We're here to play games, talk snark, and chew bubblegum... and right now, we're all outta bubblegum. May or may not involve listening to Lorde.
Join us on Discord! - https://discord.gg/79fgXzeMkG
Superior to the SBM communist experiment, the DPRSBC proudly promotes the North Korean Juche ideology. What does that mean? ...it means we're introverts, and we keep to ourselves, probably. But, I mean, who cares about socializing when you have socialism, right?
Wait a minute...
A club for fans of the Reneverse, a shared universe (fully in the vein of SBC's other shared universe, the Teenjverse, but focusing on lits rather than spin-offs) consisting so far of Power: Rangers: Multiverse Force, MR: Masked Rider, The Misadventures of Casper and Wendy, and Disney's SMiLE.