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Jjs Goodman

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Status Replies posted by Jjs Goodman

  1. First time being on the forums as a regular member in a long time, feels weird.

  2. How's it going, everyone?

  3. Due to my resignation, I am naming Aquatic Nuggets as the successor. He will become the second Director In Chief. :)

  4. uh i can't view SOF 4 skin...where is it?

  5. uh i can't view SOF 4 skin...where is it?

  6. Remember that graphic novel I said I was working on? Of course not! But you should! Because it's happening! Act 1 (of 3!) will be done before summer ends. Expect violence, drugs, demons, and chainsaws named Valentina.

  7. Why aren't OMJ and JCM mods anymore?

  8. Why aren't OMJ and JCM mods anymore?

  9. Why aren't OMJ and JCM mods anymore?

  10. how old do you people think I am? don't look at my profile

  11. I'm employee of the month? This must be a glitch.

  12. I'm employee of the month? This must be a glitch.

  13. I can't make new topics or edit my posts for some reason. It gives me error messages whenever I try to do so.

  14. Been marathoning Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated on Netflix. Jjs would be proud.

  15. Been marathoning Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated on Netflix. Jjs would be proud.

  16. So..when's the next jeopardy?

  17. So..when's the next jeopardy?

  18. today marks 14th Anniversary of SB! :D

  19. uh what happened to Art board?

  20. So what's this here "prank" that everyone's talking about?

  21. I am S Team's vice president. Nice to meet all you assholes.


  23. What about CRUSHING? BAN HIM!

  24. I am leaving SBC.

  25. what is the easiest way to get doubloons?

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