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Ghost Pirates
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Status Updates posted by Ron

  1. I'm not satisfied with how this year turned out.

    1. Dracula Phineas
    2. Alastor


      Same here. It turned out depressing for me.

    3. Sauce Mama
  2. Testing a new SBC feature that I wasn't involved in for the first time... pretty great stuff. :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sweat


      What do you mean by "first time"? Is this something that was tried out but failed before?

    3. Ron


      No, I mean it was built without me really being involved in getting it started or creating it.

    4. Sweat


      At least it will come to SBC in a week or less :P

  3. merry christmas eve

  4. jjs check yo PMs

  5. i wanna be that guy g.u.y

    1. dragiiin123


      wht do you mean tv guy

  6. so done with chemistry omfg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TJ


      So many ppl hate Chemistry, but I love it :P .

    3. Elastic Dawg

      Elastic Dawg

      chemistry's sick

    4. storytime7


      I didn't mind taking chemistry, but that's because I had a good teacher.

  7. Wumbo, I was just reading about Canada and Burger King and I thought of you and where are you going to school lol

    1. Wumbo


      Down in the Niagara Falls region.

  8. Back to using Safari...

  9. i miss football ;(

  10. Sometimes I just want to copy someone else's status word-for-word and see if they notice.

    1. SomeCanadian6


      And sometimes, I want to minorly change my hair and get people to notice.

  11. Shin does sing pretty well tbh

  12. It's great seeing everyone with their regular usernames.

    1. Dracula Phineas

      Dracula Phineas

      Phineas: yes, yes it is

    2. crushingmayhem


      Yeah, everyone's being like me for once.

  13. don't remember my first avatar so this is the closest thing :D

  14. Nuggets is the one account that doesn't work on the secret project. dafuq

  15. The SB Movie is now trending #1 worldwide on Facebook! :D

  16. The SB Movie is trending #3 worldwide on Facebook! :)

    1. E.V.I.L.


      Dang, that trailer REALLY helped!

  17. The next version of SBC is called Triton.

    1. sbl


      Tell me more.

    2. OWM
  18. plankton's hot

    1. President Squidward
    2. E.V.I.L.


      HPL would agree with you

  19. deez earthquakes got me feelin some typa way

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ron


      yeah ik.. xD my grandparents have been staying with us the past few months until they find a house (cuz they moved down from Big Bear, and they recently found one thank God) and during the Shamrock Shake and then I get up and there's my grandpa, wearing nothing but undies. it was scarring tbh

    3. Sauce Mama

      Sauce Mama

      HAHA. Thats funny. I always think some major earthquake is gonna go down when I'm in the shower or something and then I'm screwed xD

    4. The Ferrydog

      The Ferrydog

      An earthquake on my birthday. Well, that's that...

  20. Lady Gaga's new video for G.U.Y:

  21. Skodwarde isn't in the Top 5... something's wrong.

    1. ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1

      ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1

      Oh it will be...eventually.

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