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Slippin' Freddy

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Status Updates posted by Slippin' Freddy

  1. guys, a friend on facebook told me that smokey robinson died so this must be true

  2. points to the lucky son of a bitch who gets the reference to my username

    1. Aya♥


      I was going by Chrundle at the time

  3. After all the days I've spent at Fernandina Beach, I now get the appeal of the ocean and the waves I've surfed there.

  4. Yes - Owner of a Lonely Heart

  5. halibut more like halisuck am i right or am i right

    1. Some Other Djinn

      Some Other Djinn

      I'm betting that the guy who edited this article was probably only expecting to earn brownie points for bashing a mainstream band like Journey.

    2. Some Other Djinn

      Some Other Djinn

      Also, this only has to do with the article itself, but I've now just learned that there exists an Irish pop singer who goes by the name of Eoghan Quigg.

  6. next swyad should be kilroy was here characters

    1. Rap Critic

      Rap Critic

      don't make me choose!

  7. Okay, I might not agree with Publix supporting the NRA but the die-in protest people are doing all over the store is very idiotic.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CyanideFishbone


      @Waiter Basically Publix has been taking money from the NRA (I heard after the die-in stuff they cut off funding from all political interests) so in the wake of the recent shooting in Texas and Parkland people did a "die-in" at Publix stores where they pretended to be dead on the floor.

    3. Discord


      ok now i get it

      but this is stupid...

    4. Slippin' Freddy

      Slippin' Freddy

      Correction: They weren't the ones who received the money, they were donating money to Adam Putman, a supporter of the NRA. And their funding for Putman isn't cut off forever, it's suspended until it all blows over.

  8. Spotify news: Peter Gabriel is on there now.

    1. Aphrodite



      *trumpet sound*


    2. Rap Critic

      Rap Critic

      and just when I deleted it too, good thing I have two of his albums

  9. Interesting experiment results:

    As you all know, "Why Don't You & I" by Santana has two versions: the one featuring Alex Band and the one featuring Chad Kroeger. Both versions have the same guitar intro. When I Shazamed the intros to both versions, both came up as the Alex Band version.

    1. Rap Critic

      Rap Critic

      I want my nickel back

    2. Discord


      here ya go *give Wumbo a nickel*

  10. okay, I legit did not know that the random gibberish part in the goofy goober rock song was actually from a david lee roth song

    1. OWM



  11. I should just make a tradition where I post that Elton John fight scene from Kingsman every Wednesday night

  12. hey guys there are def leppard albums that aren't the sucky live ones on spotify now

    1. fortnitefan12



    2. Rap Critic

      Rap Critic

      that explains why pour some sugar on me is on the rock charts right now

  13. I'm only Newman after all

  14. tmw even your work radio hates John Mayer

    1. Slippin' Freddy

      Slippin' Freddy

      Seriously, 30 or 45 seconds of "Say" played and then it just stopped, and a different song played.

    2. Rap Critic

      Rap Critic

      he said what he needed to say

  15. Not like I'm complaining, I'm just wondering why they played "Round and Round" by Ratt in the credits of a freaking Billy and Mandy Christmas special.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slippin' Freddy

      Slippin' Freddy

      I never said it was bad though. :P

      It’s a flawless song from an almost flawless year of music.

    3. Discord
    4. fortnitefan12


      People have taste, that's why

  16. 10:10am: It's a cold Florida morning. I am pondering whether or not I should hibernate like a bear or play Pokemon Colosseum.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rap Critic

      Rap Critic

      I presume "it's a cold Florida morning" means that the temperature dipped below 20 degrees Celsius for once

    3. Slippin' Freddy

      Slippin' Freddy

      48 degrees Fahrenheit

    4. Cream


      48 degrees does sound surprisingly cold for Florida tbh, but at least you're not getting temperatures close to the negatives :P

      I would honestly love to be in Florida right now at this time of year.


  18. everyone kill the dinosaur

  19. Okay, what happened with the YouTube player on here?

    1. Rap Critic

      Rap Critic

      I've seen this before, for me it's redirecting to the YouTube page. Not sure what causes it though.

    2. Aphrodite


      Maybe it's a glitch?

  20. So random anecdote: A few years ago, I heard "My Humps" play at a water park I went to.

  21. I've been hatin' on Teen Titans Go before hating on Teen Titans Go was even cool. #TrueHipster #TeenTitansNo


    (in all honestly though, it's pretty much a hilarious kind of bad though and not the worst thing in the universe)

  22. Seacrest out.............of work.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Some Other Djinn

      Some Other Djinn

      As far as I'm concerned, Seacrest is under accusations but I haven't heard anything about Seacrest being dropped from anything. For sure, the first sign of Seacrest being out of work is if his name right next to "Kelly &" is completely gone.

    3. Rap Critic

      Rap Critic

      Whatever will we do without the charming presence of Ryan Seacrest in our lives

    4. Cha


      my boy ryan, why

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