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Status Updates posted by crushingmayhem

  1. Great, there were 5 power outages last night and now I don't have power and I barely have any internet access. 

    1. crushingmayhem


      Well, the power came back...for now. Its only a matter of time before it goes out again.

  2. Almost two months without power. Proves how much our government sucks.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. crushingmayhem


      I hope I do. This is starting to annoy me.

    3. crushingmayhem


      I want internet too but oh well.

    4. fortnitefan12


      I feel bad that you're going to miss Luke on discord tonight :(

  3. Things have been really tough. We barely had gas or water for a couple of days. But now things seem to be getting better, slowly but surely. There's still a lot of places that we're affected worse than me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Clappy


      Praying for you during these tough times crushing.

    3. OWM



    4. Kitsune
  4. Hurricane Maria is gonna make landfall here tomorrow. I don't know if i'll have internet after it passes through but wish me luck.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GAYLE


      Stay safe, Crushing.  <3

    3. crushingmayhem
    4. MMM


      Be safe, I wish you the best

  5. Great, another hurricane is gonna strike us. So much for recovering and having my power back.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. fortnitefan12


      Hey, at least it isn't another category 5. But still stay safe, I'm worried for you </3

    3. crushingmayhem


      Thanks, i'll know i'll make it through. ^^

    4. Cream


      so many hurricanes! stay safe ;n;

  6. I'm alive lol, the hurricane was really tough but it didn't do much in my area, read more on my blog:


  7. Hurricane Irma's hitting my place soon. Given its category 5 anything can happen. Wish me luck.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. fortnitefan12


      Crush, please be safe. I'm worried for you :( 

    3. sbl


      Good luck, be safe!

    4. crushingmayhem


      Thanks guys, this means a lot to me. My hope is the damage doesn't end up being severe and that the power doesn't take long to come back.

  8. Almost got 100 dollars at an arcade machine, so sad I lost despite being so close.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. fortnitefan12


      *chirps happily like Telephone*

    3. crushingmayhem


      *makes a phone call*

    4. fortnitefan12


      Oh wait, god's diary says it's bad to be animal people



  9. Its 4 PM and it feels like 6 PM, guess the solar eclipse was visible.

  10. Looks like we got our own version of the Homophobia thread. How sad.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. crushingmayhem


      We don't need a 4th mod right now, the other mods already responded to the thread. Though I think we need to be more careful when heated arguments start.

    3. Cream


      nobody said we needed a 4th. SBC is good with 3.

    4. crushingmayhem


      Yeah that's how we should be for now. Another one would feel like a waste imo.

  11. Life is an endless cycle. We have to learn how to navigate through it while avoiding the obstacles in the way.

  12. Anyone who offends me will suffer badly.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. crushingmayhem


      Yeah, its getting late so I should head off.

    3. fortnitefan12


      I think he was joking.

    4. crushingmayhem


      I know. You know what I should lock this down and later delete it. Its more trouble than its worth.

  13. Feels like i'm forgetting things. I hope my mind keeps working properly.

    1. ooooooofy


      you are becoming an old man!

    2. Rap Critic

      Rap Critic


  14. It sucks that I left my computer mouse on my sister's house and now i have to use an old mouse that doesn't work very well. She lives two hours away so i can't go back to get it ugh.

  15. Just went to a strike earlier. There were lots of people but shortly after it turned violent. Still, it was fun being there in difficult times.

  16. My fan got broken and my computer got thrown into the floor just because i wanted to eat bread instead of rice...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. crushingmayhem


      He really hates seeing me eat bread because he think i'll eat it all.

    3. fortnitefan12


      What the fuck kind of logic is that? What, does he think you'll shove the whole thing in your face?

    4. crushingmayhem


      The thing is that my mom cooked rice for dinner and I didn't like it that much so I wanted to make my own dinner and he complained.

  17. Life is not easy, it can be a challenge, a challenge to achieve the best during your time.

  18. Bullies deserve no respect from me or anyone.

    1. fortnitefan12


      well, isn't that common knowledge? 

    2. Mr. Saturn
  19. Only you can change the course of history. Its up to you to make out the best of life.

  20. Can't believe its 2017 already. The late 2010s start here, its been quite a decade.

  21. Happy New Year!

    1. a_shot_here_we_go


      time is a fake illsion made by liar WOMEN * * **8 ***

  22. This year sure went by fast. I'd say even faster than 2015. Let's hope 2017 brings some good stuff to the table. ^^

  23. Finally got a PS4 after wanting one for like two years.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Metal Snake

      Metal Snake

      Lucky punk. I still want a PS3 :P

    3. crushingmayhem


      Save money and you'll get one :P

    4. Cream


      dang, doesnt feel like its been 2 years,but i guess ur right. i remember wanting a ps4 a couple years ago as well, but i didnt get one. instead i got a wii u.

  24. 10 years of being on tv.com and forums in general. Its been such a long journey.

    1. Skodwarde Testicles

      Skodwarde Testicles

      Congrats, mang. I think anywhere between Jan-March of 2006 would be when I first signed up to TV.com (then subsequently forums in general) since I remember discussing Wrestlemania 22 on there with peeps. Best/worst mistake of my life.

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