER with the red hair!" Angelica asks: "Why don't YOU wear it, Otto?!"


Otto seriously says: "I'll pass, Angelica." Sniz says: "The prehistoric challenge will be divided into three parts. First, using ONLY flints, you will make a fire, and pull mankind out of the darkness of primitive beasts, into the dawn of intelligence! Second, you will build the first set of wheels, and race to our FAUX tar pits! They're actually vats of Nickelodeon slime, colored with black food color dye! In the faux tar pits, you'll see two rocky columns. On the rocky columns, the two teams will each fight each other off, one by one. Boom Vets, since you have three more contestants than the Network Noobs, three of you will need to sit that part of the challenge out." The Boom Vets all strategize, and Stimpy says: "Marlene, Rocko, and I will sit the last part of the challenge out." Sniz says: "It's all settled then! The winning team not only wins immunity, they win an all you can eat buffet of Brontosaurus Burgers!" Marlene says: "But Brontosaurus' aren't even REAL dinosaurs!" Sniz says: "Not after eating them, they're not! The losing team will find one of their own, eliminated from the game! So, it's TIME to make some FIRE! Right after these important, commercial messages!" (Commercial break) / I'll break here and stop for now. Enough said, for now! ;)

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This episode is dedicated to the awesomeness that is Christopher Lee. It's time for the second and final part of my latest "Total Cartoon Action" episode, "$7.7 Million B.C.C.A.a.C. (Before Chaos, Confusion, Aang, and Cartoons.") / The contestants are now all dressed in caveman furs, minus the contestants who don't WEAR any clothes to begin with! Stimpy is looking at his unusually BARE hands and says: "I can't believe they made me put my gloves in the hope chest!" Rocko asks: "Why?" Stimpy says: "Apparently, gloves didn't EXIST 7.7 million years ago, but apparently, bright red hair-dos DID!" Angelica says: "Hey! I got it, so I'm going to flaunt it!" Otto sarcastically says: "YEP! Sounds like Angelica Pickles, is BACK to normal!" (Confessional) Otto says: "And by back to normal, I mean, being a rude, condescending JERK! I have just about HAD it with her! I've been giving my ALL to this team since day one! Than Miss I'm too COOL to care suddenly wakes up, and she actually DECIDES to have a personality, and people start ADMIRING her for it?! She might have helped us in the Power Rangers challenge AND the Prison challenge, but there's an old saying to take into consideration; the bigger the red hair wig, the MIGHTIER the fall!" (End Confessional)


Sniz speaks through the horn and says: "Every day was a struggle for cave-men and their associated animal companions! Every day, they had to get up at the crack of dawn and start their fire; and fire is the best defense against prehistoric beasts!" Zim asks: "You mean like Mastodons and Saber-toothed Tigers?!" Sniz says: "Exactly! Have you been studying up on Earth history?" Zim says: "Actually, I watched episodes of Mighty Morphing Power Rangers in order to see what Earth conquering ideas would NOT work for me!" Pearl says: "I'll give you points for honesty." Sniz says: "So it is vital that you get a fire going as fast as you can, and Aang, NO Avatar powers!" Aang says: "My contract allows me to use my Avatar powers whenever I WANT to use them!" Sniz says: "But according to historical records, Avatar powers didn't EXIST 7.7 million years ago! Therefore, your argument is invalid!" Aang angrily says: "FINE! Watch me make fire WITHOUT any Avatar powers! It will be easier than beating the SNOT out of ZUKO!" Sniz says: "The first team that makes fire using ONLY their flints, will have a MAJOR advantage in the last part of the challenge! Let's get BURNING!!!!" And the two teams frantically get to work trying to ignite a fire!


Stimpy asks: "Is this REALLY the way cave people did this 7.7 million years ago?" Reggie says: "As far as historians, know. None of us were around to see them actually do it. Not even Haggis McHaggis; and he out-lived Christopher Lee!" Haggis sarcastically says: "How TOTALLY original! The last time I laughed at THAT joke, I was watching Casablanca when it FIRST came out in movie theaters!" Rocko asks: "You were ALIVE in 1942?!" Haggis says: "I'm not EVEN going to answer that one!" Angelica says: "Than answer me this; how are we going to get this fire started?" Haggis says: "When faced up against a tough situation like this; I always have to think; W.W.C.L.D." Suzie asks: "W.W.C.L.D?" Haggis clarifies: "What Would Christopher Lee, Do?" Otto says: "None of us would know, we can't ASK him anymore!" Haggis says: "Totally irrelevant! I was good friends with Christopher Lee. He gave me a BUNCH of insight to help me out in tough situations! And to make a fire, it ALWAYS helps to stare intently and where you want the flame to spark, and then watch it SMOLDER!!!!" (Confessional)


Otto says: "Yep! Haggis has lost it! He's gone from being useful and FULL of knowledge, to just being crazy about a fellow actor who's no longer around. I mean, I think Jesse Owens was a good athlete, but thinking about him isn't going to bring him back!" / Haggis says: "If I was more of a betting man, I would've bet MONEY that Christopher Lee would outlive me! Glad I never made THAT bet! But these young punks don't know what true acting IS! Not the way I do! Christopher Lee may be gone, but I ensure his legacy of acting lives on!" (End Confessional) Otto gets up and says: "I'm going to do something useful, like maybe rustle up some cactus juice!" Reggie asks: "Did people even know how to GET juice from cactus 7.7 million years ago?" Otto says: "I'm sure SOMEBODY did!" Otto walks away, and discreetly cough-speaks: "LOSERS!!!!" Than General Barracuda GRABS him; hoisting him up and making his SKATEBOARD underwear visible! Otto pulls his fur clothing down and says: "WHOA! Easy there! Not a lot of fabric, down there!" General Barracuda says: "Hand it over!" Otto reaches into a pocket, pulls out a lighter, tosses it to General Barracuda and laughingly says: "Fine!" General Barracuda yells: "ALL OF IT!!!!" Otto GROANS, and begrudgingly, sarcastically says: "FINE!!!!" and he pulls out SEVEN more lighters, and hands them to General Barracuda!


