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Minty Car

Cotton Candy Blue
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Status Updates posted by Minty Car

  1. I know it's a 162 game season, but can the Nationals not stink it up around here? They're the only decent sports team in this area 0.0

  2. Fun Runs are never really that fun when you think about it

    1. abisert


      Is it because you lose most of the time? Anyways, don't really play it that much these days.

  3. My brother at 14 has more freedom with our Mom then I have now -.-

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Minty Car

      Minty Car

      It's the opposite actually, my brother is extremely outgoing compared to me

    3. crushingmayhem


      I see. You'd expect your mom to be overprotective with him if he's outgoing. I guess its time for you to step it up. My parents are sometimes the same, i'm gonna be 23 soon and they still don't let me do certain things.

    4. E.V.I.L.


      Does your brother misbehave compared to you? Maybe your mom just wants to keep you innocent.

  4. I will be 20 in less then a month and I still Pokemon music is better then most radio hits. Just the way it should be

  5. For the rest of the Tournament, I will root for anyone except Kentucky. Even Duke, just not Kentucky.

  6. Well the paper is done, only took until 3 AM.... I have never experienced this level of total exhaustion before

  7. I hate research papers. Not necessarily papers, just ones that require you to write 5 pages on something that takes about 2.

    1. Space Cowboy

      Space Cowboy

      lol 5 pages isn't hard, the only thing that's hard is finding sources, analyzation is easy. Try writing a 20 page research paper lol

    2. Metal Snake

      Metal Snake

      Yeah, I can't stand research papers. They practically force you to turn half of your paper into filler most of the time.

  8. Full weekend in, the best play of March Madness is the Georgia State kid's 3 pointer. Absolutely incredible, especially knowing the story behind it

  9. I saw my brother's facebook page today. Some things cannot be unseen :S

  10. Two games in and my bracket is already busted. Thanks alot UAB

    1. Discord
    2. Skodwarde Testicles

      Skodwarde Testicles

      University of Alabama at Birmingham

  11. If you're in high school now, let me tell you this: the escalation of difficulty is the equivilent of going from medium to expert in guitar hero. Enjoy having fun while you can

  12. It's great to be back!

    1. Discord
    2. Metal Snake

      Metal Snake

      Great to have you back, you old dog. :D

    3. sbl


      hello there

  13. I really need to be more consistent

  14. So right now my computer, instead of playing videos, displays a picture of the sun from the teletubbies rather then playing the video. I'm not as much worried as I am wtfing myself

  15. The guy who came up with Snowquester is such a genius...ok not really. I'm skeptical of all snow storms

  16. Good to be back

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Macseed


      Hey Fa! I'm a new user here.

    3. Metal Snake

      Metal Snake

      Welcome back, Fa! :D It's been a long time.

    4. Skodwarde Testicles
  17. I am the Batman

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Metal Snake

      Metal Snake

      Doesn't is spelled wrong. XP Cool avatar nonetheless.

    3. Skodwarde Testicles

      Skodwarde Testicles

      Well, riddle me that.

    4. Ron


      can i be teh spiderwoman

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