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Everything posted by Wumbo

  1. Folks, friends:


  2. was gonna create a Big Dumb Thread but y'all have been through enough recently so I'll just post my message here:

    I'm moving on from SBC. Not to do with anyone in particular, but mostly to do with the fact that I've frankly felt uncomfortable over the past few months still being here and being in a completely different stage of my life than I was when things first started. I suppose these recent events have just kind of exacerbated that this isn't where I should be anymore. I don't have any more time to spend on Internet drama and frankly I'm embarrassed by myself for how much I still catch myself up in. Wishing you all the best moving forward, and I'll still be on Discord if you ever want to talk individually. Peace.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jjs Goodman

      Jjs Goodman

      Totally understand, this is no different than other veteran users who've moved on before. We'll be sure to keep your belt set to W and not M (though if you decide to evolve into Mini we'll respect that). Godspeed bo :hearthand:

    3. Steel Sponge

      Steel Sponge

      Understandable. Stay gold, Wumbo-boy.

    4. Danny DeVito

      Danny DeVito

      be sure to teach the study of wumbo to your students, farewell bro

  3. you fucking serious with this shit dude lmfao
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