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  1. It is a fact that the generation of kids that are watching TTG will be geniuses when they grow up. The humor is just the most genius and amazing show on TV and you have to be really, really smart to get most of the jokes. This show is actually opening kids minds, so that they'll understand concepts like quantum mechanics and abiogenesis in much better and more life changing ways than the greatest scientists on Earth right now could ever even hope to comprehend, within about 10 years. In about 20 years, they'll save the human race from all the problems we could ever encounter, all thanks to the funniest and smartest show of all time. This is because TTG does not dumb themselves down for kids in any way whatsoever, so any kid that likes it actually has a much higher IQ than the vast majority of adults right now. By the time they're adults, the average intelligence will be what we consider genius level nowadays. The greatest minds (biggest TTG fans) will be the ones that discover the truth of multiverse any all that other amazingness that will help humans become essentially gods with limitess potential!!!


    THANK YOU TEEN TITANS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Coffee_lover
    3. Supmandude


      @Coffee_lover WRONG! I'm not sure which TTG episode is the worst, but there are no bad ones, only ones that are slightly less perfect than others.

    4. Coffee_lover


      @Supmandude I don’t say that it’s a bad episode.It’s just a least-perfect one.

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