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Status Updates posted by Anubis

  1. dragon ball super soccer GIF by Funimation Who is this Beerus, God Of Destruction; and WHY is he trying to steal MY look and act?!

  2. I honestly can't believe that I've had the most like content on this website on 88 different days! Of course, I guess when you've been on this website for as long as I have; the ability to amass such an amount of most liked content is a lot easier. Does anyone have any idea when the next batch of new "Spongebob Squarepants" episodes is going to be released? It's not that I NEED new episodes right away, it would just make me FEEL a whole lot better! I mean, I'll be fine either way. It's just that WAITING for something good can be SO hard! Speaking of waiting, is anyone else waiting for Nintendo Switch 2? I wonder what inevitable Nickelodeon cross-over games Nickelodeon plans to make for that console? I guess only time will tell. That's all that I wanted to say at this moment. Enough said, true believers!

    1. Old Man Patrick

      Old Man Patrick

      There's two new eps on both Feb 14 and Feb 21

    2. GAYLE


      What happened to the swearing

    3. Old Man Patrick

      Old Man Patrick

      What the fuck

  3. Here's a COOL question, you guys and ghouls! Who has two thumbs AND is getting to see Jimmy Vaughan (formerly of The Fabulous Thunderbirds), play live in concert tonight? THIS GUY!!!!

  4. happy sterling archer GIF Paging Dr. BOY!!!! Dr. BIRTHDAY BOY!!!!

  5. Just wanted to let people know that tomorrow, on May 24, Bob Dylan; the oldest surviving member of The Traveling Wilburys; turns 83 years old. That is all I wanted to say; Enough said, true believers!

  6. Remember, tomorrow on May 10; marks the 42nd anniversary of Duran Duran's mega-hit album "Rio", debuting! :cool: That is all I wanted to say! :hysterical:

  7. I'm back! On the bright side, I'm glad that while I was gone, I got to go to the Comedy and Magic Club in Hermosa Beach and see Jay Leno perform live (why didn't somebody TELL me he could be so funny a whole lot SOONER?!); I am bummed that a concert that I wanted to go see BEFORE I got back home (Jimmie Vaughan, former lead singer of The Fabulous Thunderbirds and Stevie Ray Vaughan's brother) was cancelled and there wasn't even any NOTICE at the concert venue, and we didn't find out until we visited his OWN website 15 minutes BEFORE the concert was supposed to start that the event would be postponed until October 15th! COME ON!!!! That's POOR management skills, people! Although, it did let me get back home sooner than I otherwise would've, finish unpacking, and allow me to not be TOO tired to write on here tonight, so I guess it KIND of evens out. Enough said, true believers!

  8. UGH!!!! It's bad enough I seem to hardly be able to get on THIS site anymore (seriously, someone PLEASE invent more hours in a day, or find a way to make time move at LEAST a little bit slower); but in any case, I have to go out of town this Saturday, and I won't be able to get back until late Tuesday night. And since I have no idea what my Internet capabilities are going to be like where I'm going to, it's possible that I won't be able to post here while I'm gone. So it's possible I won't be able to post on here again until this upcoming Wednesday. Just wanted to give people the heads up on what was happening with me!

  9. So, this message is kind of a response to what Rebel The Wolfgirl wrote...I've been thinking about it, and I decided that I'm going to try my best to carry on with "Power Rangers Multiverse Force". While I admit that (especially at the start) I had trouble finding my own voice), I personally believe that a story isn't about how it starts, it's about how it ends. So, while I will GRADUALLY start writing out the elements that don't really belong in a "Power Rangers" story, there will be some elements that won't fully go away. And I'll try to write more frequently, and get season two finished (and start work on season three) as soon as possible. Enough said, true believers!

  10. That annoying moment when...angry role playing GIF by Hyper RPG you go to your local movie theater to see a movie, only to find out that the movie WON'T play because of a stupid computer glitch!

  11. Jason David Frank, famed actor of the "Power Rangers" series; took his own life earlier today by suicide at the age of 49.

    I...don't know of anything else to say.

