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Status Updates posted by crushingmayhem

  1. I need money, don't have a job or anything. Need help please...

  2. Lol I fell asleep and left the computer and all the lights on.

    1. Katniss


      that happens to me a lot :Laugh: 

  3. rip puerto rico 1493-2016

  4. I want candy. Trick or Treat!

  5. The issue plaguing me for months is settled...for now.

  6. I wish time would stop.

    1. crushingmayhem


      So I can have time to finish things left unfinished.

    2. Old Man Jenkins

      Old Man Jenkins

      I'll stop the world and melt with you

    3. Cha


      tell me about it

  7. I made a mistake being so unmotivated all these years.

  8. Its almost October, feels like this year has been weird but at the same time a lot of stuff has happened. Almost to my 5th year anniversary here also.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Katniss


      dang, SBC looks way better now haha

    3. Cream


      so true ^ + that forumtion site looks kinda confusing. or maybe im just too used to this site

    4. crushingmayhem


      Yeah I joined back in forumotion but I forgot to celebrate my anniversary. Gonna celebrate the October one instead.

  9. A huge fire happened in one of the power plants here and now everyone here is without electricity including me. Had to post this using a power generator but its not enough for us.

    1. Cha


      good luck man, stay safe

    2. crushingmayhem


      Thanks. I hope the power gets restored tomorrow.

  10. I'm sick of being lazy with no motivation whatsoever.

  11. Finally made a twitter account after holding back for years.


  12. I need moneyyy

    1. crushingmayhem


      I need money on paypal, can't find a job. ;_:

  13. I forgot August had 31 days and not 30. What's wrong with me.

    1. Cream


      i sometimes forget that too dw haha

    2. E.V.I.L.


      oh god September no no no no

  14. I won the lottery 3 times in a row, guess i'm lucky.

    1. Cream


      ive won the lotto 5 times in a row before though i guess that made my luck run out bc i havent won in weeks it feels like lmfao

  15. My clock went back 6 years, for a second I thought I went back in time lol.

    1. Cream


      Would've been cool though if you did haha

      But 6 years ago was 2010... Those weren't really good times for me.

    2. TJ


      that would of been so cool. would love to go back 6 years.

    3. Cha


      i'd like to go back to that era

  16. Sucks when you want to achieve something and someone puts an obstacle towards achieving that.

    1. Cha


      sorry to hear, at least you won lotto 

    2. crushingmayhem


      Its just so frustrating how my dad treats me sometimes. But thanks.

  17. Good night dear SBC friends.

  18. The world should learn about peace.

    1. Space Cowboy

      Space Cowboy

      See but there's this one tiny thing called politics that keep getting in the way

    2. crushingmayhem


      Politics suck, wish we could find peace without it.

  19. Lol my laptop just upgraded to Windows 10 without telling me anything.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. crushingmayhem
    3. SpongeOddFan


      Microsoft likes to interrupt on wrong timing....

    4. So Sejima

      So Sejima

      Happened to me a week and a half ago, same for my mom. 

  20. Happy 1,000 likes! Thank you all for helping me get to this point. ^_^

  21. Getting closer to 1000 likes, the countdown starts.

  22. I feel so empty and hopeless.

    1. Cha


      I'm sorry to hear crush, feel free to PM me. Stay strong man.

    2. WhoBibbles


      sorry to hear that :( If there's anything you need, you can talk to us anytime.

    3. Steel Sponge

      Steel Sponge

      Depression is tough, and it feels bad to see you feeling this way. Stay strong.

  23. Didn't have power for a whole day, i'm glad its back.

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