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Minty Car

Cotton Candy Blue
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Status Updates posted by Minty Car

  1. Redskins are a broken mess two preseason games in

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Space Cowboy

      Space Cowboy

      I still don't know why I watch them either trophy, they just keep disappointing.

    3. So Sejima

      So Sejima

      It sucks being in Eagles territory when not being an Eagles fan, they can be so loud :P

    4. Minty Car

      Minty Car

      Dad is a diehard regardless, so hard to avoid it

  2. I hate being awkward with females

    1. E.V.I.L.


      I hate being awkward period.

    2. illiniguy34


      Welcome to the club.

    3. Cha


      glad i'm not one

  3. Holy shit, Jared was a child pornograoher

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Minty Car

      Minty Car

      Yeah, I just saw it on my FB feed, hadn't followed to that point

    3. E.V.I.L.


      hal yeah

      you're so freaking 2013

    4. Minty Car

      Minty Car

      2000 and late :P


  5. What do you mean I can't order an oreo pizza? They last forever!

    1. Sweat


      I wish they lasted forever

  6. 58-59. If you know the Heimlich, apply please

  7. My Nats were picked to go 102-60 by ESPN. If they lose today, they will fall to 58-59 :/

  8. Check it Out Now

  9. Trauma Center: Under the Knife hurts my thumb

  10. Don't you hate it when your dog barks all night?

  11. Why do D.C. Sports have to suck

  12. That awkward moment where after getting pizza you turn around and see some guy lighting up a bong in the middle of a street

  13. I want to rule the world

  14. Thanks to everyone who sent their thoughts last night! My dog is sore and on medication, but she will be ok, already getting back to her old self :)

  15. Don't normally ask for prayers/sympathy or whatever, but keep my dog in your thoughts. Got attacked by a German Sheppard five times over, she's a little 7-8 year old bishan. We're optimistic thanks to vaccinations and such, but knowing you guys care helps as well

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Grubby Grouper

      Grubby Grouper

      Hope she recovers very soon

    3. E.V.I.L.


      I hope things go ideally

    4. crushingmayhem


      That's odd, my dog's a german shephard but would never attack other dogs. Hope she recovers from the attack.

  16. Wow, The Clippers on the verge of the buggest choke job in a few years

  17. Nice to have no responsibilities for once

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Slippin' Freddy

      Slippin' Freddy


    3. WWESpongefan


      No kidding. I'm with you on that.

    4. E.V.I.L.


      hal is a mean person

  18. Raise the Roof!

  19. Last final done!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Minty Car

      Minty Car

      Yep. One was online take home for a class I already knew I would get at least a B in, I had biology lecture yesterday, the lab last friday, the health thing yesterday and Math today. I start summer semester in about two weeks

    3. Ron


      lmao still got another month before my finals

  20. My brother has sat in the bathroom for over 40 minutes just watching youtube. Am I the only one thinking that it's weird?

  21. Nice to be able to say that this health project is finally done

  22. Today has been extremely productive :)

  23. Thank you all my loyal fans, thank you. *takes a bow* *takes a bow*

    1. SpongeyKid


      Congratz on becoming employee of the month! :)

  24. Just a few more finals and it's all over

  25. I usually hate being so self-centered, but it only happens once a year: Happy birthday to me

    1. Metal Snake

      Metal Snake

      Happy birthday, dude!

    2. SpongeyKid


      Happy Day Of Birth!!

    3. OWM


      Happy birthday! You deserve a donut that could really make a guy happy. (I know, same as the status below)

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