Suddenly, General Barracuda is alerted by his son and daughter! Craig says: "Dad, can you give us a hand? The prehistoric canines are really DIFFICULT to maintain, and I DON'T mean Dog and Larry!" General Barracuda puts Otto down, and says: "I'll deal with YOU, later!" / Meanwhile, Aang is angrily saying: "Spark, SPARK!!!! Spark you STUPID fire, start!" Pearl says: "If I might make a suggestion..." Aang shouts: "It's not WELCOME!!!!" Pearl says: "But I could REALLY..." Aang shouts: "I totally HAVE it!" Pearl says: "But if you MERELY..." Aang shouts: "It's under control!!!!" / Otto comes back to the other Boom Vets, and Otto says: "People, I have the solution to our problem!" Marlene asks: "Using Angelica's fiery HEAD to start the fire?!" Otto says: "Very clever, but no! I can get this fire started, but you'll have to turn around for me to do it!" The other Boom Vets all turn their backs around, and Suzie asks: "Is your technique a trade secret?" Otto says: "Oh, it's a SECRET of sorts!" And Otto discreetly pulls out a LIGHTER from his fur skin, and simply LIGHTS up the firewood! Otto quickly puts the lighter away and says: "Ta-da!!!!"


And the Boom Vets CHEER at Otto's 'success!' Aang puts his flints DOWN and angrily says: "You JERKFACES obviously gave ME fake FLINTS!!!! NOBODY could start a FIRE with THOSE things!!!!" But Pearl merely picks the two flints up, strikes the flints, sparks fly out, and a fire is STARTED!!!! Aang sees this and immediately starts SHOUTING: "OHHH, (BLEEP!!!!) (BLEEP!!!!) (BLEEP!!!!) (BLEEP!!!!) (BLEEP!!!!) (BLEEP!!!!) Son of A, (BLEEP!!!!) (BLEEP!!!!) (BLEEP!!!!) IDIOTIC (BLEEP!!!!) (BLEEP!!!!) (BLEEP!!!!) (Extra-LONG BLEEP!!!!!!!!)" Angelica says: "OOH!!!! Censored swearing! Suddenly, he's a LOT more ATTRACTIVE!!!!" But Otto is not amused by this comment, and he throws an EPIC backwards punch into Angelica's face, once again HITTING her in the left EYE!!!! Angelica screams: "AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not TWICE, in the EXACT same EYE!!!! Now NOTHING is going to look RIGHT!" (Confessional) Angelica, now with a black eye, says: "Aang is going to PAY for THAT! He thinks he can get away with damaging ME?! He is in for a rude AWAKENING! I think I'll just take a pair of SCISSORS to those fancy clothes of his, and let's see how he likes it when he gets DAMAGED!" / Otto says: "Angelica just made me mad, she shouldn't have done that! I'm not exactly the best at controlling my own body when I get mad! (End Confessional)


Sniz says: "First part of the challenge is over! It's time for you to build some wheels!" / The contestants are now looking at what APPEARS to be rudimentary 2X4's, primitive tools, rocks, and pieces of wood. Larry asks: "So what are we supposed to do?" Sniz answers: "Make a set of wheels, to get you from here, to the tar pits! To make it more challenging, you can use ONLY materials that the cave people had access to!" Craig asks: "Dad? You're sort of, into building and using your own stuff, right?" General Barracuda says: "Yes." Craig says: "Than how do we put a car together? Especially one from 7.7 million years ago?" General Barracuda says: "I'm not allowed to directly interfere with this challenge. I'm afraid you are on your own." Craig says: "Worth a shot!" (Confessional) Craig says: "As my mother always used to say, even though I now KNOW she's just my Aunt, you never know unless you ask!" (End Confessional) Reggie says: "The way I see it, this is just like putting together a skate-board, only slightly more complicated, and with more pieces!" Otto says: "Than maybe YOU would be best for putting it together?" Reggie says: "Don't worry, brother! I have the magic touch!" (Confessional)


Reggie says: "Now that I'm over that DUMB hotel spa lie, I can finally focus on more important things, like contributing to the team! This is where my contributions pay off!" / Otto says: "It's times like these that I'm glad Reggie is related to me. The girl knows her mechanics!" / Rocko says: "It's times like these that I'm glad Reggie is my girlfriend. The girl knows her mechanics!" (End Confessional) Zim says: "I think I have the knowledge to help us! Let me handle this job!" Darwin asks: "YOU are going to put together a car?!" Zim says: "I know enough to SORT of repair my Robot, and enough to repair any IRKEN technology that gets broken; I THINK I can put together a prehistoric car!" (Confessional) Zim says: "Mechanics is in my blood! Technically, SILICONE is my blood, but that's beside the point! I know how to build things, even though I spend most of my time breaking them! My greatest achievement so far? Making Dib's old Game Boy Advance POWERFUL enough to play games from the WII on it! It's just my little way of apologizing for when I was still TRYING to destroy Earth! But that's all water under the bridge now; and thanks to my assimilation with Dib's genes, I now CAN safely get into water without it hurting me! No more paste treatments for THIS Irken!" / Darwin says: "We're trusting ZIM to put together a machine?! This better NOT blow up!" (End Confessional)


During the car building montage, a portion of the hit song “Walk the Dinosaur,” by Was (Not Was) plays during the sequence. /

