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Status Updates posted by HawkbitAlpha

  1. Okay, I rock. Now stop making me prove it!

  2. Ah, pony-feathers! We shoulda known that meme-stealin' hack in charge of the bird site was all hat and no cattle!

  3. >be me
    >literally right now
    >quietly promoted to admin of SBC Wiki a while ago
    >bored sometimes
    >hop on Wiki and observe the recent changes page
    >over 500 store item stub pages
    >all usually a couple of sentences at most
    >suggest to jjs that we should combine these into a "list of X" page instead, Wikipedia style
    >sure, why not
    >finally get around to attempting it right now
    >pic related


  4. Big things coming never!

  5. So, a couple of weeks ago, I came up with the idea of putting together a little SBC meetup on VRChat. Would any of y'all would be interested in doing that this weekend?

    (Bear in mind: you need to be able to use a mic to do this. VRChat doesn't have any text chat.)

    1. Honest Slug

      Honest Slug

      I could try this. I should have free time this weekend if things go as planned, I'm ahead of schedule on my college assignments.

  6. Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie posts the most magnificent status message ever seen by Spongebob Community eyes!

  7. As if the brony arc hasn't been enough of a hammer to my old image as a stereotypical tryhard "man", 2022 is shaping up to be the year that I care even less and start listening to Taylor Swift, Metric, and Babymetal. LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  8. Between H*yden, my newfound TMJ disorder pain, the college course from hell, and general chumpfuckery, this has been a cromulent fuckcrustable of a day. Hawky need drinky.

    1. Danny DeVito

      Danny DeVito

      me seeing those unhinged posts


    2. Memphis Tennessee
    3. President Squidward

      President Squidward

      what did that resetera incel do now



  10. So Stack, the same genius who convinced me to take the plunge and finally watch MLP, is now suggesting I watch The Owl House too. Yay or nay?

    1. Dracula Phineas
    2. WinterArcanine


      I've heard good things about it. I'm considering watching it actually

  11. The Community Mixtape is still open! New deadline is Friday night, so if you want to pitch in, you still have a few days to do so.

  12. Alright, how many of y'all have been hiding Madvillainy from me for all these years?

    1. President Squidward

      President Squidward


    2. President Squidward

      President Squidward

      also I saw your discord message. having deleting ocd bs atm so I'm happy to hear you got into MF DOOM, he's cool and one of my favorite rappers. RIP to one of the greatest to ever spit it. also hit me up with the song you were talking about yesterday and I'll respond when I can!

  13. I'm getting a proper microphone now, and with that, the writing of video essays shall commence! Any of y'all got something political you want me to talk about?

    1. Dracula Phineas

      Dracula Phineas

      not sure what to think of.

    2. The Ferrydog

      The Ferrydog

      "Video Essay: Does Celestia Support Trans Rights?"

  14. First thoughts 7 episodes into FIM: "How the hell did I avoid watching this for so long? I love it!"

  15. I'm now at the level of boredom where I'm legit considering giving MLP FIM a watch for the first time. Yeah. Why not?

    1. Dracula Phineas

      Dracula Phineas

      Whoa wasn't expecting to see that comimg.

    2. PatBack
    3. Rebel the Wolfgirl
  16. SBC peeps, weigh in: is this me? https://i.imgur.com/mpWItOa.png

    1. HawkbitAlpha


      The correct answer: no, because I can't even remember what I had for breakfast this morning.

    2. E.V.I.L.


      Oh my god I completely forgot about how I used to try to annoy you with AiRpLaNeS or the airplanes in general

  17. The new Nightwish album comes out tomorrow? Guess this is the perfect opportunity to dust off my old collection of their stuff then!

  18. You know how some people can pass tests in class without even studying for them? Well... the last test I took was a book review, for a book I didn't even read. And somehow, I got a B on that, just by guessing what was in the book.

    Not gonna question it. Just gonna roll with it.

  19. Alright, which one of you flatfoots set my phone's clock an hour forward?

  20. There's only 6 Whataburger locations here in Louisiana, one of them being just a few miles from where I am right now in Baton Rouge. If we could just get a Taco Cabana or Taco Bueno around here, my Texan friends wouldn't have anything left to lure me out west. We already have the best football team, and nobody watches MLB.

    1. Dracula Phineas

      Dracula Phineas

      how come i've never heard Whateburger?

    2. HawkbitAlpha


      @SpongeOddFan It's a Texas chain that only exists in the southern US. Good stuff, but good luck finding it in Canada.

  21. We're doing the SB Musical on Cy tomorrow night. Check the calendar event for details, and don't miss out!

  22. Just bought the only game where I can get an exercise in not exploding with unbridled rage: it's Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy. More mountain climbing, dammit!

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