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Status Replies posted by E.V.I.L.

  1. I have eaten three bowls of Frosted Flakes today, and I have absolutely no regrets.

  2. SBC peeps, weigh in: is this me? https://i.imgur.com/mpWItOa.png

    1. E.V.I.L.


      Oh my god I completely forgot about how I used to try to annoy you with AiRpLaNeS or the airplanes in general

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Super Mario Bros. 2 is the worst Mario game in the entire series

    1. E.V.I.L.


      lost levels kinda fun tho ngl but im also a masochist

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. Super Mario Bros. 2 is the worst Mario game in the entire series

    1. E.V.I.L.


      i for one love it when the bird vores me after i defeat birdo

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. Driving in the snow is a pretty terrifying experience. I mean, snow is amazing, but I hate it when the roads are like ice rinks. 

  6. i realize i make at least one spongebob reference a day either in my head or out loud. is that unhealthy? ?

    1. E.V.I.L.


      Quite contrary, you are healthier than most people by this alone !

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. happy 10 years to a pal for gary

    1. E.V.I.L.


      a form of modern art that is unparalleled tbh

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  8. Guys I have a problem. Prom is this month and my friends want me to go. Only problem is out of my friends going I'll be the only one without a date and I'm terrified of ending up the third wheel. Also I don't have my ticket yet but I have to buy mine this week. Should I even end up going? Senior prom is a one time thing so I feel like I should go. Also worth noting I don't like any of the girls at my school in the way that I'd ask them to prom.

    1. E.V.I.L.


      tbf I went alone and had a blast but that was junior prom. I skipped senior prom to go hiking. Go if you want, but if it sucks, it's just one night

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. I really need to check out the suggested tracks on Spotify more because I’m discovering some absolute JAMS today

  10. I had a weird dream where everyone hated jjs now for some reason.

  11. It pains me to say this because I love the Harry Potter franchise so much.  But the Fantastic Beasts franchise is already pissing me off after two, with many more movies to come.  The second one is at least ten times worse than the first and I had no idea what the hell was the point of anything more than half the run time.  Such a confusing disaster of a movie series.

    1. E.V.I.L.


      I have no familiarity with the HP series but from an outsider look JK Rowling is.... yikes

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. "She Will Be Loved" has some of the worst, most pandering lyrics I've ever heard in a song. Good thing the melody's nice at least.

    1. E.V.I.L.


      Tbh I never listen to the lyrics I just like the beat lolz

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. That Brooklyn Nine-Nine clip with the suspects singing "I Want It That Way" honestly makes me want to watch that show now.

  14. Well hello there. Come here often?

  15.  now that I am an official adult my hooker plan seems a lot less appealing I think I am just gonna become an exotic bird expert instead

  16. I'm... the HUFF

    1. E.V.I.L.


      huff huff puff puff 

  17. my big fat ass got all them boys hooked

  18. why do I get so emotionally invested in sports lmao

  19. me: ok I'm just going to watch a few eps of the new season of Glow and stretch it out to last the whole weekend

    also me: f it let's just decide to watch the whole season in one day ?

    give us season 3 plz @ Netflix 

  20. Few things on TV make me laugh as hard as Ross in the Friends ep "The One Where Ross is Fine." :Laugh:

    1. E.V.I.L.


      I couldn't stand ross in just about any season but he was still hilarious when he was 

      I also lived that little snap he did to go get the margaritas 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  21. Few things on TV make me laugh as hard as Ross in the Friends ep "The One Where Ross is Fine." :Laugh:

  22. So, a certain squid we all know and love shot me an email yesterday saying I should come back. Let's just say I took his advice. :P

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