“I walked a dinosaur, I walked a dinosaur. Open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur. Open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur. Open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur. Open the door, get on the floor, Everybody walk the dinosaur. One night I dreamed of New York, you and I roasting blue pork in the Statue of Liberty's torch! Elvis landed in a rocket, rocket, rocket, ship. Healed a couple of leapers and disappeared! But where was his beard? A shadow from the sky; much too big to be a bird, a screaming, crashing, noise, louder than I've ever heard; it looked like two big silver trees that somehow learned to soar. Suddenly, a summer breeze and a mighty lion's roar! I killed a dinosaur, I killed a dinosaur. Open the door, get on the floor, everybody kill the dinosaur. Open the door, get on the floor, everybody kill the dinosaur. Open the door, get on the floor, everybody kill the dinosaur. Open the door, get on the floor, everybody kill the dinosaur. Open the door, get on the floor, everybody kill the dinosaur. Open the door, get on the floor, everybody kill the dinosaur. Open the door, get on the floor, everybody kill the dinosaur. Open the door, get on the floor, everybody kill the dinosaur. Boom boom acka lacka lacka boom, Boom boom acka lacko boom boom. Boom boom acka lacka lacka boom, Boom boom acka lacko boom boom! Boom boom acka lacka lacka boom, Boom boom acka lacko boom boom. Boom boom acka lacka lacka boom, Boom boom acka lacko boom boom! Boom boom acka lacka lacka boom, Boom boom acka lacko boom boom!”

Amazingly, both Reggie AND Zim finish their make-shift cars at the exact same time! Reggie says: "Perfect, even if I do say so myself!" Marlene says: "Reggie, you're a mechanical genius!" Rocko says: "More than that, you're a valued member of the team!" (Confessional) Reggie says: "It feels SO good to be loved again! I DEFINITELY don't want to go through the feeling of being HATED again!" / Marlene says: "Team unity is just the thing WE need to beat Aang and the Network Noobs! Even if they can't eliminate Aang today, having them DOWN a member for the next challenge will make it easier to boot him!" / Rocko says: "It sure feels good to see Reggie back in everyone's good graces; apologizing and helping us work together has really helped us out! And still, I just have the STRANGEST feeling that SOMEHOW; the other shoe STILL remains to be dropped! But if not for the spa lie; than for what?" (End Confessional) Darwin says: "I take it back; you built a pretty decent car, Zim." Zim says: "It's a primitive model, but it will serve our needs. I want to win as much as you do!" Aang says: "Which I am EVER so happy about!"


(Confessional) Aang says: "But of course I don't TRUST him; I don't trust ANY of those losers! I'm relying on only THREE people to help ME win immunity; me, myself, and I!!!!" (End Confessional) Spongebob says: "Let's MOVE it, people!" And the two teams race towards the faux tar pits with the rocky columns! Marlene says: "I wish Skipper was here; he LOVES a good chase scene!" Stimpy says: "Maybe if you win, you two can re-enact the racing scene from Grease!" Marlene says: "That would be cool, I would love that!" (Confessional) Marlene says: "Note to self; get Skipper onboard with the idea to re-enact the racing scene from Grease!" (End Confessional) The two teams both get to the faux tar pits at about the same time! Sniz says: "You are finally all here! Now, it's time to reveal the advantage! The Network Noobs get the BIG clubs while the Boom Vets get the SMALL clubs!" Otto says: "Excuse me?! We started OUR fire first!" Sniz says: "Nuh-uh! To paraphrase Billy Joel, you DIDN'T start the fire! PEARL started the fire FIRST with her FLINTS! No rewards for starting your fire with a hidden LIGHTER!!!!" General Barracuda says: "Who carries NINE lighters around with them anyways?!" Stimpy asks: "Is THAT where you got the idea that Ren was obsessed with the number NINE?! Who gets obsessed with the number NINE?! I mean, BESIDES The Beatles?!"


Angelica says: "So, Mr. I Always Play by the Rules turns out to have CHEATED!!!!" Otto scoffs: "Big DEAL! Aang couldn't start the fire, EITHER!!!!" And Aang LEERS angrily! (Confessional) Aang says: "Otto has just shown he is NOT to be trusted! He will have to be taken out SOON before the team merge!" (Aang is unaware that a HAND with a pair of scissors is reaching toward his FANCY clothes!) Aang says: "I am keeping a close WATCH on Otto; NOTHING is going to get past me!" (CLIP! ZOOM!!!!) / Angelica, holding a piece of Aang's fancy clothes, triumphantly shouts: "I GOT some!!!! I actually GOT some!!!! HA, HA, HA, HA!!!! I'm NOT crazy!!!! I just want to take that over-egotistical Aang DOWN a notch!" (End Confessional) Sniz says: "It's time to pair off! Stimpy, Marlene, Rocko, even though you're not participating, I would like it if you could comment. Otto, you're up against Zim. Reggie, you're up against Pearl. Spongebob, you're up against Craig. Suzie, you're up against Dog. Angelica, you're up against Darwin, Haggis, you are up against Larry. And if there's a tie, one contestant will fight it out to the end against Aang!" Spongebob says: "I'm READY!!!!" (Confessional) Spongebob says: "It's time for my Karate Courses to dish out some pain and SHOW everyone what I'm made of! I have NEVER been so excited for a challenge!" (End Confessional)


Reggie and Pearl both face off first! General Barracuda says: "Remember what I taught you; go for the jugular!" Pearl says: "You've got some bad luck to be faced off with me!" Reggie says: "Luck? Yes. Bad? Debatable!" And Sniz blows the strange horn and he says: "Start!" Pearl jumps around, trying to make her moves look unpredictable! Reggie says: "Time to see if my karma IS truly all better! Club, smash some STUFF!" And Reggie THROWS her club at Pearl! It HITS, and Pearl is KNOCKED into the Faux Tar Pits! Sniz says: "Score one for the Boom Vets!" / Otto is facing off against Zim, and Otto says: "You don't stand a CHANCE against me! I am Otto ROCKET!!!!" Zim says: "Well I scored FIRST in Irken Whack a HUMAN!!!!" And Zim QUICKLY hammers his club down and against Otto Rocket, quickly knocking HIM down from the rocky column, into the faux tar pit!


