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Status Updates posted by crushingmayhem

  1. Just came back from a whole day without internet.

  2. Life can be an aberration if done wrongly, only we can save it.

    1. E.V.I.L.


      that SAT vocab

  3. The last day of the year is here, let's hope for the best.

  4. Christmas is almost here, hope everyone enjoys their time with their families and get good presents.

  5. Hope belongs to life, it's life itself defending itself.

    1. TJ


      Wow, that was deep...

  6. Just noticed we hit 600,000 posts.

    1. SpongeOddFan


      must\ve took 10 months to reach.

    2. OWM


      100,000 more and we beat SBM. :P

    3. crushingmayhem


      I don't know about that, but if we keep posting then we might get there.

  7. 666 likes huh? Guess its time for an early halloween.

    1. Old Man Jenkins

      Old Man Jenkins

      Or ya know, signal the end times

    2. crushingmayhem


      The end is near indeed.

    3. President Squidward
  8. A tropical storm's hitting my area, might not be here for a while if it wrecks the powerlines.

  9. All this school talk makes me feel old for some reason.

    1. MMM


      It makes me feel young.

  10. 40K posts, I surely must have no life.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. So Sejima

      So Sejima

      You just realized that? Oh I mean congrats. :P

    3. E.V.I.L.


      I don't have a life eitheer obviously

      congrats :D

    4. I'M A TRASH CAN
  11. Since everyone's doing it. I picked my very first avatar on this site.

    1. SpongeOddFan


      actually, i started the fad ;P

  12. Well there's a tropical storm warning for my area. At least its bringing rain with it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. crushingmayhem


      At least we're getting some rain. We had a massive drought last week, they even announced water shortages.

    3. SG19


      You call having no rain for a week a drought?

    4. crushingmayhem


      No, we didn't have rain for over a month.

  13. Just noticed that i'm number 2 in posts now. Guess this is a milestone.

  14. God, I hate this new Google Maps.

    1. I'M A TRASH CAN


      Also, Google is a staple that can not be destoryed so Youtube is going to get worse.

    2. President Squidward
  15. Just watched the new Korra episodes, pretty good stuff. But I had to watch the last episode in Spanish.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. E.V.I.L.


      I know Spanish dubs tend to be slow (compared to Native speed) so I imnagine it drives you mad :P

    3. crushingmayhem


      I'd say they were. But at least I know Spanish which is a plus. I watched episodes that haven't been posted yet.

    4. E.V.I.L.


      I seriously wish I knew Greek so I could watch those SB episodes earlier.

  16. 547 guests?! that must surely be a mistake

  17. There was an earthquake just now. Some towns lost power but I'm glad I didn't.

  18. Over 18 hours without power, I couldn't sleep because of it.

  19. Pokemon Y was way too easy, but I can say I enjoyed it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. E.V.I.L.


      Is it a good game for someone who has never played Pokemon?

    3. Wumbo


      I'd start at the beginning if you've never played Pokémon before (i.e. Red/Blue)

    4. storytime7


      Red/Blue have aged pretty poorly, so it might be a better idea to start with their remakes (FireRed/LeafGreen). Most Pokemon games are pretty easy to get into without needing to play previous entries.

  20. Ugh, my internet is screwed up again.

    1. Metal Snake

      Metal Snake

      Hope it gets fixed soon.

    2. patrick123


      I feel sorry.

  21. Didn't have internet for an entire day. At least I'm glad to be back

    1. E.V.I.L.


      Crushing you're back :D

    2. crushingmayhem


      Thanks, hopefully I can be here more.

  22. I can't believe this...my grandpa's brother committed suicide... May god have mercy on his soul.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Sauce Mama

      Sauce Mama

      Oh how horrible! I'm so sorry, crush! :/

    3. crushingmayhem


      Thanks for the kind words guys. I heard they're gonna cremate him and so that's how it should be.

  23. The forum's not working for some reason

    1. Someone


      Yeah what's happening here?

    2. crushingmayhem


      Maybe the server's having problems, or they're doing some site maintenance.

  24. Weird, the site's not working for me.

    1. crushingmayhem


      The forums were not working but the status updates were.

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