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Status Updates posted by crushingmayhem

  1. Should I go back to study? been missing the atmosphere of being around people.

    1. Katniss


      You should go back to school if you want to continue your education, not just to be around other people.

  2. Life moves on even if we try to avoid it.

    1. TJ


      Ughhh, this has been my life lately >_> 

    2. crushingmayhem


      Tell me about it.

  3. Wish I had a time machine.

  4. Sad to say but i'm probably the king of procrastination. :/

    1. crushingmayhem


      I waste too much time or am I doing the right things?

    2. Old Man Jenkins

      Old Man Jenkins

      No, I am. I procrastinated while putting on sunscreen.

  5. Time goes by so fast its scary sometimes.

  6. The world is screwed but it can be fixed.

    1. Wumbo


      crushingmayhem 2016

    2. crushingmayhem


      It sure is better to say that than say "make the world great again" if u know what i mean.

  7. Leap Day's over. Now comes the Spring. *wishes for the best*

  8. Everything is possible as long as you believe.

  9. Well my grandma died today, its sad that I got to see her last agonizing moments. I got to see something that I don't like to see and I feel sad. RIP

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Wumbo


      My grandmother died a few weeks ago so I definitely know what you're going through right now. It will get better. Just try to remember all the great memories you had with her.

    3. Jane
  10. Ugh, Gamestop is gonna close all their stores here. Now there's no places to buy games anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. crushingmayhem


      The local gaming community's going crazy over this since there's little to no alternatives. The other "alternatives" are just small stores that don't always have newer games. It sucks to know that our government basically forced them to leave if they didn't pay for taxes.

    3. E.V.I.L.


      Thank god the Internet exists.

    4. crushingmayhem


      Yeah, at least I can start buying online now. A good alternative imo.

  11. Another year...gee I wonder how things will be in the future. Pretty scared to think about it.

  12. Its strange but Christmas is still going on in my area. It lasts for two months lol.

    1. E.V.I.L.


      That sounds awful

      one of my favorite things about January is the end of that crap 

    2. crushingmayhem


      Today was the second Christmas, Three Kings Day. Got 20 dollars, not too bad.

  13. Come join me in Spongecraft tonight to celebrate the New Year ^^

  14. Another day in life, its starting to feel as if everyday is the same.

  15. Back to the past, lost about 70 posts and 30 rep points.

  16. Without internet again, turns out a truck took down the power lines by accident.

    1. Cha


      sorry to hear 

  17. Well i'm back after a whole day without internet.

    1. crushingmayhem


      It was only on my area but it lasted a whole day. Its happened before though.

  18. Its been a long week. Might as well do something interesting.

    1. crushingmayhem


      Well hope it brings something, not a disappointment though.

  19. Finally the site's back up.

  20. So a hurricane's coming here.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CyanideFishbone
    3. MMM



      Hopefully everyone turns out fine, and and nothing of value is lost.

    4. Popeye Q. Krabs

      Popeye Q. Krabs

      Ouch. Sorry to hear that bud.

  21. I feel like I need to change some things

    1. wheres the leak ma'am

      wheres the leak ma'am


    2. crushingmayhem


      Personal things mostly. But also some minor things on here.

  22. Neither the forums or the shoutbox are working for me.

  23. Times are changing.

  24. Strange, the site didn't work for me a minute ago.

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