Sniz says: "The score is tied up, one to one!" / Spongebob is now facing off against Craig. Craig says: "Spongebob; I'm sorry I got paired up against you again, but I have to take you down. Nothing personal, all right?" Spongebob says: "We'll see who takes WHO down!" And Spongebob starts making his karate moves! This makes Craig nervous, and without even THINKING about it; Craig LUNGES forward and knocks Spongebob in the GUT with his club! Spongebob gets knocked RIGHT off the rocky column! Craig says: "Sorry Spongebob! My reflex instinct just kind of kicked in!" Spongebob shouts: "I forgive you!"


And Spongebob falls into the faux tar pits! (Confessional) Spongebob is covered in the black stuff, and says: "Fortunately, the Nickelodeon slime being used for the faux tar pits, is actually a mixture of blackberry and raspberry Jell-O. So it makes for a nice, cool, refreshing snack." / General Barracuda says: "That's my SON! He has the same instinctive instinct to defend! Luckily, he knows only how to use it in SELF-defense! It would be terrible for him to make the same mistakes I did! And what's really funny? It's the fact that I haven't heard or seen any evidence of Master Coelacanth about! That's TOTALLY not like him! I know he wouldn't give up! So, what's the deal with HIM?" / Craig says: "I play a little baseball on the side. Girly tells me I could probably go pro if I WANT to! If I DON'T win this season, I'll probably take her up on that offer! I mean, I don't take ANY illegal substances’, and I always play the game fair and square! Besides, it will be GOOD for kids with sports dreams to have a clean ROLE model to look up to!" (End Confessional) Sniz says: "That's two to one, in favor of the Network Noobs!" / Haggis is now up against Larry! Larry holds up his club triumphantly and says: "To the fish who raised me; this is for YOU!!!!" (Confessional)


Larry is covered up in the black stuff, and says: "I'm still planning on winning this season, but that dramatic pose alone will be worth MILLIONS in setting up the right endorsement deals, for companies that want the athletic/modeling type! This stuff feels SO good for my skin!" (End Confessional) Haggis says: "Maybe you should focus MORE on self-defense!!!!" And Haggis KNOCKS Larry on the head and against the chest; and Larry's fur coat gets CAUGHT on the rocky column, and then it RIPS, making Larry NAKED as he falls DOWN into the faux tar pits! Sniz says: "It's now two and two, we're tied up!" / Angelica is facing off against Darwin. Angelica says: "Am I supposed to take this fight SERIOUSLY? I don't think I can FIGHT something that's less evolved than I am!" Darwin says: "Well, I thought this fight was supposed to be SUCKER free!" And Darwin knocks Angelica's WIG off of her! And Angelica screams: "My WIG!!!!" And she jumps down after it! She recovers her wig, but she has LOST in the process! Darwin says: "My mistake! The sucker is STILL here!" Sniz says: "The Network Noobs pull ahead, three to two!" / Suzie and Dog are facing off against each other! Dog says: "Don't take me lightly! I am a fighter, I'm a contender! I plan on winning..."


Suzie holds up her club and says: "You see the big stick?! Do you like the big stick?! Do you WANT the big stick?! Than FETCH; boy!!!!" Suzie throws her club OUT into the air; Dog JUMPS and catches it; than comically HANGS in mid-air as Suzie says: "I hope you have your frequent FLIER miles handy!" Dog inexplicably holds a sign up that says: "Brother!!!!" And he falls into the faux tar pits! (Confessional) Dog is covered in the black stuff and says: "Could've been worse! I could've been STRUCK by lightning!" Suzie says: "That trick works all the time on Spike Jr., back home! Sometimes, it's just TOO easy!" (End Confessional) Sniz says: "We are all tied up, three to three! That means that we go into; SUDDEN DEATH!!!! Someone will have to volunteer to fight against Aang; but this fight is for ALL the marbles! That means no elimination ceremony! Do NOT pass go, do not win up to $7.7 MILLION!!!!" Aang says: "You SAID that the contestants were NOT allowed to BOOT me OFF!!!!"


Sniz says: "Luckily for US; BOOTS didn't EXIST 7.7 million years ago! Therefore, your argument is invalid!" Haggis raises his hand and says: "I'll volunteer! Who better to bring down a young PUNK than an experienced actor?!" (Confessional) Haggis says: "All my years of training and experience has been building up to this moment! I'll finally show Aang what a real actor is all about! Christopher Lee, I'm going to make you PROUD!!!!" / Aang asks: "Does Haggis THINK he have a chance against me?! I have got only THREE words for HIM; bring it ON!!!!" (End Confessional) Haggis and Aang are facing off against each other! Haggis says: "It's too bad we have to fight against each other! Under better circumstances, I could TEACH you how to act!" Aang angrily says: "No GEEZER is going to give ME lessons on how I should ACT!!!! I'm the all-powerful Avatar; and you are essentially WORTHLESS to this game!" Haggis says: "I may be old, but I'm not useless! My knowledge has helped my team-mates out in a DOZEN challenges! What have YOU ever contributed to YOUR team?!" Aang says: "That doesn't even DIGNIFY a response from ME!" Haggis says: "It BETTER! Because I am going to TAKE my club, and SHOVE it down YOUR--!!"


But Haggis NEVER gets to finish his statement, because at that PRECISE moment; the car that ZIM made shoots ELECTRICITY at Haggis, which AIMS for Haggis' club that is raised into the SKY!!!! Sparking with electricity; the shock sends Haggis flying OUT of his clothes and INTO the faux tar pits, exposing EVERYONE to his ugly keister! Marlene shouts: "ANGELICA!!!! Did you WISH for Haggis to be STRUCK by lightning if it turned OUT that you HAD Neanderthal blood inside of YOU?!!!" Angelica shouts: "Coincidence!!!!" (Confessional) Angelica scoffs and says: "Yeah right! Like me WISHING for Haggis to be struck by lightning REALLY caused him to be struck by lightning! If real LIFE worked that way; then I wish for Justin BIEBER to be struck by lightning!" And Cosmo appears, and magically poofs a T.V., which is reporting the news! And the news states: "And in the news today, this just in! For the second time in TWO weeks, Justin Bieber has been INEXPLICABLY struck by LIGHTNING!!!!" And Cosmo LAUGHS at the irony of the situation, but Angelica ANGRILY throws her SCISSORS at the T.V. which BREAKS it, and Angelica incredulously asks: "Oh, YEAH?!!! Well, who asked YOU?!!!" (End Confessional) Sniz says: "Tough LUCK for the Boom Vets! Unfortunately, a challenge is a challenge. Haggis agreed to play by the rules, and he lost by them."


