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Slippin' Freddy

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Status Replies posted by Slippin' Freddy

  1. SSJ's sister is here!

  2. RT @razzadoop: I hope they announce a game starring these Nintendo muppets.

  3. my avatar is so fancy right now C=

  4. Anyone here a fan of Cinemasins

  5. You have not lived until you've felt the feeling of getting your braces off after 5+ years of having them and feeling how damn smooth and big your teeth really are. I still can't stop touching them.

  6. Didn't think this was thread worthy, but KaBillion seems to have struck a promotional deal with Viacom to promote the 2nd SB Movie (no, this doesn't mean anything else SB related will come to KaBillion):

  7. Weasel and Monstercat, thanks you two for adding me!!

  8. Im 30 Mins from Louisiana, Any Louisiana-SBC Users?

  9. what is the meaning of life?

  10. had a dream that I was making out with Doug Walker #wtfsubconscious

  11. almost 70 members man what

  12. Guess who's my avatar

  13. Ok, I have officially given up on Doug Walker. Fuck that Matrix review was horrible.

  14. Do you guys think I should stick with Google Chrome or should I get Mozilla Firefox?

  15. Nice to have no responsibilities for once

  16. Today has been absolutely awful. After the accident, a person I knew was killed in an accident and another I knew was sent to the hospital, and I just found out two 2 year olds I knew were murdered tonight. I'm really freaking out.

  17. *cries because I'm the only one who likes Alvin and the Chipmunks*

  18. *cries because I'm the only one who likes Alvin and the Chipmunks*

  19. it was my birthday and none of you said happy birthday smh

  20. Dexter's Laboratory turns 19 today. appy birthday

  21. So Wumbo and I have something special planned. Stay tuned.

  22. What am I doing here on a Wednesday?

  23. burn krabby patties BURN

  24. When I say hey, you say ho...... Hey!

  25. you will obey jimbles notronbo and give me egg

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