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Jjs Goodman

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Status Replies posted by Jjs Goodman

  1. That awkward moment when one of your friends from 9th/10th grade is now being accused of sexual assault...

  2. RIP member icons

  3. RIP member icons

  4. For the record, the reason I said 1200 is because I thought I had to post adding to the previous member's amount :P

    I was kinda rushing because this was happening during a pep band event at a basketball game, sorry :P

  5. Gonna be on less. The computer i'm usually on won't let me log in for some reason.

  6. Speaking my thoughts here since I can't reply to the GCAs.


    Congratulations to all the winners! I may not have won in any of the categories, but I'm still pretty grateful for making it into two of them (Funniest and Active). Plus, there's always next time. :)

  7. How do I change my avatar here?

  8. How do i link things? SBC is confusing rn.

  9. I have a strange feeling that somebody is hacking is into random accounts to increase the members online count. Like, what are the odds of ANY of the banned members except Storm coming back at this occasion?

  10. I have a strange feeling that somebody is hacking is into random accounts to increase the members online count. Like, what are the odds of ANY of the banned members except Storm coming back at this occasion?

  11. I have a strange feeling that somebody is hacking is into random accounts to increase the members online count. Like, what are the odds of ANY of the banned members except Storm coming back at this occasion?

  12. Took a closer look of that Buzzfeed post. It's that Anytown Show guy again....

  13. What happened to the Orca skin? It was the only one that didn't make everything look so mobile-y for me.

  14. What happened to the Orca skin? It was the only one that didn't make everything look so mobile-y for me.

  15. What happened to the Orca skin? It was the only one that didn't make everything look so mobile-y for me.

  16. What happened to the Orca skin? It was the only one that didn't make everything look so mobile-y for me.

  17. What happened to the Orca skin? It was the only one that didn't make everything look so mobile-y for me.

  18. is anyone else still using the camp sbc skin

  19. The site looks exactly the same :S

  20. did blaze get banned again

  21. Why isn't the Shoutbox working?

  22. Was MabelFan Storm again?

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