Aang says: "Too bad, so sad. More money for ME!!!!" Sniz says: "That means no ceremony tonight, Haggis! The Limousine of Losers awaits you!" Haggis asks: "Can I at LEAST have my clothes back?!" Sniz says: "Let me, think about it...NO!!!!" Haggis, holding his club, says: "At least I still have my shellaighlee. It's not the FIRST time I've been forced to hike around naked!" Marlene says: "Haggis, you may have a not so pretty keister, but we're still going to miss you!" Stimpy says: "I'll try my best to beat Aang for you!" Haggis says: "Thank you, Stimpy. I know you well." And Haggis gets on the Limousine of Losers, and it drives away! Sniz says: "Network Noobs, it looks like your losing spell is FINALLY over! You get to enjoy your dinner of an all you can eat buffet of Brontosaurus Burgers!" Marlene says: "Which STILL isn't a real dinosaur!" Sniz says: "By the way, since Aang only dines on the most exquisite food, meaning menu items from Red Lobster ONLY; you Boom Vets can share the portion of Aang's reward that he WON'T be having!" Marlene says: "Than again, none of us were AROUND to see whether or not Brontosaurus' actually MIGHT have existed!" And the Boom Vets join in on the feast! (Confessional)


Sniz says: "Look, I know you ALL wanted to see Angelica clip the SHIRT off Aang! Trust me, I did to! The thing is; Aang has a kick-BUTT lawyer named Jonathan! We're not allowed to mess a single THING up of Aang's! So, WANDA?!!!" Wanda appears and says: "Yes?" Sniz says: "I wish that Aang NEVER finds out about Angelica messing up his shirt today. Because if he did; we'll be wishing he HADN'T!!!!" Wanda sighs and says: "AHHH!!!!" And she magically makes Sniz's wish come true! Sniz says: "And thus, ends another exciting episode of Total Cartoon Action!" / Episode Notes: Haggis is automatically eliminated in this episode for losing his fight against Aang. This makes Angelica and Marlene the only remaining contestants to be transferred from their original team, onto the opposing team, and still remain in the game. This also makes Stimpy the sole representative from "Ren and Stimpy" to STILL be in the game! Angelica Pickles trades her old, Pearl look-alike hair wig for a NEW wig that makes her look like the Adult Pebbles Flintstone! Song included in this episode, “Walk the Dinosaur” by Was (Not Was). Referenced song in this episode, Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire." /


Personal Notes: Haggis had a good, long run providing support to "Ren and Stimpy," as well as his fellow team-mates on the Boom Vets. I knew that going in; Haggis would provide plenty of laughs based on the culture he came from, as well as several contestants being able to poke fun at his age. The reason Haggis' game had to end was that there HAD to be a clash of Young vs. Old, Experience vs. Cockiness. A fight that Haggis decided to fight and a fight he unfortunately lost, though not due to a lack of his OWN ability! With Aang on the Network Noobs, the Boom Vets are FINALLY going to see just HOW tough their opponents can truly be! / That's it for my episode idea for today! Enough said, true believers! ;)

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Haggis going caught me by surprise.


Hopefully after these past two episodes being VERY familiar in dialogue the next ELIMINATION won't be as OBVIOUS as I think it is going to be.


Enough said, true beavers.

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Don't worry, this next episode promises to be VERY original, even though it kind of BORROWS from an "Avatar" movie that Aang WISHES he had starred in! This is going to be EPIC!!!! / Sniz is in the control room and says: "Last time on Total Cartoon Action, we had sixteen contestants with us, which INCLUDED the fame-hungry Aang! Turns out, Aang is playing by his OWN set of RULES!!!! With an unfair advantage of having EVERYTHING he wants, including the ability to maintain contact with the outside world, Aang managed to tick PRETTY much everyone else OFF! The Boom Vets proved that their team unity had healed, but they MIGHT want to re-think about keeping Otto Rocket in the game! Thanks to Otto's 'unorthodox' methods, the Network Noobs got an advantage in the last challenge! But the LITERALLY shocking twist, was when Haggis McHaggis got SHOCKED by a lightning bolt! Losing the challenge to Aang meant a one-way ticket for Haggis and his naked ugly keister, to take the Limosuine of Losers away! Now we are down to fifteen contestants! Who will be the next contestant to be booted off?! Who will stand up to Aang's over-bearing personality?! And does Stimpy have ANY hope of staying in the game? Find out on today's episode of Total Cartoon Action!" / "AVATAR 1 1/2: Clash of the EGOS!!!!"


