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Slippin' Freddy

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Status Replies posted by Slippin' Freddy

  1. Nooit uitgezonden aflevering van Sesamstraat uit 2004 gevonden bij NOS. In deze aflevering is de bal van Tommie en Ieniemienie zo lek als een mandje. Koekiemonster weigert hem weer op te blazen, omdat hij belangrijkere dingen te doen heeft, zoals Cynthia, de pop van Angelica Pickles, opeten. Koekiemonster eet de pop vervolgens op, maar Ieniemienie zegt tegen Koekiemonster dat hij nu uitzettingsgevaar lijdt, aangezien Cynthia helemaal niet van Koekiemonster is, maar van Angelica Pickles, die niet in Sesamstraat woont, en Koekiemonster mag Cynthia dus niet opeten. Angelica Pickles komt vervolgens kijken hoe de inwoners van Sesamstraat op Cynthia passen. Tommie verraadt Koekiemonster meteen en zegt dat Cynthia allang is opgegeten door Koekiemonster. Sien Diels zegt vervolgens tegen Koekiemonster dat hij Cynthia moet uitkotsen, anders krijgt hij nooit meer koekjes van haar en moet hij voortaan gezond eten. Koekiemonster kotst Cynthia uit, maar die is kapot en ligt tussen wat slijmerige koekresten. Sien geeft de onderdelen van Cynthia en wat lijm aan Angelica zodat ze Cynthia weer in elkaar kan zetten, en zegt tegen Koekiemonster dat hij Sesamstraat voorgoed moet verlaten omdat hij geen priveeigendommen mag eten. Dan komt Buurman Baasje in beeld, die zegt dat hij Cynthia aan Koekiemonster heeft gegeven in plaats van haar in Sien's winkel te laten, omdat Angelica Pickles irritanter is dan Elmo, Pino, Tommie en ieniemienie samen. Hierdoor zegt Sien dat Buurman Baasje ook voorgoed weg moet uit Sesamstraat, maar Buurman Baasje vindt dit belachelijk, want hij woont niet eens in Sesamstraat, maar in de Maanzaadstraat die ernaast ligt, maar Koekiemonster mag niet bij hem komen wonen, want die vindt hij ook irritant en is volgens hem een viespeuk. De aflevering is nooit uitgezonden omdat Sien veel te streng doet tegen Koekiemonster en ook een beetje tegen Buurman Baasje.

    • Bart Simpson as Woody
    • Barney Gumble as Buzz Lightyear
    • Lisa Simpson as Jessie
    • Homer Simpson as Hamm
    • Ned Flanders as Mr. Potato Head
    • Maude Flanders as Mrs. Potato Head
    • Jimbo, Kearney and Dolph as Squeaky Toy Aliens
    • Nelson Muntz as Rex
    • Chief Wiggum as Slinky Dog
    • Milhouse van Houten as Andy
    • Maggie Simpson as Molly
    • Homer's Mom as Andy's Mom
    • Marge Simpson as Bo Peep
    • Mr. Burns as Prospector
    • Slideshow Bob as Emperor Zurg
    • Buck as Ken
    • Tabitha Vixx as Barbie
    • Edna Krabappel as Dolly
    • Luann Von Houten as Trixie
    • Carl Carlson as Mr. Pricklepants
    • Comic Book Guy as Lotso-O-Huggin' Bear
    1. Slippin' Freddy

      Slippin' Freddy

      There's something utterly hilarious about this when you realize some of the toys fall in love with each other in the franchise

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. You should NOT be featured employee!

    Look at your name.

  3. Give me some of your dubloons, you have enough for 6 king neptunes. Let's say 30000.

    1. Slippin' Freddy

      Slippin' Freddy

      stop asking people for money and I'll give away the other 29700

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. Give me some of your dubloons, you have enough for 6 king neptunes. Let's say 30000.

  5. Remember when Roy Orbison, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Kurt Cobain, George Harrison, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, David Bowie, Maurice White, Paul Kantner, Prince, Tom Petty, Marty Balin, and Eddie Van Halen were all alive, and music DIDN'T suck?

    4EverGreen Remembers.

    1. Slippin' Freddy

      Slippin' Freddy

      all music sucked ever since jim croce and elvis died

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. put that thing back where it came from or so help meeeee

  7. I am The Lorax and I speak for the trees.

  8. Super Mario Bros. 2 is the worst Mario game in the entire series

    1. Slippin' Freddy

      Slippin' Freddy

      And that's where you are wrong, Silver. Because after doing even more research, I found out that "Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels" is the perfect predecessor to the first Mario game.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. I really wish I never looked this song up.

    Why should I be told to go back to 1999 by two singers who weren’t even in elementary school when the 90s were over?  And here I thought Ready Player One would be the most shameless plugging of properties without any actual substance I’d see this year.

    Also this song is a bop...if your name is Todd Phillips.

    1. Slippin' Freddy

      Slippin' Freddy

      1999 is fine but I still think Let's Go Crazy is my favorite Prince song

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. Today I learned laundry is more fun if you’re blasting 80s music while you’re doing it

    1. Slippin' Freddy

      Slippin' Freddy





    1. Slippin' Freddy

      Slippin' Freddy

      I wish I could be famous just by making songs about my fame and how you won't be alive to see it.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. call it a thingy but i think sbc is a wunschpunsch forum

    1. Slippin' Freddy

      Slippin' Freddy

      I'd rather it be a Billboard year-end list forum

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. I really wish I never looked this song up.

    Why should I be told to go back to 1999 by two singers who weren’t even in elementary school when the 90s were over?  And here I thought Ready Player One would be the most shameless plugging of properties without any actual substance I’d see this year.

    Also this song is a bop...if your name is Todd Phillips.

    1. Slippin' Freddy

      Slippin' Freddy

      If these fuckers go back to 1999, I want to be born earlier.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. I wish a joyful two year mod anniversary to my son @Chuck Mangione.

  15. Finally I found a perfect avvie for Halloween.So Spoooooooooky 

    1. Slippin' Freddy

      Slippin' Freddy

      That's not spooky, that's the most realistic profile pic I've ever seen.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. So what was the result of the fight on sbm

    1. Slippin' Freddy

      Slippin' Freddy

      There was a fight on SBM? Damn, now I'm kinda glad that I stopped going online.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. Kyle and the kids
    Kyle's the dad and Charlotte's married to him!
    And they've got some kids

    There's Penny
    She's going to high school
    She's got a brother -
    Her brother's name is Trip!
    They're the perfect family

    Kyle and the kids
    He loves his wife and there's nothing you can do!
    Kyle and the kids
    Nothing's gonna be alright
    Be alright
    ♫Oh no!♫

    1. Slippin' Freddy

      Slippin' Freddy

      "Mom, Trip has a boner again!"

  18. tfw bojack tmrw

    1. Slippin' Freddy

      Slippin' Freddy

      tfw i'll have to wait 2 days for new season


      though it'll all be worth it

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