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Aphrodite last won the day on November 3 2023

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About Aphrodite


  • Member Title
    Oh, I totally ship it!~ <3

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    Rebel the Wolfgirl
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    What you're reading right now.
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    is total crap.

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    -Anarchist politics
  • Location
    Live from Antarctica
  • Favorite Episode
    Tea at the Treedome
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  1. I challenge @Anubis!
  2. Aphrodite.
  3. WORLD PREMIERE FICS This "series", if you will, is gonna be my dumping ground for various ideas; most often plot bunnies that don't have much besides a premise. Think of this as an anthology of sorts. There won't be any set schedules, themes, or the like; ideas will just come as they see fit. Who knows, there might be recurring bits.
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  4. fuggedaboutit, too late
  5. "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? THE SHADOW KNOWS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Coming soon.
  6. I have to get my wisdom teeth out tomorrow.

  7. Deadpool and Wolverine.
  8. Those Two Guys: Rebel the Wolfgirl and 4EverGreen.
  9. Y'know, I wanna come back to this place on a more permanent basis, might write some stories with @4EverGreenlike I used to.

  10. The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark (seriously, shorten that damn title, JFC), the (via Dave Sim's own blessing) official film adaptation of, well, Cerebus the Aardvark. Lemme tell you, I respect the hell out of director Oliver Simonson and the rest for undertaking a volunteer-only passion project for 14 years...but, to use a phrase by the titular character, by Clovis' beard, was this disappointingly below average. As a fan of Cerebus, I didn't like it - it's a faithful adaptation of the first volume, yeah, but that's also one of its big problems since that first volume was, by and large an episodic parody of Conan the Barbarian. It tries to distill that into a singular film and not understanding the concept of adaptation distillation. Not to mention the zero-budget CGI is, minus Cerebus himself, uglier than something like Where the Dead Go to Die; shame too, since there's some amazing (and more befitting) 2D animation sequences in the climax and credits. Voice acting is for the most part - minus Cerebus, Elrod, and Lord Julius - subpar. Plot and characterization is nonsensical as hell. All in all, a terrible film with a few good ideas. Cerebus fans will hate it and non fans won't even bother, assuming they know it exists. 2.5/10.
  11. Good ol' glazed!
  12. You get a copy of "Undertale". I put in a half-eaten Little Debbie's gingerbread man.
  14. Currently living with my paternal grandparents (great-grandmother and her daughter) bc my home living situation is uncertain atm.
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