Stimpy is awake and pacing around in his trailer. Stimpy says: "This is bad; THIS is bad! This is SO bad, BAD, BAD!!!!" Rocko says: "Stimpy, relax! What's wrong?!" Stimpy says: "The problem is; I CAN'T relax! Remember a couple of episodes where I TOLD you I had a SINKING feeling?" Rocko answers: "Yes, I do." Stimpy says: "It's BACK again! I lost Haggis in that LAST challenge! I'm the sole survivor representing my show! That Aang is an UNSTOPPABLE machine! He's going to pick us off one by one, I could be next!" Rocko says: "It's not OVER for us! Aang has only won ONE challenge for the Network Noobs so far; that does NOT indicate a trend!" Stimpy says: "But can we AFFORD to take that chance?! We need to take some drastic action if ANY of us want a CHANCE of surviving Aang's onslaught!" Than Stimpy's eyes light up and he says: "I just thought of a BRILLIANT idea!" Rocko asks: "What is that?" Stimpy shouts: "Marlene, Reggie, would you come here?!" Marlene and Reggie both come in, and Marlene asks: "What do you want?" Stimpy says: "Rocko, you know that Marlene and I are in an alliance, right?" Rocko says: "I do." Stimpy says: "And I know that Reggie is in an alliance with YOU, right?" Reggie says: "Affirmative!" Stimpy says: "Having these alliances do us good, but an alliances of two is NOT going to be enough to boot off Aang!"


Marlene asks: "What are you SAYING, Stimpy?" Stimpy answers: "I saw we COMBINE our two alliances, into a SUPER alliance, with all of us banded together, MORE of us stand a chance of winning the grand prize money!"


Marlene squeals with delight, and she says: "Stimpy, that's positively GENIUS!!!!" (Confessional) Marlene says: "Personally, I'm STOKED about this new super alliance idea! A super alliance is JUST the thing we need to even the odds against Aang! The Network Noobs are a MUCH stronger team with HIM on it, but even AANG'S defense is not infallible! With all of us working together, odds are ONE of us will come up with an idea to knock Aang off his HIGH horse!" / Reggie says: "My karma keeps getting better all the time! Rocko and I have joined forces with Stimpy and Marlene! In our super alliance of four, we should have no trouble focusing our votes on contestants who don't HAVE our interests, and keep the ones we WANT to keep around! And, if it ever DOES get to the point that Angelica has to be voted off, I don't want the reason to be malice, but due to reasons of usefulness." / Stimpy says: "I was desperate! If I want to have continued relevance, I needed to do something to SAVE myself! A super alliance was my ticket to take the target off of me! Aang might think he's powerful against an alliance, but just WAIT until he meets a SUPER alliance!" / Rocko says: "Stimpy's resourcefulness never ceases to amaze me. Just when it looks like he's down, he finds a way to bounce back again! It definitely WASN'T a fluke that Stimpy won last season!" (End Confessional)


In the Network Noobs trailer, the team (minus Aang, who's in his own PRIVATE trailer) are still celebrating their come-back! Craig says: "It's totally AWESOME! We're finally BACK in the game!" Dog says: "We're not losing challenges anymore!" Darwin says: "And despite his arrogance, Aang has actually PROVEN useful to us!" Larry says: "One challenge win does NOT indicate a trend." Zim says: "We KNOW that! We're just happy that our losing streak is FINALLY over!" Larry says: "I won't be happy until I know that the term merge has happened! Until then, I'm still obligated to protect Stimpy and Spongebob. Personally, I'm all surprised that you're going along with it." Craig says: "Your leadership has gotten us THIS far, we're not going to abandon you." Dog says: "We think you're a FINE leader! Aang will NEVER take your place on this show!" Larry says: "That's really comforting to know!" Pearl says: "Personally, I'm all FOR booting AANG off!" Craig asks: "Why is that?" Pearl answers: "I was the FAN favorite on this team to MAKE it to the end and WIN the whole thing; than Mr. Hogs the CAMERA all the time sticks his BIG nose in and BARELY lets any of US get a word in EDGE wise!" Darwin asks: "And that's a problem HOW?!"


Pearl says: "He's EDGING us OUT! The more screen time HE gets, the less screen time WE get! Contestants with low screen time often don't MAKE it to the finals in these game shows; that's WHY they GET low amounts of screen time!" (Confessional)


Pearl says: "I'm not SAYING Aang has a CHANCE to win this game; but he's making it super hard for the REST of us! How is ANYBODY supposed to take us SERIOUSLY if AANG wins all our challenges FOR us?! Not to mention that if he's still here when the team merge hits, he's likely only going to win challenges for himself! I know he still has two days before we can boot him off, but I don't know if I can WAIT that long! If we want to get rid of Aang, we need to do it NOW; before he can damage us ANY further!" / Larry says: "Personally, I admire Pearl's passion. But making a vendetta against Aang? That's a very BIG risk! I may not have seen EVERY episode of Aang's show, but I have a general idea. And when it comes to Aang? Let's just say whenever a villain organizes a vendetta against Aang; it usually doesn't END so well for the villain! Granted, Pearl's NO villain; but it's still risky all the same! I HOPE she knows what she's doing!" / Craig says: "Pearl may be my sister, but the problem is, until recently, neither of us really knew about it. I'm not sure if I know enough about Pearl to say whether she's making a good judgment or not. I suppose we'll all find out soon enough!" (End Confessional) Than suddenly, both teams suddenly hear a roar of STRANGE beasts outside, the likes of which NONE of them are familiar with! Suzie asks: "What strange wake-up with this?"


Otto says: "The only thing I KNOW is, it seems VERY original!" / The two teams are gathered up into what looks like a space hanger for an ALIEN world! Sniz dramatically says: "You're not in KANSAS anymore; you're on Pandora! If there IS a Heck; you might want to GO there for a little R and R after finishing up a TOUR here; because there is a BUNCH of stuff on this planet that WANT to kill you! Actually, I don't think anything WILL kill you; they'll probably just MAIM or seriously INJURE you!" Angelica gasps and says: "Get out! We're on PANDORA?!!! The freaking EPIC Pandora?! How did you EVER pull this off?!" Sniz says: "Funny story about that! Fondue, roll the clip!" And Fondue plays a clip on the transparent, 3-D screen. / Aang goes up to Sniz and Fondue, relaxing in their hot tub, and Aang shouts: "I want an AVATAR movie!!!!" Sniz says: "That's nice, but making an AVATAR movie would cost us a LOT of money, or at the very least, a LOT of magic for the Fairy Godparents; I don't want them to use their magic superfluously!" Aang says: "I don't CARE!!!! I want an AVATAR movie!!!!" Sniz says: "It's not in the schedule for us to make the next movie an AVATAR movie!" Aang angrily says: "MAKE it in the SCHEDULE to make the next movie an AVATAR movie!" Sniz says: "Need I remind you that Fondue and I are TRYING to do our jobs?"