    1. Jjs Goodman

      Jjs Goodman

      I'm utterly heartbroken, did not see it coming at all. He was essentially a mascot for the franchise and a childhood hero for many. 

  12. Not only have I increased my rank to mentor, I have now posted at least 6,000 posts on this website! Where does the time go?

  13. Major piece of information here; I'm going to be going away on a trip to Sedona, Arizona, for a spiritual conference retreat. I'll be going away this Wednesday, June 8, and I won't be back until Thursday, June 16. Since I have no idea what my computer/internet situation will be like while I'm there, I'm writing this to let you know in advance, that if you don't hear anything from me during that time, it's probably because I don't have access to a computer with the Internet. I'll let you know as soon as I am back. Enough said!

    1. ooooooofy


      hope u have fun! Arizona is so cool!!!

    2. Anubis


      I'm back! I'll try to get back to writing soon!

  14. Spongebob Squarepants Reaction GIF by Nickelodeon ...the moment when you look through THREE albums' worth of music material, and only find ONE remotely good song that you don't already HAVE recorded.

  15. "Abracadabra"! Now, if I could REALLY magically make the story contents in my head for both "Total Drama Strikes Back" and "Power Rangers Multiverse Force" magically appear without physically needing to type anything...that would be great!

  16. Just a little heads up; on December 18, Chuck Jones' version of "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" officially turns 55 years old! If THAT doesn't make the Baby Boomers feel as old as dirt, I don't know WHAT will!

  17. Raise your hands if you're like me and you ALREADY got ALL of your Christmas shopping done! Way To Go Good Job GIF by Justin ...well, that's ONE! :hysterical:

  18. Reminder: Only 26 Full Shopping Days left until Christmas! happy merry christmas GIF by Lifetime Now THOSE people have the right idea! :hysterical:

  19. Conor Mckenna Shop GIF by FoilArmsandHog I TOLD you that shirt was hideous!

  20. Remember when Roy Orbison, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Kurt Cobain, George Harrison, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, David Bowie, Maurice White, Paul Kantner, Prince, Tom Petty, Marty Balin, and Eddie Van Halen were all alive, and music DIDN'T suck?

    4EverGreen Remembers.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Katniss


      if you’re gonna let one person ruin music for you forever then that’s sad, dude 

    3. kev


      unlike the rest of those artists, justin bieber is still alive, what now? :mother:

    4. Cha


      that blonde hair & pedo stache he had did more damage than any of his music could ,

  21. Just a reminder that this IS Labor Day Weekend, which means that this is (SUPPOSEDLY) your last chance to wear white, since it's APPARENTLY not fashionable to wear white AFTER Labor Day. Who came up with THAT rule? I have absolutely NO idea! :rolleyes: Enough said, true believers! :cool:

    1. The Appetizer

      The Appetizer

      What a stupid rule TBH. Wear what you wanna wear, people!

  22. Just in time for my tenth anniversary, I have FINALLY reached the 5,000 content post mark! And to borrow a quote from The Beatles: "I'd like to thank you on behalf of the group, and hope we passed the audition." Enough said, true believers!

    1. That Excited SpongeKid

      That Excited SpongeKid

      happy almost 10th anniversary!

    2. SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      Happy early anniversary!

    3. SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      Also, congratulations!

  23. I'm not sure if anybody else BESIDES me cares about this, but the Material Girl, Madonna, officially turns 62 today. You may OFFICIALLY start feeling old, now. Also, the Woodstock I Festival started 51 years ago, today. I feel that as soon as this whole COVID-19 thing (as well as other factors that I WON'T mention), we should have a NEW Woodstock Festival, just to mentally CLEAN ourselves from all the nonsense we've had to endure the past four odd years! :rolleyes: Enough said! :cool:

    1. HawkbitAlpha


      *stares in Woodstock '99*

  24. The following is a joke post, please don't take it seriously.


    Sorry, I just HAD to get THAT joke out of my system! Enough said!

  25. I just realized that I have had 24 days of having had the most liked content on this website, and have a Community Reputation of 1775, making me have the rank of a Chocolate Bar Salesman! I wonder what the next rank name will be? I'll have to wait and see! Enough said, true believers!

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