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Status Replies posted by crushingmayhem

  1. So, a certain squid we all know and love shot me an email yesterday saying I should come back. Let's just say I took his advice. :P

  2. Hey man, I haven't seen you in a while. We should talk sometime :)

  3. i ordered another plush and they're like 30 dollars each and i already have 3. im an absolute madman but i love my children they r my life



  4. Guess who played Fortnite with @crushingmayhem last night? It was one of the best experiences ever :wub:

    you guys jelly

    1. crushingmayhem


      It was fun, we even got a few kills which is good.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Great, there were 5 power outages last night and now I don't have power and I barely have any internet access. 

    1. crushingmayhem


      Well, the power came back...for now. Its only a matter of time before it goes out again.

  6. first time experiencing homophobia personally from my parents. can't stress enough that everyone is human and deserving of love. 

    1. crushingmayhem


      Sorry to hear dude. People should respect one another despite their differences. Shame that this had to happen to you.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. M9vso0h.jpg

    About to leave Florida my dudes. I had an awesome time here, but I'm ready to go back to Ohio now.

  8. Guess who completed DMC4 on Dante Must Die mode last night? :D

  9. I'm seriously thinking about taking a break from this site. I feel like I'm doing nothing productive at all here and I felt more accomplished earlier today doing nothing that the past few days getting on here.

    1. crushingmayhem


      I think you've done great things for the site, especially on SpongeCraft. No need to be hard on yourself and try to think things through. We appreciate you, you don't have to quit like this.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. the fact that this site has been alive every single time i've dropped in gives me hope


    also soooo much has happened since the last time i was here y'all things have been wild

    1. crushingmayhem


      Its been a long time man, glad you're back ^^

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  11. My mom is in jail now. *heavy sigh*


  12. Sorry for not being here for a while. I'll try to boost up my activity.

    1. crushingmayhem


      Oh so it was a joke then. I'm such an idiot for not realizing that lol.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. Sorry for not being here for a while. I'll try to boost up my activity.

    1. crushingmayhem


      Weird, I always see you here. Try posting some more then.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. ...it's been a while. I should really try to be more active here.

  15. Mom just informed me there's been some creep with a "high powered telescope" that's been peeping into our house. I would be less surprised if I lived in some big neighborhood, but there's only a few houses around here, so what the heck.

  16. Does anyone here have a PS4 account?

  17. We need to play on Spongecraft more.


    1. crushingmayhem


      I'm on right now, but I admit the game has died. Time to bring back the logged users notifications.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. i think it's time for me to get back into art again

    1. crushingmayhem


      Well give her some subject to talk to and she'll talk to you @SpongeOddFan

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. So I finally got called a pedo by the good ol' boys on SBM Cytube. :)

    1. crushingmayhem


      I never take those guys in cy seriously, but still its pretty bad that they would call you that. I've been friends with underage people and I don't care what people call me since I'm not doing anything bad. I suggest you ignore them since all they do is cause trouble.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  20. every anime has a sexy beach episode, sbc needs a sexy beach episode

  21. i honestly can't believe i'm actually going to meet my soon-to-be husband in person tomorrow rip me 

  22. Damn! Just figured out that I missed pretty much the entirety of Octerror Fest 2017! But anyway, since I got meh homework finished (they never spare me, by the way) and I have spare time, I will make an update about the SBC Show. Now since this is probably my last status update before I resume my hiatus, I would like to say happy Halloween to you.


    (Also, I bet you're wondering, "Why is the majestic Coney cursing? Well, I've gone through years of pooberty and I'm almost 12, so I should have the right to curse.)

    1. crushingmayhem


      I missed most of it but because of the hurricane and all.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. Almost two months without power. Proves how much our government sucks.

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