Aang angrily says: "Maybe I should call MY lawyer and have him do HIS job!" Fondue boringly says: "Just move along." Aang shouts: "I want an AVATAR movie! I WANT an AVATAR movie! I WANT AN AVATAR MOVIE!!!!" Sniz shouts: "ALL RIGHT!!!! We WERE going to do a dark comedy movie, but I GUESS we can push it BACK to make ROOM for an AVATAR movie, if it will get you to just SHUT UP about us MAKING it!" / And the clip ends, as Sniz says: "So, you can thank AANG for making this all POSSIBLE for you!" Aang gasps and in shock says: "This is NOT what I WANTED!!!! I WANTED an AVATAR movie!!!!" Sniz says: "RIGHT!!!! You WANTED an AVATAR movie; you didn't SPECIFY which one!" Aang says: "I thought it was TOTALLY obvious that I meant MINE; done RIGHT!!!!" Sniz seriously says: "Aang, you couldn't PAY us enough money to get us to re-make that DRECK of a movie; which I am allowed to say as you are NOT allowed to harm the host in ANY form, and we WON'T re-make it, not even for ALL the money in the world! You want an AVATAR movie? This is what you're GOING to get!" Aang angrily says: "FINE! I'm MUCH better at acting than Sigourney Weaver and Zoe Saldana could EVER be!"


Marlene scoffs and says: "PLEASE!!!! I KNOW Sigourney Weaver and Zoe Saldana! I've actually WORKED with Sigourney Weaver and Zoe Saldana! You are definitely NOT Sigourney Weaver, and you're not EVEN a Zoe Saldana!" Aang says: "You're brave and feisty for saying that, but you'll LEARN to respect me before all is said and done! I've taken down FLIES bigger than YOU!!!!" Marlene, bored and apathetic, says: "I am SO worried!" (Confessional)


Marlene says: "There is a SIMPLE trick to dealing with an Avatar named Aang. What you have to do, is you NEVER let him see you sweat, you NEVER let him see you cower, and you NEVER show him any fear! Once you do THOSE three things, his powers of intimidation become USELESS over you, and he's forced to fight you on YOUR level! And on my level, I have the advantage in that I'm playing the game fair and square!" / Aang says: "So, it seems that my intimidation tactics don't WORK on Marlene! Normally, I wouldn't worry. But this is a GAME we're talking about, and it's so EASY for a spark to catch fire! It only takes ONE spark, and then suddenly, a fire is blazing out of control, and it consumes EVERYTHING in sight; just like all those bad reviews written about MY movie, it all STEMMED from ONE spark! I need to SHOW Marlene that intimidation skills AREN'T my only weapon! I have far WORSE in store!" (End Confessional) Sniz says: "So needless to say, today is your SECOND sci-fi action movie challenge! And here, we thought we would be doing an ACTUAL trilogy!" Rocko asks: "What's the set-up this time, Sniz?"


Sniz says: "You will ALL become Avatars, of the Na'Vi!" Marlene says: "The Na'Vi? Isn't that the name of that ANNOYING fairy in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?" Sniz says: "You would THINK that Nintendo would've SUED James Cameron by now!" Fondue says: "And that's not the WEIRDEST part; the weirdest part is that the most valuable resource on Pandora is actually CALLED Unobtainium!" Spongebob says: "Technically, Unobtainium IS a real element! It is the HEAVIEST element ever CREATED by humans! The thing is, the element is SO dense and SO hard to maintain; the energy alone that it TAKES to maintain it, it is statistically FAR easier to try to FIND some than it is to make it! Hence, why it is CALLED Unobtainium!" Sniz says: "TOTALLY not the point we were trying to make, Spongebob!" (Confessional) Spongebob says: "And once again, my comprehension skills of sarcasm versus observation have failed me. I'm having almost as much bad luck COMPREHENDING sarcasm as I do in trying to take my Boating Exams!" (End Confessional) Sniz says: "Of course, if you WANT to get around on Pandora, you need to have the HAIR of the Na'Vi, in order to BOND with the various creatures of Pandora!"


Marlene says: "Just like Fanboy and Chum-Chum did in one of their OWN episodes!" Sniz says: "Speaking of, we have some SPECIAL guests here to demonstrate just how to PERFORM the hair-bonding trick; Fanboy and Chum-Chum!!!!" Fondue cries: "AHHH!!!! Not AGAIN!!!!" And he hides behind Sniz! Sniz says: "Relax! They are NOT going to throw PHONES at you; as LONG as you DON'T make fun of them again!" Fondue says: "I thought it was an unwritten rule that we WEREN'T allowed to do that anymore; ever since Ren KISSED Stimpy, we HAVE to allow people of their...dispostition, to do what they want!" Chum-Chum and Fanboy appear on-stage, and Chum-Chum says: "No fear, your benevolent heroes for saving the day are here." Fanboy says: "To make sure that the day is won, we'll show you how the bonding work is begun. You take your hair, and connect it THERE!!!!" Chum-Chum says: "You think your deepest thoughts of love, and fit the hair together like a glove." Fanboy says: "And once it's done, you can have your FUN!!!!" Chum-Chum says: "And THAT is how you do IT! Now you can...get to it!" Angelica sarcastically says: "You just rhymed 'it' with it!'" Fanboy mocks Angelica and says: "You just rhymed 'it' with it.'" Chum-Chum says: "Forget it, Fanboy. She's NOT worth it! I'll take you to a showing of Jurassic World!"


Fanboy says: "Awesome! I LOVE going out on dates with you!!!!" Pearl says: "CALLED IT!!!!" And everyone looks at her weirdly! Pearl says: "WHAT?!!! TOO soon?!!!" Suzie says: "Try, too awkward! We did NOT need to know that YOU were the one who STARTED that whole belief!" Pearl says: "I also started the belief that on My Gym Partner's a Monkey, Jake TOTALLY has a thing for Adam!!!!" Craig gasps: "PEARL!!!!" Pearl says: "Well, I DID!!!!" (Confessional) Pearl says: "Can I help it if I NATURALLY notice the relationships between people?! It's no big deal! Besides, love like that equals BIG ratings! Why else would they even ALLOW TV shows to show it? I mean, BESIDES the fact that it's the politcally correct thing to do!" / Craig says: "Personally, I'm of the belief that a person's love preferences should be their own business! It's so weird! It's like Pearl and I are on opposite sides of the same coin! I mean, maybe it's because we ARE related, but that's BESIDES the point!" (End Confessional) Sniz says: "Beliefs aside, you'll need someone STRONG to protect you on your mission!" Craig asks: "What mission?" General Barracuda walks in and says: "Excellent question, son! I have intel that Master Coelaceanth is planning a RAID against the Na'Vi! He wants to wipe them ALL out the way Trakeena wiped out the Irkens!"


Zim says: "So Master Coelaceanth was behind that PLAN?! He is SO my meat!" General Barracuda says: "Master Coelaceanth wants to get his hands on ALL the Unobtainium! If he gets it, there may be no STOPPING him!" Aang says: "Well of COURSE we're GOING to stop him! He's an EVIL villain!" General Barracuda says: "It's not going to be that simple! I have reason to believe that one of the contestants is COMPROMISED!!!!" Stimpy gasps: "Compromised?" General Barracuda says: "I have very GOOD reason to believe that one of the CONTESTANTS on this show is a SECRET apprentice to Master Coelaceanth, hired to do his dirty work! He may be WORKING with Master Coelaceanth to make SURE that he gets the Unobtainium!" Aang says: "And it's a good thing I'M here; just give the Unobtainium to ME, and Master Coelaceanth won't get it!"


Dog says: "The Unobtainium doesn't BELONG to you, it BELONGS to the Na'Vi!" Aang scoffs and says: "They're NOT even using it! They should LET us take it! The Unobtainium is of no USE to them!" Larry says: "As the LEADER of this team, I say NO!!!! It doesn't MATTER that they're NOT using it; the principle of the matter is that it is RIGHTFULLY their LEGAL property, whether they realize the core concept or not! Taking something from them would be WRONG! That's why we must protect the Unobtainium at ANY cost! No ONE is going to TAKE the Unobtainium AWAY from the Na'Vi!!!!" (Confessional)


Aang angrily says: "Does that IDIOT Larry even KNOW how much Unobtainium goes for on the BLACK Market?!!! BILLIONS!!!! Not...that I know from PERSONAL experience; rather, from the VILLAINS I've had to fight! I'm sure Fire Lord Ozai did HEAPS of evil things like that all the time! But I always stop it! Why would I EVER want Unobtainiun for MYSELF?!!! I certainly don't keep ANY secrets from my team-mates! Because if I DID...they would CERTAINLY feel the need to be THREATENED by ME!!!!" / Larry shakes his head and says: "Aang seems SO obsessed by revenge! I keep thinking about something Patrick told Ren earlier, all about fear! The one thing Aang SEEMS to fear is his FAME being TAINTED by one bad movie! Patrick said that FEAR is the path to DARK things; Fear leads to ANGER, anger leads to HATE, hate...leads to suffering! There seems to be a lot of FEAR bottled up inside of Aang, fear that can EASILY ignite into anger and lead to HATE!!!! I'm worried for Aang; if he doesn't LEARN to control his emotions better like Stimpy has, AANG could be the one who ends up suffering! (End Confessional)


General Barracuda says: "The mission objective is simple, but completing it will be anything but! You will become Avatars of the Na'Vi, in order to find the REAL Na'Vi! Once there, you must CONVINCE them of the goodness INSIDE of you in order to gain their trust! But you MUST be sincere; the Na'Vi are very WELL aware of those who have BAD intentions in them; and they do NOT let wickedness go unpunished! Once you have secured their trust, you must mount a defense against Master Coelaceanth and his forces, and REPEL them from Pandora! The team that does the best job of this will win immunity! The team that doesn't...is going to LOSE somebody!" Aang says: "And luckily for me, I won't be losing EITHER way; since I still have IMMUNITY for two more days, and I get to use ALL of my Avatar powers!" Sniz says: "Not in THIS challenge you're not!" Aang says: "Are you forgetting about MY contract?! It LETS me USE my Avatar powers ANYTIME I WANT!!!!"


Sniz says: "But according to our RESEARCH team, the Na'Vi don't know HOW to use Avatar powers, and you're going to be ONE of the Na'Vi! Therefore, your argument is invalid!!!!" (Confessional) Aang says: "I am getting SICK of this!!!! It's like SNIZ is going OUT of the way to RIG every single challenge AGAINST me!!!! Does he NOT realize how VALUABLE I AM to this show?!" / Sniz says: "Trust me, Fondue and I have REALLY tried to realize Aang's 'value' to this show; but with that constant COMPLAINING and WHINING of his, he makes it VERY difficult to do so! And turnabout is FAIR play! He makes OUR lives miserable, we can make HIS life miserable! And maybe UNFAIRLY set up the challenges to be RIGGED against Aang! We said we would LET him play on the show! And since Aang isn't PLAYING fair, we see no NEED to do the same!" (End Confessional) General Barracuda says: "To paraphrase the Breadwinners, it's time for you to LEVEL UP...into your AVATAR selves!" Sniz says: "And you'll get to SEE the contestants in ALL of their Avatar glory...after these important messages!" (Commercial Break) / I'll break here and stop for now. Enough said, for now! ;)

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